A Heroic Sacrifice! - Life of a Dryo | The isle

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what are you doing anything is he gonna lose I'm gonna do it Oh Oh No No oh hello kitty oh you're a cool looking one we need the party must initiate another member with the jumps press on forward find bored ryos I don't know where all the carnivores are to be fair call me will is all the way over there and that guy's all the way over there who's who's the next closest wait okay oh you can't jump when you're lying down who knows you could do that oh all those guys are over there are they on the other side all the way on the right over there I can see them okay we must go down we must go down follow them when we go down it's so many of us let's do - run guys the dryers have reached an impasse a big body of water and fast flowing river but they don't care off they go Edwards I mean I mean Connect connect connect that'll do go on ready yard wah who takes one and the rest follow whoa oh they're all the way up there oh we need we need to get up somehow yes go guys if we go okay guys food break food break our recon sniff because it's raining down I forgot about that okay oh that's all surround the Galleon for chasing up some of the color my wrist is joined oh oh oh we got another one I just over the clip we must do the dance of celebration our army is rising in number oh my god Louise is all the way on that mountain do you iron foxes all the way over there oh my god we were right there and we traveled so much I'm gonna go pick up this guy bring him back and do evey Naha yes another one okay everyone down the lake for water break and get this all organized [Applause] [Music] we've even got someone there who's what is it what what are you oh you're a little Pachycephalosaurus Oh blessed right everyone get drinks feel like I'm leading some sort of school trip if we all drink up once and then we all find food at once we all should be you know oh god no fall in comments that's a new one how could be so bad ago does he need food okay let's have a sniff sniff for food everybody eat the bush I'll take it in turns one two three four five six of us eating the same bush we're taking care of ourselves so that's the fuss if ever occurred in my life I go to admit the dryer just seemed to grow super quick ah how many other one two three four five six seven eight eight of us maybe nine depends what the following comments if he can even drink oh he's all the way over those trees oh dear I think we've pretty much grabbed everyone whose clothes I didn't want to be as simple - anymore can I join now imagine if you had a hundred dryers all together wads now be amazing well we're both going towards Jonas and gaming shark let's see how close they are it's almost dark though we'd have to go to our burrow soon he's not safe at night this is great to turn around to see a hoard of names moving tell you what we're gonna be some starving predators fantasy in a second he's gonna be like almost dead I was so close to becoming an adult t-rex and then you just see us all run by and go here right so I think this is where a lot of dinosaurs spawn isn't it around here oops we found food oh he's miles back is that the hills of names at kiza and that's Louise okay Peron if we keep on going this way we should go buddy there you go everybody squeaks do the introduction and now we need to snip find the water okay split up and look for water guys you must find some then it rains that would suck there you go what a plan hello Keaney we need to go to polit he's got water by the father a father boy is water and here we are ya made it I think everybody's like slowly coming towards us as well yeah like it talks to be it says beauty more just like suck poison in a burro let's go Eden hey to the burro ah oh you can live for in a burro ah time to run out rubbish like a meerkat party I think one more person can go in I think can I go in can I get in yeah oh there goes one there's another one followed in wish oh look there in the floor there all the way into the map I didn't even realize that I'm alive nothing later hello oh god there he is [Music] [Applause] fine this is what we've always been waiting for stay behind them so you can't catch it get him repel the demon we're our chicken nuggets with Leo got his fightin despite now be careful yes we've gotta rid of him go that's a lot of footsteps oh it's a baby although I think fur is big Azzam go away go away smelly this is a spawn of the demon who wish to be something that we got him scared him away red water everyone for we migrate and then get your water it might be several years before we drink again Great Falls is wicked is it let's go gaming sharks leading the way don't we go on a great adventure I think call me will is destroying his burrow so we're all going ahead that's crew nested not enough food here we don't need any more drivers in this world I like the yellow it's like yo goodbye Oh what's this a dead Diablo Oh gasp shock horror we must run consume the meat become a carnivorous driers get all the little butts go today it's a race you're right Oh Oh my forth on food don't think I'm good-looking third door coming up the second no not how's it oh no the Baba's Baba's be out of stam leave the baby oh yeah you can see where the babies are yeah that could be a juvie group they could they can they can follow up slowly oh that's where we were that big water Oh Dean Tina Fox is still all the way over there oh we found water over here whoo the first pit stop to refuel yes but I don't think I was really thirsty to be fair there's food oh my god go go get the food get the food the food oh there we go bully she's 10 of us up here so far 10 adults running along and then another adult stick behind and then with