The Vegan Teacher Must Be Stopped

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hello friends it's me today we're reacting to the vegan creature i mean vegan teacher since she keeps making videos about me this is the face of evil but first i think we should watch this video that she just recently made about travis scott travis scott the rapper he's an animal abuser he gets sponsored by mcdonald's he encourages millions and millions of people to keep going there i'm not okay with it did you hear what happened to him recently if you guys aren't caught up with the news eight people were killed at travis scott's concert astro world horrible what happened but here we are talking about mcdonald's this isn't about being vegan what happened has nothing to do with being vegan if travis scott just don't happen to be vegan i really wonder would she be here defending him like she said it before oh if you're not vegan you deserve to die why would anyone want to go and see somebody who's an animal abuser who gets sponsored by mcdonald's oh you gotta respect the new drip though she gotta let everyone know who she is as a society we need to get our heads on straight if you're ever going to get crushed by a bunch of people because you're doing an activity it better be because you are rushing into factory farms to save animals i don't see you doing that you know your favorite singer favorite actress actor youtuber eats me you shouldn't be supporting them what are you doing you know if you're a vegan you sure got a lot of beef you get crushed because you're rushing the stage to go and what touch the foot of him be in his aura he's an animal abuser stop you violated the law somebody who goes to a lot of concerts yeah when the person goes on stage everyone starts going insane trying to get as close as they can to the front everyone gets like packed thankfully i don't like anybody that popular that 50 000 people are gonna show up at a show and just like i thought metal concerts were crazy don't follow the crowd think for yourself so if i'm thinking for myself and i want to eat meat i'm going to eat meat but you can't say anything because you told me to think for myself and if i'd like to eat a burger i'm going to stop wasting your life she really spot wasting wrong waste isn't like your waste oh man i didn't know she was illiterate too this guy promoted one of his concerts it was live on something called i don't know fortnite you can you can stream it whatever 12 million gamers watch one of his concerts i don't know all for on on the fortnight at fortnight they literally have a character that has a boycott for a face and they didn't say vegan burger what a disgusting character stop playing video games use your time to learn and save the world instead now she's coming for the gamers nobody's safe wait till she finds out what you can do in minecraft [Laughter] don't let her don't let her see this don't ever see this you don't like me do you oh she finally got one thing right you don't like me do you let's give her a check mark for that one you're thinking to yourself well there's nothing wrong with playing video games but there is there's everything wrong with it because while you're doing that activity you're not learning bro i learned so much from video games a lot of people don't talk about this but video games are very good for your reflexes i swear boomers like her got a 30 second delay in real life the fact of the matter is this if you're not vegan you're an animal abuser oh here we are making this whole thing about veganism y'all heard it here so don't hang out with animal abusers don't go to concerts that are being sponsored by a mcdonald's don't follow any rappers who are being sponsored by anyone who hurts animals vegan rapper or singer not sponsored by fast food oh i get it so you're saying you want us to follow you eat your vegetables i mean that was a banger but still unless the person isn't saving animals and vegan themselves don't support them so if travis scott was vegan you wouldn't be making this video right what happened at the concert has nothing to do with being vegan except whether or not she cares if they died or not weirdo anyways back to my ordeal this is the face of evil somebody who thinks it's funny to scare others to hurt them to cut their throats to devour them what whoa okay wait till you find out why she's mad this time so i reacted to a video in this video just wait we see an innocent dog who was put into a stroller and is scared and whoever does this to the dog finds it amusing she made a whole video because i reacted to this clip of someone who put their dog in a stroller a clearly spoiled dog but there's nothing amusing about seeing someone else suffer bro calm down like it's just a little jump scare the equivalent of saying boo you act like this dog is gonna have crippling anxiety from the little jump scare in fact it's not normal to laugh at someone else's pain you know if i walk up behind you and yell beef you have a little scare it's gonna be funny i'm gonna laugh come on every once in a while hide around the corner pop out scare your dog they have a little spook nothing life threatening so what i see no problem it's not like you're doing this to the point where you're traumatizing the animal why do you find it hilarious try and explain it into words you could say i have an elevated sense of humor how seeing somebody else in pain gives you joy come on you tell me you haven't watched a fail video seen someone get hurt and laugh never then you're lying to yourself if you took a tumble down the stairs i'm sorry i might laugh what other sick things do you do what else do you do to your own dogs do you poke them do you also try to scare them what do you do hide them in closets what hold on i'm gonna show you my dog right now look at that it's an abused dog if i ever seen one having such a horrible time having to listen to you speak i love this doggy with all of