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hello everyone and welcome back to spore so as you can tell right now we just have a tiny little ball and that's because I'm making a brand new creature and I got this idea today okay I got this idea why don't I combine my two favorite things okay kicking ass and funny-looking creatures so I decided what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create a creature that's actually pretty good and then I'm gonna screw with them and make them look ridiculous at the same time so then we had the best of both worlds you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying let's do this all right honestly I have no idea where to start gosh some people have been telling me to make like a human you can't really make good humans in this game I've seen some mods and things that allow you to make humans I'm not gonna mess around with miles right now okay we're just gonna we're just gonna make a thing that kind of stands up a little bit okay try and give it a hand or something and go from there I don't really know okay so we have 672 DNA right now I don't really know how much we can actually do with this I don't really know we should get either the best one we have is the shortened snout so maybe we should go with the shortened snout this guy's kind of look like a t-rex or something already um okay so what are we gonna do with this I don't know Oh okay all right that's great that looks good yes that's what I'm talking about eyes are one of the most like one of the least important things in this game because they really don't do anything the only thoroughly use for seeing none of them have any special characteristics so you can just throw out whatever you want and look at that hot damn look at those eyebrows you know you want those eyebrows so as I said we're gonna make this guy good okay the best thing we got here are the prong rippers we're gonna put the prong rivers on okay I don't really care what they look like that's all good for me we got to put on some good feet all right we got the hoppity's and we got four paws okay one is dancing and the other one is charged so you can only do one of the other do we want to dance or what a charge we think I should kill people should we make friends people people have been getting mad at me and tell me to make friends so okay I'll make some friends okay put some feet on this guy all right mmm he is looking freaking handsome already okay so far so good I don't think we can afford anything else we can afford like a gob stalker or a Hockett launcher or a mace ball he could have a mace on his tail or boobs could ever could have boobs mace boobs no I don't want to give you mace bubs I want to put it on your tail oh you can make it big - look at that oh yeah that's what I'm talking about didn't the Stegosaurus have something like that that's pretty badass man you can smack things at your tail I don't think you can yes you can strike right there okay mace ball and then that's it we don't have any money for anything we can't have a grass - she Oh which is a sneaky thing what what is it even supposed to be like what the hell is a grass - EW I don't even care okay this is what we got so far I think we need to maybe move his arms a little bit in like that there you go we need to give us a better skin okay all right I think this guy is looking pretty damn ridiculous right now guys I've also been thinking of one more thing okay so we got it we got to do this I've been thinking given this guy a new name and I remember from a Sims episode when I asked you guys to name the baby one of the names I got was Fiegel snore f-- and I think Fievel Fiegel snore is a wonderful name maybe not for a baby but definitely for AIDS spore creature okay see I can already tell I can already tell this guy's gonna make a lot of friends guys look at him he's so happy he is so happy to just just be existing okay so let's take him out and bring him for a test ride and get some DNA and stuff I'm pretty sure whoa whoa this guy over here looks super angry dude what is wrong why are you so pissed off what did life ever do to you all right you know it doesn't even matter I'm just gonna walk around feel snow oh what is that big sir how much like a 20 to 29 okay have it this angry little Fiegel store you are gonna be mine okay let's be friends oh hang on a second he's already in my pack oh cool look at us go okay we're gonna go kill big sir big sir yet big sir okay all right now no we got to make some friends but I think I need to kill big sir as well oh crap there's a couple of them over here there's a couple of them what if we could make friends no they're angry at us let's kill him hey buddy come here give me give me a little bit of this oh crap oh crap oh oh all right I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't realize what I was getting myself into I'm going home now guys I just want to point something at okay you guys have been telling me to get some you know some wings and things like that and I will I'll do that stuff okay we don't have a lot of money right now so this is the basic beagles Norv model we're