Anastasia Romanov becomes Queen of Poland and forms the Slavic Union Hearts of Iron 4 No Step Back

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hello everyone i am torio and welcome to my newest house of iron 4 video now with the new no step back dlc and today i have a surprise for you see there is a secret in the polish focus tree i teased it a bit in a comment on the last point video i made maybe some of you figured it out or maybe editing took so long that someone else posted about it before me i hope not anyway what is this secret well there is a secret ruler you can have for poland and it's anastasia i'm going to show you how to get her and what wonderful bonuses she brings and reclaim her kingdom her empire and unite all the slavic people under our banner but before we begin a message from a sponsor for this video this is adolf adolf thinks he's safe he has no idea his country is full of my spies i know everything about him how much money he's got who he's friends with if he has a boat i have infiltrated his country i have access to all his data if only he invested in some defense against being spied on if only he had 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and know that if you do you are supporting the channel don't be like adolf use nordvpn okay back to hearts of iron regular difficulty i'm in mode historical focuses let's go here we are poland we start with 40 units which is plenty but we have to protect ourselves from the germans and russians don't worry we'll manage first off our government we're going to assemble the regency council and elect the king there are four options and one secret option production normally i would want to go with superior firepower with extensive support but we'll have to fight quickly and we will have to defend well because the soviets are going to attack us very soon probably in 1939 so i will have to focus on probably just infantry which is unfortunate because i really wanted to do a more balanced template now with the new dlc but we just won't be able to afford it most likely i will keep the one support equipment factory and one fighter factory because they will help us a bit let's also make some trains for later but other than that just focus on infantry equipment because infantry might be bad for attacking but it's very good for defense and we will have to defend ourselves very well let's start with some civilian factories we need a lot of power to construct stuff and once we fill these laws that should be enough then they can start building forts or military factories research some research and industry buff our industry as much as we can early on and that's it speed the game up and then pause we want to deploy as many units as we can just train infantry because i need to have all my manpower in the field priorities garrisons and operations and supply tracks after that new units after that reinforcements and upgrades this will flip later but for now this is our priority and i'm going to flip all my current units or maybe apart from the mountaineers into infantry assemble the regency council let's fulfill the 5th of november act and start interviewing applicants to be our king we have several problems to attend to we have to get out of embarked economy i'm pretty sure i won't need to do any focuses to do that because all i need is another coastal state if i conquer someone i can just change the free trade and work on me once we go to war we also have the april constitution but that will go away on its own very soon but we also need to deal with the looming peasant strike fortunately there's a focus that just cancels this problem let's exercise our units we have a very simple template just infantry 18 with with a recon detachment ethiopia capitulates and we fulfilled the 5th of november act now we're going to ignore this vegas tree for a while ignore the danzig problem entirely we'll get our economy on track with other means and the four-year plan here we go april constitution no longer problem now we get normal political power deploy units as soon as possible i require a lot of manpower in the field to achieve our goals don't need to be well equipped don't need to be well trained but they do need to be intimidating ah first claim it 3d christian claims the throne this is the commonwealth's claimant allows us to unite with lithuania easily but we have other plans polish school of mathematics now commanders we want to use commanders that are not yet assigned to roles in the government so that we can groom them into into what we want them to be of course we could use the entrenchment guy for defense but i prefer to be offensive rid schmieger is an excellent field marshal however he is already a theorist so let's pick another i'm going to promote stanislav kopinski i think because he already has the offensive doctrine i will want a full army group hopefully we can achieve that so i'll split these guys into five armies however one of them needs to be fully staffed so that the general can get experience towards a skilled staffer normally i would assign with the staff unders because he's a before but he already is a cavalry specialist i need to groom my guys into advisors so this is our lineup another candidate for the throne the habsburg no industry i pretty much always had one research started doing doctrines so now that they are moved to military experience that's essentially like a free research slot for me so we are at four so in the old system we would be equivalent to five research thoughts now and we can get even more than that crown prince michael of romania that's a very good path unless you get romania for free but not the path we want to follow this time fill the railway gaps radio my industry is lacking what will fix that oh and i have enough political power to get an advisor it's very important to start with the noble bureaucrat stability and political power he is wonderful suddenly political power is coming in more construction the costa king an interesting path if you want to fight everyone with cavalry maybe we'll do that another time if you want to see it not today keep deploying troops and the peasants strike well we still have a little bit of time but let's deal with it right