Jaiden Smith Did it Again..

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who is the cringiest person on the planet ken jayden smith oh of course tyler the creator is my [ __ ] boyfriend the man with ancient wisdom the wisdom of a 3 000 year old chinese warlord with such famous quotes as how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real oh jaden smith is back and he is uh still cringe thank god i need some i need some good old jaden smith cringe in my life oh yeah yeah uh did you know that jaina smith is under the opinion that if he were white and not will smith's silly son i would be the most respected philosopher of our and old time oh all right all the universes i love how he hit silly with like four quotation marks too just like no that's cool jaden with the i appreciate your confidence but with all due respect ain't nobody know who the [ __ ] you are if you weren't will smith that's true come on ain't nothing wrong with that too it's just like bruh shut up i love how you're looking on the i'm 14 this is deep too to find these but he's the king of this subreddit it's so good yeah how diluted you have to be to think being well smelly son is holding you back yeah i have so much more everyone just thinks of me as where's my son i go around sometimes and i hang out with other people that are my age and they're just kind of [Applause] dude like oh my god like can we talk about like the political and economic state of the world right now oh yeah everybody we're having a good time with our tick tock and stuff and he's like but what about the politics what about this inflation i'm with you online jaden i have a test for you give it to me so i'm going to read two quotes and you guess which one is from jaden smith all right kids who go to normal school are so teenagery so angsty okay okay okay and the other one is it's important to love yourself because no one else does geez the first one is is jaden smith correct and the second one by yours truly that's right i am the most respected philosopher of all oh my god in my eye oh it was beautiful i wrote this book with like ironic inspirational quotes forever again are you reading your own book right now everything looks like right now this guy is hilarious never give up on on those dreams of yours and stuff nice okay deep how well did your book age do you look back on it now and go oh yeah that's good i i i wouldn't say like whoa but it somewhere some are kind of funny i'm trying to find a funny one though and it's not growing outside i remember when like you're like you were starting all your book stuff and it was like oh my god the book pewdiepie book and i saw it in a bookstore and i picked it up and flipped through it and i was like just saying don't say it okay this is what everybody's talking about i mean what is in here what do you mean what would you this is they how dare you i'm just i'm just joking your book is like 10 times better than like half the other youtuber books are out there or most of you do other youtuber books are out there impossible is nothing doing nothing is easy you could do nothing nice that's my i love that one that's my favorite one don't sugarcoat everything you'll get diabetes great if you'll be asking jaden smith to come over and play video games oh snap it shayden hey jaden hey jayden you want to come over and uh to my house and we can play on the ps2 and my mom can make us cookies we're gonna have some get your dirty peasant hands off of me you want me to come to your house and play playstation and eat junk food why would i waste my time with silly activities when i could be studying politics worrying about the economic status of the world come with me boy jaden we're nine years old what's going on with me young one i may look nine externally but within i'm merely 100 years old what the hell are you on i come on jesus christ because you're born alone and you die alone and this world just drops a bunch of rules on you to make you forget but me i never forget we're not [Laughter] i miss just playing playstation 2 oh simpler times simpler times jaden smith can't relate though he came to this planet the human brain takes in 11 million bits of information every second but is aware only of 40. what huh did you human brain takes in how many informations per second i love that to get like a whole like studio like blow some fog in here and just film me looking confused bro okay i appreciate some level of self-awareness but it's clearly also just like when it comes out but guys let's talk about politics guys yeah you see your nose all the time your brain just chooses to ignore it it's right there don't forget oh [ __ ] that one that one got me not gonna lie i get it now he is the greatest philosopher did i scare you my nose did you play a horror game that's not a jump scare so it's just like jaden smith it's popping up on the screen on saturn and jupiter it rains diamonds how human salivary contains a painkiller called opioid that is six times more powerful than morphine hold that back up on the saliva what was it called ah felix i got shot you gotta spit on me i guess it's like technically the same chemical compound or something but it's not activated in this because it needs something else a natural painkiller found in human spit a new painkilling substance that proved that been discovered when was it 2006 that's old news ain't real anymore too old oh so it's better if you kiss don't spit bro i'm dying oh bro i got you bro what are you doing i'm doing i gotta do bro i gotta save you bro i mean no homo thank you jaden smith for this 50 of human dna is shared with a banana unbelievable oh yeah why am i not a banana huh explain