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all right here we go watch my three bolts on camping destination world heritage-listed and biggest sand all in the world riser all [Music] welcome back another episode of the explore life this time we're on my all-time favorite camping destination it's world heritage-listed the biggest sand island in the world fraser island once again I've brought along a couple of explorers Dave from track of our campus Simon from custom off-road and of course we got Berkey in his dirty Datsun what's getting to up [Applause] here we go this is hands-down my all-time favorite place for a long weekend getaway does everyone go nuts BK you got this awesome fix vomit yeah mate that's all good to go new bolts and everything like that fresh puts down a onesie just to make it better sweet air baby basing all that's her back down again bite new turbos on still fighting red dust absolutely everywhere but that's Cape York it'll never be the same [Music] well we didn't make it very far but we're gonna pull into your wrong the first major Township heading north top up on bill a couple of last-minute supplies and we're back on the road [Music] let's do it cold drinks on the boys your shadow I need you guys oh you sure know well lessen light you don't come to Frazer all the money out of floaty toy make sure you bring phone they're not that cheap for me but you can't go to fraser island without one ey Crete is the spot to be it all makes sense very shortly [Music] just pulled up in Happy Valley I know Canton's not for everyone might be the ball on Shane handbrake the kids maybe so here's a good option to stop you got houses feel it's good it's good options after a quick little pit stop a Happy Valley we're back heading north eli creek here we come eli creek water spot it's the largest creek on the eastern side of the island and it's a great place to pull up for the whole day kick back with friends and family and enjoy a float down the crystal clear fresh water how good is hey boys I said we were going to need these for a reason a like rate let's get it [Applause] [Music] here it is the infamous maheno wreck now look it was back in 1935 did the SS maheno was being towed to Japan for scrap metal a big storm come through snap the tow Jane's and it drifted its way on to the Fraser coastline now it's been sitting here rusting away for about the last 83 years and it is well and truly worth a stop it's a good example of why you need to make sure you've got recovery points on the front and back of your car something that's approved is ideal at the moment we're gonna have to go around his back bumper which is not ideal but we're just gonna take it nice and easy and see how he go [Music] before oh my dear manacles are missing a wooden got stuck to begin with we won't go there early tonight torian's I'm going in front of them thanks doc and big stop and then I stop but I'm gonna go on again if we're gonna quickly out it's fishing really max cut off [Applause] No that's what happens running on these inland tracks like one car stops and it's pretty hard for the other cars to get down unfortunately a car stopped in front of me and I managed to a gallon and now solving the rest of the cross stuff funny guys it is Nagala rocks now this is probably the most infamous track on Fraser Island you can't get around at low tide so let's see how the boys got hopefully no one gets stuck [Music] there's a few things that make Nagala rocks and extra challenging firstly there's no way to see any oncoming traffic so if you do have to stop everyone normally ends up well now we've decided to attempt it on an extremely hot day when the sand is at softest one thing we didn't realize is when we let our tire pressures down yesterday morning it was nice and cool we've actually increased four psi in our tires just from the heat alone so it's a good idea to always check your tire pressure before attempting any major obstacle [Music] well that aterna being stuff now I got the two islands here's the camera trailer so it'll work ahead of us in the Sun not working maybe work to these guys nice we got to the double smart cheers long ago keys on a bit a bit of hard ground because of the heat and the day this is just super soft so everyone's dropping their tire pressures right down low we go [Music] I mean a penis me feel then why me all right well here we are up the top of the hill at the lighthouse at the top of sandy Cape it's a 1.2 K walk up and back unfortunately she's a pretty steep hill to get up here we were winds in a little bit until we read the sign somehow they managed to bring 1200 tonne of Steel up here to build this big boy behind us so we can't winch too much we're just going to sit up on top here enjoy the breeze and maybe have a cold beer what a massive day we pulled up the beautiful little spot water straight out and front we're up here at the sandy cape doesn't get too much better than that Oregon will set up and have a fee [Music] good morning swim househusbands got the breakfast home or tomato a morning service well apart from that bit of rain we had this morning it looks pretty nice out there so I reckon we'll get this boat off the trailer and drop it in go for a bit of a fish maybe even way to go [Music] we're all set up ready for a bit of fun Burke is still packing up he's camp he's slow little wet weight but his loss [Music] Alberti must be too heavy he's like yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] Timmy didn't quite have enough power to get me out but we start by laying get up on the plane she was a ripper see if xiaomi can go on matured [Music] last time the pricey Cowboys I don't coming back up here for a week for sure I just want to sit here for a week a few beers mark around with a boat this is name like that tinny is a plus might absolutely love it yeah when I ride Mike got around eventually um don't know don't forget that invite the next hit buddy [Music] can they go give these cracks if we can't find Berkey first one to the bottom wins [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hi here we go back across Nagala rocks I tell you what the boys were not marking around today we got straight through no dramas whatsoever let's head down see if we can't have a bit of lunch in your head [Music] I wouldn't stop being Oh the more they basketball backpack there's a kitchen leave a car we are now in 55 dollars were spent six ladies hit six point five we've topped up the fuel couple of sneaky ice creams and we're making our way west across the middle of the island down the wall rally Road now the beaches on the west side are pretty spooky and I can't wait to check out or when you creeks have a go at this place we've just pulled up at a win your Creek Campground now look I've been just about everywhere on phrase up somehow I didn't manage to come here I'll tell you what I'll be coming back here for a long time to come couldn't resist the waters tonight we drop the ten-year to go for a bit of a run [Applause] [Music] the Santa Paula dolphin screws in this way they're probably faster than our boat but we'll see how we go so unfortunately we can't get out of here because the tides up stupidly we pulled the boat away but Berkey reckons I can't wait to get behind the truck Oregon's wrong I'll do it see what happens but we don't [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry Burks looks like that work a little bit too well if only Simon hadn't have finished his beer anyway that's enough mucking around the tide has dropped and we've got to make our way see out back across the island hopefully we've got time to check out one of the inland lakes before we have to hand we all the knowledge so it looks like Simon's got a bit of an issue with his car he's got oil leaking so boys are having a look at that while we're doing that dingos just snuck up behind us I think he's a little bit interested in all mates bait who's over there worm and so good to see him floating around you thinking that the cash cannon wasn't empty at the service lately sun's out we can't quite figure out what's wrong with Simon's car so we're just going to leave it parked up here you're wrong we're gonna run in check out the lake and then we're gonna come back spend a bit more time and see if we can't figure out what's going on [Music] cut through the backtrack and we've just pulled into lake birrabeen one of my favorite lakes on the island McKenzie's the most famous lake but on a good day without this little bit of wind birrabeen gives her a run for its money and there's no tourists so at the moment we've got the beach to ourselves going to kick back and then have a bit of lunch [Music] what a massive three days on Fraser Island we've had an absolute ball I hope you enjoyed seeing some of our favorite spots unfortunately we've got to go and catch this barge so until next time get out and enjoy explore [Music]
Channel: The Explore Life
Views: 197,988
Rating: 4.9168634 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, Explore, Four Wheel Drive, 4X4, Fraser Island, Australian 4WD, beach, 4x4, overlanding, 4x4ing, wakeskate, surf behind the car, 79 series landcruiser, 76 series landcruiser, beach camping, beach driving, fraser, ofroad, west coast fraser, eli creek, sandy cape fraser island, lake mckenzie
Id: PpfzptH-_Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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