now we won't have to worry in the future friedrich christian that is the commonwealth claimant coming back for a second try and these events will keep repeating until we pick someone well the trick is just to not pick them yet we have another in mind the habsburg candidate again no and we have enough political power for a change in our government it's going to be a limited conscription we need that manpower in the field we don't want to spend too much time investing here but we do want to unlock access to the university of warsaw so let's do central region strategy crown prince michael of romania not this time should probably not deploy ahead of time for now make sure the units in the field actually have full manpower as well more research computing machine concentrated and machine tools and an inventory buff and their current impact gladly met the new polish industry two three factories the cossack king of what now no not this time the clanker troops in the field have had the reinforcements let's deploy now they don't have equipment i know that but the most important bit right now is to have a lot of troops so i'm intimidating to my neighbors 800 000 will probably be enough new polish industry let's not take a focus for a moment because our desired candidate is about to arrive in our country there she is anastasia romanov arrives in poland you have to skip eight candidates to get to her well it's four candidates but each of them comes twice warsaw castle painted eagles yes i remember i am the one true king of poland the infamous claimant to the name anastasia romanov has arrived in warsaw castle today along with her publicist to claim that the romanov family still lays claim to the throne of poland and as the last romanov she is logically the king anastasia's claim rests not only on the strength of a woman of claim to poland but also on the legitimacy of her lineage though many former russian nobles attest that she is indeed the real anastasia many see her as an eccentric with an excess of media coverage although her claim may be in doubt she is the last on the list of candidates and that turned her away now would leave poland right back where she started an empty throne gathering dust we can go right back to the cycle or accept her and we shall accept her this will unlock a secret in our focus tree have a look at the focus tree right now there's a suspiciously empty area here don't you think well our king will be the last romanov probably we click that let's reopen the focus tree and here we go the romanov we have unlocked our secret path and this path lets us for example claim russia and so we shall but let's pace ourselves first invite exiled nobility replace her trait at the last romanov question mark was the last romanov without the question mark well much later we can replace the last romanov with the last romanov exclamation mark but let's not get ahead of ourselves too much and here she is anastasia my stability is low but that will get better soon we want to save up some political power but i guess i can afford a military theorist well no he doesn't actually give us experience maybe later now i could get an infantry expert here but he's not an actual general so he will not increase in level instead i want to use one of the guys who will be my generals that can wait now gather up some political power and start our expansion was the exercise going well enough of course you don't have guns i hope you will our industry is a bit lacking we can take care of that a little later although i suppose i could use some extra stability so let's improve work conditions i could get the archbishop but i can get him later and worker conditions refresh after quite some time exiled russian nobility has come to form the royal same well then i guess it's time to demand some territory let's take lithuania i'm actually going to move my troops here to intimidate them might be some supply troubles but i think we'll manage a little infantry boost construction is going slowly isn't it well once you're done i guess work on securing our border with the russians a bit once you're done with the factories that is hmm train coming let's see the supply situation it's not so good here that's all right nothing to worry about and our stability is now at acceptable levels okay demand lithuania let's see what they say they say lithuania lithuania accepts glorious well now we have c-axis here so we don't need to worry about gdansk and just switch to a free trade right now that's much better time for some good old-fashioned revanchism that'll let us generate war goals and generate we will well one war goal i guess but it should give us quite a lot that's the construction with the bones because we're going to be building quite a bit of forts then again this is 15 factory output our guns production would be much better as we concentrated first yeah and you guys can exercise once again we also acquired the lithuanian troops they're just regular troops so get some artillery which might come in handy later i'm going to switch them all to our basic infantry ah japan attacks china which will give us enough world tension to start justifying war goals because with this pan slavic refugesism all we need is ten percent let's save our political power there is this target also should come in handy let's switch to cavalry as our garrison although it is not the perfect calorie brigade because it has recon it shouldn't have recon for that well it's fine we can always modify it with pan-slavic ravagism we can now justify war goals let's do that i'm going to justify the war go on greece you might be surprised are you surprised he might be why am i justifying a wiggle in greece well this is pretty complex first off we can get war goals on estonia and latvia for free from here well not for free for 70 days but still we can demand slovakia which should be accepted and we can also demand you gustavo however you deserve to accept we need to be way stronger than them check they also can't be in a faction check or guaranteed well they're guaranteed by romania that's a problem so i need to kill romania in order to kill romania i need to attack them but i can't attack them directly because i'll be fighting france so