The Most Racist Show Has Gone Too Far w/ Jordan Adika

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- Hello and welcome back to Jarvis Johnson Gold. The premium channel that is free. It is free. But if you're watching this, you're premium. And this is a video about Black White, the show about swapping races. Two families swap races, which is as bad as it sounds. Before we get into it, I wanna real quickly say that the merch that I'm where right now, which is my new merch, very cool, very nice. Oh, check it out. There's a smiley face. It's available for pre-order now. Our first shipment sold out pretty quickly, so I want to make sure that everybody who wants the merch can get it. So we now have pre-orders available, including some expanded size options for the next week. So you can pre-order all the stuff for the next week, and then we'll be fulfilling all those pre-orders, and then that's it for now. Anyway, that's the sponsored segment. Today I'm sponsoring myself, as I do. As a premium host to my premium viewers. And yeah, enjoy our pain as Jordan and I watch another episode of the race swap show, where the families swap races, and it's very bad. If you here squeaking, or noise in the background, my dog's here. My apologies. (Jarvis laughs) - Or I've got my squeaky toy out for nervousness. - Yeah, Jordan's got a squeaky toy to calm himself down. - [Woman] White America to me is white people who have their own culture. And the only way you'd be accepted by white America is if you adapt to their culture. - I feel like we've not seen her in the get-up. - I was gonna say that. I feel like we haven't seen her storylines. We're on episode four. We're over the hump now. I don't even remember her name. What is her name? (Jordan laughs) - Uh, Nick. (Jarvis laughs) Nick Senior. - Where did you get those? Where did you purchase those? - Aren't these fantastic? - Yes. - What are those? (woman laughs) - I call them bling bling shoes. - [Woman] Bling bling shoes? - Aw, she calls them bling bling shoes. - Now that's white America. (Jarvis laughs) - Whoa. What does that mean, bling bling? - Holy shit. (Jordan laughs) Dude you've activated my trap card. What does that mean, bling bling shoes? - What does that mean, bling bling? That sounds litty. - I love how on the top of her head, she's wearing the "Can I talk to the manager," 3000. - That's like the super Saiyan hair of white people. - Yeah. - [Woman] I did this project because I wanted my son to know how it is to adapt to white America. To me right now, Nicholas is not really getting the whole concept of what we're trying to do. - Cause he's too good at it. - Yeah. - He really doesn't body the white teenager. - Also like, is that why you wanted to do this? Because this does not seem like the best mechanism to do that, right? - You know how we should find out, is that on my recently acquired Black and White double disk DVD set, there are cast audition tapes. - No. - So, maybe we'll get to the bottom of this. - We must. I mean next, whenever we're able to a session of this in person, it has to be a drinking game. - Oh yeah. I think that's good. - A couple White Claws in hand- Sorry, black claw, white or black claws come out them stripes. - Black panthers, but a few panther claws in hand. - A couple black panthers in hand. - Today I'm gonna be putting on makeup and Rose is gonna come with me to an etiquette class. - Why do they always have them do etiquette class? That's so annoying. - Wait, yeah. Again? - And more importantly, why is there a space before Air but not a space after L in this? (Jordan laughs) - It's censored. - Etiquette school, more like freaking formatting, typesetting school. Am I right? Ha, ha. (Jordan laughs) (hands clapping) - One, so we're gonna start with posture. - Etiquette class is basically a class that teaches you how to walk proper, it teaches you how to talk to people right, and, you know, greet people. Especially big people like business men, and major people, corporations or whatever. - [Woman] Say your name. - Nick. - You know what, it sounded like your- (people laughing) (Jarvis laughs) (Jordan laughs) - He's like, "Say your name." I've been preparing for this. I'm ready, I can do it. 13. No! - Nick. - Kids from the etiquette class, I mean, we're the same age, but the dudes, I really care less for. - He's like, "They're a bunch of squares, actually." - Bunch of losers. - None of them have cool, swoopy, Dobre brother hair like I do. (Jordan laughs) Dude, I swear to God, if Nick looked like this unironically, he would be a viral TikTok star. - Oh, for sure. And also, he would be the highlight of top tier skin care. - Oh, yeah. - Because he is bleached. - Drop the skincare routine, king. - It's a rich white kid thing. - I feel like it's beyond rich. It's like rich, rich. - It's old money rich. - Yeah, yeah. - Rich in the way you own property. Like, you don't need liquid capital. - Yeah. - You just have, like, you own Missouri or something. