Apology Videos have reached a new low

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Ken have you ever made an apology video no and I hope I never have to good me neither cuz today we're reviewing apology videos oh we're what do you think we're yes we're going to rate them and I've added a little bonus game Bingo YouTube apology Bingo here you get a card I get a card I love Bingo I've never actually played this is my first time playing bingo you've never played Bingo before Oh man so let's see what we have here avoid eye contact with camera mhm looks like you got to look bad yeah crying PL and line deleted video we'll go through these as we go on it's been so long I used to rate all the apology videos I'm kind of kind of an expert I actually realized there's so many apology videos now like you can take any YouTuber and then just add apology and see if it comes up like it's a game on its own right a lot of stuff has gone wrong lately it's getting bad out there first apology video you know what it is I can't damn it I think that's our first Bingo Ken quite possibly the worst apology video of all check she whipped out the ukulele for this one huh I can't watch this video it's too cringy I can never make it past like the one minute Mark she literally did just whoop out the ukulele still got the dust under the strings and everything oh you're right well spotted the Hawkeye can again yeah I'm on it don't you worry okay let's watch the apology and we'll raid it and see if we had any more bingos keep an eye out on your bingo card Ken oh there there's a lot coming on this one already I'm just [Music] looking is that dramatic dramatic pause I think I had that in there dramatic started out with avoiding eye contact with camera but we got dramatic pause dramtic [Music] PA hey it's been a while since you saw my face I haven't been doing so great so I took a little break God I didn't think there would be this many bingos uh my feelings I think I had like like my feelings I'm not doing great I'm doing terrible you guys having fun this is the funniest video of all [Music] time do you think the new uh apology meta is just going to be releasing songs now is there spot is there Spotify no it came came I think after this one everyone knows not to do this I don't know how they I I feel like people should have realized by now like how to apologize right it shouldn't be that hard say you're sorry just say you're sorry own up to what you did but they just can't do it people just can't do it I want a Spotify link of this uh hi everyone I've been wanting to come online and talk to you about a few things um even though my team has strongly advised me to not say what I want to say I recently realized that they never said that I couldn't sing what I want to say oh God God damn listen Felix my team all they want is the best for me and my success they told me not to make this but you know what didn't say I couldn't sing it so here we go it's just how she expects it to be like oh wow that's so clever I what do you think we're going to react like wow I can't she has a good point actually yes I can't believe it oh God if the people looking after you are saying don't do something absolutely don't do this you probably should listen no know she she a big deal whatever you know it's just a bunch of people being toxic it's a gossip train people just doing it for you know they're reacting to for the views you know it's not even a big deal I feel sick I hate watching this video I'm still impressed how this thing has had 13,000 comments for like the last two months that's a lot of comments though two hours ago two hours ago two hours ago 16 one oh there's a big gap in uh oh my fing God she still does it this is like 5 months old oh my God God days oh my God 2 hours ago stay strong she was here she was sitting here 2 hours ago for a five months old video only positivity in this comment section okay no hate this hurts me man I cannot this is beyond this is I didn't this long fire she sit there and she goes yes that one I will approve that one Let's test that Spotify link when newest comment it's not there no it's not there it's not there I don't see it the last one I see is the St strong there it's not there oh they're all held for review that's what it is and they they're actually approving that's what I mean that's what I mean she's approving them I feel like that counts as deleting comments or something I think disabling comments there you go that's another one um today I only want to talk about the facts so I hope that you'll be willing to listen no this is painful I can't do it many years ago I used to message my fans uh but so she has this really child like I can't imagine anyone but an infant child watching her videos cuz she does this character but she was just texting fans kind of treating them like therapy super inappropriate conversations like sexual topics asking if they were a virgin sending her underwear to her fans that's what I like I haven't even looked into it to be honest I'm sure there's more but like that's what I got out of it it's a kind of thing where at some point she should have realized you know what this is [ __ ] weird that's a character though a characters to be weird just like at some point she should have realized you know what maybe I shouldn't whip out ukul Alan sing but I I guess some