Sausage Party Pitch Meeting

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so you have an animated movie for me yes sir I do it's about a bunch of cute talking food products in a grocery store oh that's cute it's kind of like Toy Story but in a supermarket yeah and every morning they sing a little song to start the day starting the day off with a little song is tight and towards the end of the movie they're all gonna bang each other what all the food there they're all gonna bang oh you mean like a little subtle adult joke that only the parents get I love when Pixar does that no no no I mean like full-on graphic intercourse between all the food items oh yeah it really makes a picture some stuff doesn't it mm-hmm yeah it does hey give me one second okay what you doing I'm just leaving myself a little reminder cancel all lunch plants and dinner plants and any other plans involving food ever probably a good call so what's the movie about exactly well the main characters a hot dog sausage and his name is Frank right do you get it I do yeah yes do you have anything to say or it's it's it's very clever Thanks so anyway all Frank wants to do is to get inside this hot dog bun in Brenda okay do you get it the sausage wants to go inside the bun yeah get it the sausage wants to go inside the bun right yeah I understand like how people do sex kind of yeah so mmm very clever once again I know so what exactly happens in the movie well the food in the supermarket believed that humans are gods and when they get chosen they get brought to a place called the great beyond Oh like an afterlife kind of metaphor exactly and so Frank and Brenda can't hook up until they go there wait so is the great beyond a metaphor for the afterlife or for marriage I don't know fair enough but then a jar of honey mustard it's gonna get returned to the supermarket and he's gonna be like guys there is no great beyond the gods just eat us oh and so Frank's gonna go on kind of a quest to find out about the great beyond I guess that's interesting and he's gonna run into this Native American character named firewater isn't that kind of offensive maybe but I figure I'll just show every single stereotype there is and it'll all kind of cancel itself out is that gonna work I think so I mean I have a bagel who's Jewish Wow in grits who's african-american and hates crackers oh boy a Twinkie that's homosexual please stop and the fruits are homosexual too please stop anyway you get the point and people aren't gonna get offended by all that listen I ran it by a bunch of children at the local schoolyard and they all thought it was hilarious I'm not a lawyer but you probably shouldn't hang out around school yards okay I'll try to keep that in mind good so anyway there's also this character named douche that wants to kill Frank why is he named douche because he's an actual douche wait so it's not just food that's alive now we're also gonna meet some toilet paper a condom a bag of chips the bag is what's alive he had the bag talks aren't Brenda and Frank gonna be in bags at the beginning of the movie they are so what's the logic behind what's alive and what's not the what - logic oh hey just give me one second okay what you doing Siri to find the word logic that's your wallet uh-huh it is did you really think that was a phone yeah sometimes my brain doesn't work so brain that actually explains a lot I guess it does anyway we're also gonna have food puns oh yeah yeah like at a certain point the douche is gonna be like oh this beat is sick but then there's an actual beat standing next to him that's pretty good right so we're gonna have all of those in there what what's up you said we're gonna have all of those in there yeah all the food puns every every pun in existence that seems kind of excessive but you thought the beat thing was funny well yeah kind of but I don't necessarily want like a thousand more food puns well we're gonna have like a thousand more food puns I feel like that's gonna get old pretty quick though well I could take them all out if you want but the runtimes gonna drop to like 45 minutes oh well I guess we'll have to keep them in then great so what other kinds of jokes are there gonna be well I'm glad you asked because there actually is gonna be another type of joke wait like one other kind of joke yes well let's hear it well the food products are gonna say curse words right okay so yeah that's the other kind of joke just them swearing that's it yeah cuz sausages wouldn't normally swear you know sausages don't normally say anything at all right but if one came alive in an animated movie you wouldn't expect it to swear I guess not well there you go so we're gonna really really really lean into that once again I feel like that might get old pretty quick once again if I cut it out we're down to like 45 minutes of runtime well I guess we'll have to keep it in then awesome so how does the movie end well the characters are gonna realize that they can kill gods so they're just gonna slaughter a bunch of humans oh my god yeah a whole lot of dead bodies seems like it's gonna be hard to get a satisfying message for the audience with a violent end like that actually super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah it's because the gods are dead that they have the giant food orgy so the message is that there is no God and everybody should just pursue hedonism and self-indulgence something like that I don't know well it's better than no message I guess so what do you think well I think one of animation studio we go with is gonna appreciate the opportunity to do something different on this movie oh yeah everyone's gonna have a great time working on this I'll make sure of it personally hey guys Ryan here thanks for watching that pitch I appreciate you if you enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button that subscribe button if you haven't already and if you like share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter we also have a ton of these on the channels so you can binge watch those if you want there is a lot of them and also let me know what other movies I should make these for and as usual check back soon for a new one buh bye [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 4,375,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sausage party, ending, seth rogen, frank, sausage, dirty, adult, swearing, sketch, movie, funny, rogan, jonah hill, james franco, paul rudd, animated, r-rated, adult jokes, pixar parody, animation, michael cera, sausage party end scene, bad, review, honest, everything wrong, entertainment, parody, pitch meeting, super easy barely an inconvenience
Id: cKM8WUD3F8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2018
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