Genius needs to be stopped!

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Lol what a bizarre cross over

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ccov489 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn joey better share this. Thats an insanely huge shoutout. Never really watched pewdiepie, but now he got my sub.πŸ”₯

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Selizko πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn that's so dope, didn't know Pewds would have listened to Joey.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EonMatriks πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

We now know that pewdiepie has a good taste in music

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iDerogatory πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was very well played by pewds

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/amethyst47 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m going on 30 and I have found a new appreciation for pewdiepie, geniusand the tweens they’re promoting needs to be put on blast

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/enowapi-_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Epic gamer moment

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/youngskiwalker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn you late to the party

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/strommizcs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
I be flossing and I be flossing I be flossing I'll be flossing genius needs to be stopped genius wishes aside that as far as I'm concerned used to break down rap lyrics explaining the meaning behind the song giving more depth to the artist but now genius have taken on new ventures hit or miss I guess they never miss hop the hit is the slang for heavy what you got a boyfriend I bet he doesn't kiss yet Wow well what does that mean the joke here is that Roberts not wanting to kiss what I want to know the meaning behind this it's disgusting well now instead with the genius or rap genius or whatever you want to call it instead of having respectable artists I deserve recognition they decided let's add Viners like little poems and Gabi Hannah and of course the backpack kid so essentially going from not many times I got to tell you I'm a man in the mission many times I got to tell you I don't need no permission a human with supervision a new living condition I'm reaching out to my children just hoping that they would listen start a new coalition against corrupt politicians is not enough hot to pissing to many murder convictions another family evicted another black man a victim that's as real as it's getting you should take recognition Jew I be flossing and I be flossing and I be flossing I'll be flossing I'll be flossing I'll be flossing I'll be flossing I'll be flossing what does he mean by that finally I can understand what he means with I be flossing this is a ton of great memes from this now they clearly just given up hey there's a ton of stuff to go through but why don't we start with the IB flossing song just because we're already brought it up for convenience E I'd be flossing what does he mean by that Fossen is the dance that took the world by a storm on the Internet washing the dance that took the world by storm it just really came to mind like I was just like playing around in the mirror playing music and I started dancing and then I started doing it and I was like whoa that's a cool rhythm to it as I just notice Instagram the Dames it just really came to mind you mean when you were browsing YouTube don't lie to me floss kid everyone knows the original was from 2014 huh do you want me to do it again okay [Music] the dance just really it just came to mind I don't know it's just so random I don't understand I'm joking obviously I'm not saying he actually plagiarized it a lot of people are saying that he did but obviously it is possible for two people to come up with the same day and smooth I know crazy to think about right I think that's why it's so funny to me that he actually or ace parents or management try to copyright this dance move that it's not even original everywhere you go you will see that Foss and dance everywhere you go you will see the flashing dance come on it is hard isn't it I'm cut again there yes just keep keeping three nuts so the craziest place I've seen the floss dance probably like in New York there is a little Guinness Book of World Record thing that they were doing for the amount of people flossing at one time and it was like 700 something people and they didn't invite me but it's okay wait wait a minute wait a minute sorry but did you say that 700,000 people try to do flossing in New York City and this was recorded before ninjas now it all makes sense doesn't it didn't he just say that they were trying to get a million people to do the floss in New York City so we're gonna try to get a million people right now to dance in time so they were trying to beat the floss record but no one did it imagine trying to break a world record to get a million people to do something this this brings a whole new meaning to this whole thing that's amazing but no one does now I get it this is how bad ideas come to mind when you try and steal some other person's idea that doesn't make any sense just like you try and steal the dance I'm just kidding I'm being too harsh on this kid I mean like it's a cool dance I am NOT saying he didn't come up with international you will see it in France I want to go to Paris honestly the Eiffel Tower that's great content perfect example of why I love right genius well I love genius it'd be international you will see it in France the Eiffel Tower why did you write this very what was the deeper meaning behind it I want to go to France that's great content left to right left to right left to right okay left right left right left right alright so the first thing you want to do is spread your legs and then you want to put your arms out and go left right go left right to right left to right incredible everyone what it motivated you and your mom to sue for tonight um it was really my mom and my management that did the lawsuit I'm kind of just a kid having fun in life I'm just letting the adults to all the busy work I don't really know the law like that so I can't really say if they're like taking advantage of me or anything like that but like from a mom standpoint like a manager standpoint they think that they're taking advantage of me how come well you can sue everyone just go ahead just go ahead please don't sue me though yeah this is the real reason no one philosopher and ninja speak they just didn't want to get copyright strike I'm not falling for that I'm not doing the flux as copyrighted I know this is a kind of a dead meme it's so goddamn good literally sounds like the beginning of a it's funny cuz it's true really they don't know what I made really they don't know what made of maybe I don't know really