gonna upgrade Fiegel store into a freakin badass what why you you want a bang like I'm not in the mood to bang I got to go like kill stuff what is that I kill it oh I can kill that that's a tailor mover of a bear AB yeah oh my god that thing is ugly it's like a pair on legs kill it kill it now come on you're supposed to help jeez all right for some reason there's a lot of things mad at us in this game and I don't know if it's because maybe I or you know I'm saying maybe something like that but yeah hey you get back here what do you think you're going stop running around in circles you look like an idiot well you look like knit it anyway but if you run around circles you look even worse I need to get dem bones okay I need that I need to show people on camera that I'm actually getting bones cuz people don't think that I am but I am okay I am doing that I have been getting bones and I have been collecting parts where is the Alpha you guys ain't got no alpha why does everybody hate me guys I mean why is there a smash burger over here try it like look at Maddie is at me look at him he is a badass hey you know what forget it I don't know don't attack my friend cuz sees a friend of mine okay we go way back it's okay guys it's okay we got it you got it dude dude eaten run eat and run okay dine and dash dine and dash look at that look at us dance come on don't don't tell me this isn't the best thing you've ever seen in your life don't act like you guys are so special because you're not oh why does nobody like my dancing my dancing is really good you guys are pretending that it sucks it doesn't okay you suck you guys are you guys hate you okay how about this oh oh they actually like our dancing this time yes all right that was just one round I'm gonna do it again Oh somebody's attacking me over here guys can you can you please not I'm in the middle of becoming friends with some people yeah No oh damn it what oh stop it stop it you Nazi I was busy oh she's she's all right hang on I'll be back in a second guys it was really nice you know Spang sometime with you but there's a giant thing attacking me and now dead son of a take that ugly face and leave right now can we do better this time you think we can do better Stan we should get more people in our pack and go back to the outers or whatever the hell they're called there's still some big sirs lurking around but I hope they don't come near me okay this is big sirs place guys it's not a good idea to be here but I'm gonna be here anyway okay I'm gonna eat some stuff or I'm gonna pick up some bones and stuff okay don't worry about it guys it's not it's not a big it's not a big deal I swear I swear haha why do they hate me some species are innately hostile of your actions that have turned and permanently against you beware can I just stick around these guys you guys want to help me out nerds well you are you are ugly all right that's cool did you just throw something at me he just threw some oh oh crap oh all right you know what you know what guys you don't know something you man I can't keep up with you guys there's way too many of you here yeah you want to see you pose yeah so beautiful I would really like it if you guys stopped coming around in such big packs but it's okay because we're actually impressing them this time which is nice okay you want to see some dancin I am one hell of a dancer guys okay apparently are not impressing me this time I don't know what it is but I'll do some more stuff there ya go all right how many that get I got I got some femp bones okay thank you for the femme bones sounds kind of cool so these guys appear to suck at everything they do they're just they're just really bad at everything they're just terrible dancers terrible singers but it's okay because I think I befriended them nope nope I got myself a bigger brain I think I should say it this time that's nice yeah look at that brain getting bigger oh yeah oh baby the size of a melon already you know what I'm gonna do I am going to eat their baby here we go come on baby let's do this you want to tango let's tango excuse me hi you're in my way maybe I've just alright now I'm gonna kill it nope oh hang on hanging that now I'm gonna kill your baby there we go alright kick his ass kick his ass daddy oh yeah there you go okay alright excuse me I'm just gonna maybe eat your baby while I'm at it I like eat babies so I'll just do that real quick alright oh okay you guys just kill one of my people I think that's that's grounds for me to leave and never come back until I have some more friends which would be in a minute you're all screwed oh yeah you're coming over here are you come on come on over come on you know I'll take you on by myself you're not you're not with your pack anymore right hey you get the face come here hey hey come here everything you're doing running away from me you can't do that can't run away from me I am your superior and I will kick every single ass if that's what it takes to kill you but it doesn't cuz you're dead direct oh hang on a second guys there's more left there's two more left before I get this seventy DNA that I so desperately