Jeep Stuck On 1,000 FT Cliff...Fault Line Trail

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so we got a call for a jeep wrangler that is stuck out here to the hurricane sand dunes actually they're on one of the trails like the west rim trail so we're gonna head out there and see if we can get them out they said they're in a precarious position that's literally what they said yeah it's clear day no win that time appreciate everybody watching okay bump it just a little bit not much just a little stay on it take a stock xj you don't have much more than anything else out there for off-road capability put a three inch lift on some 30 ones and and get rid of both your sway bars and now you've got something that will out wheel almost everything out there were you you didn't rework jamie's jeep at all maybe no no i just put the right nut behind the wheel that's how her jeep gets around it would have been faster to go that way but we're on a wheeling trip and i really want to try climbing the monster step in there i don't think we can do it but i want to try it jamie's going to climb this no there's no way jamie's going to climb it oh oh my gosh they look slick [Music] even ladies get scared sometimes [Music] there you go nice to be a bad place to lose your brakes and stick your throttle yeah that's what it's only a thousand foot or two you'd have a long time to say so far so good yeah do you have a parachute on this wouldn't deploy oh wow what the heck happened here oh yeah i was wondering i'm like why isn't she calling i know i haven't called you in a while and you guys are stuck it's not us you know i've taken this a bunch of times but i thought i would be cool and come along the edge and um take the higher part and i tried to get my rear on these rocks but i didn't get it on there and so even with the lockers i couldn't get up so i went to back up to try and come at it again at a at this angle but it in the sand the whole thing just slide okay rudy okay let's let me walk you through this really quick let's get you in here and get you to inch forward and get those wheels straight i'm just but but i'm gonna be anchored to you when you do that so i'm just going to get straight up there and then we'll do i think if you get the wheels turned passenger and back up you could might be able to do it yourself but with a little bit of help you'll be able to do it rudy you're the one going in this so uh so if you if you if you disapprove of what i'm doing speak up so i'm pretty excited to be using my yellow rope again this is a crazy job so there's a link to this rope in the description where you can go and get your own mats recovery rope okay rudy i'm going to stretch this out that look like it got it good okay so when you see my brake lights give me a couple seconds to get it in gear then i want you to put it in drive crank the wheels to the right and pull forward a few inches and i'll just kind of be your safety net all right sounds good gas pedal's the one on the right the brakes on the left [Music] [Music] ah [Music] you don't need to move anywhere got it out and i gotta go get it get out of here nope okay little bit passenger [Music] a little bit passenger you give it a bump okay a little bit passenger passenger passenger okay driver [Music] nice [Music] you think my jeep has what it takes yeah do you think moms um we might pull her up with a rope [Music] you're gonna have to bump it you're unloading that right rear tire apparently turn turn to the hey passenger a little bit passenger and then just go okay right there pass it just drive straight up and then straighten it out when your front wheel gets to this ledge nice no she's going to go as far as she can yeah put it in drive with both pedals on give a little bit of gas let off the brake at the same time and bump it up on top but then let off okay very good okay um see if you can go a little more passenger okay right there okay put it in drive and give her a little bit of a bump not much stay on the gas until you're level up here smooth smooth pedal nice perfect jamie okay little bump and then ease off okay stop stop okay you're gonna have to bump that so go okay passenger passenger passenger okay give it early and get off it early stop stop nice job okay real real smooth throttle stop you should have kept going okay just ease on it that was a sketchy line but it where the only one who didn't spit a tire on that last session oh baby i'm so proud of you hey you're welcome to come with our group out oh yeah yeah that'd be awesome okay [Music] thanks that sounded like breakage come driver drivers drivers something snapped over here what we had a sharp snap sound okay so oh that's a bad thing is it the steering yeah it's the steering box so that's why this isn't working okay go ahead and just ease it back let's try to get it down here on a level ground you can change the steering box right there looks like you're riding out here with us remember what i said or what you said what you do a job and then you leave before their problems become your problems we broke our own rules you do a job and get out of here there like a house of fire we'll get this fixed for you we'll just do it happy thanksgiving ed tell us what happened that's pretty rapidly lucky to get out of there alive really some deep hills they were turning stuck to go down over a thousand foot plant and i rigged it up got him out but rudy and jamie driving i'd rather skydive and dive underwater and rock climb okay so i've gathered the to go stuff you really need like a to-go bag full of tools because this is ridiculous so we got a call yeah where's that it's over here in the dunes so it's a razor it's a rental we're gonna head over there and see if we can just flop throw it out of the dunes i wondered why he was going the wrong way that rope tight all the time it's really hard to do that you're probably going to fail at least once yo completely broke okay so i gotta turn around and pull them in i was following matt out of the dunes pulling the razor and colin caught up to me on the four-wheeler and said that rhett had broken down so i turned around and we to go rescue and we're just hooking up the income rope now and we're gonna pull him back to the truck while matt finishes his toe so we're doing our own little recovery how was it cold well there wasn't too much to that second job we got it pulled out and dropped back off at the rental repair shop and that was that jamie got one camera jamie did a recovery uh my son rhett had a chain break on his four-wheeler and she had to tow him back to the trailer and oh speaking of ropes this new yellow rope is i'm still super excited about it and if you would like to own your own yellow rope there's a link in the description so it's almost dark and we got out here um she's just over this hill and uh she said her husband's coming with the new steering box for us to put on hopefully we're able to take it apart and uh ready for the steering box before he gets here have a good one yeah you too you too take care and have a good thanksgiving you
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 961,647
Rating: 4.9536166 out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, banana, Fault Line, 1000 foot cliff, broken jeep, jeep rescue, jeep wrangler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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