The Best Game That Never Really Came Out - Right Click To Necromance!

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welcome to right-click doneck romance now somebody needs to tell me this game is gorgeous it's beautiful it sounds amazing it plays amazing oh hello little blue guys you know what let's go up here we're gonna be king of the north we got to find a little army of three you will join my forces and then I believe that I literally right click to necromancy here's the thing this game came out move 2015 let's get the so what's interesting about this is we've gotta get if we got to finish off everybody in that group before we start fighting everybody else right and we got a hope that we don't get ganked cuz nobody likes to get ganked especially the undead here we go this should work I say that as I'm engaging multiple parties at the same time this is in 2015 this came out it took YouTube by storm so here we go we believe these low guys oh yeah two groups two parties let's do this let's have a party and my army grows you got to be a little bit aggressive but at the same time you're gonna be a little bit cautious are you trying to tell me that you need a balance to kind of juxtaposing strategies at the same time oh god we're about to die oh maybe not look at that we're right-clicking the necromancy alright so basically we've got the little guys and there's different classes I think there's like two to three different classes of soldiers tanks what you've always doing like look how big the armies are good Oh what those two guys were by themselves but they weren't we didn't finish off the entire group oh my god see they are way up there we're like we're do oh there he is hey buddy sometimes they glitch out and then the end goal is pretty much like there's no real end to it we just keep going I love this game though we've played it on the channel before it's always done well because I think what it is is it's set all the magicians and should we go for him I think we should well lose a lot of good men oh my god but the the armies are getting bigger around us and the Knights are getting stronger too whoa run run my minions but don't get trapped the Giant is coming oh here we go this looks like a detachment of soldiers we can recently engage so it's like whatever you feel like you're doing fine Oh God Oh run boys you the enemy progressively gets harder now this was made in a game jam what are some other amazing games you might ask that were made in game jams well tabs was so now we're fighting the medium-class warriors and now they apart my clan so what I want to do is find a mage a wizard here they're incredibly powerful so if we can get him and I'm trying to surround the enemy force here but you can see that the wizard guy is just kicking our butts but now he's on our team so we gotta gather up a few more we gotta find some easy targets there's one there's one now as if by summoning them through the power of necromancy or the other magic I guess would be more appropriate we get them on our team mmm oh god the wizard the wizard is attracting people oh god we gotta we gotta run but I can't lose my wizard no no come with me all right we need to commit to this then we're probably gonna die because when you lose your units you don't get them back you only get units that you finish off so it's a pretty interesting balancing mechanic this might actually work our day might not be done yet but since we're in the middle of the map we can keep getting like ping pong and gank asaurus rex t' i believe is the technical term by the enemy let's go after the little dudes they should be easier and as long as we don't lose our wizard oh my god that was super fast well I just saw a green laser bolt coming from the north hanging it off is it literally just two guys brilliant oh look it's one of our dudes in he's like hey how you doing overlord have you been good I've been I've been good I could be better like at following directions and following the army in the comment we could have used you Oh brave warrior or mother cowardice more of cowardice but you see how good that range in this I just have to wonder why did enough oh and see that look at their swords in the armor why did nothing ever happen of this game you know 2015 almost four years ago I believe maybe if not more all right so should we go for some mediums and then go for the heavy so the issue I should have I should have restructured my force some way my mage unit which I will continually call probably three different synonyms for the same thing for the duration of this episode we'll call him skull face hey skull face how are you doing he's on my he's on my side now and I need more of him I need to replicate skull faces abilities here we go hello hello let's go face skull face mr. skull face and I'm and I'm skidding surround on these guys a week we killed the wizard now we got two wizards you're right what the heck oh wait maybe there was two different groups we engaged alright there's two divergent groups I think or let's go for this guy it's getting very very dangerous we're getting there we go we did it all to get two wizards and if this plays out right I'm gonna get a third one here at a moment boom baby three wizard skull face necromancer warlock shaman there's a lot of synonyms and loosely related terms for like people with magical abilities have you ever noticed that all right so now we're fighting the heavies we've got a mix of lights and mediums and three Wizards the Wizards are gonna be expected to do most of the damage until the reinforcements arrive this may be it I lost the wizard I wish you'd just shoot why don't you shoot now which one is it we got to find the right group that died here this is risky but we're doing it I can kill that wizard fast and get him on my side look at this our army is dwindling and as a result our days as a necromancer I've ended at least for this round pretty ironic for a necromancer having died but look at this I literally right clicked and I'm and I'm back here alright