Eight Times Dwight Got Revenge on Jim - The Office (Mashup)

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-I'm sorry, Mr. Decker, I think -- I think I'm lo-- I think I'm losing you. Hello? Hello? Yeah. Hold on one sec-- I don't know. Hold on one second. Do you really have to do that right now? -Yes. I do. I should've done this weeks ago, actually. -Mr. Decker. I'm sorry about that. What were you-- Can you hold on one second? Yeah, just one second. [ Shredder powers down ] Hello? That's it. Perfect. So, what I was saying -- Hello? -Thanks, Dwight. -Whoa! And he just goes, "Boom!" Goal! -That's Pele. -You know your soccer, man. -I prefer Maradona. Uh...Diego Maradona. -Oh yeah? -From Argentina. -I didn't know we had so many soccer fans in the office. -I mean, to be fair, I was the first one to talk about it, but... -What about you, Jim? You a fan of the game? -Oh, no. Nope. Not really. -It's not for everybody, I suppose. -[ Laughs] -It's 'cause I'm more of a player. -Yeah? -You bet. -Really, Jim? I had no idea you played soccer, 'cause you never, ever talk about it. -Well, I do. -Wow. -I play. -You can be so modest sometimes. -Well, maybe you should get back to work. -Maybe you and Charles should kick the soccer ball around. -Maybe we will someday. -Maybe you will tonight after work. What do you say? -That's a great idea, Dwight. -Great ideas are just part of what I bring to the table. I don't try and be anything that I'm not. -What do you say, Jim? Huh? Want to play some soccer? -Jim, what do you say? -I'm in it to win. -Game on! -Okay. See you on the field, there, bro. -See you. -I can't wait! -Get him, Jim! Come on, tough D, Jim. -Oh, my God! Oh, wow. -Jim, what the...? -Phyllis, are you okay? Are you okay? -No. I swallowed a crown. -Why'd you duck, Jim? -What? -Yeah, Jim. Why would an experienced soccer player like yourself duck at the very last moment? -Okay, I'm just gonna go get some ice. -Does that make you feel better? Huh? -I'm sorry, Phyllis. -Oh, yeah. Jim's sorry. -Hey, Jimmy, what's up? -Not much. -Cool. Very cool. I bet if you tried, you could grow the best beard of anyone in this office. -[ Laughs ] Thanks, Dwight. -That laugh is so infectious. -You're creeping me out. I'm gonna go. -I didn't mean any of those things I just said -- and you can expect the same from everyone in this office if you don't nip this whole Employee of the Month situation in the bud. Make it about the work. -Let me guess, you think you should get it. -This encompasses all available data -- hours, tardiness, unconfirmed sick days, participation. Everyone has been assigned a random number for total fairness and transparency. -I'm gonna run this by Toby and Accounting, and have them assemble the data. -That's okay. I'll do it. -And the winner is... employee number nine. And that is? -Number nine. Number nine... Jim Halpert. -What? -Huh? -What? -Are you kidding me? -Oh, no! -Okay, wait, I was not... I did not... -I...I...I did not... That was not...How come not? -Guys, listen. This was anonymous, alright? There is no way I could've given it to myself, because I didn't even know who was on here. I just gave it to the employee with the highest overall score. -To my tally, you just won back your own parking spot, a vacation day, and a nice tidy quarter of $1,000 from all of us. [ Indistinct shouting ] -[Whispering] Hey. -It's a miracle. She loves him. -I don't know about "love." -She loves me. -Outside, my car, two minutes. -Well, something's come up. I have to go. -No, no, no, no, no. She'll wake up. -I have something to do. -I know what you have to do. Please stay with Cece. -I will require beer and pizza to think this over. -Absolutely. -From Jim. -I don't think that's gonna -- -Do it. -What kind of pizza would you like? -Surprise me. No. Pepperoni. -Insert it in my mouth. -That's not gonna make your pizza-eating experience any better. Trust me. -Oh, try me. -Jim, just don't think of it as degrading. Think of it as you happen to be moving the pizza 6 inches his way, and he happens to be biting it. -I'd prefer for him to think of it as degrading. Crust first. Okay. Now, the beer. Beer me, Jim. -Gentle. -That's perfect. -If we can get him to drive to Connecticut, and put peroxide in his hair... -What the hell is this? What are you, trying to cop a feel or something, Halpert? -Dude, no. -Hey! Hey! -Listen. Whoa. -Come