Using Big Brain Strats To Defeat Evolution in Spore Galactic Adventures

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and look it's spore o'clock again there's little spaceships flying around this screen there were anyway oh there goes one I don't even know what that does there's little spaceships that's so cool anyway we're going back in we're gonna go play with this deadly monster thing whatever that guy is oh I want to kill the shark asaurus yes the x-wing asaurus is ready to kill Wow this game looks awesome doesn't he I love it okay okay where were we we need to migrate it to a new nest I forgot about that point and I seem to have lost all my friends so that's not to look I got free stuff he has to grab it with your claws oh the back striker oh that's fun what are these things do can I kill them gonna eat them can I assimilate their parts into my Borg like body and another eyeball nice okay hello you you're not a you're not an alpha we only kill elf this year hide hello alpha how are you they kill it yeah oh he looks so cute I just want it can I can i mate with it this it doesn't you want to mate would you like to mate with me you're hideous in but something else wants to mate with me no no no no and I should only go one at a time shouldn't it let's go kill this one first and no deck we gotta warm up we just got to do a little warm-up yeah I'm gonna crash it into a tree oh that was a good one aha beautiful beautiful attack wow it's not even hitting me why is it not hitting me maybe it doesn't have hitting parts oh there goes smacked it dead nice I want to eat it yeah now they're all Lego no they ain't Fred and I'm like yeah it tasted good look it's Fred's Fred Fred friends Fred's friend Fred P that's a hard word to say Oh something else's are you really are you really this guy's a beast I want to get him on my team I actually I'm kidding we're just gonna eat him oh they keep coming they keep coming this might be bad is that it alpha no I don't think so I think I got this I think I got off me hit boys I got 12 do you got 13 yeah you're dead Fred Fred's friend Fred nice that was awesome I just made him go extinct because they kept running into my mouth hole something satisfying about eating large amounts of meat in this game oh those things look dangerous you're like Klingon noise actor that's how you pronounce it what is this day they need it now we're gonna let them live you're gonna be friendly because I'm just gonna loot your junky hi hi they don't like me I don't think they like me oh but I got their hands why are their rocks falling from space I got it I picked up a rock I'm gonna throw this rock at someone's face what is this creepy noises oh I just dropped my rock need that back whoa I heard grunting oh is that up that's a giant all I needed are you guys are you really gonna go what are you doing why are you gonna do oh yeah they're running away okay get him attack a bag you dorks I'm gonna throw this rock out of it just because I thought it'd be a fun idea can I talk to it no we can't make friends oh those guys look cool I got all at Ryder flop is nice and I'm glad it left because these things look cool I really want to kill it but it's a thousand hit points and this is the dead fish it's on land to land fish there we go a sassy Squatch beat I guess I can sneak over there right boys oh that noise is this fruit rolling on the ground I must eat it too gated strength even though I'm warming it up my side mouth do I upset mouth no I don't have sight motes anymore gross hello friend don't worry I just wanted to steal your parts Oh a spray bucket okay I'm gonna take that maybe I should destroy him for tea I can do this I can do this aha attack oh no oh there's multiples this was a bad idea oh that thing just drew spikes at me why would you do that oh I think this is gonna hurt raging roar run away I gotta kill one of them I got it oh yes there give me your XP oh I didn't get any new parts from it wait oh I just saw something fly over that ahead wings I must go eat him there's bad noises coming from over that hill really bad things are happening over here I must go join in on the bad things to make him my own bad things it was that wasn't it what is that what all these poor bird things all the poor bird things they're gonna go extinct without my help Wow right I must make them go extinct what in the world I want those horns can I kill it can I kill it and get it's gaining strength points to its fight back oh no run away oh hey that thing just helped it started the second no no no bad bad bad bad bad bad I think it I think he gave up oh hi you run away run away now I know I know I feel like everyone else attacking it is it I want to just write on this thing does that be fun whoop oh yay so real quick is it possible to actually kill these things the big boss like guys I feel like the answer is no especially since I can't climb a hill here eat this one it's sleeping oh that was Hey whoa I could have made that my friend hey go attack the birds and I want to go make that friend my friend and then we'll be friends and then I'll go attacked a big thing because it had like 700 hit points here we go more parts maybe one of these as a wing oh no no oh the rammer has nobody ate that one the slim slam oh that was my nickname in high school give me all right yeah I like this honey done no no no oh you missed me okay give me this thing give me this thing before the dinosaur eats me got it surprise oh no whoo no I battled these things without realizing they have some sort of spit gland that's not good they think they're not too big of a problem though but when I got their hair bug lights Oh No Oh No run away no I died of hunger poisoning shoot man I was trying to eat the dead body I found a rogue's organ here can I be its friend I want to talk to it hey friend be my friend oh yeah it's dance time I don't have dancing routine ouch what in the world run away that thing just shot me with a spiky gross thing of gross this I need