the Baba's well might as well get some stem while everyone catches up they when there's a few of them to catch up I think se caen was the smallest one that we just found and ground zero is being nice for himself that's good but he should be coming out within another time oh he's making a burrow what you doing are you doing that whoa jump the river don't get Tosi's wait guys are we checking perimeter is that it is that the great fall over there there's nobody here so it's a 200 filled server we haven't like formed into anybody my god it shows up big this map is welcome to dry O'Malley the videos nobody on early snow one where we are this is weird negative echoing coño oh oh so there is a car no oh no oh no Rudy kill oh dear that's not so good make it borrow yes I quickly Cano go in the Burrow quickly down was it too many in now there we go now we're safe actually no solid I need to make sure that my herds okay oh never mind he's going up to where the waterfalls are okay guys if we nest on this mountainside nothing should be able to sneak up to us oh my god what's with the carcasses that are up here Oh oh my god there's so much death what out oh yes secret nests what's that dude like leaves oh and then if they come up we could always jump down okay we got two to sixty odd food and we're gestating wait so this is trial rock this bit but there we go oh now we've got sentries we're like true meerkats can have squeaks case we see anybody okay so the plan is if we hear four calls then we hide in the bar oh but we kinda need more than one borrow though Oh lovely flies call me lord it applies I don't understand what these other drivers have done though they've made a bed of leaves almost oh these are nests as well Oh see we've got loads of nests well sings I don't have a nest may as well go and scout that makes for a little bit of a better video I suppose you would you bow from what we are what's up oh yeah heard him I just didn't see him I was a furrow here there is a burrow quickly go ah yes hidden one in the trees oh it was ground zero the code killed oh god he's coming he's coming oh he's walked away whew that was close you see that you almost got us can you destroy the burrow can carnivores destroy the burrow whoa well let's have a look we're easy yep where are you mister I know you didn't get me Oh juvy you tell us good good I'm burrows oh my god it's like a dry oak paradise listen to that music so whimsical oh there he is Otto discovered where we are bad aloe you go back that way I don't want I want oh my god don't tell me define the funks is almost here is he no we tell him off you go away you smell fine you look funny although something tells me this aloe isn't gonna leave us alone he knows that we are here that's right Jonas brother we tell him just make sure we know where he is at all times Jonas brother what you doing no you go away this is ours oh dear what's he going for oh he's gone from Diablo or whatever it's called have a sour tops I can't catch it lids run away I mean if that dies that's fine we don't mind if I dice yeah yeah go see the card oh it kind of still here I said Conor behind you beaver I'll be grandma capture just as it pops up corner behind a FIFA spirit where did this come from oh did he just scare the oh there's the corner running up the cliff is Aikido good giggity kekaa googoo gaga is it gonna go for the yellow I just want to see how this goes he is he's going after him he says beaver careful and then he goes up to him like what are you doing oh god the cut is a car no going above and looking down no I think the condo might know that we're in that hole you know Oh is he doing what's he doing down there coming next gotta come the next oh you went up and saw all of you I knew it there he is what the hell's an Ostrow here are they okay was it did he not kill anyone do you just eat the food well only person hiding is Kinney times that's it where the corner is lying down god it's been ages since I've seen Ostrow rafters remember when you had to be an Oscar after to become a Utahraptor oh oh it's a Giga where's Giggy cannot see dark wood Oberto Oberto Oberto wood oh go go go go go yeah there we go safe in here there is there's the Giga [Music] he's up there somewhere I didn't know we had this place yeah we do oh he's still up here he's near somewhere I like the idea that we've got nests and then Burroughs just helping us out wherever we are that's really cool I'm gonna go out as well oh he's back in oh that's Harry Potter well I need to go and if you get food and water as well [Music] oh it's right here awesome yeah there we go well done okay now I need food you go down to the lake hopefully nobody's here there's a car no a Giga and a low and Oscar raptor this has probably been the longest I've recorded for now two and a half hours and this is probably the second episode cuz I can't imagine it's still the first Myakka time 30 percent mash down alright let's check on the nest how are we doing wait why is Giggy here oh god he's gonna is gonna finish that carcass and eat you aloe or something above the waterfall what the heck is that oh it's a butterfly that's how kind of found us anyway he went above and have a look yes we've got Tommen who's our newest baby oh it's so cute oh we got another burrow here as well that's good we've got two burrows apiece that's eight we can save eight as long as they all get to them in time we're still eating their cargos like he's just wait oh wait what's he also doing oh we got a few we've got one burrow here and then we've got one burrow here and there we go that's it oh we got an egg ready there or in cube okay so it's incubating now okay there's bloody gigas eating as much as you can this little chicken face you know what he's like a duck that's what