they don't know what I'm made of so that line people want to talk when I'm not around here means a few things one is obviously like gossip and rumors but a lot of just two out people want to talk when I'm not around to hear really they don't know what I mean how much meaning can you fit into this I'm tougher than you think but it also was supposed to be a deeper meaning on DNA what DNA are you talking about I don't want to be too harsh on Gaby I mean everyone's being really mean in the comments going like oh she can't sing blah blah blah I mean let's be real here so many artists can't sing and I hasn't stopped anyone so keep doing what you're doing Gaby because the memes are great hey listen to music that I feel is vulnerable really really jacob satorious has a genius why stop oh my god looks like they've just given up things just completely given up haven't they these are all this is four days before the flossing whine all right let's see what he has to say yo you actually have saved me with this song there's nothing that beats that Oh God this argument oh yeah yeah yeah like if at least one person got this song and said it saved their life then that has brought meaning to my work like imagine being fifty or being an adult in the future going like I'm a survivor oh you survived the camps no but Jacob Satori are saved me Thank You Jacob you're musically many Australians my arm a little with my [ __ ] who doesn't care about my health like you do baby all I'm saying is me and my managers are in LA we go eat food every day and I'm so used to the same thing where like the waiters are okay well can I get you they're not happy with their job there I mean it's a job and you know like people got to work but at the same time like you should be happy with what you do it's nice to know that people care about you but sometimes your waiters you can be okay if they don't are you saying I'm more confused now when he explained it there's must be some really advanced lyrics for the record though you don't have to have advanced necks but if you go in genius then maybe you want something to say at least but what is this he ordered a coke waiter with my coke who doesn't care about my health like you do baby all I'm saying you order the free first of all you order the coat is that what you mean can you be and what's the thing about you should love your job like why ever what every waiter is supposed to be happy Dappy serving you coke not everyone can make a living making from musically videos and horny tweens like Jesus Christ dude if you want someone to worry about your health man then maybe your management that you go eat lunch with every day like I don't get it maybe I don't get it maybe his stuff is too advanced for me oh I wouldn't mind if you wanna be together get back together yeah I I'm alright but I'd rather be alright with you you just give up I rather be together my job is to be a singer if you don't like your job then you have a bad problem I can't keep your ripping into these kids alright I get I don't want to be bullied alright Jacob do whatever you want alright I'm trying to stop you live your life be free man order Amy as many cokes as you want don't let anyone hold you back maybe consider Coke Zero now you look like your skinny boy you could probably drink regular coke lily ponds when lovely pause was ingenious I knew it was over and I get you have to understand that this video comes from a place of disappointment I mean I really like this series I really like genius I really enjoy watching different artists and rappers explain their lyrics I don't like lily ponds Hey look there's my comment large G Ike's how did we get here me hi Leonard did you know I'm latina just letting y'all know she's latina legend has hit lil is doing you know clearly you don't have to have just the serious art is on here I wouldn't like that either that would just be annoying you need a bit of contrast in there and I respect genius for doing that but Viners please for the love of God stop gaping buy a nurse a platform not not saying there's a ton of great Viners on this platform like drew Gordon has great videos danny gonzalez all I'm saying here is there is actually talented funny smart people that came from vine but it's a desperation that really gets me it's like clawing for relevancy that it's just so gross to me they always seem to crawl their way into the corporate world somewhere even Lille extinct like I don't generally hate her but the desperation just disgusts me and it's so transparent with these miners it's just sickening I don't like it I don't want to see it as I mean I hate them personally or whatever they're doing I just don't want to see them and I can't avoid them they're crawling their way into my territory my genius reviews okay just stop so let me just end up by reviewing some of my favorite genius reviews that are actually funny we have big shack for example ah boom now that's genius and you're not wonderful with a sugar like me when I pull up in that Maserati I had a minivan it's great my absolute favorite one has to be the lil yachty peekaboo boosters make that sound mellow nosedive hmm if anyone can transcribe that for me please do because I have no idea what he just said you need to really pay attention which is why it's so important to listen to this now the best break no either okay about that Square we played each other Squidward played the clarinet you're a musician okay hope you guys enjoyed this genius a rat I keep calling it a rap genius it's clearly not what it is Viner genius that's right that's the thing apparently you guys enjoyed smash you like if you did I would really appreciate it get some merch everybody it's now on 15% sale that's right see if you ever want to buy merch me like I don't know maybe I don't have no now's the time baby get done merged fam get it don't get it guys you can get that subscribe to PDP merch or maybe the 70 million club merge or maybe the suka Fiat merch oh wait we don't have that or maybe the pew nerds March I don't know ton of options check it out I also want to give a quick shout out to my man CJ plays okay this guy makes incredible videos now I reviewed one of his videos before apparently he's been a little scared of making more videos so I just wanted to hope that CJ gets encouraged to make more videos I genuinely think they bring a lot of joy to people so shout out to my man CJ and I hope he keeps uploading that's it for me for now see you guys next time bye bye you want pyramids we got them oh you're into casos huh we got you covered baby you want some bets easy we got it all this game is still relevant goddammit [Music] you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 22,110,847
Rating: 4.9511075 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, genius, review, lele pons, gabbi hannsomething, jacob whatever his name is, other people
Id: 0looVXRbaDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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