Jim vs. Ryan - The Office

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-Welcome back. -Hey. How are you, man? Good to see you. -I'm good. How are you? -So... -Oh, I'm sorry. Are you sitting here now? Yeah. -Oh. -Um, unless you really, really want it back. -You know, man, it's really your call. -Cool. Thank you. Well... -Let me get that for you. -Got it? [ Sighs ] -Mm-hmm. -[ Sighs ] -This one taken? No? Good. -[ Sighs ] Yeah, Jim is a nice guy. That's why I got the desk. Jim has worked at the same place for five years. Jim eats the same ham-and-cheese sandwich every day for lunch I don't know, if I were a betting man, I'd say he will have a fun weekend in Philadelphia. -Hey, uh, where'd you decide to take Karen tonight? -Anna Maria's. -What's the occasion? -Six-month anniversary. What? -Nothing. I think, uh, we all kinda thought you guys were just like, hooking up. -No, we've been dating for six months. -Uh, she might mention an e-mail that I wrote a while back, um... -Oh, right. I remember that one. She read it to me. She said she's not really read to date somebody in the office but she really likes you as a friend. -I figured. It's cool. I don't -- I wouldn't want to be in an office relationship anyway. -So, place it on the infinity thing without being obvious, you know? -Yeah, definitely. -I'd love to do, like, a color version just to bring a little color to the logo. I like it a lot. It's clear and subtle at the same time. It's really good. You have a real talent for this stuff. Thanks. -I'd love to talk to you about it more. -That'd be great. -Do you want to go out to dinner tonight? -Oh...is it... -Wear something nice. -No... -What? -Um... -I just -- I just wanted to have dinner -I'm sorry. I'm, uh -- I'm -- I'm dating Jim. -You're kidding? -We're together. -That's...great. I -- That's awesome. -Yeah, great. -Um... So, let me um... -Yeah. -Let me look at these. -Okay, great. -Cool. -Great. -Hey man, you mind if I run something by you? -Love it. Go. -Well, I kinda feel like what we have going for us is our customer service, and no matter how we change this up, I don't know that a website' gonna be able to replace that. -I can tell you've thought about this a lot. I appreciate that. -Thanks. -David Wallace does, too. You told him all about this at the Christmas party, right? -I, uh... -You did. Yeah. -Hmm. Watch your back, Jim. I'm just kidding. [ Door opens ] Come here for a second. Can you answer me something, as a true Eagles fan? -Oh, boy. -How do you live with a franchise this bad? -On a wing and a prayer, mostly. -Alright, whatever you say Uh, listen, while I have you here with Toby, I need to give you a formal warning about your job performance -A formal warning? [ Chuckles -It's actually not a joke. I know how you spend your time here. I know how little you care about your job. And, honestly, if you spent as much time selling as you do goofing around with Dwight and hanging out at reception we wouldn't be having this conversation. -Uh, I'm sorry. Is -- Is this because I talked to Wallace about your website? Because I really didn't mean to go over your head. -This is nothing to do with that, alright? I always appreciate constructive criticism about my job performance. I thrive on it. -I'm sorry, then do you mind explaining it a little better? Because I'm not sure what's really -- -Whoa. Don't get all defensive, alright? It's just a warning. If you want the details, Toby can provide them. You take it easy, alright? -So, I just got the facts. Closing the sale, and, uh, it's big. It is really big. -Congratulations. -Thanks. -Don't interrupt. Congratulations on doing your job. Did you enter the sale on the website? -No, I didn't. I just logged it in and -- -Alright, try to be a team player, here, Jim. Log it in the website. -Alright, well, it already went through, so... -Don't worry about that. Just relog it. [ Dial tone ] -Hello? Hey, Ryan, it's Jim. Look, man, I don't know what's gotten into you lately, but, you know what, I really don't care, because you're trying to get rid of me. And I bet you think I don't care enough about this job to actually fight back, but you're wrong, because I do and I will. So you can keep trying to push me out of this place but guess what, I'm not going anywhere. [ Sighs ] -It's the temp. Look. -Oh, my gosh. -It's the temp. -Wow. Is that the police? -Yes. -Hmm. -Would you do me a favor and connect me to Ryan? -Absolutely. [ Phone buttons clicking ] -[ Clears throat ] Right to voicemail. Hey, Ryan, it's Jim. You know what? Totally disregard that last voicemail, because you obviously have your hands tied. Good luck. [ Receiver clicks ] -I'm keeping a list of everyone who wrongs me, so when I'm back on top, they'll be sorry. Kevin just made the list. Jim... I wanted to apologize for how I treated you last year. I lost sight of myself. And now that I've quit the rat race, I realize there is so much more to life than being the youngest V.P. in the company's history. I've even started, um, volunteering... giving back to the community -Ah, that's great. You're talking about your court-ordered community service? -I don't need a judge to tell me to keep my community clean -But he did, right? -Alright. -Alright. -Hey, Ryan, how's it going -Here's the thing -- um, I've tried it like five different ways in my head, and -- oh, got one. Um, I'm such a perfectionist.. -Mm-hmm. -...that I'd kind of rather not do it at all than do a crappy version. -Simple data entry, though So there's really only one way to do it. -Sounds like you have a really specific vision for it. Do you want to maybe just take a whack at it? -You know what? -What? -I think I know the problem. -Great. -I think you seem distracted -Yep. That is the problem. -And you know what? I came up with something I think is really gonna help -I'm glad you're finally being proactive, Jim. -I am, too. Let me show you. I think this is really gonna help. If you could just hold up here one second. Hey, guys, just a quick announcement, if I could have everyone's attention. I just figured you needed a place where you could concentrate and not be bothered by bothering people. -Okay. -Let me show you what I mean Your new office. How great is that, right? For a job well done. Well, not done. -I will, uh -- I will do my work right now. I will stay late tonight. -Right. -Um, I'm very sorry about everything. -[ Chuckles ] You're a good kid. You know what? It gets bigger once you're in there. Enjoy it. -Is there Internet? [ Telephone rings in distance
Channel: The Office
Views: 2,647,321
Rating: 4.9526987 out of 5
Keywords: bj novak ryan, ryan the office, jim vs ryan, john krasinski, rainn wilson, did i stutter, no god no, best office moments, theme song, funniest office, office jim, office dwight, office michael, office clips, watch office, Entertainment, TV Series, Celebrities, Comedy, Funny, Hilarious, Comedian, the office, office nbc, full episodes, bloopers, cpr, funniest moments, pranks, theme, fire drill, parkour, best moments, scranton, dunder mifflin, steve carell, jenna fischer, jim pam
Id: orY8EUHrUeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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