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Nick, you totally dropped everything. - Nick! - Gosh. - I'm not gonna tell you again. (class laughs) - You're being selfish, man. - You're being selfish. - They were kinda joking around, but- - Dude, Shia LaBeouf over here needs to, like, cool it down. - You need to chillax, mon frere. What's hilarious, too, if he knew that Nick was black, in no universe would he say that to him. - And that's why being black is easier than being white. - Absolutely. - I'll say it. - No need to elaborate. - Don't believe the hype. Did you get your race card? - We're turning the comments off on this one. - Like, black boys do that too. Boys in general just joke around, but I think he's taking it more personally. - How are you doing? Not well? No? - It's annoying. - Oh. - The dude it just annoying, the guys. - The kids in etiquette class were bugging me, they thought they was being funny. I just wanted to be myself. - God, I was just black right now. (Jordan laughs) - I can't do it. I've been powering up, can I have a Senzu Bean? - He, like, said that the same way that Spider-Man doesn't want to reveal that he's got super powers. - Yeah. He has to keep his friend safe. - In front of his bullies, yeah. He's like, "If only I could just tap into my Spider-Man powers right now." (Jordan laughs) - Oh. He's more of a DC guy. - Yeah. (dog barks) Hey! - I am white, so I see the world through white eyes, if you will. - He admitted it. - He did, four episodes in. - Caught him, 4K. - The project is working. (Jordan laughs) - I want to meet successful African Americans to see what it is exactly that brought them to that level of success. - I wanna meet, not any of these broke N words. (Jordan laughs) That I keep surrounding myself with. - Today I'm gonna meet with a man by the name of Fernando Pullum. What's up, Fernando? Who is a very successful musician. I'm gonna be an open-minded student today, so that perhaps he can teach me something that will change my perspective on things. - You know, Bruno, mate, if you are really so adamant that it's just a word, and that the connotations are simply the sensitivity of black people, drop it now. - Oh, yeah. - Say it now. - Great, great point. - Today, one on one. - Drop it now, since you're so- (dog barks) - They say it all the time. That's how I get when I see Bruno. - Hey guys. Nick and I invited the etiquette class over to the house. I think we're just gonna hang out. - Can you just us a tour? - Yeah, sure. - They're gonna do the reveal. - This is actually Nick's step into- - He's got bling bling. - Yeah, that was set up for the room, as most of the stuff is. - "Barber Shop," "The Player's Club," "Next Friday," what's going on here? - What's going on here? - Oh God. This is like an awful episode of "Room Raiders." - Yeah. - "House Invaders," "Colonizers." (Jordan laughs) - Having them over was a big mistake. Because they don't know that Nick is really black. - They just can't fight their instinct to plant weed in his room. - They see the watch that he bought. - That his mom kept. - He's like, "Hold on, two watches? This guy's black." - At first, I wasn't really gonna reveal myself to etiquette class. - And they don't really, they don't have the ability to just take the makeup off. Like, in any moment, right? - I mean yeah, the risk is too high, right? It's gotta be pretty durable. - Yeah. - So they don't, like, scratch their eye and- - But dude, just look at him, he's built perfect. - We built a better boy. He's for sure just like, dude, I could see him on the stage, I could see him on the TikTok, I could see him lipsynching. - I can see him in my dreams. - Okay, they've been in your room, they've seen this, they've seen that, they kinda know, so let's just go. I told him, me and him had agreed, just, I'd go out there, and just be straight with him, and tell him. I'm black. - So they came downstairs, and me and Rose, you know, was telling everybody. - Tell that really annoying kid. - So really, we've been here and we're doing- - Oh, he's sat right next to him, too. - Yeah. - Makeup test. And the truth is, I'm not white. - Oh. - What? - Oh my gosh! - But none of the girls looked surprised or whatever. - Can you lift up your leg, is it, can I see? - What? - He's not a zoo exhibit, you guys. - Whoa! What the fuck? They didn't even cover a little bit of it. - That's actually very funny. - Okay, I got you a situation with a kid in school. And, he called me a- - Oop. - A nice kid. - And he called me Nick. - Which is my name. - And he called me a (bleeps). (girls gasp) - You can't say that. - I whooped his ass in front of everybody. - Oh sorry, I forgot, you're a black guy. - It's all good, though. - Is that the only time someone's called you a mean name? - It is a very mean name, isn't it? - [Boy] I