Joker Pitch Meeting (ft. The Film Theorists)

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[Music] so you have a movie for me yes sir I do I was thinking we can make a joker movie okay okay is he gonna get the word very added to his damage tattoo oh no no no no no no no no not that version of the Joker completely different Joker but if he doesn't have damaged tattoo on his forehead how are people gonna know that he's damaged oh they'll know it don't you worry about that the whole thing's gonna be an origin movie taking place in 1981 an Origin movie yeah yeah yeah you know people love the Joker so I figure we could show his origin story I don't know I feel like one of the things that people love the most about the Joker is that he doesn't really have a clear origin story there are a lot of YouTube videos theorizing about that yeah and we need people to make theory videos about our movies so you you really care about theories huh yeah I do I mean they're essentially free publicity and I do not like spending money oh yeah you hate that I do I just feel like if we give the Joker an origin story it's gonna be tough for youtubers to you know come up with theories actually it'll be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah I mean these YouTube people can make theories out of everything here have a chat with my theory guy he'll put your mind at ease what you have a theory guy yes sir I do okay um hello hello how can I help you hi hi if I told you we were making a joker origin movie taking place in the early 80s is is that's something you could work with hold please Joker Origin movie early 80s got anything for me yes sir I do god that's what I love about you fast as lightning that's why you pay me the big bucks I actually wasn't aware that we were paying you at all I just take it out of your wallet Oh petty theft is tight hit me with those theories well maybe the whole movie is taking place in his head that's a classic angle fantastic or maybe we could say that Jared Leto is Joker took on the mantle of this 1980s Joker that would probably get us a lot of anger clicks those are great for the view cow or get this maybe the Joker is Batman okay I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say no let's dial it back that is going way too far Oh Walt whoopsie hold on hello yeah we can definitely work with this Oh amazing thanks for your time super easy barely an inconvenience nice talking with you what a nice guy I'm keeping your phone by the way I like it oh that's so mean so what actually happens in the movie well we're gonna follow this guy Arthur Fleck right and he has this thing where he laughs uncontrollably in inappropriate situations oh I have that with smiling they do wow wow wow wow so anyway Arthur's having a really hard time he works as a clown he takes care of his mom and he has several mental illnesses Oh what does he have oh you know just the vague kind we can use as an excuse for violent outbursts later that's probably fine so Arthur just wants to be loved and make everybody happy but people are super mean to him and the system is just beating him down what system D system which which one oh don't get me started on the system could you get started I'd love to get a little deeper on that No oh dang it suffice it to say though we live in a society oh why didn't you say so that's deep enough for me so yeah for a good chunk of the movie we're just gonna watch bad stuff happen to him you know he gets fired some kids beat him up while shouting beat him up a very appropriate dialogue and then at one point he's in a train with clown makeup and these banker dudes start harassing a woman that's not very nice but then Arthur starts laughing so they start harassing him and let me tell you these guys know all the lyrics to send in the clowns how convenient that they had that in their repertoire yeah so they start beating him up and he kills them all oh my god yeah and then he runs away and he dances oh he dances huh very creepy well I'm glad you like it cuz it's gonna happen a lot oh it is yeah laughing and dancing accounts for about half the runtime Wow so what else happens well Arthur is also an aspiring comedian and he's obsessed with this late-night talk show host who he's convinced is gonna give him his big break that sounds a whole lot like that Scorsese movie the king of comedy crap you've seen that huh I have yeah right okay so full disclosure there's a whole lot of that in this movie and also a fair amount of taxi driver if I'm being honest what do you mean there's a lot are you just straight uplifting scenes from those movies or are you like paying homage to them well I mean you know that depends which one of those doesn't end with the lawsuit the second one right okay so the second one then it's it's a mirage for sure you know what just to make that perfectly clear let's robert de niro to come play the host okay great so anyway one night arthur ends up trying stand-up comedy and an open mic and he can't stop laughing right cuz of his thing cuz of this thing and then robert de niro plays the footage on his show cuz it's so ridiculous he got footage from an open mic yeah well I mean it's 2019 everybody films everything these days well I mean people don't really film open mic sets of unknown comics also isn't this taking place in 1981 okay well then let's just say that somebody brought a very expensive very bulky camcorder to an open mic and film the whole thing for some reason pretty sure camcorders only hit the market in like 83 okay okay so somebody brought their super 8 film camera and then and then got that film developed and then sent that into Robert De Niro well okay then a very convenient filmmaker oh and also Arthur finds out that Thomas Wayne is maybe his father so he goes and you know sticks his fingers in his little brother's mouth man DC villains love sticking their fingers in people's mouths yeah they do but he's gonna find out later that maybe Batman is not his brother so then he you know smothers his mother with a pillow oh my god he also has this whole relationship going on with this neighbor of his okay but towards the end of the movie he goes into her apartment and she's all scared that he's there and she's like your name is Arthur right you live down the hall oh okay that's a nice subtle way of letting the audience know that it was all in his imagination so we're gonna have a Fight Club flashback oh no yeah we're gonna flashback to every moment they have together and we're gonna reveal that he was actually all by himself no I get it like in Fight Club I'm mirages in that one too well okay I guess so how does the movie end when does the big CGI sky beam come in well it's a comic book movie where's where's the sky being who's not there's there's no sky being oh you're crazy man I guess so what does happen well Arthur goes on TV and you know pops DeNiro in the head nice and that sparks this big riot where everybody's dressed as clowns very cool and then in the midst of that Thomas and Martha Wayne are gonna step out of a movie theater and walk down an alley whoa are we doing this you're staying right we're doing this we kind of have to do this kinda have to do this so then we do this and pearls go flying everywhere Oh doing this is tight and so yeah then Joker becomes like this symbol and just Basques and the glory of this movement he started wow wow wow wow maybe he didn't you know maybe he imagined it what yeah maybe it's all in his head who knows so okay so what do you think well I mean it sounds like a movie I'm just a little worried about what kind of message we might be sending and what kind of stuff we might be glorifying yeah I wouldn't worry about it oh okay then I won't hey guys Ryan here hope you enjoyed that pitch meeting big thanks to Matt Pat from the film theorists channel for collaborating on this and I actually collaborated on a video on their channel too about the Joker so you could go check that out while you're there be sure to subscribe they have amazing videos very detailed theories they are a ton of fun to watch definitely check them out if you haven't already you'd also let me know in the comments section here what other movies would like to see pitch meetings for don't forget to Like and subscribe here and check back soon for a new video bye
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 3,270,970
Rating: 4.9211521 out of 5
Keywords: Joker, joaquin phoenix, dc, pitch meeting, film theorist, matpat, robert de niro, heath ledger, jared leto, todd phillips, marc maron, dancing, clown, thomas wayne, batman, bruce wayne, the joker, scorsese, taxi driver, the king of comedy, controversy, plot holes, how it all started, honest, everything wrong, Funny, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: 5raAm6ANIFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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