dance and feet I need to make allies with weird things that aren't easy guys what is that it's a bipedal monster Oh everything's so cool I need a making human oh it's got like it as a whole mouth that was so cool hey free stuff I'm gonna totally eat these oh oh oh that's not good I think it's after me I think it's coming after me because oh it just I just washed me that mouth is hideous look I found a new place I can make home oh it's my dudes my people I can settle here with my friends and mate yes mating is the best oh my word how would you like to get the mess of that thing I would not want to be in there if I wasn't part of these like these people over here they're dead for sure Wow yeah we've spotted you egg in space boom you've claimed this nest future generations will be born here well done team we've oh my word they are so ugly why is everyone following me now shuttin the unbelievers okay they're not following me that's good I just want these parts it's that thing and we're gonna do it now oh there's dancin happening it's mating time who wants the mate oh you do I knew it come here oh my now everyone's watching - this is awkward they're even dancing and getting in with it the spider people are estranged so here we go what kind of oh no these are real human feet that's really weird there's some mouths different melt what is this I need this just hold on a second I'll just put you back here I need to know what this looks like no that's gross it was this one dude hi that one's weird k mating call bite sing charge you charge 3 what is this what is this almost looking like a whale face can you open that whale mouths up it's smiling its happy yet it does look like a whale things kind of like this shark mouth better I think the shark mouth is the way we got a ton of different eyes to wear these things bad boy I don't even know what that does these give us sight we just need one forehead eye that's what we need and then can I turn it down he's smiling he loves his eyeball oh he's gonna give him more legs and ease it we need to like it we need to make him into a fighter jet wait what I don't know why I need six legs can I put him into like a single leg oh we can upgrade our grabbers let's get these things cuz they're level four yeah all they need so much bigger that's awesome I don't think these are worth anything so if I grab one of these ooh pose post level two and dance level five haha we got them Sasquatch feets and now we can upgrade these - check this out the slim slam KaBlam let's get rid of these weird things that were put these on the ears yes I also want to get rid of this thing and put on this tail because I think it looks amazing whoa where do I find here there's charm what is this thing I gave him I think those would hurt maybe we should make these like spiky balls like smaller there we go or on the forehead move them up here kind of like him up top that looks really really cool we're gonna move this down just yeah and I'm gonna I'm gonna purge these we're gonna put these on instead there you go he's got warts now on his face bait facial wart it's like a little mustache little weirdo mustache going on I give them like little phalanges little nose hairs I like one really big one somewhere else Oh like here get this go bigger oh that's just creepy yeah it's directing traffic I really want this it's too expensive wait hold on can I just get more free money add DNA they'll let you get ram horns yeah we got to make sure these are turned right ah no we got to put it on his back I got a shark blade I think the best deal here is that I've got like all sorts of really cool stuff like pose we've got charm we're gonna be charming who wouldn't be charming with those giant gloves of death it's got to say that the emotive customization options for just painting I mean this takes a long time to compute but it's amazing like that looks just incredible for a game that was developed what 74 years ago doesn't that guy just look amazing I love it leda's mcoppins is the best okay we got it we're going with it he's evolved again Oh everyone is like oh yeah he's gonna be involved but they're already the evolved specimen oh I like the way that the legs now walk that's cool hi welcome to life hood that's weird they're not supposed to be friendly they're little murder machines oh they're so cute when they're babies yeah look at um oh I found a rogue I thought a rogue one here we go yes don't sleep I need to sing to you okay oh it's dancing its dancing no its posing oh wait that was dancing I don't know okay no you didn't like that one okay is that dance I know that was post oh I'm so bad at this yeah II like you you're impressed with those dancing moves I know I know I did the wrong one again that that's post I know that's post I'll post there we go there we go we did the same thing I can't mate with it oh it's gonna post again I got posing skills okay so like I didn't want to be my friend but these guys have wings so I'm hoping they want to be my friend it's not the right button what's going on here do I not have a mouth why can't I attack it with my mouth full give me your wings give me your wings I need them I'm ready I'm gonna destroy until I can get their wings Hey Oh Oh that's that's not a wing oh shoot I really want your wings give me your banks is that a wing a prop nope that's the spitter thing here that come on Winx oh I didn't get wings maybe that guy gives me wings nope just more grabbers ah let me eat it what is that what was that what is there a spaceship flying over wait hold up is it abducting something I need to go look I can't see it what other ghosts why is there a spaceship here it's stuck in a tree what's it doing but I what's abducting things wait a second can I be can i donate myself to science I need to donate myself to science I need to don't anybody I volunteer as tribute spaceship bro where are you I think it left did I not get you oh no too busy collecting other DNA maybe see oh it's still here hey pick me choose