can't say the word. - [Nick] Just go ahead and say it. - No, Nick! - Nick, no! No, Nicholas, you don't understand the power you wield. - Nick, no. Don't make these kids do it! - [Nick] It doesn't bother me. - It bothers us, though. - Builder Bruno. - You'll never wear bling bling. - The girl, this is so weird. - What's going on? Why does this keep coming up? - Yeah, this is so weird. Yeah. - That was two different locations they started using bling bling as a term. - Somebody in production was like, "Your word of the day is 'bling bling.'" - Blicky was last time. - Yeah, blicky biscuit, yeah. - Just looking around, and, you know, giving me tips for a white guy. - I would have to say, number one thing to being white, articulate your words, and don't talk like a black person. (Jordan laughs) (Jarvis laughs) - Like hack, to talk white- - Just don't be black. - Don't talk like a black person. - It's a pretty simple, it's a little, like, pneumonic I use to remember how to be white, is uh- - Talk normal. - Don't be black, yeah. - You gotta keep it, you know, I'm white, hey, how's it going? How's the stocks going? You know? You're white. - How's the stocks going? - This guy's funny. - This is how the white guys dance. Back and forth. - That's literally the Carlton dance. - Wait, when did this come out? - In the back, there's Alfonso, like... (Jordan laughs) - In white face. (girls laughing) - Put that back. Please, don't touch that. - Oh no, poor Nick. - Okay, yeah, now this is very not great. - This feels like a group bullying session now. - Imagine wearing this. - I've never seen him be like, "Hey, put that back, leave that alone." - Yeah. - Ugh, this is hard to watch. - No, I just wear that 'cause that's my style. - You love to dress up like black. - God, god. - This might be top three roughest scenes. - This is also the most real, I feel. - Yes. - Yeah, this is- - It's the most I recognize, I'll tell you that much. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. Oh, for sure. Yeah, this is real. This hits close to home. (girls laughING) - And that's because I lived with three white teenagers. (Jordan laughs) - Yeah, that's on you. - That was my home growing up. - Be black. - Oh, he looks genuinely upset. - Yeah, he's really upset. - Keeping it real, homie G. - Aw. - Oh my god, just- - Aw. That's worse than the N word. Why does that feel worse? - Bring Bruno in. Go to a Bruno scene. - Aw, God. - That's so much worse. - I think it's because, you know, like you don't actually hear white people saying the N word. Like, growing up, other than being called it, from time to time, by bad actors, you already knew it was bad. - Sure. - But this type of thing was like- - Insidious. - Your best friend could hit you with that, and you'd be like, oh, I thought we were- - I had some kids, like no joke, kids I'd hung out with for a couple of years, I don't know, maybe 15. - Yeah. - I was at a party, and there were, like, I don't know how we got into the topic, 'cause it was not, you know, nobody was really in the position of authority to talk about the African American experience. But they were like, "Yeah, so can you do the voice?" - Oh. - I was like "What, hm?" - Oh, no. Oh, no. - They're like "do the voice, 'cause I can't do it, you know, like, can you do the voice?" Like it's a genetic code. - Oh, yeah. - Like a skill that just comes from your melanation. And that's just exactly this vibe is like, imagine, like, being wrong. - Yeah. - Imagine dressing wrong, and talking wrong. - Performing a blaccent for white people is like a parlor trick for, like, middle school. To get middle school white kids to like you. - That was, no actually, genuinely, that might have been the worst scene. - That, I know, that one really hurts. - The thing that I have frustration with is the black culture blaming the whole slavery thing. - Op, op, he's already, he's like, "Wait." - Bruno heard us. - Yeah, he's like "That's the worst scene?" - Mhm, okay, fine. - I'll be the judge of that. - You really, you think so? Okay, coon! (Jarvis laughs) He's just screaming it at the camera. - Affirmative action, and it seems to go from generation, to generation, to generation of somehow we're responsible for... (Jordan laughs) - It seems to go generation, to generation, to generation about six times. - Yeah. - And then, it just seems to stop. - Huh. - There, I guess. - Yeah, interesting. It's where it started, the generation thing. - Hip-hop is huge, okay? You got the hat to the side, you got the bling bling, you got the pants half down. - That's bling bling. - What is going on? - This culture that is so promoted through this whole rap video thing that's going on. I believe it begins in the home, with mom and dad, if he's around. - Oh my good lord. - (laughs) Bruno! Bruno heard us saying the previous scene was worse. - Dad, if he's around. Why is dad the only one that might