Gary Vee is a Wee Bit Cringe

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Probably one of pewd's worst videos tbh

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/thedinosoar 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Let them fight

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Otherwise-Pen-5181 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2022 🗫︎ replies
call again hello Felix Gary Vayner you know this guy no I got him on my Tick Tock feed I don't know what he does he just speaks a lot and it's weird to listen to why don't we start by watching some advice that he gives oh it's this guy yeah I've seen this dude yeah he looks like he's 20 and 50 at the same time that's what entrepreneur [ __ ] does to you Ken who do you love the most in the world my family good who in your family pick one [Music] every day make in the in like literally they genuinely sit there for five minutes and make pretend one of them got shot in the face I'm being dead serious [Music] thing I do that leads to the biggest happiness I have that's the biggest thing he does is you just gotta I wasn't expecting that that was good that's some deep knowledge man thank you karenby I will consider this WOW never just sat and thought about people in my family getting just shot in the face it's funny because I think this is a method of therapy of trying to cope with bad things happening is Envision them but it's just so funny saying that they got shot in the face it's so awful why would you say that I don't know I figured like some PR person would have pulled him aside and been like I don't think this is the best way to present this just saying to be fair he mentioned afterwards this is out of context or something like that I just want to be fair the thing with this guy is that he loves the sound of his voice I don't know how what his net worth is he made some money somehow I don't know and now he's just gone into like monetizing being rich basically to the point where like anything he says he thinks is interesting all right well I mean there's there's no better advice than advice from a rich guy right here's here's some advice from Rich from rich guy everyone swallow every piece of gum what I've swallowed every piece of gum that I've ever chewed in my life I don't think it's cool or anything I don't think it's been amazing it's just truth I think it's efficiency I don't think I want to give up the hundredth of a second putting in a napkin just swallow that [ __ ] now take it back I take it back maybe maybe not all advice from rich people that's gonna be stuck in his stomach for seven seven years what are you doing this guy is on such a level of efficiency that that to do this it's just not worth it for him it's taking too much time he's joking right there's no way he's serious by the way right Kevin he's got to be marketing genius what a play he made into the video he made it to a PewDiePie video he did it yeah no but I guess this is his holistic but but a lot of people swear by this guy they're like they they treat him like they're God his God like uh there's his Guru his mentor oh we'll have to give him some good advice is that uh we'll see I mean here's some advice for YouTubers oh he's got YouTube advice all right advise every YouTuber should have heard before starting their Channel I'm at 142. what's one tip you have for kids my age what do you want CJ just to inspire people if you want to inspire people if that's really what you're about then you don't need to do anything but continue to put out the content that you think will do that whether they're 13 or 81 so many people get into the rat race of how many followers they have and like that's just not the game that you want to play you can't let your self-esteem or self-worth be wrapped up into metrics on YouTube because it's one tiny proxy in the reality of what you're up to what's the name of your channel CJ CJ bowling spell it c-j-b-o-l-i-n-g slower because you want them to actually follow you it would really mean a whole lot to me if I've given you one inch of value ever in my life for you to follow this kid let's let's see how many followers he has on YouTube by the end of this weekend you just went away everything you just said what do you mean followers doesn't matter don't worry about it kiddo anyway let's see how many followers we can get this channel that would be epic this room right now right he's just one of those people that says so many things like he's just a walking contradiction with everything well the advice he was given wasn't like completely horrible though but being caught up in the whole system he just goes to show that he doesn't give a [ __ ] what he's saying he just says whatever he thinks is gonna make people feel good and then he goes and contradicts it blatantly because then that also would make people feel good look he got all his followers like Broach for breakfast nothing I don't eat breakfast industry it's not true oh actually Captain Crunch oh and grape nuts are my three favorite cereals for breakfast that's so interesting tell us more about how you don't eat breakfast so tell me garyvee do you wipe facing forward or backward there's propaganda it's probably Ganda the toilet paper is propaganda okay just splash your [ __ ] with some water and soap idiot I mean I don't eat breakfast either but that's not because it's