Watchmen Pitch Meeting

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Thubanstar 📅︎︎ May 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
so you have a movie for me yes sir I do it's an adaptation of a graphic novel about masked vigilantes and superheroes oh that sounds very exciting no it very rarely will be oh really yeah no this isn't your grandmother's superhero movie my grandmother yeah it's not your your grandmother's kind of movie it's an expression my grandmother doesn't watch any superhero movies no of course not but if she did you know she would not like what I'm about to pitch you so people won't like this oh this is off to a bad start kind of what I'm trying to say is that it's gonna be a very dark and violent superhero movie oh okay I think I got you yeah it's gonna be called Watchmen and it's based off a graphic novel by Alan Moore oh right I hear that's popular it is and he said this thing is unfilmable you know so Zack Snyder and I took that as a challenge oh I wonder if he meant that as a challenge or more like this is a bad idea don't try to do this it'll be bad well I mean considering he explicitly said he doesn't want his name attached to this thing I guess we'll never know so is it gonna be difficult to adapt actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah we're basically gonna use the graphic novel as a storyboard pick some famous panels and recreate that oh we are yeah yeah so what happens in this thing well it's gonna start with this aging here of the comedian being murdered oh how is he killed in slow motion slow motion can be really fun when used in moderation I agree which means it can be even more fun when used in excess I guess that makes sense it does so we're gonna use it in pretty much every single scene oh that much yeah yeah yeah that could be a good way to pad the run time the full thing's gonna be three and a half hours Oh excessive padding is tight sure is so anyway this guy Rorschach is gonna investigate the comedian's death and be like Oh somebody's gunning for masks and what's his deal well here's this mask that's constantly changing designs you know like a Rorschach inkblot test oh how does that thing even work unclear huh anyway he's super badass and he sounds like Christian Bale is Batman Wow and he keeps a journal so he's gonna provide some narration and this thing by reading from his diary that doesn't sound very badass it's not a diary it's a journal where he talks about his thoughts and his feelings exactly that's a diary teenage girls do that it's a very cool and dark journal if you say so anyway so Rorschach goes to see some of the other heroes and you know they all been outlawed by President Nixon Oh Nixon is a character in this how are we gonna pull that off by taking so much makeup on a guy that he looks like a walking prosthetic well okay then we're also gonna have this guy with actual superpowers dr. Manhattan and what's his deal oh well he's blue and he glows and a lot of the time he's naked you know so we just see everything down there what yeah just all of it we're gonna see his thing yeah yeah yeah why would we do that though well they showed it in the graphic novels sometimes okay but does that really mean we need to show it too that's actually a very good question to which the answer is absolutely yes we do it just feels like it's gonna be a little distracting you're saying that you'd be distracted if while I was talking to you I was holding this thing up oh my god I feel like most people are mature enough to not be distracted by something like this waving around what no you know I'm mature okay good so anyway this guy dr. Manhattan has all these powers right uh-huh yeah and one of his big powers is that he can see into the [Music] what do you think about that hmm yep that sounds great awesome so anyway doctor you mind putting that away oh yeah of course thank you so much so anyway another storyline is gonna be about this character Silk Spectre and she's in a relationship with dr. Manhattan but she's not very happy because he's naked all the time maybe but also like when he's getting intimate with her he has a copy of himself working on a project in the other room oh very gross yeah so anyway that's gonna turn into this big love story between Silk Spectre in the sky night owl and what's his deal well he's almost not Batman oh so we're gonna have this whole big thing where he realizes that he can't perform unless they just fought crime that's okay yes so they're gonna go fight crime together and that's really gonna spice things up I feel like this is all very gross and unnecessary it's mature and grownup okay so then we're gonna have a really long love scene between these two characters do we need to yep and it's gonna be very slow-paced we're gonna zoom in on night owls but stick on that for a while oh I don't know about that we're gonna play hallelujah by Leonard Cohen oh please don't yeah we're gonna play it I feel like this is not the kind of thing that Leonard Cohen had in mind when he wrote that song if that songs not about to comic book characters getting intimate in a high-tech plane I don't know what it's about so are they just gonna fight crime now because it turns them on but certainly gonna be part of it I suppose very gross anyway so at the end of the movie we're gonna find out that their friend Ozymandias is the one who killed the comedian Oh betrayal yeah and he also created this giant squid monster to destroy entire cities okay nope I don't like that what do you mean that's what happened in the graphic novel I mean there's some wacky stuff in this thing but let's not bring a giant squid monster into the mix well there needs to be some kind of massive global neutral threat so that all the surviving humans come together in peace so let's say that he frames dr. Manhattan for blowing up a bunch of cities but he's not neutral though the whole movie were pushing the fact that he's an American weapon so well if something that America created blew up a bunch of cities worldwide I don't think everybody would rally together with the US and peace okay so maybe this ending won't make sense but at least it's not a giant squid monster all right great so anyway Ozymandias explains his entire plan to the other Watchmen and they're like we're not gonna let you get away with this right and he's like yeah no I wouldn't explain my whole plan to you if there was any chance you could affect the outcome I did this like 35 minutes ago Wow so what are they gonna do oh they're gonna give them a very dirty look Oh that'll show them yeah and also Rorschach explodes oh my god so what do you think well it could be an interesting marriage you know between Zack Snyder's filmmaking and this dark source material yeah you think so yeah it could be interesting I mean this isn't the kind of thing we do with more mainstream heroes yeah that would be a surprising move hey guys it's Ryan here hope you enjoyed that pitch meeting we have a ton of these on the channel that you can check out you'd also leave me a comment down below letting me know what other movies you'd like to see pitches for don't forget to Like comment subscribe share on Facebook and Twitter spread it around and as always check back soon for a new pitch bye bye [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,734,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Watchmen, zack snyder, dc, rorschach, nite owl, silk spectre, dr manhattan, blue, ozymandias, comedian, slow motion, Pitch meeting, plot holes, how it all started, honest, alan moore, graphic novel, everything wrong, Funny, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: HrjvrkLIqbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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