not be around? - In the black community, the dads often take off. (Jordan laughs) (Jarvis laughs) - Guide their children in the right way. So, I think there's a big lapse in the black community where, as a whole- - Hold on, no matter what he says after this, he's wrong. You do not have the standing to say, "I think there's a big lapse in the black community as a whole," man who dresses up as a black man, and has met, like, five black people. - This is like, he's like an algorithm. That sentence, mate, was complete nonsense. The black community rap, and they could turn into fathers, not always around, and you've got to go on the blicky. - He's speed running, like, conservative talking points about why black people are lazy. - Yeah, this is like a montage of Fox News. - There isn't a promotion of the values that you're talking about. - The way you make that statement, it's too large of a blanket that you have thrown. - Sure. - Thank you. - Thank Christ. - Of all culture. And that in itself, to me, sounds racist. - Aw, thank God. Aw, he's calling it out. He's calling it out. This is, aw, I love this man. - You know? - I can't, personal responsibility, who's up there going- - Now why can't, can I just say- - Let me finish my statement. - Go ahead. - What the? What are you doing? - Dude, Bruno! He was like, "I'm gonna be, I'm gonna put on my student cap, I'm gonna keep an open mind." Now he's like, "Let me finish my," like, he just immediately goes into the, sometimes you have to concede the point to, like, you're learning from this man, he knows more than you. Not everybody's gonna need to hear out your every fucking thought. - It doesn't take away your position of power, there's, like, value in an apology, or an admission of wrongdoing. That's, like, what growth is. - Yeah, this looks like a renaissance painting. (Jordan laughs) Bruno is here mansplaining, this guy is thinking about what he's done to, like- - The perfect racial ratio. - L plus ratio, plus you're white. Wait, let's just look at Bruno cut this man off in an active, severe whiteness. - Who's up there going- (cross talking) Now why can't, can I just say- - Let me finish my statement. Who's going, yo, yo, yo, bitches and hoes- (Jordan laughs) And this is, you know, I'm black, and I'm singing my song- - Wait, was that Cole? Which verse was that? Yo, yo, yo, bling, bling, bling- - That was actually on Kendrick Lemar's, The Blacker the Berry. - That's right, yeah. - Yeah. Yo, yo, yo, bitches and hoes. - Bruno, we can't agree on anything, I just think you're full of crap, dog. - Uh, yes! - Bruno is actively getting worse. And I'm glad that, at least, some people in the show are challenging him. - Oh my God. - How your wife can put up with you, because I can, I sense that you're- - Dude, now he's fucking eviscerating this man. - I am so relieved. - I feel like he's put a real, they've put a real person into the show to talk to Bruno. - I don't know how your wife can put up with you, because I can, I sense that you'll be insensitive in other areas, and not perceptive of how other people would live and navigate through the world. - I see it as logic, but go right ahead. - Your logic is illogical. - Just a proto Shapiro over here. - He really is. - I'm in the marketplace of ideas. - I see it as logic. - I think that what you'll find, actually- - Hypothetically, I think that you should stop being lazy, and you should stop yo, yo, yo hip hop wap, wap, wap. (Jordan laughs) - A little frustrated with me, you know? Yes, I'm willing to look at the racism and what not. But I'm- - Just the way he says the racism and whatnot, and moves on, yeah I'll look at the racism and whatnot. - The racism, if you know what I mean. - Ultimately, you have to make life what you want it to be. - Says the person with the ability to do that. Says the person who life is built for. (Jordan laughs) Life in America. - Oh yeah, you talk black. - I don't- - You talked white- - I talk black. - Oh, all right. It's a trigger Jordan Jarvis alert. - Are they, I feel like, is this a competition now? - You already know I'm black, so I'll be myself. - [Girl] But you're still trying to portray that you're white. - You need to have an attitude change, man. - And the expression, shit (bleep). - I cannot... I... How does this show keep doing it? - I don't know. I don't, 2006 wasn't that long ago. - We then had, like, 2008 Obama got in, and we're like, "We should probably stop fucking saying this, maybe, huh?" - All the time. - I don't think I've heard him say that. - I haven't heard him say that one. - Me neither. - I don't know. I keep hearing that. - He probably didn't even say it. He's like, "I've never said that before in my life." He's like, "I don't know. I kinda felt like saying it, so I did." (bleep) - Oh, no. Oh, no. - Charlie Brown's gonna jump in. - You just said the N word. - I don't care! - 'Cause he doesn't