propaganda I'm just not hungry in the morning I saw this for me bro anytime I'm hungry in the morning I just go it's just propaganda bro I think it's not the most important meal of the day look bro I don't even like cinnamon toast crunch actually okay I said it uh that means nothing to me I don't know what that is so sure cereal cinnamon toast can cinnamon toast crunch what oh my God you're a lie you're you're like garyvee you're just like I'm just a big lie about everything look whenever they put me in the front of a cereal box maybe I'll like it the most maybe then yeah then no no free marketing for me your cereal sucks damn it sounds good though I'll eat it it's pretty good that's pretty good but it's not my favorite I feel like I need some background on this guy he's a Belarusian entrepreneur co-founder of the restaurant reservation software the restaurant reservation software yeah when you book a table I guess I love this simple Ventures like lemonade stand bro like that had anything to do with me yeah when I was a kid I sold seashells on the street do you think I'm gonna equate my YouTube success to that well it's well it started young well Felix you sold hot dogs at one time I'm proud of you that's how you feel nothing to do with it you're building blocks of success I'm curious what do you think of this uh I have a question about passive income and I don't know what kind of Trends do you see when you say passive income do you mean some what do you mean I mean not having to work all day long our passive income definition November are you being serious right now yes yes I'm serious the quickest way to not be on a beach in Mexico is to think that passive income exists it's not real bro just like breakfast isn't real it just doesn't exist you fool reason so many scum buckets are making so much money is because you're buying stupid [ __ ] courses over and over thinking there's some [ __ ] magic formula for Passive right that's that's your whole shtick what do you mean the only you're literally the definition of these people that got rich by some chance and then you're making your whole career about talking about how justifying it as everything you say now has value because you you made it you made some money after this video is making a passive income you know about you know people watching it over and over again yeah you had to make that video to begin with so it's not passive okay exactly oh God keep watching looks like this like this just wait to the end or real estate and you hope that your real estate area doesn't get crushed so there are there are passive incomes okay cool let's just checking it does exist I guess it doesn't say nice amazing thank you and thank you Gary via those are two of the ways but you know not much of an investment guy can tell I don't know I feel like he was like probably a motivational speaker after he made money because people were listening to him because he made money and then he had some nuggets of knowledge that like trended and like gathered a following and now he can pretty much just like spit out anything people are like yes that is right passive income doesn't exist unless it's one of these two forms which the guy was asking about Trends within those two things but you did a great job and really yeah and like not answering the questions he does that a lot of raise money wanna get donations for charity my results turn your Netflix off he basically says you want to be successful stop watching Netflix turn match ah that's it that's all you gotta do but I can't Gary you don't understand how difficult it is too hard man I have to watch selling Sunset season three what the [ __ ] midnight mass every end of every episode it's like play the next episode and I'm like oh man it was a great show I love that heck yeah the monologues were so long but yeah it was good oh I'm sorry that you hate good writing dude they would sit there and just preach at the person for like 20 minutes to fill their hour time slot they could just oh it was like it was like going to reading the Reddit I'm 14 this is deep half the time what happens when I die it's funny because I know exactly which thing you're talking about I mean I loved it but it's just like me and Mary were sitting there watching one and we just like looked at each other like how long has this been going on Jesus it keeps going oh it's it's their turn now okay all right we'll never get a reply like why don't you do this let me give you my entire backstory yeah I mean I thought I thought it was good I still enjoyed it no I didn't watch this why are we talking about we're talking about garyvee stop focusing on dumb [ __ ] Ken like we're doing but what is that what is the dumb [ __ ] oh okay so he does these uh garage sale videos would you consider five for this no silence is a huge negotiation tactic and in that silence they have to now start thinking and they have to decide if they want to get rid of it eight eight is worth it right off the bat we got them we paid eight for this vintage Budweiser Light that's a that's a 50 profit right off the bat that's sick fifty dollars and this is at least fifty dollars we did it the shows that they have when they go in like guilty people's stuff and they're like oh yeah this this vintage Coca-Cola sign definitely worth at least eight hundred dollars says I have 150 in my wallet right now thanks to this