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hello everyone and welcome back to spore now a lot of you seem to be kind of mad at me because I'm so terrible this game and I've gotten comments like I didn't know if someone could be this bad at Spore but you know part of the reason is just because I've been screwing around you know how it is I got to make something ugly at least once in this game but today we're gonna go hardcore we're gonna make something good and we're gonna just destroy things okay hello baby baby you are one ugly looking bastard but it's okay cuz we're gonna make something better are you singing to me baby you're saying to me where's that makeup off button make love button there we go get over here who who's the lucky who's the lucky partner today huh yeah oh it's you mm-hmm okay so whoa yeah we're at a part of the map right now okay are we gonna bang or not there we go sorry I didn't realize how to click the button so we're under the part of the map right now guys that that I found we're not at the original point and that's why the people around me are a lot better than I am but we're gonna fix that okay we're gonna fix that and we're gonna do good okay guys now what I want to do is I want to make myself a dinosaur type creature also I just want to point out yes I know I used arms instead of legs here okay as I said just mess it around okay please forgive me for making a terrible creature that was the point okay I wasn't trying to do really well but now we're gonna do really well so let's get this little blob here and make something out of it okay so this is a you know a basic looking body here we got a couple a couple notes this is a bear a cutie that's not exactly you know Raptor looking maybe a croc kisser I think this is what I had to do for now okay we're gonna get new parts that that's the good stuff right there that's it give that a little nod we're gonna get some new parts as we go obviously okay we gotta we gotta get those gotta find them and eat other creatures and get stuff but we're gonna do that as well okay maybe we can make a nice big thing yeah I'm pretty sure we can make it nice and big and long and make that the head right and well there we go that's the stuff right there hmm that's not talked about so now we got to put some eyes on you cuz now you're just a giant mouth now lizard eyes that is what I'm talking about right here oh yeah Oh baby yeah that's right you not at me you look at handsome okay guys obviously you can make some really ugly things in this game okay I'm gonna try not do that but it's kind of hard because I just I get really amused by in this game I just want to make my creatures look really stupid but will refrain okay well we're frame the best we can here okay somehow this thing is looking like the sloth from Ice Age no I don't like that okay I don't know what's going on we're just gonna have to deal with it for now I guess we'll put we'll put your eyes right here for now that that's that's gonna have to do okay now we need to put legs on the back here and and arms on the front we're actually gonna do it right there these are legs okay I don't know what to choose oh god what am i doing this looks like a face on its back Lou this I'm just gonna show you so you you get what I'm saying here does that not look like a face to you man now I want to put an s on his on his back okay I'm not trying to make an ugly creature it just kind of happened it's okay geez bring these down here trying to make these big enough to look like Raptor legs but now they're just looking like really stupid things did it look kind of like more like human legs and wrap your legs I just want to move them in but then if I move them in then that happens and you get an S I don't want an ass we're gonna go with this for now all right it's not that big of a deal guys hey I'm not gonna make it too big of a deal it's not gonna be perfect we're gonna make some kind of dinosaur-like creature and that's it we don't have enough money for four wrists okay or our arms or whatever you know we got that when you got enough money for that so we're just gonna give ourselves some feet okay what do you mean there's no claws right now apparently we don't have any claws guys we're gonna have to wait what's the closest thing to it I mean there's this thing that's not that's no no no maybe the two paws they'll have to do for now will this making kind of small here you go okay those will be your legs for now I'm sorry I cannot afford arms or hands okay I only got 13 points we're gonna go get ourselves some more points and you know it'll be good we got spikes you can put spikes on stuff I want to put a spike on his tail but as I said you got no money so we're just gonna go get some okay buddy this is what we're going for the final design you're gonna have it look like this until we manage to get some more stuff but I think this is a good starting place okay is this good enough for you guys does this look enough like an actual creature that can do something I really hope so I mean who said they need arms I didn't I didn't say that grow up little baby baby let's go we got to learn to dance first we got dancing and singing which is good because since we got both of that that means that we can impress some people right we just need to go up go up in the mountains somewhere and try and find our old home yeah yeah get a little dance going here and now man here guys see yeah oh yeah oh baby nobody's gonna mess with me now I am a partial animal can I have some of these guys you don't mind if I eat some of this do you just don't take a dump on it just want to eat it there you go whoa three paw that's even better I think I will put that on later gotta go collect all this stuff that don't wait oh oh hey hey excuse me but I need got no time for your Linda Linda honey honey listen listen listen don't don't give me this I'm getting out of here help me