Among Us but I'm The BEST VR IMPOSTOR! - Among Us VRCHAT

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hello fellas hi everyone nice to see you i am blitz your tour guide for this colored am i white are we both orange i'll go green yeah you gotta go be someone else thank you here's a lovely little green you were before oh yeah oh you just had it yeah that's the one hi guys i'm greens i'm orange hello orange i'm green hey oops what the crap are you doing wrong character are we gonna do a baby fellas he's one of us hey see tub finger guns yes so we got one imposter kill cool down 45 45 kill cooldowns long time readings for men i guess we're going boys okay this is this is scary this is super super scary we're muting i like how i can walk backwards whoa check this out it's admin oh i'm so small why am i so small i want to be bigger storage this is where the gas tank is yeah this is so cool man this is so cool the first part oh don't go in there nope someone's going to see me all the reactor room how amazing is this okay i gotta can i just oh boy one two three four five i didn't mess it up i didn't mess it up boys okay task completed oh no no i'm gonna hide did he just defend [Laughter] that was amazing what happened hello fellas krusty looks to be dead see top can you see top can you tell us where you killed krusty where i killed chris yeah or you killed him because you just vented because you just you just went over here right like i was in reactor room and you came around the corner from engine and you came into security and you went in the vent in that corner and just disappeared it's got him i got him get out of here [Laughter] to be fair to be fair i had no i had no idea that i was the oh really trust me i already voted dude fudgie and chris yeah hey it just vote for blitz [Music] no no stay away from him he's a monster i voted i guess we're gonna stay here for 90 seconds uh i'll just entertain you guys it's fine oh great all right let's do a dance tell us the story you got it there it goes oh the mockery robot again he's really good at roboting i don't know yeah [Music] [Music] don't celebrate i died even know if i'm the imposter it says it right in front of a big word oh boy i don't totally be nuts oh boy this is rough how do you how do you grab it no why am i so small um yeah grabbing stuff well i'm gonna do a different task i think i'm too short okay let's go do a different task before i die oh oh he's doing the thing with the thing we have zero tasks completed wow got it oh no oh no oh i don't even get to oh hey that's kind of cool i can look at the map view who killed me it was c-top he did it again he killed me again look at that menu that's so neat i can spectate see top that's not really working right i don't even know what they're doing are they in here with me no they must be talking it must be trying to vote somebody out oh they're going to vote now oh i hear voting happened i wonder if i can walk out nope that's not it can i oh it's over there they're in a different ship okay they voted now what happens fudgy was not an impostor oh no they voted fudgy out hey man what's happening i i died i think you just got voted out do you see who the real imposter is yeah it's not it wasn't even me you see who that is oh oh i always say it's up again i know it i knew i knew it he just came up to me and he did this he was like it just i died that was pretty rough i uh i think i died more uh worse than you actually because i got out look look at krusty and chris are just chasing each other around oh they called a meeting oh they did an emergency meeting yeah okay we can't tell you they know it's him they've got to know yeah she might win this and that's the uh that's a really bad thing about this how'd the discussion go how'd they vote not great as you can tell uh-huh so i i waved to to chris like that and i was near the body apparently because chris found it okay and chris said it was me and then everyone believed him so here we are oh they better have worked out that was c-top they're better oh no oh no the monster see chris see a little friendly wave doesn't mean that i'm the imposter all right learn from your mistakes right the only thing that's about me is my love for a suspirilla okay i don't like this oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay come on come on please let's go man let's go in here you're gonna kill me chart course i feel very unsafe right now you should be kidding of course run away chris that scared me that actually scared me you know i'd like to do this charting course thing but i can't physically figure it out you just get you just got to use the grips like when you see a blue circle you hit your lips and do it just you did a thing we don't like him we don't hey go in here go on oh oxygen depleted voice okay what do we do [Music] did it i was trying to help you guys to appear like he wasn't the imposter after all no well just because i wasn't there all right doesn't mean it's me i wanted to i wanted to do it well you know what here's the deal you already have three votes quick restarted restart hit hit the buttons restart it all i'll do it yeah he was the imposter we did it it was it was fudgy oh i'm a crewmate are we are we muting