Friends Pitch Meeting

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so you have a sitcom idea for me yeah so it's called friends and what's it about well it's about a group of people that are friends right but like what's their deal well they're all friends together who are the characters though the friends yeah but why them well the title of the show was friends so obviously we're gonna follow the friends like why would why would we follow anyone else okay talk to me about the characters what kind of stuff are they gonna be doing the friends yeah just friend stuff ah I'm sorry am I doing something wrong I I don't it's fine so there's a group of friends yes how old are they the friends the friends yes how old are the friends they're like in their mid-20s okay good that's helpful great so they do like typical mid-20s stuff exactly they're just like every group of friends in their mid-20s awesome relatable yeah like one of them's a paleontologist named Ross what his name's Ross no but he's a paleontologist yeah well you know how when people are in their 20s there's always one in the group who's like a paleontologist with a PhD does does that happen to people yeah I think that's pretty commonplace okay well at least it'll be an interesting character he's the boring one oh yeah and he's gonna have this big love thing with Rachel over the span of several seasons Rachel yeah when we meet her she's literally just run away from her own wedding because she realized she's not attracted to her fiance she thinks he looks like Mr Potato Head oh my God that's horrible yeah she's not the best person isn't it gonna be tough to get people to want to follow a character like that actually super easy barely an inconvenience how so well I figured she could like never wear a bra oh yeah I guess that'll be good for Ratings yeah should be so anyway Rachel's gonna move into Monica's apartment without asking permission who's Monica Monica is Ross's sister so Rachel must be like really good friends with Monica for that to happen they haven't spoken in years and Monica wasn't invited to Rachel's wedding and she's just gonna suddenly move in with her unannounced and become super tight with all the friends yep instantly okay so tell me about Monica okay so Monica used to be fat so the jokes kind of write themselves what do you mean we'll say we have a flag back where Monica is dancing it's gonna be funny because she's fat isn't that gonna kind of alienate a large group of overweight people we'll look at it this way isn't any group of overweight people a large group of overweight people I guess but does that make it okay maybe not but these jokes are going to be really good a fat person dancing is pretty funny yeah we're also going to have her like really like food because she's fat because she's fat exactly uh all right I'm sold yeah so anyway now Monica is kind of a neat freak and we're gonna have her fall in love with Chandler eventually Chandler is one of the friends right it sounds like a lot of these friends are actually lovers so well maybe we should call the show lovers they're friends okay so anyway Chandler's like the wisecracking sarcastic guy of the group so he's always making the other friends laugh they will never laugh at his jokes never never so he's like cracking the jokes for himself I guess I guess isn't that a little crazy it is when you stop to think about it so are there any other love friends are there any other friends well there's also so Joey who's Chandler's roommate and what's his deal well he's dumb and he likes food but he's not fat oh that's it no he also really likes sleeping with women like if he could sleep with over 50 women during the course of the show that that'd be perfect that feels like a lot it is a lot but because he's dumb people will be like oh that's Joey any other friends I should know about oh yeah well next up there's Phoebe what's up with her well very early on we're gonna find out that her mother committed suicide when she was 14. oh my God yeah and her mom was a drug dealer too Jesus so then Phoebe was taken care of by this albino guy and then he killed himself wow I mean I guess it'll kind of balance out the show to have such a dramatic character now she's the silly one oh she is yeah she's all weird and stuff probably because her parental figures kill themselves yeah probably weirdo so what kind of friend stuff do all these friends do together most of the time they hang out in a coffee shop they very rarely go to work and other than that they just hang out in their giant beautiful Apartments they're in their mid-20s but they have giant beautiful Apartments that's right so this takes place in like a small town or New York City wow so they must all have like really high powered jobs well Joey is a struggling actor Rachel Works in a coffee shop Monica Works in a Restaurant Chandler has a job and Phoebe plays the guitar interesting and I'm guessing since it's in New York there's going to be a lot of diversity everyone will be white oh everyone wow and that's basically the show That's All She Wrote that's all I wrote what happened that's these damn Clapper lights they installed oh that's fun oh let's not play with it wait do that again huh what [Applause] nothing okay so what about casting what about it well you're gonna cast some like big stars to help promote the show actually I'm thinking of going like low level no name actors oh how come well to be completely honest a show like this will last one maybe two seasons so this way we know we're never gonna have to pay a lot of money for actors fair enough that's smart [Music] hey guys Ryan here thanks for watching that video let me know in the comment section what other movies and TV shows you'd like to see pictures for there are also a bunch of other ones on the channel so be sure to check those out and subscribe and you can check out for all the latest movie and TV news thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 4,272,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: friends, chandler, monica, bing, rachel, joey, phoebe, ross, geller, joey tribiani, matt leblanc, jennifer aniston, pitch meeting, sketch, skit, lisa kudrow, matthew perry, courtney cox, david schwimmer, central perk, parody, everything wrong with friends, Jan2018, Ryan, Pitch
Id: kqpvaV_xY3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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