so after that failure I've actually tried like two or three times and I'm almost back to where I left off the last one having three wizards let's see if we can't get these medium Knights and get out of here before we get ganked cuz look at that it's it's an incredibly challenging and fun game so if we can gank the wizard first that's probably the best strategy come on boys let's get him you're all right and the goal here is to try to kill one of the golems alright so let's see which another wizards coming I want to get him alright there's a lot of mediums coming hopefully they don't come away it's a little bit of luck it's a little bit of strategy and it's a little bit of raising the dead by that I mean it's actually a lot but having four Wizards we've already surpassed our previous record is that wizard literally walking by himself no he's got a little bit of our army should we gather a lot of minions there's some mediums we're trying not to get sandwiched normally you lose when you get sandwich so here we go these guys are isolated the Wizards are taking so many out and these guys are basically just some fodder so let's I'm gonna try to try to get the Wizards so they're not in the front it's kind of tricky to do that and this is kind of where like a little bit of like maneuvering comes into play and by a little bit it's actually like a lot and now we've got heavy Knights out but I think we're doing okay here we go we'll track to trap them on the rocks here and get out of here once this wizard is dead and now we're at five I'm feeling pretty good about that I kind of want some heavy nights but we've got these mediums you know what it's time to fight them well send in the army the wizards are doing muscle damage this is why they're so key so when you find just a few of them by themselves isolate them take them out look at that we've actually have a Oh a second group okay our group is very large and largely in charge of the map right now we need to take advantage of this but also not overextend ourselves and get into fights with heavy Knights with little ones I'm getting probably hide you undead minions will at least let my Wizards out oh we gotta get the Wizards out there they're in danger I'm in danger all right now go back in Oh oh shoot we gotta run it's crazy I can't give track now though is it do it look at looking out looking out separated there so we're going after these guys right here two heavies in a wizard boom we get some reinforcements we'll target these heavy Knights and we've got to commit to this okay so you can see like you can see the bodies by the little fists like protruding out of the ground right we need more mediums we I don't think we should pick a fight with heavy Knights yet we need some medium Knights you barely see light ones anymore so once these guys are done we'll go straight for these heavies a little one-two punch come on boys keep doing it now there's still a group running around and there's bodies everywhere here we go some little ones this should be easy enough some cannon fodder all that what that's what it was look at that we've got little groups coming again eventually the Giants are gonna start roaming around but you can imagine how this game could be taken to the next level you could have multiplied that different factions you could have like some kind of a campaign okay there we go speak of the devil alright well we'll focus on this group oh god please don't get sandwiched between oh my god now it's just getting absolutely nuts but as long as we can can continue bringing them into our our influence here that was actually two groups that's pretty good our army is very big we need to go get that giant since he's kind of isolated he's absolutely crazy oh great we're fighting two Giants did we bite off more than we can chew right here we're gonna find out the wizards are the ones that kind of down the Giants there we go we got two of them we didn't lose the wizard I'm gonna call it a win a win a win a win and you remember that history is written by the victors so as long as we're victorious Eve even if we lose we and we can say we're the winners right but that's a little bit of weirdness right there is that how it works my army is so big but it progressed it gets progressively harder so like even in these moments where you're like man I can't be touched you can and you will be and you won't like it alright so Giants to the front who do we want to fight small groups preferably isolated groups get the Giants in here ping-pong them it's a it's a valid tactic ping-pong may not have been invented around the time of iron and steel well iron really okay where did the remains they're survivors oh there we go we had a little right-click but it was over to the left so we're just gonna keep being king of the north here like do anything like they could have done a deal with Game of Thrones wouldn't have been cool you could be king of the north and like there'd be um the night king walking around like fighting through fighting off the starts and and the men are the watch and just like going ham okay we don't really want to engage in that one but we will engage in this boom now we'll go left and we'll just serve we will Zerg all right where's the last time you'll pull pull Bob pull back we'll lose some we'll lose some but we will live to fight another day or die less than our enemies is that how does it work with necromancy in the dead how would you term it yeah I love this game just don't know why I never came out I mean I guess it did this is a playable game jam version but like there were so many games like in 2016 I swear 2016 late 2016 and early 2017 was the year of game jam so I just realized we lost one of our Giants so we're gonna have to get him back here we go two wizards at this point like we just want to go oh there's giant speaking of the devil giant vs. giant baby thing he's on our side we'll get these wizards literally the biggest army of all time maybe I wonder what the biggest army is in this game you could have