Venom Pitch Meeting

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[Music] so you have a venom scrip for me yes sir I do and it's gonna be a ton of fun oh yeah yeah we're gonna have venom biting heads off and massacring people left and right Wow well as long as we don't see any of that that sounds awesome wait what well we want that pg-13 rating so we can have them bite people's heads off but we can't see it happen so we can do it if we don't do it yeah exactly we can just cut away and imply that something violent happens oh that's gonna be significantly less satisfying to watch well our hands are tied we need that pg-13 rating if we want to make money off a comic book movie well I mean what about Deadpool and Logan in Deadpool - what about them well they were r-rated comic book movies and they made a ton of money can't we learn anything from their success well here's the thing about learning it's for nerds and I hate doing it oh yeah that's a good point I hadn't thought of it that way so what kind of tone and genre were you thinking for this movie oh all of them all of them yeah yeah yeah sometimes it's gonna play like a horror movie and other times a superhero movie and other times a buddy comedy we're just gonna be all over the place I guess it's good to cover lots of ground yeah if somebody isn't enjoying a certain part of the movie they just have to wait a couple of minutes and it'll switch to a different genre that's pretty innovative actually so what happens in the movie well we're gonna have some symbiotes land on earth right I think it's pronounced symbiote actually it definitely isn't well how about we have them pronounce that symbiote in the trailer and see how people react I guarantee that they'll be angry don't you mean that they'll buy angry I don't that's not how that's pronounced either listen as long as people go out and be a bunch of venom merchandise I don't care how they feel fair enough so anyway these symbiotes land in Malaysia and they're taken by the life foundation but one of them escapes oh is it venom no it's a symbiote called riot that's eventually gonna latch on to the bad guy Carlton Drake Oh what's Carlton Drake's deal I just told you he's a bad guy oh that's as deep as it goes pretty much so what kind of stuff does he do like give me an example of a scene let one point he's with some kids that are touring his lab and they start laughing at this one girl cuz she asked him a question okay and Drake has this big speech about how it's important to ask questions and you shouldn't silence people that do it well so what does she finally ask is a question I don't know he's gonna leave right after his speech and she's not gonna get to ask him one very harsh oh yeah so anyway after the symbiotes land on earth I had a lot of legwork to do to get everybody where they need to be for the fun to start what do you mean well like the Venom symbiote in a secure lab now right whole movies about Eddie broca's venom so I had to get him into the lab somehow okay so what I did was have one of Drake scientists reach out to Eddie and she's like yo Carlton Drake is doing tests on homeless people you have to come to the lab and take some pictures unemployed journalist Eddie Brock why doesn't she just take the pictures herself way too dangerous oh it is yes so she goes the much safer route of breaking into the lab in the middle of the night with an unauthorized individual so he can take the pictures much safer and yes so that's how the Venom symbiote latches onto Eddie Brock and what about riot oh well riot latches on to this old lady in Malaysia and wanders around aimlessly for six months oh my god what yes spends half a year as an old lady then goes to the airport and latches on to a little girl who's going to San Francisco what a weird strategy yeah and then as the little girl he walks right into the secure lab that doesn't have any security thank God how'd the little girl get to the lab did she take an uber maybe her parents dropped her off I don't know well okay then and so yeah then riot latches on to Carlton's rape wow that really is a lot of legwork yeah I mean all that stuff is definitely gonna be the least fun part of the movie but venom has to break out of the lab somehow and riot has to get to the lab somehow so I didn't really have a choice yeah I mean you could have switched them what you could have had venom be the symbiote that escaped at the beginning and have riot go to the lab which is where he needs to end up anyway Wow yeah no that would have saved about 45 minutes of crap and made the whole thing a lot more fun to watch I mean you could still change it we haven't started to shoot yet yeah I mean I don't feel like it though oh okay never mind yeah sounds like a whole lot of work so anyway what else happens in the movie oh well Drake's gonna want to capture Eddie alive since venom latched on to him right so what does he do well what would you do if your secret science thing escaped and you wanted to capture it alive something very low-key I guess wrong you'd send a fleet of exploding drones after him as he does crazy motorcycle stunts feels like that would not only kill him but cause a lot of property damage and attract a lot of attention it's gonna make for some really cool trailer shots though oh well that's what really matters so okay and then at a certain point Eddie's gonna get separated from venom uh-oh is it gonna buy hard for him to get reattached no it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah Venom's gonna latch on to a dog and then on to Eddie's girlfriend and then she's gonna have to make out with him to transfer the symbiote wait does that mean she had to make out with the dog you're goddamn right Oh anyway so then we're gonna have this big nighttime fight between venom and riots we're gonna have two super dark aliens fighting at night yeah yeah it sounds like it's gonna buy kind of hard to see what's happening oh yeah super hard to see it's gonna be like watching two people wearing garbage bags fighting by candle light it's gonna be like who's who and what's going on sounds exciting and at the end of the movie we're gonna have a scene where venom and Eddie tease a bad guy before biting his head off oh nice I'm gonna put that in the trailer oh well it's like the last scene so maybe we shouldn't if there's one thing people want to see in a movie trailer it's the final scene of the movie well okay then so venom basically says he's gonna bite this guy's head and limbs off and he's gonna roll down the street like a turd in the wind turds in the wind are tight how do you already have an opinion on turds in the wind my cat's litter box is right next to a fan okay gotcha so how do you think the movies gonna do well there's a lady Gaga Bradley Cooper movie coming out that same weekend in October so I'm a little worried oh yeah so let's hope that turd in the wind line really resonates with people fingers crossed [Music] hey guys Ryan here hope you enjoyed that pitch meeting there are a ton of these on the channel you could check out also let me know in the comments section what other movies you'd like to see pitches for we also have another series on the channel you might like called theory battle we go head-to-head with different film theories it's a lot of fun and if you like this video please do give it a like maybe share it on Facebook and Google+ and check back soon for a new one buh bye [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,215,839
Rating: 4.9447346 out of 5
Keywords: Venom, Tom Hardy, symbiote, Spider-man, Eddie Brock, turd in the wind, Marvel, Sony, review, Pitch meeting, plot holes, how it all started, honest, everything wrong, overrated, mistakes, Fun, Funny, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, Family, Kids, Friends, Video, Movies, Popular, Entertaining, Entertainment
Id: 6aaYkBfEQa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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