Reacting To The Worst Plastic Surgeries

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Guys/Gals, can we get pewds to watch StopHam videos?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/slight_gg 📅︎︎ Nov 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
sorry that's awful i just assume with that peak perfection of a face that you must have done a on a surgery oh yeah well i told you one time about all my jaw surgery that i had so it took a yeah it took a lot you told me that you almost forgot about that right yeah it's been so long i didn't even know what if you did an mri scan or something and you're like they're like do you have any metal and you're like no no no no i got nothing well it's like medical stuff so it's not like i can't stick a magnet to my face or anything like that it's not like a plate so it doesn't go flying out it won't just kill me but i imagine it ah you ruined my fun little fantasy whenever i try to get on the you know the airplane i don't beep whenever i go through the metal detectors or anything like that ah come on you ruin it what's the point what's the point i can i can bite properly now stop plexing okay nobody means how's that flex can you not bite properly yeah you're flexing your jaw all right so nine people who took plastic surgery too far and i would argue ten because ken you're clearly one of them weird it's my bad making everyone feel bad keep a beard you know to cover up my only way to be jealous no one else feels bad all right let's watch the video i got this from pop trending okay yeah fox is a self-proclaimed body modification artist have you seen pixie fox no no i haven't but i have feels i have feelings i'll wait though all right let's check out pixie pop hollywood from the movie cool world she calls herself the living cartoon she's had a whole host of surgeries to achieve what she believes to be total perfection including having six ribs removed to further accentuate her curves she wears a tightly bound corset every day that slims her waist to a shocking 16 inches she hopes to achieve my world record for smallest waist by getting down to around 14 inches very soon that sounds very dumb i love these workout clips look i totally work out guys i'm holding the weight why do they do that no one that works out poses like that right working out in heels and everything you know she's she's serious about it yeah yeah there you go that should have been more of an indicator what is she is she drinking strawberry milk what is that it's probably something frosting thing but just like meal replacement have you ever looked at like the the world's smallest waste no like she's got she's got her work cut out for her like it's pretty extreme oh i remember seeing this in guinness world record book as child wow where are her intestines is it sad or is it impressive i don't know like you can lose you can take your ribs out you know you can lose body fat but you can't lose like your organs internal organs yeah so where do they go they just get pushed up or pushed down their legs get squished that's actually a way she could get the thinner is if she like have them outside her body oh yeah like in a bag or something like a glass tube or you know she can talk to you like watch her digestion that would get her the thinnest waist wait i wanted to see the before because they always looked better before that's the weirdest part look at that that's like top model [ __ ] been over 120 thousand dollars on facebook keep forgetting about it you forget about the money yeah damn all right moving on oh yes it's the it's the can the kendall dude justin jetlika wants to be the human version of mattel's kindle and his head over here which ken doll is there i've never even seen that kendall this is the keanu reeves kendall what is this [Laughter] am i wrong for assuming he has like chest implants he's got a lot of different implants i've i've seen you've seen a lot about these people yeah i've seen a lot about these people he's got like shoulder implants back implants implants he's implanted he says his ultimate goal is to one day become one hundred percent plastic justin's extensive list of surgeries include five nose jobs and augmentations to his cheeks lips buttocks and chin oh god the muscle implants man that's gotta stop like you could reach this physique at the age right stop stop this [ __ ] man just get hire a professional trainer instead of all that money like damn how much you're trying to avoid we're just working out man the hardest part is getting into the gym you know it's tough it's easier to get into the surgery room are you kidding me no well you get to sleep and you wake up and you look better it's easy you know oh you think this looks good all right interesting his triceps biceps and even his chest are all silicone implants oh my god to all his muscles all over there someone asked hey can you bring in the groceries it's like no i can't do it so here's a question for you when you exercise do you exercise so you can be stronger and more fit or do you exercise because you want to look good and take instagram pictures well not to be well that's strong as a bonus absolutely but i want to look good you make you want to look good right so yeah yeah he wants to look good too so he's just paying for it instead of you know using his time and effort well i think just any kind of shortcut kind of misses the whole point it's not just about looking good it's the journey that you take to get there otherwise it's meaningless it says who says who says i have my own philosophy on it yeah every single person that looks at like a