people just don't have that listen I definitely don't have the best sensor either but Jesus Christ I don't have this level of narcissism I don't nism isn't it it is Holy cuz she expects everyone to be like wow that's so cute she has her little ukele I love it a creepy way like a lot of you are trying to suggest it was more of a loser kind of way where I was just trying to be besties with everybody it's still creepy though yeah yeah like just cuz your intention is different doesn't mean it's not creepy to send your you're underwear to someone I mean and she goes through it like for all the people who've already watched it like lightly touches on some of the allegations but there's like a channel that like has all the messages you can go like read them all yourself and like make your come to your own conclusions right and they're pretty wild I guess that's why I'm taking this so lightly cuz I don't even know half the story well I mean like you can't take it seriously she's playing ukulele right now video how are you supposed to like when you paused it oh yeah that's not her angle let's just say that details of my life which was really weird of me I haven't done that for years you see cuz I changed my behavior and I took accountability is that a bingo she took accountability when now in the ukulele [Laughter] [Music] video but that's not very interesting is it so let's go on the toxic gossip train so [ __ ] n rat I would never make a mistake like that oh I'm sorry I didn't realize that all of you are perfect so please criticize me bring out the daggers made from your perfect past and stab me repeatedly in my bony little back godamn godamn Jesus said he without sin cast the first stone you can't judge me you've guys have done bad stuff too there you of course of course we can that's how it works everyone can I can be the worst person in the planet and still be like you're a piece of [ __ ] absolutely you know what would have been a better apology what if she just came out of nowhere and hit us with this one take this chance to apologize to absolutely nobody [ __ ] that would have been a better apology my freaking headphon I'm sorry to nobody absolutely nobody it's basically what most apology videos are these days anyway yeah you're right you're right it's just a convoluted way of saying it yeah you like you give you give the people enough they like oh okay well she said she's sorry and then you still have enough to where people talk about it and you get the free publicity from it but you're really not sorry and you just move on with your life and you keep doing what you do I would actually like to take this time to apologize myself for nothing today's sponsor Clash of Clans you didn't guess it I'm playing Clash of Clans they invited me for their charity event Clash of nature I'm competing I need help help me supercell the creator of the game have deviced or master plan to save the planet through echo-friendly housing which I've built here it's really nice solar and everything no by pillaging my Viking ancestors I know they're behind me they're going yes they're going what's that that's a game based on realtime strategy elements yes yes it is with Base building and Resource Management yes all right I'm [Music] pillaging snep F7 733 if you're watching I hope you're humiliated as you can see I'm getting golden resources this will all count towards our charity goal we're trying to raise 100,000 it will go for team trees or team C's I'm team trees so join my team there it is beautiful so pillers away for a good C but here's the best bit if our team wins 50 of you will win a kit with supercell merch it gets better okay it gets better you know what I will win if we win a Tesla you get special merch I get a Tesla use SEC C code download now play it while the video goes on I don't care I want a Tesla I need two Teslas I want to ride one with both legs like this thank you class of clients for sponsoring this video let's keep going um I didn't realize it was my responsibility to decide what was appropriate for every kid to see is that shifting blame yeah oh yeah yeah defitely definitely a shifting BL there we go hope you had some fun 8 minutes thank God it's over Ken actually you know [ __ ] God damn it not he's not done ran about it yet she rehearsed that she was like you know it would be cool if I like no I got more [ __ ] to say this is all impr promp from here maybe you're confused about something I don't know [Music] let me try to help um that's it I'm not doing it thank you that's too much man I can't believe she did that so she eventually comes back in a later video this like a 10-minute Vlog but like for like a minute of it she says she's sorry in a more sincere way oh yes she didn't actually apologize I think I had that or did she apologize there we go was that an apology I don't think so all right why should we rate this apology K I mean it's probably the best thing I've ever seen I don't think it gets better than this actually 10 out of 10 Peak apology Peak I agree with that 10 out of 10 10 bananas out of 10 all right I have so many apologies Ken I have two parts of this I feel like this is ridiculous I realiz it take so long Logan Paul yay Logan Paul he's back he's back baby I felt bad for him for a while cuz it seemed like he was genuinely like oh no I I made a mistake you know I'm like