Real Alpha Males

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oh [ __ ] yeah guys welcome back to another gunner tv video from reddit mod to alpha chad the fauxhawk it's the industry standard really here's a thought wait this isn't a fauxhawk this is a uh a rayhawk i remember back in whenever the rays were in the world series for the first time everyone in tampa used to get this [ __ ] goofy thing fo hawk you gotta like spike that [ __ ] up this is that dark souls 3 create a character preset hair stuff come on man no in between let me see that poster one more time who do we got we got a jimmy rex the bull oh everyone else has dumb names [ __ ] tim ballard he went to the wrong place man was looking for the discord mod get together tim ballard is the goat you [ __ ] we have some tim ballard stands what does he do why does he have a cool name like the bull or jimmy rex let me see i can't i can say with a high level of confidence though if tim ballard's one of the speakers at alphacon be great or be nothing probably not really like the [ __ ] man an anti-human trafficking activist and author is that him i can't tell there's no picture here i'll just assume it is i'll give him the benefit of doubt that's good coming out against human trafficking is always a good thing hey i'll be brave i'll give a hot take human trafficking bad i don't like it if there's any human traffickers in here hey get on the straight in there all right i'm tired of it cut out that monkey business all right we we don't we don't do human trafficking here all right enough horseplay cut it out buster corner telling you three subscribers right now they were selling 500 virtual tickets all last month and only recently changed it to 97 in-person tickets i would be absolutely enraged if i had spent that much money to watch a live stream of this [ __ ] show just to find out they changed prices and i could now go in person i think they're giving it away as much as i would love to spend i think it's a great price in fact there's not even an itinerary of the event to view and it's only three weeks out from happening instead my man they can't spell itinerary specifically on each speaker i was outrageous to even think that you see this picture clearly shows that his income is over a million dollars there's a dollar sign it says income above it his name on the account probably just got cropped out somewhere that happens to millionaires a lot how do i know oh i'm a multi-millionaire too what's up you guys if you haven't seen already so you're living hey you better be careful teasing the bowl somehow and i'm so grateful to all of you and even chris delia is talking about alphacon 2022 coming up so nothing's more alpha than getting everyone's name wrong isn't it christy alia but [ __ ] yeah man i imagine he was making fun of it i've never heard of alphacon and i keep my finger on the pulse of all this goofy [ __ ] was it really the number one trend in uh on twitter when i type in alphacon the only thing that comes up with people on reddit talking about how they believe it was a giant scam so i mean i guess maybe it was trending this has 900 updates i mean far be it for me to question the infinite sage wisdom of the bull here jeremiah the bull evans but to me it looks like the only things that come up when i look at alpha khan are people talking about how it was a scam if you tripped and fell and people started laughing at you do you get up and thank them for the free publicity but tell them next time don't laugh that was actually a serious performative fall and you're supposed to appreciate it and you can buy tickets to me tripping and falling again next week no people are gonna laugh because you're doing a funny thing i don't care how many don't you ever compare alphacon the following i don't want to take advice from someone the only reason an alpha would fall face first into a vagina got to love that decor we got a football chess an ak-47 whiskey bottle that's pretty cool has had many of the other alpha constants hold on that uh let's let's pump the brakes a little bit this setup kind of [ __ ] nice ak-47 whiskey bottle i might have to book tickets to the next alphacon i'm not gonna lie to you he's even made himself an alpha record made himself a giant x record too i don't really know what it means i'm sure there's like a sword undoubtedly forged in mordor or something like super alpha there's probably just pairs of panties all over the place over here from different women that he's taken into the office hey it's a cool setup my favorite mantra that i say every day is i'm a lover i'm a leader i'm a lighthouse i'm a lover always craves me i'm a leader because why wouldn't you want to be a leader right so we get to shine like there's these guys they almost want you i'm gonna tell you right now keith i'm sorry to hit you with the cold water an alpha would never call himself a white house because you shine that is some beta 16 year old emo poetry [ __ ] my man you gotta work on that you're in the bullpen and you're calling yourself a lighthouse you may have just you should have just walked in and bent over and let the bull [ __ ] you this is outrageous what a what a poser where's your ak-47 whiskey bottle huh keith keith yackey wasn't just saying that creepy wife craving him all the time lying just cuz it's actually what he sells a course on one simple thing you need to do to get your wife back in the bedroom again and then there he is oh my god keith keith this just screams i'm a cuck come on man keith you went into the bullpen and then released that my wife doesn't want to [ __ ] me anymore book keith why is he speaking at alphacon he's lowering my testosterone levels maybe making fun of this is my bias i'm 23. i don't have a wife but selling well you could if you other men but keith jackie's like the wrong medium and probably the wrong focus too shouldn't the course be about saving a failing relationship because i think that's the main