help me find looking creatures oh look at this I know where I am this is good all right apparently if you go to a friendly people's place you will get some health back I didn't really know that before but that is a good thing to know so I'm pretty sure I'm a carnivore now I know that the mouse tell you what you are and pre sure that's what I am so I'm gonna have to eat some stuff okay but for now we've got to get back here to our old home that is where it's at we also got these things which I think are pretty it look pretty weak to me a scrump all right all right I see how it is I see how this I only got ten points so I'm gonna come back after right after I take some of your stuff yeah here it is here's my old home look at the little George George turd sores let's eat it I want to eat it pull me in attack mode come here baby oh yeah you delicious can I get it can I win I only got one attack right now guys but you can get charged attacks and stuff too and claws and all that stuff mm-hmm my first meal yeah yeah that's it run away [ __ ] what is that thing over there oh that's fruit I don't want no fruit okay I ain't no fruit eater so we just hunt up one of these guys and I just need to hunt two more and then I will officially have conquered these this place and when you conquer places when you take out people that means you can you can now get more DNA points and level off and all that fun stuff so just let me take out this little bastard doesn't have a fight first okay got myself a bow and I that's right got myself a boner from all this eatin oh yeah really gets me going maybe that's what I'm talking about whoo and look at what just happened I did a little jiggle that's good show myself papa Oh the brain is getting bigger yeah you know stegosauruses and things are supposed to have like brains the size of walnuts I don't know why Raptors suppose I had four pretty smart animals brain power you've grown a little smarter and taking your first steps towards sentience earn the ability to entice an ally to join your pack and help you on an adventure now I hear these road guys that are like running around wait wait hang on a second neighbors a pack whoa oh yeah okay I can build a pack yeah I hear these rope guys that run around the really powerful ones I hear you can get them on your side and they will just wreck for you now I haven't tried to do that yet obviously but it may be something I plan on doing in the future oh my god you guys are beautiful Peck okay I got 15 health now you know that means that means I can kick your ass come here you mmm that's not talking about it you gotta fight back huh now you ain't got you ain't got oh he's hurting me just a little bit though the hell these guys are like jumping away you think you can just jump and run away I don't think so no man I'm gonna eat I'm gonna eat all your stuff okay eat eat it why aren't I eating it what he shook his head at me I thought I wasn't gonna eat it I was gonna say man you can't you can't tell me what to do if I want you eat this I'm gonna eat this hey you how are you flying what is this what what kind of sorcery are you pulling up over here don't you run to the water oh no oh no I don't think so I'll get you no matter where you go come here hmm you thought you were safe in the water get out of the water because evil lurks and that evil is me you can scream all you want little kitties ain't gonna change anything Oh what are you doing are you over on the edge of the map huh is that your plan ain't gonna work oh you're an alpha and you're a regular I'm gonna get the regular and you're gonna die cuz you'll have no one to bang what's it oh oh oh what do you guys get eat what why did I am to get eaten dangerous creatures lurk in the deep don't stay - live from sure no no no no I totally read that right don't stray too far this your don't stay too long oh man I'm really bad at reading things sometimes okay we're back okay we won't do it this time we won't go out there and get eaten by a giant [ __ ] asaurus Oh what is this over here a seaweed I okay alright these guys look like little [ __ ] I think I could think I can handle myself here this is my scarlet whirly all rights currently where are Lee thanks for making this little [ __ ] for me just gonna eat it if you don't mind okay well you have no say in it cuz it's already freaking over buddy 2d net points from that as well don't run away from me I am such a boss right now come here hmm oh well I'm getting help I'm getting help I must be near a friendly place or something like that it's all good guys we did it look at that looking at these flying away disappearing what a cutie I just love it when that happens to two animals and there's my house okay how do I make this my home again I think I got a bang Oh baby come here make love to me I didn't even have to ask I had to call you out you were looking for me this is this is a match made in heaven right here alright guys back to the drawing board I don't think any of the new eyes are gonna do it for me I'm gonna go with the reptilian eyes those are the good ones but now it's time for us to get some arms okay okay that looks kind of boss but we need to make them smaller for sure okay we need we need to arrange these properly they need to be in well we'll let that ain't gonna work like I don't even give a so Raptor claws actually have several joints in them but I don't think you can get that here so we're just gonna go with something like this maybe that might have to do okay I wanted something that looks a little bit better but I don't think we're gonna get it honestly I'm thinking these things are pretty badass they're they're not 100 set accurate we don't have anything good right now we're gonna mark some more stuff oh wait hang on what's in the creepy and cute a death clock damn these things are pretty cool how much are these worth no I can't afford death class guys I'm sorry we're gonna have