The Best of Stanley Hudson - The Office (Digital Exclusive)

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it might be easy if you take a deep breath lift from the knees and shove it up your butt I came up with a new thing this summer I act like I'm telling someone how to do something I go on with a long description and then I say and shove it up your butt it's stupid but it's my thing now I drink like a hundred iced macchiatos a day and practically nothing else there's a really cool coffee place jitters at the Steamtown mall if you've been there no you've never been to jitters Brian you are so dorky give me your number second taxi come on let me notice that little girl is a child I don't want to see you sniffing around her anymore this afternoon do you understand yes boy have you lost your mind cause I'll help you find it what you're looking for nobody gonna help you out there Jesus can come through that door he's not gonna help you if you don't stop sniffing after my child okay Stanley yelled at me today that was one of the most frightening experiences of my life so how are we going to energize our office I mean I haven't done anything since Christmas Pam clearly has just given up trying so what we need to do is we need to get things going we need to get percolating a little bit anybody have any ideas what we could do any suggestions yes Andy what if we changed her outgoing answering machine message so it just had a little more zing and a little more pepper thinking pep see that's those are the kind of words we're looking for yes Jim what about if we did an even newer voicemail message that had even more zing and pepper now we're cooking I like this maybe a whole theme like a wrap a wrap I'm urban the thing an urban yeah Stanley you want to help us out with that Stanley earth to Stanley none me yes yeah come on Stanley put your little game down and and join the group no Stanley we're doing we're alone down having a brainstorm session did I stutter good this is good I'm going to grab a glass of water Stanley you do puzzles all day what do we got well you take the first letter from each name a sign of the number add them all up and shove it up your butt thank you I'll wake up every morning in the bed that's too small driving my daughter to a school that's too expensive and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little but on pretzel day well I like pretzel day gives me acting all tough and everything what they were asking about was cupcakes The Chronicles of Narnia uh-huh who invented cupcakes right hey hey fellas what are you doing I'm just saying hi to Bob no I think you're cutting in line those little bills got no money shuttle down no way Oh get in the back please what a pair of Mary's this is pretzel day what Scots taught has a really [ __ ] in years local businessman Blanche is college tuition to third graders yes I have a dream and it's not some MLK dream for equality I want to own a decommissioned lighthouse and I want to live at the top and nobody knows I live there and there's a button that I can press and launch that lighthouse into space Oh Oh what is this him a meatball really it's always more fun to mess with the white with an audience that was usually Pam so now that she's out I had to find someone else turns out that Stanley is quite the comedy van but not everything makes him laugh he has very specific tastes through a painstaking process of trial and error I found out what he likes and it's really weird Jim come on so juvenile what up you been meatball are you ready for some meatball this is not very clever Jim really Jim really very funny okay what's a hole 32 meatballs good day that idiots been feeding us for a week we'll never have to buy meatballs again ok well come on let's have an auction let's do this will auction off people like in the olden days hey do you mind if I take the lead on this one and then you can critique me after you won't believe yeah if you don't mind mine nothing would delight me more Stanley Hudson Julius how's it going great great it's so good to see you too I'd like you fellows to meet Ryan Howard hi I'm willing to let Ryan do a little pitch for you while I do my crossword puzzle Ryan hi hi hi Oh Ryan hi what do you have for us what I know how to save the company everyone just write a petition get everyone signature including our clients March down the Florida and shove it up your butt hey Jim Stanley's back from the hospital today can you sign us go great glad they didn't mix up your tonsillectomy with a moustache activate oh that's not good no because your jokes are all hilarious it's nice it's funny it mentions his tonsillectomy and makes a funny little joke about his moustache Stanley doesn't have a moustache yeah he does Pam hit the brakes Stanley does not have a moustache I misspoke I not sure I think he has one now that I think it has a moustache okay Phyllis sits across from him every day Phyllis does he have a mustache or not oh I don't know now I think he doesn't Phyllis what are you talking the whole car depends on this okay the man has worked here for 25 years how can none of us picture his face because we come here to do our jobs we don't stick our noses in other people's business okay which one of these looks more right neither of those looks like any person that has ever existed or been dreamt of in the history of human insanity that said the one on the left guys that's the elevator what if it's him okay quick who says moustache yep who says no moustache welcome back Stanley it's like I used to tell my wife I do not apologize unless I think I'm wrong and if you don't like it you can leave and I say the same thing to my current wife and I'll say it to my next one too Stanley one way or another you are gonna come with me to make this sale buzz hey can you just let me out of here before whatever comes next don't worry it's just a bull tranquilizer nothing to be alarmed about it's just a man pointing a bull tranquilizer at a co-worker Dwight you do not learn do you for threat to be credible yeah oh no you didn't that's all right Andy approved it I took an extra shot of insulin in preparation for this cake today if I don't have some cake soon I might die why don't you just have an apple why don't you manage your business what about this one it's kind of bad I was right just seems kind of crazy in a way I might need right now I don't know oh that's not Oh Stanley just drank OJ out of my mug and didn't seem to realize that it wasn't his hot coffee so the question has to be asked is there no limit to what he won't notice what's a seven-letter word from curse actual No starts with an H handbag hmm thank you all right everybody take a seat as you may have heard our branch on the planet Jupiter is up eight thousand percent in sales look like a slope it is five o'clock see you all tomorrow hi Stanley love you so long Stanley right everybody [Music]
Channel: The Office
Views: 5,747,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theme song, finale, jim, no god please no, funniest moments, best moments, trailer, jim pranks, steve carell, bloopers, rainn wilson, american office, the american office, dwight, michael, full episodes, best pranks, best of stanley, stanley hudson, the office stanley, Entertainment, TV Series, Celebrities, Comedy, Funny, Hilarious, Comedian, the office, office, nbc, cpr, pranks, theme, fire drill, parkour, scranton, dunder mifflin
Id: UUD_zudIDb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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