leaderboards if you're gonna have like cooperative or maybe even like competitive multiplayer would be pretty dope now should we try to fight the giant golem how many heavies do we have he's very very big we do have a ton like see that guy right there you know what let's go for it actually we gotta fight these guys they decided to rumble in the jungle with us a little bit of a tango dance here oh we triggered him with the wizard you know what this this happened I wonder if this is gonna warn us it's one of those like war of attrition oh god I don't know I don't know that's fighting off more than we can chew almost look at this army we're going we're going it is time oh well hello ambush I guess you could like lock the borders but you can't really control your men very well it's more of like a slight influence like hey could you I'm not getting any there we go we got it we got a we got a necromancer sorry let's get this little guy here oh look at that and we're going in for the big guy there we go our wizard or our our wizard guys are actually kind of protected by that rock this might work out very well we'll take out the boss unit and he will join us oh god oh oh the wizards moved in look at that now we have the giant we've reached like level 10 necromancy we are now gods of this land this fatal plane where nights go to die for some reason I wonder if there's like a golden chalice yeah you can see that there's like almost no medium nights left much less like I'm pretty sure look now now the big guys are rocking around the field great we're fighting on two fronts so we'll just keep going till eventually we get defeated let's let's go aggressive we're going super aggressive we're gonna see how long that works once you get the rock golem the king this looks like oh my god we just got to right-click two groups at once three shortly thereafter for that was four right there I wouldn't say the armies gotten bigger but it's definitely increased in quality numerically we've probably lost a decent amount it is we've got four little giants it sounds funny thing for little golems golems Rock golems not to be confused with Lord of the Rings as column but we have to do is lead it somehow this is this is where it gets tricky I want I want my big guy to go in first not my wizards so you kind of have to do these wide loops maybe I don't know yeah that's likely to lose some wizards because you want it a good unit composition of balance things should everything should be balanced you got to make thin oh daddy Thanos happy alright we got two big dogs here's a golem by himself so we want to get him because then we'll have two of these guys I really think we are on a roll this might be the best run i've ever had it's been so long since i played this though two of these guys shoot wizard counts still pretty good even the little golems are good here we go wizard by himself pretty much always go for it and whenever they hear that huh that means you're losing units so if you hear a lot of that and you don't have a lot of units yeah that might be time to like pack your bags and run we're gonna take these last two out there we go got them in now all run from the run from the golem we are the Great Wall of bodies we've got two little mini golems coming in from the rear here it's not the best there we go three groups there's just some mediums here our big rock columns just smash the little ones relatively easily but look at that see you can see that we've we've lost some decent mount I'd say I think it's almost time to deal with the two titans the twin titans the two rock towers of the world obviously we should win this but it's how many will we lose and how many little groups are gonna join the fray look at that those heavy Knights above are really messing this thing up okay we got one of them we lost one and got one so it's like we haven't really gained anything from this arguably well I guess we have three so at this oh my god just came in see it's like oh you're doing great well it's gonna just continually get harder we must be king in the north if I only have these rock columns look I lost everybody my wizards I've got three rock Aldus versus two come on boys yes 4v1 there we go we got five let's see how good they do just running absolutely amok we need a few more units to join our forces oh wow one just died and see look all this one guy that's that's probably the dude who's controlling this group here nope he's not and now we're down to three I wouldn't say challenging those guys was worth it in the long run well I guess it depends if we can keep going and at this point there's no unit that's greater than the bigger rock column you'll see more of them running around and I wonder like there's no true end game to this right but it would be fun if there was or a more competitive mode like maybe a reason like I can show you my high scores and so I think at this point it's clear that we could go on but I want to leave you with this question why did nothing ever come from this game beyond this beautiful game jam which you can get on each day oh why it's so great everybody loved it I mean I know I did haha there's multiple videos on YouTube with millions and millions of views so anyway barons brigade oh we lost our last big golem Army is coming down to its last look at this we traded five big rock arms for two small ones huh I think you were sticking with us but it is for it's time for us to die in glorious comment and I will see you guys in the next video buh-bye
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 1,562,500
Rating: 4.8723631 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, rctn, right click to necromance, necromancer game, necromance game, best necromancer games, right click to necromance biggest army, big army, biggest army, undead army, zombie army, golem army, undead soldiers, undead battle, family friendly, kid friendly, child friendly, apr19
Id: B3YzqgAtORQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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