care. - But see, Nick's enabling, in part, out of, like, I really just, now this is his Stockholm syndrome. Like, okay, well, I'm on a bus with 40 children- - Yeah, what do you- - All yelling at me, and saying, pointing out the way that I talk, and that I should be alienated. - Oh my God. - And then they say that. What's he supposed to say? Stop the bus. - Oh my God. - Somebody like one on one, and we're going at it big time, and then they use it, that's different. But, you know, joking around or whatever, then you use it, it doesn't bother me at all. - So it's an okay word to say around friends. It is! - No it's not, though, to you! - Because he doesn't care. - But you do it all the time, so it doesn't matter. - He's like, "I have one black friend, and he says it's fine. And who can relate?" (both laughing) - I ain't saying we as in we. - All my black friends, they wave canes around, it's gonna be a (bleep). (girl laughs) - What is going on? (laughs) This is wild! It's like a forest fire. (Jarvis laughs) - It is like a forest, it keeps spreading. This is weird, they're getting more and more confidence. - I believe it. (girl laughs) - That's what my friends do. - The thing that upsets me, is that I asked you guys not to say it, yet you use it anyway. - I haven't said it in a long time. - You just said it, like- - What do you mean a long time? - [Girl] Four seconds ago. - [Boy] All right, let me get it out of my system. (beeps) - Oh, epic. These guys, hang on, I didn't know we were hanging out with a couple of cool, epic, funny guys. - Dude, these kids are so epic and cool. (boy laughs) - [Boy] I'm done, dude. No more the rest of the night. - Just for the rest of the night. You've had one too many cookies. - Oh, I couldn't possibly. - Yeah, no. No more for the rest of the night. I'm cutting myself off. - I don't know, um, maybe a coon before we go to sleep. - How about a negro? No, no, that's too much. - Are you gonna get a negro? - 'Cause if you- - If you get some negro, I'll- - I'll get some, 'cause we're already had enough of the hard R for the day. - Tell me about it. - [Boy] So I can just come out and call you a (bleeps) and it don't bother you? - No. - (laughs) He does sound like my dog. - I found out that my son sat there and let a group of kids say the N word to him, and he responded to them that he didn't care. And then you sit over there, and act like you could care less. - You sit over there, in your dad's shirt. - Everybody got their own opinion, I just don't care. I understand where they're coming from about the racism and everything, and everything black people had to go through and everything, but- - But that's over now. - In many ways, Nick and Bruno are in the same place, or share a lot of similar opinions. However, Nick is 16, and will probably understand eventually, and Bruno keeps digging his feet in, and is set in his ways. - Look at his fucking face when he was on the bus. They his this point of, like, not even about the race at that point, it's the othering. The fact that all they're talking about is how different he is. - Right, exactly. He was really uncomfortable when they were putting on his hats, and his durag and stuff, and I don't think that he's internalizing that those two things are flavors of the same thing. - I don't know why he thought they were doing it. - Yeah, yeah. He was clearly uncomfortable. - It was racism, that's the thing that was happening. - Yeah, he was clearly uncomfortable. And so, like, you know, he's on his own, you know, journey of realizing this stuff. - You know, I'm gonna tell you, yesterday, you know, he had some little white friends, and he thought it was cool for them to just be able to drop the N word. - Oh. Aw, that's not good. - So, 'cause he's not used to racism. - Outside our race, they don't understand or comprehend what our struggle was about over here. Yeah, they can't use that word. Why would he want some friends like that? - I don't get offended by the word, really. - No? - No, so I just let it slide, it don't bug me, I don't care. - He convinces the barber. - Calling me that word. - [Nick] Right. - Especially somebody of another nationality, you know what I mean? - Right. - It's not good at all. It's a lack of respect. If you stand up for that, you might fall for anything. - Ooh, that's a good line. - Mm. - I like that line. I love his way of talking too. If you can't stand for that, you might fall for anything. - [Woman] Tonight's the big night. It's the final etiquette class dinner. - First time these kids will see him as himself. - I want them to see who I really am. - [Girl] Christy. - [Boy] Or Candace, one of those. - They all run away. (class gasps) (Jarvis gasps) (Jordan gasps) - (laughs) Candace was like, "You're a (bleeps)." (both laughing) But I only say it because this kid said it! Multiple times. - This kid said it was fine! - He said it was, he gave me a black card. - You look great! - That's different! - Thank you. (all chattering) - He looks better! - [Boy] Did you really think he was gonna be better looking white? - [Girl] Oh my God! - Look at them sat at the other table, I didn't realize they were in the room. - Voice doesn't even match his face now. (girl laughs) - [Boy] Yeah, seriously. 