on. -God, I don't even -- I don't even know how to explain this. Um, uh, Dwight, asked me to be in an alliance. And then, um...um...we were... we've just been messing with him, uh, because of the whole alliance thing. -It's just office pranks. -It's stupid. It's just office pranks. -An alliance? What the hell is he talking about? -I have absolutely no idea. -Come on. -Do I feel bad about betraying Jim? Not at all. That's the game -- convince him we're in an alliance, get some information, throw him to the wolves. That's politics, baby -- get what you can out of someone, then crush them. I think Jim might have learned a very valuable lesson. -Hey, Dwight. [ Everybody "oh"s, laughs ] -Damn it, Jim, you cannot throw snowballs in here! -Well, it's not a snowball, 'cause it's only a dusting, right? -You apologize to me right now. -You've have something on your nose. -You apologize right now. -No. -Very well. Then, I challenge you to a snowball fight on the first real snow of winter. -You got it. [ Phone dialing ] [ Phone ringing ] <i> -You've reached the voicemail of Dwight Kurt Schrute. Please leave --</i> [ Phone beeps ] -[ Shouts ] [ Continues shouting ] -Stop! Stop! -[ Grunts ] I have no feeling in my fingers or penis, but I think it was worth it. [ Yells ] -Um, I was laying on the ground, defenseless, and, uh, he just kept throwing them until he exhausted himself. And, uh... [ Cellphone chimes ] "How about icing it? lol. Dwight." -What's going on? -Nothing. Nothing is going on. Oh, the wires need insulation. It's a wire people. I'm not buying it a fur coat. "Statistical correlations exist between EMF radiation and various health hazards, But mainstream studies are inconclusive." -You better fix this. I already ditched my uterus, and I ain't losing any more good parts. -You people don't realize what you're asking. I'd have to rip open the walls. We'd have to shut this place down for a week. -Week off. That'd be great. -Ah. There's my popcorn. Can you just grab that for me? -Keep your snacks on your side, Jim. Idiot. What the...? -What? Some of these kernels have crowned. -That's impossible, 'cause that's a brand-new bag... Oh, my God. -Andy! -Ladies and gentlemen, I have heard your complaints, and we reached a settlement. -So, we will be leaving the office for one whole week. -Nice job. -In my contract, it is stipulated that I provide a temporary work space. It will arrive in one hour. -What? -What's this? -Bring it in. Roll into the future with Work Bus. If you've got a parking lot, a work space is just a phone call away. In this age of belt-tightening and less-empowered workers, a work bus is how tomorrow gets things done. -I need to get to the paper, please. -Oh, God! Oh! Oh, my God! -I'll get you a napkin. Can someone get napkins, please? -You know what? It's fine. It's fine. Let me just... It's fine. -Pam, I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry about... all that. Really? Smirking? -What can I say? I love justice. You forced me to spend money on needless repairs, and, uh, now, you're locked in a prison bus, and your woman drips with beverage. -Alright. I'm gonna speak in a language you both understand -- mo-nay. -What was it? -What is it? -It's money. You both have sizable Christmas bonuses coming your way. If I catch either of you messing with the other, I will give both bonuses to the other person. -Can't do that. -No. Absolutely not. -You need consequences, okay? I want you both walking on eggshells. -Uh, yeah. I just got my replacement credit card. You want the number? Oh, it's, uh, 479300323313. The security code is 927. Okay, great. Thank you very much. Bye. -So, Dwight did take the bait. He used my credit-card numbers to send a $200 bouquet of flowers... to my wife... from me. -[ Laughs ]
Channel: The Office
Views: 5,211,211
Rating: 4.9295621 out of 5
Keywords: theme song, finale, jim, no god please no, funniest moments, best moments, trailer, pranks, jim pranks, steve carell, bloopers, rainn wilson, american office, the american office, dwight, michael, parkour, full episodes, best pranks, deleted scenes, the office pranks, Entertainment, TV Series, Celebrities, Comedy, Funny, Hilarious, Comedian, the office, office, nbc, cpr, theme, fire drill, scranton, dunder mifflin
Id: q7QK4c7w8b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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