LAND IS SCARY - Creature Stage - Spore #2

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what's up guys and welcome back to spore now last episode we play through the whole cellular stage you'll remember that we kind of wrecked the primordial ooze all these little guys yeah we just destroyed them all we became the dominant organism in this little ecosystem but now you know what it's time for us to leave we have grown ourselves a teeny tiny little brain and that means it's time for us to evolve legs and go to land probably thinking we were microbial organism now we're gonna be moving onto land what are some of the important things we need you know lungs may be waterproof skin no no that stuff's important that's that's too complicated we need legs so we need to put legs on our guy and that's it there we go what a formidable looking creature for now it's a shame that we can't really do a whole lot in the first stage of customization but I'll show you guys more once we kind of find more parts so we will name this sauce asaurus yeah oh god we need to change our body texture we just look like a I don't even know we look like a brain our legs are so messed up there's not it's not like an elbow it's like a web to elbow so it just looks like it's messed our plan is really cool it's beginning of a whole new day and for you a whole new strange wondrous world air fills your lungs as you stretch into your limbs in as you stretch into your limbs it's weird in your new home dry land race evolved has begun okay oh yeah we look like a disgusting brain look look at the legs but can we move around oh cool well you can't say we aren't unique oh here we go oh wait was her dead body next to us oh there's like little bits oh we can eat it that poor creature I'm num num num num we are terrifying looking okay let's go over here and see what this is okay so those are the parts so like I was saying the customization was kind of limited for us earlier on but you move around use what is this you've discovered a new part imagine the cool stuff you'll find on even bigger creatures and skeleton so you can either kill creatures to get parts you can find them and now we can mate to use that part we a carnivore or an omnivore I wanted to be an omnivore I think we're carnivores but we can always try to eat a fruit do you like fruit carnivores should only eat meat and herbalist should only eat fruit yeah okay I guess we are a strict carnivore sadly just derp on our way through the woods I think our spikes dig into the ground when we walk what are you guys hello what the hell is that who's this you vent a new species care to make them a friend or foe set your stands to be ready to snarl a new neighbour blah blah blah okay so you guys are little and you're called Bala's kind of cool but because you're little and you fit in my mouth I'm gonna have to eat you die got him so now you just eat the corpse well done to the victor goes the spoils you were on your way to a bigger brain and it's murdered you so you eat things you get a bigger brain that's that's what you need to take out of this game there we go we got another one and we can found a hand you had a hand and you were holding out on me all along so I'm not killing these guys out of spite I'm not I'm not evil oh I'm really hurt though I eat heal a can excellent yeah I'm killing them because you get a challenge you've seen the top left is this hunt hunt one more fallow so we needed to hunt three and then we would get 20 DNA and DNA is like the currency for buying things you remember in the first episode like we wanted to buy a new Mouse there's something that we needed DNA to do it coming you run from my wobbly legs what is the hat it's it's dancing it looks like a cipher go talk to it hello scary organism you guys are called Bonnie's Bonnie's Bonnie's you have a bunch of alpha Bonnie's and a baby Bonnie okay I think we're gonna make friends with these guys cuz they're not only bigger than us but they're also terrifying can I can I be your friend how do I be your friend let's sing oh oh crap I need to sing sing no don't rage oh god what did I do I scared it away you are really bad at making friends I don't want to bang you I swear I just want to sing there we go okay so it's kind of like the attack system where you just go back and forth oh crap what are you oh my god oh my god what just happens what the hell what do you mean I was killed in battle there was no battle those like velociraptor bug things came out of nowhere and one shot at me once again we are not an individual we are a species so where one dies species lives on man okay we need to go back to the bow knees huzzah knees I'm gonna call them bow knees because it's funny and impress them oh come on get there yeah all right so now we have a friend oh I think I just got a bigger brain it's a brain look to me yeah we're just a little bit smarter because we need a friend brain power you've grown a little smarter and taking your first step towards sentience you have earned the ability to entice an ally to join your pack and help you on your adventures okay so I can like I can actually bring friends with me I can make a pact these guys don't look like fighters though for more breeders so we'll leave them be we don't need a pack yet I don't think oh hello what are you and your terrifying bold faces haha not a penis okay hello little not a penis no don't don't you be mad at me I'm gonna I'm gonna woo you singing to the nut a penis oh did it just shoot it just shot me okay if that's how you want to be Oh as I faire run away Oh penises are mean you know what I think it's time we mate so we are gonna hop on the old creature tinder and find ourselves a lady actually probably find ourselves a man seems to be the case in this game what are you saying oh we're gonna click on you okay because we got some extra things that we don't need like we have five mouths but in this you can only attack with one so that's like 60d and any points that we can use poop down an egg real quick okay you know what I think I think we need to revamp everything I think we need to go back to the drawing board on this guy because it's just not working out add some legs okay and we can add some arms ooh actually I know what we're starting to look like here put this right there we kind of look like a pincer a little bit I want to know if I can actually attack people with the thing on the top of my head er that's gonna work or not a little bit like a pincer I'm kind of liking this what is a butter bid oh they're like graspers oh my god you're kidding me yeah I don't even I can't remember a pincer has graspers or not to be honest but who doesn't want graspers oh my god we are looking badass okay he did not have graspers but I still like him so we're gonna keep them so we are gonna name him a C we're gonna name him pincer sauce oh my god the food children the eyes the eyes on the children are the same size is the rest of the it is terrifying looking it's interesting because like not only do you evolve but also other species evolved so like if I left these guys alive they probably would have evolved into like a larger slug tribe or something like that you never know I'm curious if you can kill everything on the planet you just evolving there's nothing left it must not be the case there must be a way like a fail-safe or something Hank the further away you go from your original like location the more complex things get cuz like these are Stegosaurus these guys are pretty complicated oh my god is the evil guys the gene ops oh no no no oh no run away run away run away what the hell what are those things Oh what are you uh where do these things come from Oh pincers help me help no they keep stunning me you guys can see me help help get on get on guys yeah what now huh what now feast on your corpse oh crap hub like I hoped like I hope that guy alpha pants are helping yeah we did it oh crap my mating nothing like feasting on the flesh of our enemies and then mating over it Thank You Alfa pincer for impregnating me this game hey I've gotten done I've got a new idea in mind you get you just gonna have to trust me just gonna follow me on this one here because I think this could be really cool there we go now if that's not a terrifying looking creature I don't know what hey hey it's kind of like a a walrus mixed with a scent or I don't okay that's that's we're gonna call this the the Walt or what can I say man evolutions weird thing yes fellow wall tours we will rule this world wanted to see what a bipedal organism look like so like if we had we had multiple legs what happens oh man we are crazy now we run really fast - oh these things are awesome they're like these things are what what is that run away oh my god is yeah I was gonna I was gonna make friends with a silly monkey man this game sucks everything kills me I think that's could be it for this video guys I know that I'm only like 20% of the way through the creature stage but I've been recording for like an hour and a half it is a really long stage and I don't want this video to be like any more than 15 minutes is like the most because you're just going to see the same things over and over again so I'm really looking forward to the tribal stage and to the civilization stage and space that's when the game really starts to change it really gets interesting thank you very much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed I'll see you next time
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 178,580
Rating: 4.9103384 out of 5
Keywords: spore gameplay, spore playthrough, spore walkthrough, creature stage, early creature stage, scary, giant spider, funny, hilarious, captainsauce, captain sauce, let's play spore, Spore (Video Game), colonize land
Id: IDBw4xa_2Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2015
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