Car Thief Destroys GMC Sierra, Extremely Difficult Rescue!

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come on come on come on oh thank goodness we got a call for a stolen vehicle that's been i mean it's not really been abandoned on the honeymoon trail but kind of like i guess the guy took off running on foot after he got stuck up there he said four flat tires um and they can't guarantee us any keys does that mean their cops are looking for the keys out in the desert that's what i'm thinking we should have brought like a metal detector though we brought in around the rocks yeah and that'll find it yeah so the thing about these police generated calls like this like it's really uh expedient that we be as quick as possible to get there make sure the process goes as quickly and as smoothly as possible so we just got off the phone with curtis from the blm and it sounds like we're gonna be the first ones that get there from the top side they're all down on the bottom side anyway i guess we'll see how it is when we get there i'm guessing it's gonna be lonely not many places to turn around nope we gotta get it across this category [Music] where'd the road go this is it yeah they high centered it right there [Music] we've picked one up here before haven't we oh wow hungry donuts oh that better be the keys i'm hoping it's the keys oh there's lots of keys see that all right yeah that tire's off the ground isn't it a lot of stuff in this truck [Music] i'm betting not [Music] so what do you think of that truck head that kind of ruined the tires huh all of them that's something else and then they run when you steer it will get it out it looks like those keys in the center console lock picking keys nice [Music] under here with a magnet box i don't think we're going to find the keys what do you think probably not it's pretty high centered [Applause] yeah it's definitely not going to roll i have a flat tire yup go pop this thing in neutral we're doing it like a common criminal let's get the jeep hooked up to this rudy this made it past that sketchy spot so we got lucky probably had multiple flat tires at that point this guy's been driving on this for a long time jump in that and keep the steering wheel [Music] three inches but then we move back an inch yes there was progress okay we're going to do the same thing on this side and see if we can get anything all right how do you feel does it feel pretty hung up like yeah that moved pretty good [Music] yeah i've seen the rock okay so yeah that's a big old heavy run rudy just stay out of the truck like stay right here kind of watch what the truck's doing let's see if there's something we can do differently us [Music] [Music] so my my plan is to try to get this truck off this rock and we're going to use gravity if the truck ends up down here that's better than where it is right now right now it's sitting on a rock the size of a hippopotamus okay and then just put it in the neutral on the brakes beautiful okay so we need to get this truck on this road and the question is how one way to get it on the road is to drop her back in the round and drive up here [Music] don't let me die get in there i'm unhooking it that's a long ways down [Music] oh yeah i wasn't it wasn't that bad i was all worked up over nothing okay so don't do not turn off the main road ever the ru it's a main road but it literally you drive down the wash for like a hundred yards well just wherever you stop make sure you're in the most service you can find [Music] where i am right now then don't move okay let's go stop he's going off the edge holy crap it is whoa you should have flashed your lights before then i was trying to every time i was going through the lights the wheel would drink me closer if yeah okay rudy i'm gonna get them on the rear right here and yeah you get them on the front right here i like like i would reach forward i'd be gripping the handle and also jerk me so i'm like ah trying to reach the flying switch it was bad okay see what happens here [Music] well i gotta get a better position [Music] okay rudy back up a little bit um drive drive uh get over about 10 feet and i'm just gonna put pressure on it i'm not gonna try to hit it so you hit gently [Music] so so this cattle guard is pretty narrow how are we going to clear that tiny little cattle guard without taking the fence out i think that fence comes down anyway [Music] so uh now we're going to start hitting the higher speeds of 40 maybe 50 miles an hour we'll keep it under 55 yeah [Music] how's your power steering working great so we're through the worst of it we're gonna pull it out here to the main road um john sent me his pin he went way down into arizona so he's turning around and coming back that's the tire oh it's look at that rim [Music] it's broken it didn't deserve that so you're going to pick up tires okay rudy's gonna go grab the tires we're gonna find job well here it is we came back for it because we really enjoy coming out here and it's really a shame when we find trash and stuff so we encourage you to pick up after yourself and we'll do the same for ourselves spare tire for the jeep later yeah it'll be fun okay well on your mark get set go he's taking the leak break it down for a set well we made it back to town alive that was quite a job guys drove off the tidal road all four tires flattened man got it out thanks for watching everybody
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 500,900
Rating: 4.9646087 out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, banana, how to recover, vehicle rescue, sandstorm, most difficult rescue, matts off road recovery, off road recovery, off road fails, off road rescue, jeep recovery, off road towing, stolen vehicle, stolen vehicle recovery, honeymoon trail, jeep fails
Id: EhxeUGQwqrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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