that well i mean there may be a part of your body similar to banana you know that part of my body is uh there are more ways to shuffle a deck of cards than there are atoms on earth if you drilled a hole through the center of the earth and jumped in it you don't end up in china did you know that is that what it's going to say because that pisses me off it would take 42 minutes to reach the other i don't give a [ __ ] all right if you drill a hole do you end up in china all holes through the world end up in china okay it's just how it is you would you would end up in the southern hemisphere nowhere near china this is bowling oh my no no it's like there's like a portal in there man if you if you go to china and drill a hole straight down you'll come back out in china anyway it's how it is there's like a blue portal down there and there's like an orange portal above china where do you have to be to dig to china argentina only argentinians can dig to china this is [ __ ] dumb i gotta google if in swedish in new zealand oh oh you'd be right next door to me nice just jump down bro like boy bro be right there bro boy bro welcome new zealand bro is that idxp you got to go out there and clean their dick they're what if you're like me you find it very hard to keep your dick dry i left my dick unprotected and it was whooped out of shape in no time i could barely recognize my own dick imagine yeah that's i actually did that too and it it corrects it you definitely want to protect your game yeah you got you got to you got it yeah yeah i don't know how i got this house and they didn't pretend i discovered schaefer's new zealand style deck sealant the best way to take care of your easy steps first wash your dick with soap and water then wait for your dick to dry once your dick is clean and dry paint your hair this is easier humor i love i used to be too embarrassed to invite people over to see my dick that's a nice looking dick yeah i even have pictures on my deck check out that deck this is my secretary barbara always loves to receive my dick pics oh he made the joke all right back to jaden smith yeah gotta blow my mind here total amount of hours that world of warcraft players have played the game it comes out to over six million years i definitely contribute to that one yeah so that's really fun that is really funny that's really funny what do you have to say about that when the oldest living person was born they had an entire different set of people on the earth with them no one was the same that's deep you know what kind of blows my mind a little bit what everyone is doing something right now everyone's living their own individual lives with their own families and their own problems what do you think brad pitt's doing right now like he's doing something probably i don't know how he's taking a massive that's what i've been doing if i was brad pitt you know what blows my mind uh-huh is it probably you know when we're older and like you know our kids have kids and their kids have kids no one will remember us okay well what about this thing you just look back on 10 years ago you can hardly recognize like where you were and what you were doing it's like you were a completely different person god you mean i grew up as a person oh it's more like you've already lived the life and it's already my god are you saying there's hope for people to get cancelled to grow and change okay that's not all right oh sorry i would never go that far strawberries aren't berries but bananas are and so are watermelons and avocados wow i don't care i don't they're not berries you cannot just systematically organize things okay i organize them by their shape and size like we do with everything okay you can't just be like technically it has to i don't care it has a speed yeah yeah i don't give a [ __ ] it's like the people that said pluto wasn't a planet i'm like bro no it's a planet you [ __ ] it you can't walk back on this they did they did walk back no i don't care it's a planet i don't give a [ __ ] are we done okay great then he fades away if a bookstore never so he actually tweeted look does that mean that nobody reads it or everybody reads it i also love how people like you misspelled something you got to zoom in on that oh my god look at he misspelled unbelievable i have never done that in my entire life i'm gonna talk about how like every freaking word is capitalized and there's no punctuation at the end we're not talking about that we're just talking about the note whenever i see something misspelled i'm like i look at the keyboard oh no the people look at the keyboard i'm like is there a letter next to that oh yeah okay so that's just a normal mistake yeah yeah it's not that difficult like who cares we're defending jaden smith we're on his page now he's my hero damn what's gonna happen jayden oh my god when i die did you realize like some authors aren't famous until like 30 years after they die or something they're like this guy's pretty good we'll go back and be like that's luke you know everybody pray yes we were so silly for making fun of it how could we have been so blind we should have talked about the politics and the economy yes because that always fixes everything right people that say politics are so important are always like solving all these problems right now yeah that's great well we could all be a little bit more like jaden smith yeah i guess you're right what's that in front of you ken it's your nose
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 4,903,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie
Id: HNChn7eK1tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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