fad diet and goes i want to do that they're not looking at the journey to get there that's why all the diets fail they're looking at the end results that's why i'm still fat if i don't carry anything about that journey i just want to lose the weight and eat my feet you're gonna gain the weight again if you have a bad mindset i know it's sad part of it i'm right i'm fry come on edgar how many times do i have to tell you use nordvpn i don't care if you're crying unless you use nordvpn your data won't stay safe behind the wall of next level encryption no listen you listen to the ad there's a strict no logs policy 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social life jocelyn wildenstein was afraid that her billionaire husband would leave her if she looked too old so well how old is she bro just age please it's more beautiful age natural about 40 million plastic surgery to alter her appearance let's go known as the manhattan cat lady she's had her face pulled back so much that the placement of her eyes have been permanently altered she wanted to do this what is happening it keeps going what the hell is this she became caveman that is sad dude that is a sad thing to look at it is what is that show animorphs oh i feel bad it's still a person they just want to look pretty but man oh man oh man she wasn't worried that her billionaire husband would leave her like i guess she sounded pretty neptune was like well stretch my face to the extreme here we go this is this is the bogan of brothers right here the legends the legends who are they yeah that's a good question who are these people well i need to find out now science fiction producers yeah they look straight out of a sci-fi oh they're also what does it say their prey is cryptocurrency investors wait hang on a second i got some bitcoin bro don't even are they coming after me are they gonna eat me in 1997 oh my god she was she was pretty her husband having sex with a 19 year old russian model and they soon developed no no that's not her that's the russian model oh in the divorce settlement and 100 million dollars a year in alimony now what what is that what is that why i i have a child let's say hypothetical child 18 they're 18. sayonara [ __ ] i don't know right [Laughter] okay yeah why if i have a wife i gotta pay a hundred million a year who needs that right to pay for their child this is the biggest scam of history right here ladies and gentlemen okay well i think i think let me play let me just argue the other side i guess no there's nothing but go ahead and try it if they were if they were still together and you know all the money was in the same place then that child would have the benefit of his life from that money and so they don't want to lose that right maybe that's the boo-hoo what the [ __ ] is that hey look you got all that money you can afford to wrap it up okay you don't even have no kids if you can't pay for them there's got to be a limit man there's got to be a limit no one needs 100 million a year that's in alimony no one i don't know she got 2.5 billion from the divorce then why would she even like get this to herself to begin with just take the divorce and be like all right cool well i'll see you later forever too yoku became obsessed with having smooth skin at the age of 28 she had silicone injected into her face to supposedly smooth out her wrinkles over the coming years she would inject more and more to the point that her face became puffy and inflamed at one point doctors refused to perform any more injections on her in her desperate attempt to look you know oh my god ah why is it always that far what the [ __ ] are these doctors doing they're like oh no i'm not going to do it anymore because it's too far i'm like you should have stopped like 600 surgeries ago what are you doing that's that's exactly what i was about to say before like it like leather face from the texas chainsaw massacre showed up like there's a lot of a lot of these people everybody on here i imagine like their surgeons would be like hey go see the psychiatrist first or this therapist oh my god i can see me but no it's just like holy crap that's sad that sucks doctors are part of the problem here and i don't think that's an acknowledged in a lot of ways they put it on them right i've had 42 surgeries and i look like a cat lady and it's like who's doing the surgery yeah who keeps doing this to you holy [ __ ] they're like abusing mentally ill patients that's a twist that's a way to look at it yeah yeah doctor's supposed to help people huh anyway maybe this is helping them maybe this is helping them now i can guarantee you it isn't and on nice note love yourself for the way you are you are perfect you are beautiful yeah i thought about i thought about getting like a hair transplant one time i told you right like yeah but i mean i kind of i kind of like it now i think it looks it's not bad i've never noticed anything i think your hair looks great i mean i'm not the elon musk or anything over here man he needed that hair did worse for him anytime i look at it i'm like oh maybe yeah maybe i too could be super rich if i just get my hair dead you know or you just face i said go full on that's true he accepted the lex luthor yeah yeah well if you enjoyed this video smash like and subscribe and remember check out ken's channel we make videos over there as well and that's it bye
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 2,951,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie
Id: U4_IiCusOOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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