Michael Scott's Love of Food - The Office US

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dunder-mifflin this is Pam Michael what's wrong okay wait wait wait wait Michael do you need me to call an ambulance okay wait I thought you said that you were hurt hey whoa Michael okay Jim just say again really loudly what happened [Music] you burned your foot on a Forman grill I enjoy having breakfast in bed I like waking up to the smell of bacon sue me and since I don't have a butler I have to do it myself so most nights before I go to bed I will lay six strips of bacon out on my George Foreman grill then I go to sleep when I wake up I plug in the grill I go back to sleep again then I wake up to the smell of crackling bacon it is delicious it's good for me it's a perfect way to start the day today I got up I stepped onto the grill and I clamped down on my foot that's it I don't see what's so hard to believe about that shoe from the chocolate powder it just went down my throat I'm stopping now why you're calling me no no no no no no I'm calling okay calling because I'm an early bird and I'm a night owl so I'm wise and I have worms oh I got your sausage egg and cheese biscuit yummy yummy Thank You Bryan what was the thing you needed me to come in early for um the sausage egg and cheese biscuit but thank you and why don't you just take a couple hours offices yours home alone risky business take your pants off run around already other dude I'm just gonna take a nap in my car till work starts okay healthier dunder-mifflin this is Aaron he's not available right now uh-huh yes sure I'll give him the message when he gets up gets back Michael I had chicken pot pie for lunch actually let me rephrase that Michael had an entire chicken pot pie for lunch it let me be more specific Michael ate an entire family sized chicken pot pie for lunch and then he promptly fell asleep so we're all trying to be very quiet so as to not wake him up before 5:00 p.m. which actually should be in about ten minutes okay are you sure you can just watch what do you need from me normally I don't condone leaving early but I have an appointment with the horse doctor how that horse became the doctor I don't know no I'm kidding he's just a regular doctor who shoots your horse in the head when its leg is broken like clockwork oh wow okay all right let's all go home come on see you all Damali my god once a year they bring in a little cart and they give away free pretzels it's really not a big deal to some people it is productivity is important but how can I be productive if I have this one little thing in my brain that I cannot get out and that one little thing is a soft pretzel so I'm just gonna have my soft pretzel I got to work and I'm to be super productive look out for me oh hi please tell me you have a sweet pretzel left we do and we have 18 different toppings we have sweet glazed cinnamon sugar chocolate white chocolate fudge M&Ms caramel dipped mint chip chocolate chip marshmallows nuts toffee nuts coconut peanut butter drizzle Oreo sprinkles cotton candy bits in powdered sugar is there any way you could do all the works you got it oh right thank you Wow it's a little early for ice cream oh okay it's never too early for ice cream Jim well we didn't have any ice cream so this is mayonnaise and black olives oh it's a comfort food all right god this old Donna thing is gonna be okay you just stop beating yourself up I know well I hope you're right we'll see what Dwight says why do we have to see what Dwight says because I have him investigating her I'm waiting for a text Michael no no no no no undo that undo that that's too late do you undo it I need to know otherwise this thing is gonna spiral out of a monk Michael okay I'm I'm going to talk straight to you because I think you need to hear it oh this is gross stop eating it do you want to be happy look at you you have a major self-destructive streak in you hmm and you you kind of Torpedo every romantic relationship you're in that's not and I've known some wonderful women Holly Carroll Jan alene Pauline my mother oh my mother Helene oh yeah yes yes yes all of all of the greatest loves of my life you should stop this excited mm-hmm everybody freaking out mmm cool gonna be fun you're late thank you but I forgive you because Dossett is my birthday what's up hey oh happy birthday ah thank you sir Michael's birthday it's pretty fun to watch actually he gets very excited and then he eats a lot of cake and then he runs around the office then he has a sugar crash in the afternoon and then he falls asleep and that's when we get our work done somebody brought in Donuts for my birthday happy birthday Thanks ha ha who brought in Donuts somebody got doughnuts from her birthday happy birthday you didn't know it was my birthday I guess I forgot well I guess I forgot to give you a dollar hmm [Music] stop it top what is that it's for the longest time by William Joel yeah favorite song yeah when I saw the radio my birthday blows nobody miss on my birthday poster apparently my mother is the only one who cares enough to send me anything I probably care more than she does you're making it worse I bet Luke Perry's friends don't treat him like this okay Wendy hot and juicy redhead I'll give this a try Wendy hello Wendy this is Kevin's friend Michael this isn't Wendy oh I'm sorry could you put her on please dude this is a Wendy's restaurant okay um could I just have a frosty and a baked potato please I'll send somebody to pick it up just have it ready it's ready now well put it aside [Music]
Channel: The Office
Views: 3,460,138
Rating: 4.9367585 out of 5
Keywords: the office, the office full episodes, rainn wilson, john krasinski, steve carell, michael scott, the office fire drill, jim and dwight pranks, dwight schrute, jim halpert, jenna fischer, the office thug life, the office funniest moments, the office bloopers season 1, the office cpr, the office parkour, Best The Office Moments, the office season 9, the office bloopers, the office us olympics, michael scott ordering food, michael scott brain food, michael scott comfort food
Id: 9IDvInOaSgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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