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okay i dropped my phone battery came out luckily it didn't break but let's we're sneaking up on [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] watching the door [Applause] [Applause] i am at shoe carnival it's right next to a staples and the staples dumpster's empty but i have to show you this check this out i'm looking through here for stuff boxes or anything and then look what i'm playing like they're the pads that go on shoes and there's an awful lot of them i don't think i'll ever have to buy uh dr scholes ever again yeah i'm excited [Applause] these look a little thicker [Applause] hmm [Applause] [Applause] construction paper [Applause] alrighty here we go with the home we have five of the large containers of the organic spring mix they're looking fabulous lots of great salads coming our way we also have four loaves of the whole wheat bread that's right whole wheat sandwich bread four loaves of it we also have four boxes of the mug delights single serve cake in a mug we've got four packages of turkey breast sandwich meat we've got lemons beautiful lemons a head of lettuce a small and slightly crushed can of diced tim maltos with green chilies and two premier protein shakes we've got a 32 ounce box that's a two pound box of spaghetti we've got a bottle of high pulp orange juice and the tiniest little watermelon you ever saw we have to hope for a really thin rind we've got some christmas pajamas and a christmas night gown they both look like they would fit probably a two or three-year-old child they're really quite cute well did i say two-year-old yes there you go that's what i meant then okay but wait frugal daddy what's what's what's over here what is this well i stopped at a new place you know the staples where we get all the coffee the k-cups and right next door is a shoe carnival i never even knew what that was i looked to see if there were any boxes and inside was this you couldn't just imagine from the name of the store as a shoe store someone dumped their um home trash in so this is a brand new fingerlings puzzle a puzzle or a puzzle some crayola construction paper that we can always use the sign for my friend who likes signs is that friend flash is he seems so he i felt like i couldn't believe these i don't look at these what is it i'm not 100 sure i'm hoping they're like ziploc bags oh oh i'm sorry so what happens when you go in for the close-up i don't know okay um well like it says cash only what is it i thought that i could use them like ziplocks i guess not i don't know oh is it like the it's like for that when they make their bank deposits i don't know we can find a way to ticket only in this couch yeah so yeah if i want to make deposits in there in there i can't cut it with a scissors yeah and there we can um i don't know can you use it as a sandwich bag well yeah and i mean it's still sandwiched with like pickles or something else your utensils your utensils and your neck here yeah and then you go right and now you can't get to it you'll never get your uterus or you know what i could do well i was thinking maybe i could use it as a packing no that won't work okay let's just go with where we were going we were wait okay let's just shouldn't there be some kind of sticky stuff here i'm not licking it oh oh oh there it is peels off there you go oh okay you want to stick your finger on it ooh that is really really sweet it be just funny or horrible or horribly funny if if we sent our kids to school with these sandwiches what do you have for lunch today i got a shoe carnival um it's a sandwich shoe kind of a ham sandwich special what are you getting there oh i got my utensils you know what i'm going to do i'm going to use these for like clock keys or pendulum or something when i'm sure when i um send them ship them yeah yes okay i'll i'll find a use for them yes you will famous hoarder last words yeah i find a used form what about these boxes okay just when you think you have enough crap yeah you get this and you say what is first i thought they were feminine products no [Laughter] what did you think they were shoe carnival i think i thought it was something for your heel maybe or for um when you're trying your shoes like your arch or something or you put it on the shoe so you can walk around the store like if you're a goat and your foot is shaped like a little goat hoof i had to look these ups i didn't even know what they were three boxes of them yeah they are shoe some things can you read that tongue pads tongue pad item tongue pad what's a tongue pad it's when your shoes are too small or your instep is too small for your shoe you put it on your tongue turn the tongue of the ship and it pushes your heel back so i was looking these up i was on the walmart website and seven pairs of these are 19.99 seven pairs are twenty dollars okay and we have a lot a gross breathable cotton again these are more breathable cotton these are smaller pads in case anyone needs any yeah smaller one and then you get that suede ones or like nubuck or something probably four leather shoes maybe very nice shoes maybe and they're bigger than the large so they're probably extra large eye patch earmuffs nursing pads for your bra as a shoe guy i got some only shoe pads to show you today i usually say it's the clock guy you know do you not like my camera it's shoe pad humor stop waving them around like this is even a thing you know they look like corn pads or something really big corn holy smokes that's a big corn all right well this is an interesting haul frugal day very learning stuff i know i don't know i forgot one thing i did go to an aldi this evening and the oldie was empty and then i went to big lots which was almost empty but i got these we need those yeah well that's super because they're so light and so sturdy i save these or like yard signs for um like political political yard signs and i use them to protect the um glass on clocks when i ship clocks are you probably saying the word clocks box blocks fox fox hold on oh let me turn off the stove one second things are getting out of control here thank you for watching everybody i hope you enjoyed the video we'll see you again really soon stiff upper lip everybody oh put the other one on top be like a little bear oh my god oh my god okay
Channel: Freakin Frugal
Views: 53,451
Rating: 4.9438701 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving in america, frugal living, extreme frugality, extreme cheapskates, frugal aesthetic, frugal gourmet, dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving at walmart, freeganism, how to save money, pennypinching, frugal tips, frugality, food insecurity, poverty, food desert, food poverty, funny video, funniest people, funny people, best dumpster diving, curbside shopping, food scarcity, sarcastic humor, witty banter, comedy, german shepherd puppy, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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