Could I Have Botched This Any Worse?

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[Music] that's a heck of a mess so we've got a razor up here near the top of the world at sand hollow state park and from what i understand it's all busted up so we're gonna go scoop it up got randy with us hello couldn't get anybody else to come with us everybody was tied up and busy ed's at work and tim had other things going on but we're gonna go get it one of the first jobs we did this summer with the trailer we got a little hot coming up here and we stopped and checked it and the relay hadn't kicked on so we just stopped to check to make sure that that wasn't the case again and it wasn't it's just hot out there how old is it oh it says it's only 97 degrees in hurricane [Music] went up to the top of the world we looked around randy ran over there to look up the back side now we're gonna go down below the restrooms and see if it's down there [Music] so we just called the customer because we're having trouble finding it and they actually have a pin they're sending us so now we're gonna have a pin this time of day when the sun's directly over you it's really really hard to see the contour of the dunes and like where they stop and start that's how people get in trouble [Music] i bet you they came off there they came up the hill right there became airborne that's a good 60 feet [Music] i just realized what i did best solution here the weakness of having a battery on here is it's always weight and it's probably dead the weakness of using a jump box is this right here i even bought a brand new jump box for this and i thought about it too and then forgot it do you have any jumper cables this is even more ridiculous because the controller doesn't work i just remembered hey they called these professionals out here and we caught them dismantling their own jeep to get the job done so yes i have not fixed this that i have completely overlooked all kinds of maintenance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we did it jump in here [Music] so what do you got going on here flat tire i don't know if it's the control arm thingy in back but it's been too so is this yours ah no it's a rental oh my god am i gonna be on youtube i followed the yellow jeep on youtube i was like pull some great recovers [Music] [Music] so you should just be able to just creep it down there once you get down there you can walk down there or whatever appreciate that so like i said you just drive down through the panel and then you catch a ride with somebody or something okay there you go [Music] [Music] hold it what does this cost to fix this one probably gonna be around nine grand maybe nine grand holy just one of these fenders like 500 bucks how much 500. for this front fender so within an hour or two of us recovering this razor they tossed another one by the time we got the information it was dark and we advised them that it would be better to get it first thing in the morning so that's what we're doing right now we're heading out to get another identical razor get it back to the shop as soon as we're done with this job i'm gonna be heading out to paul's he runs a channel called fab rats and he's gonna be helping me with some upgrades on my jeep so that'll be coming up soon [Music] you ready to run lady huh [Music] i'm pretty sure [Music] we're gonna see what else [Music] they're making worse or better that's debatable [Music] we're in a bowl here and i can't get everybody on even ground then we could if we want to drag it up that way and then put the trailer right here i know we could so worth it how much maneuvering am i gonna do here i can drag it all the way back just like this we don't even need the trailer [Music] let's drag this thing i'm gonna drag it somewhere level it'll follow [Music] [Music] this is proving to be a little bit of a problem i need the trailer and the razor to be somewhat level and we're just in this bowl where everything's steeper than the camera shows try getting this downhill i've just got an awesome powers turn here if i can now the trick is to get in position lined up to it it's gonna be a little bit of a trick because i may have to back off that dune to do [Music] it [Music] going the wrong way [Applause] sometimes it's easier just to wrestle them on crooked than it is to get the trailer straight i'm too close for the ramps i can't get further away i'm crossed up so i can't drive out and guess what we're gonna make it work anyway [Music] i feel like i just finished medical school not because it was a great accomplishment but because it took seven years because the front needs to slip uphill and the back needs to slip uphill that's why it's not working now that ain't working time to build a trailer that works that's a heck of a mess i need to get one of those ramps out to use it as a pry bar preferably this one not even funny you want me to make the winch go no back out [Music] so gonna fix it [Music] so it's downhill and slope that way but i can only make right turns in here which always turns it that way and i don't think i can get out of here dragging it like i'm dragging it there's too much risk of it falling off or tearing that ramp sometimes people say you're good that's what they say sometimes okay i've got two choices here i can either try to rip out of here and get on flat ground or i can try to get in position the problem with getting in position is i can't make sharp turns because i'm swinging that tail out and the problem with making wide turns is i'm out here in the sand and i just keep ending up in the same position if i could get straight on i could blast out of here [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay back together just for a minute it's about fall off the other way do you know what's awesome about this we now have the exact same problem but the other direction i'm gonna flop right off there [Music] how did this ramp you fare just put a little pressure right here see this broken wheels broken i believe that's the first time we've done that in several jobs i can tell you what i would have done if i was smart i would have unhooked the trailer over there i'd hook up to this and drag it over there and then wrestled it on my own terms but instead i decided to fight it where it wanted [Music] and it was uh definitely of the battle [Music] see how quickly plants change definitely not my finest work i'm gonna have to say though that was in a terrible spot not an easy uh easy access to that machine but we got it we finally wrestled it we stayed with it metaphor for life fight struggle and claw then you die wow that was a tough one i mean i made some decisions that made it tougher but that'll happen but we got it and it's another great day if you'd like to see a job that didn't go quite this bad click right here thanks for watching
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 706,795
Rating: 4.950109 out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, We got stuck, RZR, we got a call, sand trap, sand dunes, sand hollow, botched job, sand bowl, worse recovery
Id: cOPOfL5Jtlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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