ourselves because that's okay we don't because it was fun when you and i were talking it was room oh stabilized i did it it's funny hi krusty what are you doing i just you doing i'm just watching you turn on the shields out here so our ship is good give me your mocking me because i'd only have little legs i don't even have legs i have little stub things i got them okay whoa how did that was awesome somebody died i have multiple personalities hey please come over here okay it's okay that's a good idea what are you disgusting jen there's a body on the ground which one of you was this okay blitz defend yourself which one of you was it i was around the corner doing the thing like the charting the thing in the navigation room and i turn around and he's dead do you smell that because it smells like that bull crap whenever you talk i think it was krusty i saw the pink guy kill him oh i know who i'm voting i'm voting crusty i trust blitz that's a good idea no oh no no no no no no no no no no uh-huh i trust what are we doing in the corner boys [Music] do you see these green hands do you see the green hands there's see the blood on the ground there's no blood on it i see the orange paint there's no black orange oh from fellas there is no blood or nothing on these what about sea tuck want him i don't want it [Applause] [Laughter] oh that was cool well done guys this is hard man you scared the heck out of me man i turned around i jumped in real life i went did you irl jump crewmate again too who is it look look at the sus one walking away over there yeah let's do the test come on jump in the vent and stuff i have that i have that task as well do you would we both have to task whoa right now hey let's alternate boys let's try to alternate he's on the fence any imposters down here hello yeah crusty any imposters guys it will be crusty oh wait what's suspended [Laughter] krusty did it my plan was to get you to all touch the vent and one of you accidentally use it and it freaking worked no i was i was going to do it i was going to kill somebody i was going to kill somebody on it but i vented instead because then there's like four people just go flying yeah what yeah see dubstin posture so that means you're the imposter imposter i i literally saw him disappear remember anything he fell out of the vet i don't remember that i remember hey krusty do you eat do you eat the crust first or the other side i eat this other side first because that's the best side but you leave the crust to savor it and remember oh so you eat the crust then i know that's strange do you i do you voted crusty i'm really worried you guys are not screwing with me what do you mean i saw you he even admitted it what do you mean dude i thought we were friends like why would i kill you just trying to grab the pizzas too oh no it wasn't me again don't play with my heart like that you mean it wasn't you again it's just that blitz was the impossible i know it wasn't me i promise oh great i'm the imposter again [Laughter] why do my hands like they're still broken oh i got it no who's gonna kill me i got it i did it i'm gonna be somebody's bodyguard that'll be exciting i don't guess oh no it's the green man hey look turn around and look i'm doing the thing turn around and look i'm doing the thing you see that oh no oh it's perfect let's see what he does now i can't even see my little dead body there that's so awesome now nobody's gonna go look at me i gotta say that playing with five people in vr is pretty difficult like no joke it's hard because there's not many people on the map and it's just weird like if it was ten people you have a little more excuses there's more people around with the maps big and people like stick together really well oh they're in there see that's proximity chat chris can come in now he knows that somebody's away on his own like krusty he should have this cool down a little better oh krusty's dead yep oh hello how are you i'm dead he did he's got 45 seconds to kill one more and he wins all by himself he could just kill someone straight away he could yep does he know that i don't know it just has a 45 second cooldown so about 30 seconds left oh look at them cuddling yeah they're so cute like that aren't they they're adorable i just want to pop them in my mouth and forget the existing topic little jelly bean jelly pink hey look do you see in the the admin room you see it right up here yeah that's me my body oh no [Laughter] [Music] that was pretty good huh i mean i get to put my video now like among us vr but the imposter has a six thousand hundred and three thousand million iq wow like every other video that's like a little bit that's a little bit lower than i typically use in my videos [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 403,978
Rating: 4.9544878 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, Among Us, funny moments, among us funny, among us gameplay, among us imposter, among us impostor, among us crew, among us victory, among, us, among us game, among us funny gameplay, impostor, impostor among us, VR, VRchat, VR Chat, among us vr, among us vr chat, among us vrchat
Id: nQu1EZwKHQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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