want we're gonna find him but soon the big stars around huh you guys see any big serves maybe I should go get some friends we'll go find the big sirs and we'll kill them then we got to upgrade okay we got it we got to really do something about our by our guy he's way too generic right now we got we got to fix him up okay we got to make him look special I don't want to bang you I just need some friends yeah let's bang we need more people you know why not just upgrade okay let's make our arms bigger I feel like our arms aren't big enough we need oh hang on hang on a second we need to be more buff okay we need to show him who's boss oh my god look at these legs man look at these legs right here these are some strong looking legs I don't know what's going on his feet here maybe just oh what did I do oh Vegas north what what have you done you gonna change that it look like goddamn Danny DeVito okay just want to just wanted to make your legs look a little more like you know normal they move your knees out a little bit there you go okay all right that works okay I kind of decided that faecal snore wasn't terrifying enough with this current paint job so this is what we got now guys okay it's got better legs better feet better arms well bigger arms which is always good and he's got a nice big strong chest okay he's looking fierce now look at this guy uh ready to kick some ass I kind of do want to make him into a semi human but they loses tail so you know it's trade offs man I always get the trade offs oh oh what what's happening where's everybody going hey wait I never asked for this I never asked for this guys I think I think something I think I think everybody just left my home is one life one little baby people snore masalas left in my house okay I see how it is guys I guess I'll see you on the other side we're migrating to a new nest probably where everything is bigger meaner oh well I'll kill everything before I leave hey guys you guys want to help me kill some stuff I just realized that you guys can be my allies now okay let's do that cuz I gotta kill some donkeys over here there ya go okay me and uh odds over here just took out some donkeys okay I think maybe I got some DNA for that yeah no okay I'm gonna get some DNA by migrating now I'm too lazy to actually do all this crap is there is there a thing in the map tells where I gotta go coarser is let's go there hey guys what's up you guys want to have a dance party with me I think we should have a dance party yeah that looks great grand we got here too mmm softest ground I've ever stood on oh yeah green stuff sweet here we go so I found some wings guys okay we got a bunch of wings down here what's on the next page anything cool flares and and whisker ticklers whisker ticklers oh my god should I have chest hair there's nothing more manly than chest hair right well alright put some chest hair on this guy this hold on a second man hold on a second we also need to put some wings on should we go with that let's go with these ones for now oh god those look really that does look really lame you know you get some better wings I mean I don't mind sure yeah having some this there's nothing manly about this we have to take them off guys we're gonna go with the chest hair instead if this doesn't charm the ladies then I don't know what will guys I just put chest hair on my creature in Spore I'm using okay guys so we have a new thing I've learned it's called charm show off your chest hair oh oh the chest hair is so be I'd Lee even see it on the baby you need to grow up right now baby okay we need to see this chest hair in full action stop being so happy about it can get your chest hair out there ya go oh oh that's so nice it looks so much nicer when you get the skin on there as well oh yeah hello hey hey little over here can you not hey how great look what you did you found this thing an epic job well done and now you're all screwed well don't say I didn't warn ya are your friends into Joe Bataan Joe be down you only be friends with me don't be friends Hey Joe bow down you guys want you wanna be friends with us okay the Joe Bataan doesn't want to be friends Joe Budden's got better plans so this one time I was playing Explorer and the screen decided to go black and didn't come back a little at least there's nice music playing I guess mmm whatever so here's the fun fact for you my game crashed not only did it crash but it also didn't save the last 47 minutes that I've been working on beagle snore so now I had to do it all over again hooray so what I think I'm gonna do is in this video here guys and I will get him back off camera so you know how to watch all this stuff again so thank you so much for watching this episode of Spore if you enjoyed it don't forget to leave a like and I will see you next time goodbye
Channel: MattShea
Views: 222,915
Rating: 4.8963575 out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, spore gameplay, spore part 5, spore creatures, spore creature stage, spore let's play, let's play spore
Id: 7Ga6bgzB-Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2015
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