my heart besides the one time she had explosive diarrhea this dog has never known pain a day in her life do you eat them what why would you want to hurt an animal she just asked me if i eat my dogs bro nah they're still here she's actually insane why would you want anyone to suffer even for a split second don't you think that the dog will remember this no the dog won't remember it this poor dog having flashbacks from the halloween store oh i can't sleep at night that spider did me a scare my life would never be the same give him a treat and move on he can't even remember the last thing he ate and he's the same thing every day this isn't just a one-time thing that's forgotten we don't hurt animals or children we never do this to them if this was a child your child would you think it's funny to do that to them too i've seen a lot of tick tocks of people doing stuff like that to their kids so i don't see you coming for any of them i find that hilarious how you could jump scare a dog you should never be around animals or children they're similar kids too she took away my child privilege but you would force a child to be vegan i would hate growing up in her household so i have some time stamps here so they say apparently at about the 2 10 mark she's going to talk about a spider so let's have a look at that my mom oh i see there is a spider there above this person's head yeah you're literally reacting to me reacting to a video why and i'm reacting to her i'm part of the problem and i guess leo by the look on her face it's just notice that hopefully you're not going to freak out and say that anything bad should happen i'm surprised it was just a gasp and not a blood curdling a scream oh come on why would you scream if you see a spider oh maybe some people are scared of spiders maybe they got some trauma it could be poisonous and if something could seriously harm you i think it's normal to be scared of it x and she gave me an x for it spider just ended up in the house by accident spider doesn't want to be there then why does it come into my house if it doesn't want to be there you want to go to her house and escort the bug out yourself since you got all this free time to make all these videos i mean why would you be mean why would you even think of of screaming and scaring the poor spider you act like people like scream when they see a spider on purpose it's a reflex why would you scream when you see me i got a ton of spiders in my house as long as they are not invading my personal space i'm not scared of them i got used to them okay that's good okay that's good what's with that kind of ascending tone you have a ton of spiders in your house okay i'll give you a check mark well actually let's see what she does because my exterminator is not doing his job check mark also they eat inferior bugs i let them outside they don't eat inferior bugs the other bugs are not inferior why do you think they're inferior that's a strange word to use no it is not a strange word to use and ant is inferior to a prey mantis i could name several bugs worse than a pray mantis or like a spider how do you go put a house fly on the same level as a butterfly inferior very inferior to a lot of bugs mosquitoes they can all die so yes inferior just because somebody eats something an animal eats something doesn't mean they're inferior they're just different i mean there's different and there's inferior i stopped killing bugs because they sometimes they like splatter and it's gross i'm just oh i'm gonna have to give you an x for that that's not the right reason excited to be a nice guy and i like let them out now nice you just said that you're doing it for yourself because you don't like to see their guts splatter that make you nice yeah that's my kind of nice if you don't like it the leaves is only the big one the little ones could literally [Laughter] she didn't like that she didn't like that one discriminating against size uh yeah are you also mean to small people no comments why are there so many bugs i hate to alarm the poor bugs are caught in the car what if she's gonna feel sorry for them there's something dead in that car there is a car with something dead in it and there are a bunch of maggots and flies and inferior bugs and she's like oh the poor flies not oh the poor dead body or whatever is like causing them to swarm just oh the poor flies is she gonna feel sorry for them no please don't feel sorry for them are you their lord and savior i don't know what it is it could be some rotten meat perhaps are you not gonna talk about the poor bugs who are stuck in the car do you think that they want to be in there i cannot believe her right now when you got rotten meat and maggots start eating it oh the poor maggots it's not like they want to eat the sumptuous flesh they want to be outside and get some fresh air do fun maggot things i can't believe there's a real person right now come on another come on that has been there for weeks and you're talking about meat meat is a dead body of someone who didn't want to die are you going to mention that that there could be a poor cow no because i don't know what it is a chicken it could be a turkey i don't know she doesn't say um could be a poor human because f humans okay so sniper wolf your report card is not that impressive okay so yeah how many x's one two three four five six seven eight and you have one two three four five trivial mega unfortunately you still fail i really don't like to write fail on your report card no you love it it's how you make yourself feel better about yourself now i bet you're real satisfied that i fail you don't want to see me win you know as soon as i turn off your video i'm the real winner but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 8,019,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, vegan teacher, teacher
Id: 6Jt9pxz74lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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