reason that the sex thing is a problem at all no no no no no hold on i need to look at keith yackey myself keith yankee sex is just one big part of it but i'm sure keith tackles the entire relationship keith yaki oh here we go here we go keith yackey has been a here i got he made a whole lore of himself from the business called you keith yackey has been a pastor he's dated porn stars he's created a multi-million dollar empire and promised himself that when he could he'd share the principles that made it all possible even the dating the porn star thing available to as many as possible he's got a purpose and a passion and you're going to hear it all on today's episode of the business called you podcast i i feel like keith wrote that himself he's been asked to speak on stages with the biggest names ranging from music superstar pitbull tony robbins garyvee russell brunson and lewis howes and she's looking at me and tapping me under the table and saying hey listen we get out of here you know we're doing it in the car from totally gone to doing it in the car keith you dirty dog damn he's getting hard your wife is going to be blowing you in the middle of ruby tuesdays that is my promise to you and with powers like that it's no one what a deal yaki got the alphacon invite diesel brothers on discovery channel owner of one mission nutrition vidcon expo and author of the divorce handbook yeah the divorce handbook all caps like he's particularly excited about it divorce let's go like he's mad about it all that paperwork custody battle for the kids intense stress getting back into dating [ __ ] yeah eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars for violating the clean air act over a hundred times that is hey that's alpha [ __ ] yeah environmental government compliance [ __ ] we're literally called the diesel bro he's rolling cold it up i mean for alpha's sake look at the first thing he reads every morning if you don't kill it your family that's facts really no [ __ ] way this is something i've always noticed about alphas they live their lives like actual high school girls putting words on your wall that are supposed to be like inspirational but then like putting your man spin on it if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve to have me kill your dear it's like it's so weird the divorce handbook because you're not a [ __ ] joker quotes oh true [ __ ] the [ __ ] [ __ ] before the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you this video slap's not gonna lie i told you man i recently found this guy's channel i think he's great gunner tv [ __ ] criminally underrated i saw his jack manley video and then i saw he made something on alphacon which i'd never heard of and so far this is some fire it's a self-fulfilling prophecy get hired to speak in an event get pictures and videos of you doing so and then use those to promote and get hired for more speaking events and repeat this cycle enough and eventually you're gonna get hired to speak at an event with a [ __ ] name and premise like alphacon hey let's not get carried away all right alpha khan is a great god damn name andrew cordell this guy actually does kind of look like samwise gamgee andrew cordell this is such a flattering picture of him when you google his name it's like he's about to judge your dish on masterchef this just sent me to a non-existent not secure godaddy website thanks andrew what what does he do what i just want to see what he does giant [ __ ] nothing burger of information i guess i'd have to watch one of the videos let me see okay gunner tv wasn't wrong the videos just do not work nor do they exist not a single one of them work this is the guy that's going to take my business and turn it into an empire a guy who can't even check to make sure his own videos work on his website want to learn the secrets to systems and processes that successful empires have been using for decades is it placating the audience like just giving them nothing business isn't doing so hot andrew cordell is my last chance time to apply so it looks like he's done something kind of smart where he doesn't put the absurd price of his teaching publicly so it looks like i would have to apply i'd have to have a conversation with him and he'd tell me what i owe him like even just having that phone call he'd probably bill me like 20 grand what's up guys it's gunnar the monstercocktv yes i own every card here if you guys haven't heard yet gunner con 2022 is coming up it's all about that's the real alpha [ __ ] business growth and growing your business and you know what it is about being a gunner the world doesn't want you to be a gunner but a gunner is strong a gunner is cool i thought you're smart look guys i don't want to oversell this event but it's going to be now tell me how to [ __ ] my wife otherwise i'm going back to keith yackey at alpha woman's suffrage it's gonna be tantamount to something big and we've got a lot of great speakers this year we've got gunner then gunner followed by gunner about seven more times and then keith jackie that's the end of the video if you liked it be sure to leave a like and subscribe as well as follow me on the old gram and in the comments don't forget to leave stun suggestions guys i am out of stunts i need new stuff aloha please do that thank you good day my time is money i got to get out of here make sure this number keeps going up what a [ __ ] banger thanks to the prime gunner criminally underrated criminally underrated i hope you and your girlfriend are happy well now we are after i watch the little alphacon now i know what she needs she needs seminars on business growth sports card pack openings and also she needs to tell me that we have to [ __ ] at a restaurant so now i have every tool i need to make sure it stays a happy relationship
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 4,194,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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