'Cause that voice doesn't go with that face. - What are you doing? Huh? - They're like, "It doesn't match, go back into makeup." - This is like a new subgenre of talking white. - Yeah. - Didn't you talk before how he's not enunciating enough? What do you want from him? - That has truly never happened before. - Nick's the same person, if I make a joke in front of Nick when he's dressed as a white guy, and I make a joke to Nick when he's dressed up as a black guy, it's the same thing. - He's like, I'm gonna use the N word either way. - He's got, yeah, he's overcompensating for all the N words before. He's like, "Actually, there's no difference between any of us, and actually, I fully support you, and there really is, we're all just part of the human race, aren't we? Ha, ha, ha. - And he's like, "Yeah, no, I'll do it to anyone. I'll say it right now." And it's like, no don't. And he's like, "No, but I've gotta prove my point." - Say the N word. - [Boy] Yeah I don't, I don't feel comfortable doing it. - I would have never brought it up, if you did not say, "You're allowed to say it." - You're the one that told us. - Why are they... Whoa! He didn't even bring it up. Nick shows up, and then 30 seconds later, he's like, "Hey, I would never have said that word if... Now that I see you're black for real." - Now that I know that you're naturally confrontational, in your blood, I wanna clear this stuff up ASAP. - Oh my God. Now that I'm scared of you, I want you to know that I wouldn't have used the N word. - Gripping his Shisha fork. - Oh my God. - [Boy] I'm not gonna say it. - It said I don't let it bother me. - [Boy] We were talking about it, and he said, "Dude, I do not care." (both laughing) - It's us. It's us just watching the show. - This is a meme right here. This is a meme. - You know, I went to a barber shop, all black barber shop, and I got a different perspective from a black guy. Getting his point of view, and my parent's point of view from it, so it's kinda, you know, it's got me seeing a different way of why we shouldn't use the word. We shouldn't use the word anyway, but we use it. - He doesn't have to, like, confront them about this, but I do like that he's saying what he's saying. - Well, I mean, yeah, 'cause a lot of what was happening before, you could see it on his face, he was, like, genuinely uncomfortable when they were on the bus, when they were on the N word bus. Clearly that discomfort, he just like couldn't reconcile with his statements about race not being a problem, or the fact that he said it wouldn't upset him. So the fact that he's, you know, he's a teenager, he doesn't want to be othered, but he also doesn't wanna rock the boat. The fact that he is now, in a very, very little way, rocking the boat. - Exactly. It's like, that's, yeah, it's the contrast. Oh, the parents are coming in. Their reinforcements have been called. Nick is alt'ing. He's, like, summoned his dad. (Jordan laughs) - His reverse suplex is the girl. - Which one of you here were saying, "What's up my (bleeps)?" - Oh. Oh. - Hell yes. (laughs) - Oh. - Kinda hell yes. - This is an alt, this is an alt. Oh, I wasn't expecting this. - Oh my God. Powerful, full MP. - Like, just imagine, he's charging up the meter. And then he does the special, and it's, like, Do, do, which one of you said, "Hey my (bleeps)." And it's like- (explosion whirring) - That word right now is too powerful for anyone. And you kids definitely don't need to have that word coming out of your mouth. Because the fact that your generation is a generation that doesn't see color, is what reason you're having this argument now. - Right. - Now if you mess around and you slip around someone that is not as nice as Nick, you may catch the beating of your life. So, I'm telling you, asking you not to ever say that in the presence. - I would never say that- - You did. - I know, but I'm saying, I would never say it in front of you two, all right. But when it was just, you gotta understand the environment that it was, it was- - Oh. - It was funny when I said it, so. - It was just a bunch of kids, it was Nick in the shade in it, saying- - [Boy] I would never say it to your generation, 'cause I know that your- (Jarvis and Jordan laughing) - That's the Twitch emote. His MP is depleted, and his HP is going down every time they say something. He used all of his MP to do his summon, and then it turns out, they resisted to the attack. - Oh, oh, that's sucks. - Ice magic does nothing. - That sucks. And they're like, "Actually, I wouldn't have said it in front of