to go with something else for now okay so this is what we got now guys more stuff we can use to beat the crap out of people okay I think it should be good what do we have here we got a bite bite is good we also have a charge attack and a strike attack I'm assuming and you can have a look at these and you can also sprint yeah okay that is that is looking weird but it's cool whatever you want to do there's also a complexity meter in this game if this meter is full and you can't add any more parts okay well luckily the meters not full I got a few things here nothing too crazy I think we're good to kill some more stuff I am freakin beautiful look at this this is me hey and you can only do that if you have hands apparently guys yeah need some hands for that look at the map over here we got all kinds of creatures disappearing okay all right buddy buddy yeah you got it you got to figure out what's going out of your arms there cuz this is not how it's supposed to work this is a bit of a disaster why don't we just go kill some more ugly things and then come back again okay I want an alpha scraps give me it give me a baby scraps oh I love eating babies you guys know that okay come here buddy come here yeah I'm knocking also um do a smash thing on you I know what that was come here don't go don't go anywhere now I got a move at it away for a second oh you mad at me are you huh dick nose get problem there dick nose I don't think so I think I think your ass is mine is he even trying to attack when he takes off one are you kidding one attack point further your crap I don't think so okay I don't think so yeah get rekt there you go okay it's taken care of you can fly away now oh hang on a second I need to hunt one would you come from get up get out of here don't don't you dare okay don't you go appearing out of nowhere I look away for one second there's some guy looking at me with his damn beady eyes now you guys can fly away and disappear okay I clicked on the map I'm gonna go to the cat's now okay where are the cats saying the cats are right here but these aren't cats these are mensches you guys take over the cat's house huh the cat's house damn cats house oh oh I got a friend to fight for me I hope you buddy let me let me do this you know I've been looking at me get him from behind look at that ass he's got quite the answers I'm fighting it off right now that's that's what I do okay that's my thing hey how's it going buddy sweet sweet job on wrecking that over there okay I think I can take out the Reza packs now so let's go let's go beat the crap out of a few of these you guys aren't even gonna do anything are you oh wait hang on you're these guys you're the ones that ran away you gotta be eaten by a sea monster why are you letting no sea monsters save you now buddy get over here [ __ ] there you go okay another animal destroy guys I think we need to get some like better animals I think because the animals were destroying now don't seem to be that great you know they're not giving us that much but I'm gonna migrate apparently I got a home over here somewhere okay this isn't exactly what I had in mind just kind of shoe rocks shoe got here rocks yeah my white rocks shoe then you working I'm gonna walk around oh my god it's an alpha eye monkey I don't know how I feel about odd monkeys you guys mind if I take some of your bones okay I have a bone fetish so I'm just gonna you know get some stuff and then I'll be out of your hair maybe if I want to be you know don't mess with me or whatever I also don't hurt me cuz I don't know you guys seem pretty strong I don't mess with I monkeys usually there's my new home over here look at that that's what I'm talkin about hey guys how's it going did I just push that egg out of the way was no help get at my way egg this is my town and we're all dancing and having a great time okay oh and there's lots of bones around great oh I have no idea what's going on guys you have claimed this nests future generations look going here okay cool thanks see this was all a ruse obviously guys they just wanted me to oh my god what is that thing an epic job Oh Don I will have no part of that but I want the bones I want the bones jump it down jump it down be good be good don't touch don't touch me it's walking away we're good mmm okay got itself this shortened snow jumper Don Joe but no I don't think it's the job it down no cricket crickets are hurting me can I have sex can I have sex instead of eating will that help I'm gonna do it cuz I I don't wanna I don't want to die hunger so I feel like this is a better way we can level some stuff up here you know why it's not that important that we be exactly velociraptor like or whatever Plus apparently Jurassic Park lied to me anyway and that's not a velociraptor look okay I don't care whatever we're doing this it's working out so far and that's all that matters let's see if I'm hungry okay look at that now we've got full health guys that is great that means that I can go little ways and go look for some other animals that I can completely destroy and it'll be a great time but I think I think this is probably a good place that in this video I hope this is a good consolation for all the crap I put you through last video all these people who are actually good at Spore and don't like watching people mess around and do crappy it works okay my my animal is actually working a little bit so I hope you like that so thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it don't get to leave a like and I will see you next time goodbye [Music] you
Channel: MattShea
Views: 1,020,518
Rating: 4.7740865 out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, spore gameplay, spore raptor, spore jurassic park, spore dinosaurs, spore part 3, spore creatures, spore carnivore, spore ugly creatures
Id: 5omhh44c2N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2015
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