Netflix's Tiger King Pitch Meeting

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so you have a show for me yes sir I do it's called Tiger king Oh changing the cat species so Disney can't sue us that's smart hey maybe Pumbaa could be a teacup pig no it's actually not a Lion King ripoff okay so is this about that Tekken character cuz I'm pretty sure that's a Jaguar man so this is actually a documentary series about a guy that owns a bunch of Tigers I don't know about that documentaries are kind of boring sometimes they try to teach you things well this one is big cats murder drug kingpins hitmen a presidential campaign accidental death Tigers eating people cults guns explosions and garbage meat all right I'm listening great so this show follows a guy called Joe exotic right oh and what's he like he's like if Michael Keaton entered the witness protection program and did a bunch of hard drugs along the way oh my god yeah he is just a bunch of tigers and exotic animals very cool and he exploits them for money and breach them and rips the babies away from their mothers at first I would just love to retract the very cool I just threw out there I'll allow it sir so this guy runs a zoo with a bunch of employees and several husbands how does he attract multiple husbands Oh mess oh yeah they like meth he gives the meth well ok then jeez and what about the employees does he treat the employees well well pretty well I guess he lets them grab whatever expired meat they want from garbage bins he gets from Walmart ok no that's pretty nice again he also serves that expired meat to the Tigers and two guests who order pizza Oh secret garbage pizza also one of the employees gets their arm bitten off by a tiger oh wow so I imagine we spend a lot of time on that huh couple of episodes just a couple of minutes it's barely worth mentioning to be honest in comparison to all the other stuff in here it's not so Joe also sells Tigers for like two three four thousand dollars a pop Oh surprisingly affordable Tigers are tight nope they're not actually not an okay thing to buy oh okay whoops whoopsie and Joe exotic also has several albums and music videos oh he's a singer not really know how the songs don't sound good his voice sounds like this when he's talking and these songs actually have like a deep low soothing voice they were actually recorded by these guys Vince Johnson and Danny Clinton and so whatever the songs about mostly Tigers that makes sense well one of them is actually a diss track about his nemesis oh he has a nemesis who's his nemesis Gerald Baskin she's mad at Joe for keeping Tigers and cages and making money off of it what does she do she keeps Tigers and cages makes money off of it oh she does yeah but she also really pushes for him to stop breeding them and letting people pet the Cubs so I guess she's supposed to be the one we're rooting for and all this right well she probably fed her husband to some tiger so I don't know about that uh what yeah he was a multi-millionaire and she changed his will right before he disappeared to include the word disappearance oh very suspicious she also says in an interview that if you want a tiger to eat someone you should cover them in sardine oil very very very suspicious yes so she probably did that anyway her and Joe get into this big legal battle and she pretty much takes everything from him well it's gonna be tough for Joe exotic to stay in business after that actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really you see this guy Jeff Lo swoops in to help Joe out financially okay what's Jeff's deal it's Jeff Lo you got to say his full name every time why I don't know but that's what everybody does okay so what's Jeff Lowe's deal well he kind of looks like if instead of developing a passion for filmmaking James Cameron developed a passion for dressing up like a bully from a 90s teen movie okay and what does he do well he's pretty much a con artist pretending to be richer than he actually is and he carries around baby tigers and bags to try to lure women into his hotel rooms in Vegas okay okay okay so this guy also sounds awful and I'm very unclear on who I'm supposed to be rooting for I don't recommend doing that rooting for someone yeah not a good idea one of the most relatable guys is a former drug lord who may or may not have been the inspiration for the movie Scarface oh my god yeah this show is so crazy that this guy tells the story about how he was present while one of his guys cut up a federal agent and you're like well at least this guy's honest Wow anyway so Jeff flow really starts to turn on Joe xotic during the presidential campaign his what oh yeah Joe exotic runs for president does campaign managers the guy who sold him ammo at Walmart okay I thought you said this was a documentary but a whole lot of this is clearly made up no it's not made up it just takes place in rural Oklahoma in Florida okay I didn't realize that that explains it yeah yeah well I guess that pretty much covers it huh actually I feel like I've covered only 5% of it I didn't even touch upon the guy who looks like if Tim Robbins started a cult okay okay well how does the whole thing end we'll eventually Joe hires Jeff Lowe's right-hand man to go murder Carol Baskin and then Joe goes to jail what did the guy do it milk but he took the money for it and he does go to jail no are all the Tigers okay I don't know probably not do you think it's a little weird that we're gonna profit off of people profiting off of animal abuse no I think cuz we're like an extra step removed from the animal abuse we're actually okay and our profits cool oh okay great yeah cuz I got to be honest I feel like pretty much all the people you mentioned should probably be in jail well a lot of these people have been in jail or you know will go to jail I mean it sounds like Carole Baskins doing just fine you know yeah that's a good point they have pretty much closed that case I don't really see them looking into that any further hey guys it's Ryan here hope you like that pitch meeting there are over a hundred episodes of pitch meeting on the channel that you can check out I also have some other videos on there so click around also let me know in the comments section what other movies you'd like to see these pitches for don't forget to hit the like button the subscribe button the bell button the button button I don't know thanks for watching guys - see you next time
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 3,378,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tiger king, joe exotic, carol baskin, netflix, jeff lowe, i saw a tiger, joe exotic music, joe exotic real voice, documentary, true crime, doc antle, tigers, trevor, tiger king craziest moments, pitch meeting, lions, endangered species, jail, carol baskin husband, . Big cats, america, oklahoma, presidential campaign, florida, honest, Funny, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: DeRmuqspqco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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