he is sounds like one two got a beehive I want to be somewhere high so we're safe oh we're gonna do one master Jupiter 32 hello cute I know go down are you are we so small oh he's scared him away scared the Ostrow away because he was in our territory long as spider-man Soros doesn't come down and swing here we'll be okay Oh so the big nest I was on was a shunt nest ah so the chance was to being killed that's what the caucuses were they were shunt carcasses I think when we first got here oh he's roryd Oh Louise came oh and we got new rose spinal oh no don't tell me that Steen Fox's well look how tiny you are yeah it's a little baby piece mother no I'm not I don't have any children I just look after them apparently although it looks like days approaching what will the final day bring well ship the shan't we ship the gent Oh what well that's like viado but Seattle alo Oh what how did I has not even been eaten or anything doesn't look like we failed it does look it yeah Oh bless him what a waste oh wait what's this this is a car no there's a car know what the cars are doing here always eating Oh Izzie oh he's guarding the carcass but he's really close to their nest oh isn't it like that where's the shuttle nest is it up here I don't even know I feel like no this must be yeah this must be it that must be the shot nest oh he's not too close he looked so only my colors are awful well you don't have a say in it daylight is almost upon us let's go explore [Music] oh I thought I got too much air but did you see it it looks so good oh there's something running over there there's two of them what humming oh there's a few my leg did do big snap very bad like I'll put him out of his misery look see broken leg oh he's providing us recover oh it's too wholesome he's taking pity on this little drier song oh there's any day life it looks good in this game it's definitely this time it looks gorgeous even better written of a broken leg but hey don't look at me don't look at me when I'm like this you all are on you I've got my own escort Oh escort the president oh we can't go down there I'll probably slip and die told me know are you at that little baby oh he's got pretty cool colors they look awesome he's got the blue head of him somebody else are blizzerball slick a little brigade never cut ever car no comes out the side he'll be the first of run away I'm sure carnivores can't get you that's right yes sacrifice yourselves for me did everyone's coming to escort me back oh yes cool colors I got about 3,000 won who say didn't but I'm too beaver I was in a huge fight yeah baby Rex beaver the hero and no turn-on for Rex pack killed three of them but the other one bit my pinky toe troughout 10-story gotta make a realistic you can't say you killed all of them press C to Hale beaver even the Karno did and now he sat back down I'm alive oh my god we got loads we got cop we got sneeze lay fall in common to feel like he's in you oh my god so many can have the whole server on here in a second I need to go find nullus well I'll rescue as a final mission I will do this so no I won't do this oh I miss food eeeh awesome oh right that explains why they're here as a t-rex and then you didn't intent then well oh I still need to continue on my mission - yes mr. T Rex you may see me first you can't touch this watch skills we are almost made it see that God touch this another swap bring you all the way back buddy oh god is this ambitious this is a bit ambitious here's a bit of Bish's who's too ambitious I've made a mistake I didn't realize he was so far away what are we done oh dear Oh master Jupiter's coming after us oh how much damage is that ah fifteen oh hey yeah um you're just taking a technical rest and run a very long time very long time I've come to help you on your journey oh well do you want to see something look see can't really do it because let's say with you four kickers this time I didn't say it didn't God oh oh do you Oh God you'll scare the life out of us now if the squad has arrived we shall embark on an epic quest the Fellowship of the driers we will have many epic gamer moments on this quest now we have to go back to nest oh well I well I am really thirsty I suppose okay yeah we can do that [Music] no no oh dear yo is fitted with oh god oh god go oh god go oh god go it's about to chase everybody tacky tacky tacky is we're gonna easy gonna do it gonna do it [Music] delivery destroy this camera people will make great sacrifices I am the best chicken nugget I will sacrifice for my people it is what my destiny has been I will do it I will sacrifice myself I'm Spartacus we all need to line up in front of beaver no it is my duty I won't you mention they will be the sacrifice no hi so you to live you don't have to die don't do this we ride together we die beat the t-rex yes scare him by these legs by these legs can you even do damage fruit I don't even you can do damage but what who dies no I will be the sacrifice no one no more has to die I will do it I will Oh [Music] my god I've been recording for hours almost I think four hours oh my god well they have it that's the end of an era Beavis sacrifices himself it's the dryer pack of a sniff can live on and we've enjoyed the video if you liked it until next time I'll see you later bye-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 2,024,001
Rating: 4.9398365 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo Utah, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocked, acrocanthosaurus, Update, acro, utah, raptor, dinosaurs, jurassic park, world, jurassic world, allosaurus, t.rex attack, carnivores, herbivores, team, herd, hunting, attack, pack, fight
Id: iUiG1gcF0Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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