you." They keep saying that. I never would have said it in the presence of a black person. Because if an N word falls in a forest, then it didn't happen. (Jordan laughs) - [Nick's Dad] It's a word that does not need- - [Boy] Oh, I know. It carries through all generations. - Can this kid shut the fuck up? - Yeah, excuse me, shut up, please. I've actually tried to tell you why you like it. - (laughs) Holy shit! Like, it's like a double whammy. It's like, he's talking over the parents, and he's talking over the black people about race. - He's talking over the camera operator. - The camera operator keeps panning around expecting somebody else to say something, and he's like, "Actually, no, here's why it's good." - The boom operator's trying to move the mic away from his mouth. - He's just grabbing it. No, actually. (laughs) - What I was saying was I actually, I never would have said it in the present... They cut it. They cut the mic. - You didn't know, so ignorance played a part. But now you're not ignorant to that anymore, because you're well informed. Don't say that word, because of the fact that, like I say, it's for your own good. - This- (man laughing) - Oh, jeez. - It's blurred. - Is something that I made, actually. Months and months ago. It's called midlife rap. - What? - I bought a camera and a computer so that I could do my own video projects. And I ended up doing a rap video. - No. - Uh uh. - No. - No. - No, no. You don't have... - No. No. - Something else instead. Do something else, though. - What's funny is that Bruno brought this up to the producers. There's no, it's not like they knew that he had this. - Oh, yeah, for sure. There's just no chance. - Watching rap videos, for a long time, and getting kind of frustrated, I thought, you know, the middle aged guy, the middle aged person- - Frustrated. - Should have an opportunity to speak his or her mind as well. - The middle aged person should have the opportunity to speak his or her mind as well. - I've always thought that middle aged men should start making music. Isn't it weird that there's only one genre of music, and it's only for black people? - Literally, middle aged men make music all the time, and also, why rap though, is the thing. - The reason the rap's associated with the African American community is because every other genre isn't. - Yeah, yeah. - The other genre is white guys. - Sort of a commentary on the, today's rap scene. Nick, you might, in particular, like this. - Somehow, he hasn't even played it yet, and I feel like there's a hate crime. Nick, you're young. You're young and hip. - You like this kinda shit. - I think you're gonna like it, it's just, the N word on repeat. - Seems like the perfect opportunity. - But ladies and gentlemen, this is called Midlife Rap. - I'm a midlife- - Ah! ♪ I'm a midlife rapper ♪ ♪ And I rap from A to Z ♪ (Jarvis and Jordan laughing) - This is how him and Karmen fell in love, I bet. - Aw, God. It's so good. Top of the Spotify charts. I gotta back it up. ♪ Midlife rapper ♪ ♪ And I rap from A to Z ♪ ♪ I'm middle-aged and dapper ♪ ♪ With a vocabulary ♪ - What the hell? ♪ No, I don't wear giant gold and chains ♪ - What the fuck? - We're gonna back this up. - Don't pause there. - Nick, you're, in particular, gonna like this one. - Enjoy this, keep an eye out. ♪ A to Z ♪ ♪ I'm middle-aged and dapper ♪ ♪ With a vocabulary ♪ - Why is this giving Michael Stevens Vsauce here? - Oh, I know. (laughs) - It's that song plays, and then he's like, "Hi, Vsauce here. I have a vocabulary. ♪ No, I don't wear giant gold and chains ♪ ♪ Baggy pants half down my butt ♪ - Down my butt. - Oh, there's so much to process. Also, was Rose drinking milk from a wine glass? We don't hae time to think about it. - Oh, God, what is that? It looks like she's drinking heavy cream, and/or a candle. (Jordan laughs) (Jarvis laughs) ♪ Slut, slut, slut ♪ - I don't really know what to think really. He's doing the head move, like a black guy. And he's really slamming rappers. ♪ I tell tales that are squeaky clean ♪ ♪ I stay out of police stations ♪ - Okay. - Stations. ♪ Police stations ♪ - I mean, this is really obnoxious. It was just, like, ridiculous. ♪ I work hard to feed my children well ♪ ♪ Teach them lessons about life ♪ ♪ You slap your so called bitches ♪ ♪ If not stabbed them once or twice ♪ - Sorry? - What? What? This is truly a hate crime. - This is bizarre. ♪ Bitches ♪ ♪ If not stabbed them once or twice ♪ - If you just hear the words, it can come out a little bit harsh, and controversial. ♪ I don't blame anyone for my plight ♪ ♪ I don't blame the man who's done me wrong ♪ ♪ I don't wave my hands all around ♪ ♪ I don't bend my fingers up and down ♪ ♪ I don't mumble incoherently ♪ - What? ♪ I don't wear a big old nasty frown ♪ ♪ Yo ♪ - He found out that he could make an echo sound, and he was like- - Oh my God, so excited. - Dude, I am gonna use echo for everything. - I