okay we'll give him another chance and then he just started like like with all the crypto sh oh maybe not maybe some people never change people never change he had this crypto thing where it was like a coin they were trying to make it like a Dogecoin and they call it dink coin or something dink dink and it's so cringy have did you see any of this I haven't actually seen this yet I know about the crypto Zoo stuff but not about yeah they did this one first where they're like oh do Dogecoin is getting big so we're going to do our own but we're going to pretend like yeah it's just like the funniest thing ever it's me Logan Paul now I know what you're thinking Logan what the f are you doing here I'm doing the same thing as you holding my dink that's what I'm doing this is a [ __ ] coin I believe in he believes in it I wonder why I wonder why probably not cuz he has like already a bunch of money in it they try to make it like South Park it's just embarrassing and lo and behold he helped to create it can you believe it K what what surprise guys you should put all your money in this thing that I found it's so funny oh my God whenever I think of trust PE YouTubers that I trust content creators that I trust Logan Paul definitely always at the top anything he does absolutely I trust it and of course as you know nfts now worthless who would have thought what oh no way so he did the crypto Zoo where you hatch eggs to make it more exciting and you get funny little pictures that's one of the things you can mate the eggs with each other and some bad AI animal mix pretty much yeah it's a panda and an elephant and it's hilarious so he got called out basically like abandoning this project and leaving everyone that put money into it just to like rot I guess this is his response and surely you knew amilio the gentleman who supposedly let his child invest in a cryptocurrency was allegedly responsible for two so this is Shi in blame but we already we already have that so either did we already have that yeah yeah all right good another one did he delete this video cuz see it's re-uploaded oh deleted video yay thank you thank you you missed that or you knew it and failed to let the public know why because it was a clear sign that he was also untrustworthy you seem you he like you idiot calling me out you missed that he's an criminal how how dare you miss that my employees that I hired po criminals you idiot you think you did research look at all this sh I can't believe he uploaded this well I guess you realized and deleted it after 12 months of work you still managed to overlook one crucial piece of information see even though I've said it's coming so many times you've assumed that crypto Zoo isn't being made who are you to decide when the development timeline ends do you think it's released yet Ken this coming soon how how dare I assume when the development period is over it's right around the corner it's coming eventually I think he's in some legal trouble because of this I don't know how severe it is but I think that's probably the reason why I guess we should watch the apology or response to this like he just goes on his podcast and he talks about it what do I do what do I do I actually have an answer for that when you're on the top rope at WWE and you're going like this after a crazy show and the audience is going crazy when you're bringing Prime into the what I'm just is this the apology or is it just like a shout out to all his products you know what he's got going on promoting merch there we go yeah got it all right we're don't have time zero I give this zero out of 10 Logan Paul tired of this are you ready for the best apology video I have ever seen in my entire life I can't believe this almost flew under my radar do you know the Tik tocker Sienna me M almost 13 million followers 1.1 billion likes God dang [ __ ] I'm not keeping up with this what she did was pretty uh what's the word ag agous ag what the was that look those perfect ass waves I hate her even more now how the where did she she flat out on camera uh sexually assaulted gred a guy that was completely unconscious all over him it's pretty horrible to see it she got C like there there's no doubt like you see the clip you're like what the her apology video have you seen it no I know she diding god dude no I'm already looking at that no is it like yeah yeah yeah it's the millennial apology can like a mood board yeah I don't F I can't believe this neity surrounding my platform it was honestly one of the most difficult times in my life for many reason but through struggle I found Clarity Within Myself and with who I want to surround myself with my purpose in this life is all right hold on hold on hold on hang on clearly reading a script we got that on the bingo card right yay there we go silly Tik Tok dances or showing unedited photos of myself creating sexually assaulting other people and inspiring is what fulfills me I know that this is why God and the universe have given me this platform Jesus Christ shut the God damn self love but that takes time she's chosen man she's the chosen one that's main character to the next level man Jesus Christ I think a lot of people my age can relate to I hope this can inspire you she wants to inspire us she sit in a lingerie too yeah this is like oh this is like that when you got to like like down to earth and