legendary purchase silence the powerful tool now they have to think about if they actually want to sell it and then I paid more for it I got them so then well I guess the thing is like a lot of it is uh harmless uh whatever it doesn't matter but then he has some really like toxic advice as well about you need to just shut the [ __ ] up and work and not do anything for 10 years that's his advice basically truth behind becoming a millionaire but in less than when I'm a millionaire by 25 I promise you that statement itself made me 100 guarantee that you won't if you really want to win and you want to come to New York in eight years and shake my hand here's what you need to do you need to stop giving about what anybody else has and realize that if you put your head down and just work for the next 10 years no glamor no new [ __ ] car suitcase jewelry trip event no Coachella no [ __ ] new [ __ ] sneakers like [ __ ] work you will have it and every time you care about one of the things I just mentioned it will slow down your process of having it this is the most it's so mind-bogglingly stupid this statement because first is doing this toxic thing that all you need to focus on is work for 10 years and that's all you should be doing otherwise you're not gonna get it but then he's he doesn't realize that he's saying that they in the process of becoming rich making money so you can get all this uh luxuries you need to completely ignore it and and not care about it but it's like if you do that then you don't need it to begin with it's like your life bar in Dark Souls or demon souls yeah you have this full life bar and you fight the tutorial boss and it goes down nothing because you don't need it and then it gives you more you don't need it because it makes it good I didn't expect this analogy but yeah that the other thing about like becoming a millionaire like okay we don't need to like spin you when you guys save every bit of money you know in the scheme of a million dollars the 100 pair of shoes that you could have bought you know when you needed them five years ago okay that's not making a Big Splash in your budget you know I don't know maybe not maybe not I guess my my point is like waste 10 years of your life a huge portion of your life to then just buy into the thing that you were you taught yourself for 10 years to not buy anything what the [ __ ] is the point then of becoming a millionaire well then your futures but then you can be like me garyvee and tell people stuff and they will listen I'll tell them about me not eating breakfast I like the way he speaks to you like there's no like there's no dead time and there's no going um it's you just say 15. I think you know what I mean oh there's ABS on your videos garyvee uh that's passive income oh here's a great clip of him kissing his dad for some reason I was looking at wacky [ __ ] that he did and then this is what I found it all right let's go again let's go you kiss your dad like damn you kiss your dad like that damn whoa I mean more power to him but I wasn't expecting that that was that was passionate why does he kiss his dad on his lunch I'm so confused I mean I feel awkward giving my my dad a hug guys go to 7 30 to quit 29 Crazy Life advice made me four billion in six days oh my God I know who he is I know why he seems so familiar he is literally the embodiment of every piece of unsolicited advice I've ever gotten in the conversation that's it yeah if I was over here playing a game you know playing something and I'm past something important he would be down there like oh my God I can't believe you knew what you should do you play these years nothing else but this game here's what you gotta do I got it it's so lame it's a dumbest like I feel like so many young people aspire to be like young entrepreneurs and they don't know how and they desperately you know read all these rich people's books and they purchase all these programs and I'm sure there are some key elements to becoming successful like work hard blah blah blah be smart or whatever but at the end of the day you can't sell the formula because it's different for everyone everyone that made money did it in a different way and it and a lot of it that they don't even want to say is that a lot of it also comes down to luck and timing like if you and I started doing YouTube channels now it'd be way [ __ ] different but we're not gonna go around and tell people like all you gotta do is what I did I sold hot dogs all I did was grind I was like yeah there's a lot of work and hard effort and people know that but it's that's not only the things this is the Netflix that you need to turn turn off okay you know that you know there's a secret to being successful on YouTube and everyone always asks for it but we're never going to tell you it's our secret we don't want you to be big [Laughter] so I guess to summarize I don't sure some of it is harmless but a lot of it is stupid toxic and I disagree with it and I don't like him it is funny to watch it's very funny I enjoy it anyway that's garyvee for you subscribe for more epic videos see you guys tomorrow you okay shut up okay happy birthday
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 2,816,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie
Id: i-3yZu0EHAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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