don't have enough lyrics to take up this whole track. (Jarvis and Jordan laughing) Yeah. - Yeah, when you see drama's unfolding on the internet, and then you go- (uptempo music) (Jarvis laughs) - So what do you think of that? - It was cool. - Yeah? What do you mean? - Oh. - Nick! - Nick cannot hold it in. - I kinda ragged on the rapper. Does that offend you? - No, I mean- - [Woman] I think he- - He's such an edgelord. He's like, "I kinda ragged on rapper, does that offend you? Does that make you aggressive? - Does that, what, are you gonna cry? No, or? - We were gonna get angry, and stir up something. It didn't even bother me, I just thought, like- - It's whack. - I don't know if it was meant to get under my skin type things or not, but it didn't offend me at all. I don't even care about it. That's his creative expression. - He's like, "Honestly, it's the clowniest shit I've ever seen in my life." And then the producers were like, "Okay, can you give us a kinder take?" It's his creative expression. How's that? - It's a thing he made, I guess. - I actually think both me and my mom were really skeptical. It feels a little bit like making a separation between two different cultures that might not exist. - What do you mean cultures? - Like, with a midlife man, and white America versus the black rapper, which seemed to be the main- - By the way, I never mentioned black. - By the way, I never mentioned black. - But you did mention white. (laughs) In fact, in the setup for the song, you mentioned that. I feel like there was a space for a middle-aged white guy. - Yeah. What the hell? - I'm absolutely, totally impressed with your creativity and ingenuity. - This was an Ali oop. - I know, dude. - Bestie, this was an Ali oop. And she's just like, "well, how can I, I can't one up it, but I can still suck." - God, Karmen, what are we gonna do with you? - I was offended by the rap song. - [Bruno] Why? - There's a tone to it. - [Woman] That's what it is. - It's the same issue I've had with you throughout the project. - That it's the smuggest, most smuggy shit ever? - Yeah, that was the problem. It was, babe I hate to say it, it was kinda mid. - I'm white, and I am affluent, and I'm definitely not black. 'Cause when I see my wife, I do not think I should attack. (Jarvis and Jordan laughing) I don't say hoes and bitches, I put my friends in stitches, 'cause I am funny, and I call my honey. And I don't stab her with a knife. (both laughing) - I don't murder her at home with a gun or knife. - Oh my God. - That's the end to every line and Common Star is getting nervous. (laughs) - He's got kinda of a meat and potatoes, basic, opinionated, judgemental stand. - There's a tone to that that is offensive to me. - As a black woman. - Negates the black experience. And I don't do that, well no shit you don't do that, you didn't (bleeps) grow up black. - Right, and I think that the one thing- - We tend to knock and mock things we don't understand. - That's it. - A problem with Rose's response is that, no shit you don't do that, you're not black. Black people do that, black people do the stabbing. (Jordan laughs) And it's like, no, no, no. - You're appropriating their culture. - It's also a stereotype. - You should say hippy hop, and slippy slap like they do. - [Woman] And if you don't, you irritate it, rather than respect it, and inquire into it. - But again, it's not Bruno. - [Woman] No, Bruno. You can say that, I don't accept that. - It's not Bruno. - It's not Bruno. It's young thug. - (laughs) Yeah, it's YG, actually. - Yeah, it was Earl's Sweatshirt I go by. - I'm Jay-Z. (both laughing) I'm Mr. Jay-Zed of sort. - (laughs) I'm a Canadian Jay-Z. - I honestly can't tell, at this point, what implications this is going to have for us. - What's it gonna be like being famous after this goes viral? - After this becomes a viral TikTok sound. - After he drops this. - Wow. - Jarvis, thank you so much for having me. Wait, no, not thank you, actually. Um... - Fuck you. - Fuck you for this, in fact. - My sincerest apologies that this somehow wiggled its way out of the content stables and is now terrorizing the city. - That it worggled its way into your ears. - It worggled it's way into your ears. It's an ear worggle. (Jordan laughs) It does feel like when an animal in captivity escapes, and is, like, in the city. And it's like, oh, no! It's a rare ostrich that's terrorizing downtown. - We can't seem to kill it, that's not allowed. - We're not allowed to do that. We shouldn't do that, we've gotta return it back to captivity. - We have to keep watching it, I guess. - Yeah. Oh dear. (mid tempo music)
Channel: Jarvis Johnson! GOLD
Views: 672,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vqpXQJIzVwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 9sec (2349 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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