me pick me I'm the chosen one where did you go now where are you Oh spaceship bro oh is this a it's a rogue Bros oh whoa is that what is that I like that one I want to kill it spaceship oh the Grox hey Grox croc Singh come here Crocs well I'm gonna try to be this one's friend I don't know what the Crocs does but I like it Here I am Here I am choose me ah I just disappeared okay it's just warped out of here what is that why is it a giraffe antelope are these the wings they're not but I get charmed five from it so I think that's a good deal also am i singing I feel like I need a level of singing up but the only way I can do that is by a different mo I just have too many parts man any artists of the decoration ones well I guess we're not gonna be able to sing very well because I'm not purging anything else it looks too awesome question is can I just make this one grabby arm like just shove it on the back and then huh no not quite okay that's weird do you even lift bro do you even lift there you go push that back in a little bit bring that in yes yes the evolution is working guys I'm pretty sure I just found a friend oh oh oh yes oh we're friends we're gonna be the best friends ever ha ha ha ha I have a new tank oh I got big brain shoes too oh I hope this where I get brains I don't know what's he doing oh yeah we got a brain if I only oh no he just died no he's okay all right yes I don't know why that thing would want brains oh I could be the top of the food chain I don't want to do that I don't want it I don't want to expand I want wait where'd my friend go we were gonna be bestest of friends and you're gonna go kill the big guy for me where are you where are you friend oh no I'm gonna go find a new one I also just realized something I can't get their faces because I'm not a herbivore that's too bad if I was a like an omnivore I could get both like every part in the game I should do that next time I've done it my friends I found wings I found wings I don't even know what they do but I got him I'm like a I'm like a butterfly now a big scary butterfly of death ha ha ha ha I'm gonna make them super big just because wings seems so much fun now I gotta move these somewhere else that's probably a bad spot just put them on here and then like wings can I put wings on the arms that's I don't even I don't even I don't like that like that at all you know what I hate to do it but I think these these things like they're not doing much for me anymore the super the super arms they're just not doing it maybe we'll move them down here and make up like a secondary oh hey I kind of like that oh yes and it will put the make that the horns a little smaller uh-huh and then super big dragon wings ok can I turn them yeah oh I also got new spit glands I don't know where they're supposed to go maybe rent it you know what I should do is make this do just a little longer gonna make what are you Oh up down the Frog I go on the baby it's I is like even bigger than its whole body ok yet be done being a baby thank you yeah you grow into your eye that's awkward ok I need more in my pack you come join me so I'm hoping that once I beat this stage like I've done that all of the boss things don't despawn says I just got a pack we got pack I want to try this flying thing spacebar oh whoa okay yeah oh that's so cool I can fly a little bit this is creepy I don't know what to do now everything's flying in go my troops yes oh yeah you're dead stuff must we must go up make other things dead I almost feel bad cuz there's no way I'm an evolutionary genius no don't talk to it don't oh that's what I need I need to murder that dudes my dudes we need to kill the duck a dial no that's the epic nerd we need to get all that's sad kill the epic nerd okay ready and spin it it's moving okay you know what we're just gonna steal all of its DNA cuz that sounds fun I want that Oh cassowary Oh glide 5 and jump skills where are these things that's new wings Oh another tail I'm definitely gonna go murder this thing maybe I should have put that on because this health 5 oh well hey buddy hey come here oh no kill attack my friends I'm so sorry I didn't mean to attack my friends oh yeah that's definitely an epic nerdy Hey hey buddies there you go now everyone everyone charge wait a second are all my friends dead I don't like this these things are getting instant Goomba oh my word how are you supposed to kill this thing how do you kill the epic nerd oh he just stomped on all my buddies alright so no joke it's been in another hour uh-huh and I'm kind of level up to where I was before and I saved the game I made sure to save it this time thanks thanks Maxis I love you EA wouldn't you oh look it's Mike Wazowski my croissants gay probably I don't want to kill him no I have another plan I did do something different you can see my tale is different that's a level 4 spitter so I'm gonna try to make some friends here and then take on the big bad guy one more time oh great I think that was the pose that I don't have maybe not I do have it now our only objective in life is to find an elite epic thing and attack it with our spit with our entrails don't we're gonna go combat stance there you go level 4 spit I think by the our powers combined we can eventually take it out let's look at this guy ha ha ha fly my fools wait that's a rope oh whoa I tagged it you dorks there you go yes yes keep attacking it and charge it to ya get a stun thattaboy thattaboy D yes everyone's doing oh look at it they're just destroying it creep spitting on it aha attacking yes you know what I should have probably got this guy my team that would probably been better idea quick spit on it oh my word my friends are dying this isn't good oh yeah you spit that was perfect well done that was a good test run hey did I get any I'm gonna get anything else other than food out of it I don't think so healed my peasants heal little dragons yes I love it I don't actually know what it does but having wings is cool cuz so I got him that's the