as normal as you can when you're making your apology yeah yeah she's vulnerable right now I understand really she wants to inspire us you know she get you get called out for something that's illegal uh horrible uh but she wants to inspire us so thank you for that appreciate that are you ready to be inspired Ken I I'm already inspired I'm feeling [Music] great I can't watch this [ __ ] what what about watching is she is she apologizing through interpretive dance right now yes she [Laughter] is it's so bad too oh God I can't believe I've never seen this before holy sh i f to and I was like holy [ __ ] this is like you couldn't make this up I thought that ukulele was bad yes this is the new meta this interpreted dance apology man she's hitting those moves like I do in Tekken when I'm playing Eddie you know just butt Mash you know the ones I feel inspired to kill myself oh the lyrics are I've done nothing wrong the oh my God we have to put a different track but that's the lyrics I'm we hearing oh God oh my God I can't believe it it's just you know a lot of thought and time goes into these things right she didn't just like have this ready there's multiple camera angles too so they like did this several times whole production crew and yeah unbelievable I don't know if she titled it apology I think she did it's qu was it a reupload where did this come from was it deleted yeah this is another deleted video you already have that yeah we already got that yeah we just need two long explanation sigh and dark place or how is this how is this relevant oh I guess when they I think we probably hit that one quite a few times already all right see if we can get another one we got more Ken I'm going to speed up a little bit cuz we taking some time I found a Pokemon has a apology video does she what does she apologize for I discovered this fun little thing that you can do is you play the video I hope you're doing well and then you just read the comments instead trying to figure out what she's in I know this video over one year later I still don't know what she's apologizing for according to Japanese scientist if you're not sleeping it's probably because you're awake wow this is kind of the situation I think most content creators hope for when they do something wrong is they just keep going and eventually no one knows what you did wrong anyway wow this is crazy do you know the first person convicted of speed was going 8 Miles hour damn that's crazy again oh God it goes on for so long there we go long explanation I also saw KSI had one and he yeah it was he used a racial slur uh I think at least I don't know we don't have to get into it I just find it hilarious the setting for some reason we always got start out with like you know it not looking like a well edited video or anything right you know got to where is he behind the scenes here he's on a roof it looks like in the background he's like morning morning everyone but there's it seems like no one is there like it's so quiet so you know I want to read a St quiet on the set you know which I've written to make sure just looks like he's St why they set him in front of like the backdrop if they're not even going to like but yeah no it's good he took a it's a good apology I think he did a good job I just thought the whole setting was funny but maybe it wasn't just to me Lage Tech TI did you know this oh my god did he yeah I'll kept up with this a little bit he didn't apologize until everyone until got really bad I don't I don't understand what happened I think it was I watched his videos and he's always like repping on like the big companies they're so stupid they do all these mistakes and then it's like he has done every big company bad mistake there is basically and now it is a big company because it's worth like so much exactly yeah full circle it starts off with the years ago when he said why the [ __ ] are you here I've never seen an apology with this many people involved and then finally lus St where the Channel shows up a number of times there he is sad L is thinking retiring three years ago it was a golden opportunity to show up like this why did he come in like this come on oh imagine that would been so good that would have been perfect what's up guys I think that was uh all my apology videos Ken that was it wow really we hit the Bing gum we did it huge we've missed out at some of these I don't know man I'm inspired you know oh inspired that's good yeah she did that there was definitely a couple signs and we got free for free yeah free free I would I contact I feel like we definitely got from colen a so close damn we almost got the whole jackpot can Jesus Christ keep going we'll fill the whole board up I promise well that was a lot of fun obviously you know people make mistakes I don't know what that feels like or how you do but it happens I guess to some people Ken do you think I should win a Tesla absolutely check out the link in description so I can win Tesla wow yeah check out Ken that's it
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 3,756,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie, clash of clans, logan paul, pokimane, colleen vlogs, ksi, linus tech tips, apology, apology review, pewdipie apology review
Id: Vw0xrE3ZQ74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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