Jeep Wrangler Snow Stuck & Out Of Fuel

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so we got a call for a jeep wrangler that is stuck in the sand dunes clear out on the back side so we're going to head out through sky ranch and see if we can find them and get them pulled back to safety yeah it's a little cloudy and a light sprinkle a little bit breezy uh not too cold and we'll get them out [Music] [Music] i see some old style cheap tires like korean era tire tracks how's it going [Music] let's go backwards with it [Music] [Music] uh okay give it a little bit of gas and see if you can get those turned to the right okay stop right just there it a little bit of gas when you hear me going not much [Music] okay what uh which way are you heading out of here um oh we're going out right now so can i follow you guys though yeah we're going back to yeah we'll go down let's just go down through the tunnels [Music] thank you okay you can just follow us out then all right okay rudy you want to lead out sure uh i better not okay i'll lead [Music] don't be embarrassed this is uh this is a uh the sand is not the joke there's a hill there's full [Music] [Music] [Music] hey lizzy out of my seat so they've been doing some construction around sound hollow putting a new freeway in around it and uh for quite some time they've had areas blocked off and they've put a new tunnel in underneath the road and so this is the first time we actually get to go in it it's exciting it looks quite a bit taller too so maybe we'll be able to fit the the side by sides and stuff in on the trailer [Music] well that was that well we uh pulled it out took two pulls and then we were turning around and he got stuck again so then malayan drove that and i thought i was gonna be driving that but then he just took off i was like well i guess i'm driving the banana so then i got back in here and drove it out not too bad yeah matt had a driver quite a ways for him they didn't know how to drive in the tan and uh older jeep and uh from california and we got them out thanks for watching so we got a call for a jeep that's stuck in the snow up around navajo lake they said they're in about four miles but they might be able to make it back if they can hop a couple of snow drifts but they're pretty sure they're not gonna make it up the hill so we're heading out there with a snow cap to see if we can get them rudy with the weather says it's 51 degrees outside right now i'm assuming it's going to get a lot colder because we're going to get into some snow hence the snow cat i'm terrible at the weather i'm not ed or lizzy i'm going to guess it's probably going to be like 18 degrees because we're going up a ton in elevation and i'm assuming there's going to be a couple feet of snow up there so it's going to be freezing hopefully it goes better than the last navajo lake rescue attempt that was brutal if you haven't seen that video wait till this one's over and then go watch us do the the worst possible thing in the world [Music] so we're here in cedar city and we're going to be meeting trevor up here at the mouth of the canyon when we turn on to the highway 14 and he's going to come and probably swing a camera for us and see if we do any better this time than last time [Music] here we are at the pull out to meet trevor and it's windy out there hey look there's trevor i can't see oh sorry did you see me fighting that door sorry yeah that door had you beaten there for a minute that was a pretty brutal headwind coming up and it took my hat off so we're going up these people are caught in the snow and they have a baby with them and he's very hungry so we stopped and brought them got it some milk and some squeezed baby food hopefully it will appease its appetite should we keep going no turns out the answer is no i'm gonna turn around and i'm gonna back up to that snow drift i would we should get the snowcat started you know i'm gonna start it right [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay let's get situated here we're gonna have some work worm on in here give me that pack okay oh gracefully apparently who's going in next now trevor's going to show us how how to do it oh wow trevor family it's stuck man it's trevor you got snow everywhere you should have learned from bryn how to get in here here we go i'm trying a different technique sooner or later well i stepped in the snowbank over there and was my leg went all the way in straight super exciting how many miles did they say they were four we're going four miles an hour they don't look stuck tires are super low oh you're doing great trevor much better than knife all right you guys doing okay here's your food for your baby thank you you're welcome he passed out now but he'll like it when he wakes up you guys bring fuel do i don't think do we have extra fuel no no how much fuel do you have i've burned up a lot of it to get to here so you came in from the other side then yeah we came in from down there by zion and it was too icy to get up a hill so we tried to go up to get up to here and then they don't plow it so then we got in a ditch like twice and uh got out and then the snow got harder and harder and so we were able to get out a little bit more at least three feet of snow yeah i'm trying to think what side we want that hooked up to okay i'm gonna want you in there okay rudy um [Music] rudy let's get you headed down there to dun creek to get fuel and air in those tires okay you just head there we're going to follow you with the infant trailer right in case you get in trouble yeah that rope is awesome you should get it you gotta wait to get a yellow one that's nice yeah definitely is that why it sounds like that yeah that's a good good spot right so here we are probably about a mile from where we need to be and we're out of gas couldn't make it up the hill like we ran out after that parking lot though so it just died it stopped immediately okay okay let's head up and move out all right take care thank you so we got up there and they'd actually made their way our direction probably about two miles from where they called us they weren't getting the rest of the way through yeah thanks for coming guys it's uh let's see it's 10 o'clock at night and we've still got another hour before we're home suckers not trevor though because he lives here thanks trevor hi trevor [Music]
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 501,990
Rating: 4.9671249 out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, banana, how to recover, vehicle rescue, sandstorm, most difficult rescue, matts off road recovery, off road recovery, off road fails, off road rescue, rock crawling, car stuck in snow, jeep fails, snow cat rescue, jeep wrangler, jeep wrangler fails
Id: Z4FEkWWr2Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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