only reason Hey ugly thing it's a kicker and it's gonna die spit on it yes haha I need to kill one more of these than to make them extinct good bye I extincted them I feel good about myself down oh dude check this out we're gonna fly and fly it yes woah oh that's awesome now I can can I keep flying oh I can I'm just I'm a bird I'm a bird I'm a bird I'm a real-life bird I'm going far higher and higher hopefully there's no fall damage that would suck oh never mind I can't go any higher oh hello friendly friends nice of you to show up can I can I eat them yeah they're my buddies okay there he is there he is we're gonna spit at him and we're just gonna have everyone spit out and I'm just gonna run away already I just gotta keep spinning every time I can oh no oh no oh no this is bad this is really bad spit there you go there you go yeah there you go keep spitting in it yes yes I don't know if it's working or keep running we got to keep running oh it's squishing my bros there you go you can't touch me if I keep running spitting uh-huh I don't know if I'm doing any damage to it I don't see a hit bar oh yeah we got 75 down oh this is gonna take forever this is gonna take forever oh it hurts right away yeah well there's my friends can I eat them to gain their strength because I'm not actually kind of hungry how far is he down Oh 800 whoa it's dudes dub he's dumb they attack their attack just attack attack something place run away run away oh no no no no no he's not dumped there we go so I have another big brain idea what happens if I pull this guy all the way over to my nest hey I hope it works I don't like you I don't like I really don't like you you've killed me like eight times and has taken way much longer than I thought it would to attack you now I get here and find my nest is this my nest where's my nest this is not my nest I'm going the wrong way for nests oh did you get stuck in the trees are you too large is your body too thick hello hahaha I will shoot you that way I need to go directly forward this is nice this is real nice you can't figure out how to get me you can't figure out how to get me I have beaten evolution away did I really get him stuck mean I got to kill him fast because I'm gonna run out of food oh I think he's not oh yeah yeah he's going down still Oh No what is that is that another epic oh no can I have an epic battle can i battle epics that would be epic like super epic ha oh I didn't know there was another one over here hot dang that's so cool except this dork he doesn't know how to go through the trees a big ugly I want you to come home with me it's like I said oh no get out of here also uh wings don't really help I learned that the hard way I'm so much faster than you will ever be hey there's my house oh no no no come to my house come my friends are here we will eat you there you go my dudes there you go attack it I took no you guys you're supposed to attack you're supposed to attack it oh oh oh place plays attack it this is my nest my nest is best you guys are the worst you guys are seriously the worst this was supposed to be the Big Brain idea I've got them down to 850 again no nope oh I got stuck on the tree another question is is epic bro gonna be here at my nest can I get out of the baby stage I want to be in not a baby anymore oh yes I see it's toast let me up let me up hi hello I'm not a baby anymore I'm immune to being dead hi nope nope nope nope I don't like this hi all right away run away please have low hitpoints and have low hitpoints I can't see no no no oh it did poet someone else is attacking yes good job oh he's dead would you guys stop mating it is not mating time it's time to kill the big thing and then you can mate all you want I promise no no Oh No stuck it's stuck I got it stuck good big brain stress to win the day Oh it's not stuck anymore shoot it's gonna step on my mate no my mate doesn't carry hi no get out of my face I know I'm impressing you with my strat right now just I don't want not right now please I think I can get tripped up on round things he's like oh there's an egg in my way instead of kicking it over the way I'm just gonna try to walk through it you're starving you need eat something I'm working on it but he says 540 hit points left spawn spawn it's fun look at my dudes are so happy in the background they're cheering me on if only they'd help out oh please please please wake up good that's an arrow that's a good sign there he is Hey Girl how you is yeah there you go get big get big oh nice someone else spit at him beautiful job multiple spits no I don't want to talk I want to murder give me the rubber button there we go there we go oh they are destroying him they are destroying it are they getting healed up come on oh they're just wrecking face here and he's stuck they're not killing him I am so proud of my nest dwelling friends I'm just spamming the spit button and it's working it's working they're not even dying I don't think they can't die in the nest I'm not sure I wonder if I have to get the the final hit or anything I don't know I'm just attacking all I can yes we're doing it we're doing it we're gonna kill the epic we're gonna kill the epic how many are left 15 seven four yes yes get rekt noob learn to play whoa I'm gonna eat it can I eat it to get its life I can I did it that was awesome I kind of want to kill that one too so it looks slightly more menacing but in realist realism but realistically mean dies just as well yes the epic Slayers that was fun bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 453,761
Rating: 4.9255152 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, spore, spore game, spore gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, simulator game, gameplay, funny, spore ep 1, let's play, game, spore 2, spore (video game), feb2020, lets play spore, video game, spore mod, spore creation, galactic adventures
Id: bnP639A0H8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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