i'm going to be attacking someone that romania guarantees and that means yugoslavia turkey or greece yugoslavia can get without fighting a bill later so no point in fighting them turkey i wouldn't be able to reach so that leaves greece we kill romania and the next them convince you the snyder to surrender to us and then go through yugoslavia to greece thus getting us access to three seas a true means emoji between many many seas so yeah let's justify a war goal on greece 155 days which means two focuses can be done in the meantime this focuses will be to demand slovakia let's bring our troops to their border i don't know if that actually matters for intimidation purposes but why not well i guess you know surprise but it won't be so bad also uh cowards told me that the supply situation tends to resolve itself if we just switch all the relevant territories to trucks just switch everything to trucks we need to produce some trucks for it of course i'm not sure how it works yet i'm still learning the new system but i think if we're insufficient on the railways we'll just use the trucks to cover the gaps we also have some planes we could deploy also some lithuanian planes oh if i cancel one of these units that should give me enough manpower to deploy the planes well maybe two there we go i'm still producing fighters they're not crucial for efforts but they can help a bit so let's bring them here and deploy everyone far more units in the field that gives us three four armies and a bit we're also gathering a political pattern so that we can switch some stuff once we go to war i should probably get the infantry expert but going to war economy as well as extensive conscription as soon as possible is slightly more important might even do servers by requirement but not yet stop the exercise so that you appear more intimidating and ready to fight we have resistance didn't i prioritize that i did so it's gonna be fine to research trucks we need them for supply come on give me slovakia i'm big and intimidating and that worked cool oh this is not my core territory i won't get that much from it but it's still land with factories and it will also weaken the germans in the long run next up well it's time to fight governorate of livonia so time to deploy our troops the actual front lines two armies here because i want to annex them quickly and the rest of you will be protecting us from romania and setting a trap for romania this should do i will let the romanians into my country and then try to cut them off to kill them quicker these troops should be enough to hold them back and of course once i'm done with estonia and latvia i will move these two armies back down to destroy romania also make sure to get s priority in the areas that we'll be fighting in see if i can do this successfully romania is not as strong as i am but they are pretty strong and if i just fight them head on that will be terrible losses but if they move into here i can push down south here and cut them off and thus encircle all that army here let's quickly check if they have troops next to the border here i think they will but if for some reason they wouldn't have troops there i can push here immediately i think the trap will be better yeah yeah they secure the border that's fine go back let's get the trucks and start researching the better guns it's going to take a long time a year but the faster we start producing them the stronger armies will be as you can see i've set my defenses up on the rivers with the exception of this area but it's fine i guess i could use the railway instead that's fine we'll just repair it if they damage it i'm not spending political power purposely yeah actually we'll be better off using all that air force up here so let's not forget to make it charismatic not supplied that's very unfortunate what if i un-motorize the other areas it's not better i just need more trucks i'm only researching them now better computing machine please i guess i'll put these guys on aggressive we want to finish the northern war as soon as possible governors of livonia is complete we're almost ready so we need to finish the war goal we're abandoning this focus tree for a little while let's get four free factories there's a surprising amount of resistance in lithuania because i don't have manpower for the garrisons right that makes sense let's cancel this maybe that'll be enough it's enough not really no matter it'll be fine we're ready to declare our three wars simultaneously let's attack greece that's attack latvia and estonia as well why am i doing it simultaneously because if i don't there might be guarantees involved and we don't want guarantees to be involved go quickly romania has been called in i know good let's let them come into our territory move quickly take their victory points can you do that not just of austria not a problem yet okay we got their capital good how's the romanian invasion as expected see they will stretch themselves thin on this long border here on the long front line they shouldn't be able to push through here oh they might because they're forcing attack but they are attacking over a river so it's surprising all right these guys don't have supply i think we'll be okay even if we push back a little bit i do have two full armies ready to reinforce we're now at war oh i don't have enough water support just need a little bit more war support to the war economy okay let's do war propaganda against romania this will suffice i can do is extensive conscription might even want to surface by requirement but i think that can wait until a war with the soviets although i might be making a mistake but work on me is crucial if we still have the ability to do service baroque man to the service by requirement a bit later we might actually do this during this war now we're on war economy things are looking up brett angerson can flip you all to balanced now they seem fortified we're about to start building forts so i guess i'll do central defense of poland if that increases forward construction speed i'm going to be a bit more aggressive after all you go here and here and here there later they're defending themselves much better than i expected them to still we are gonna win but i expected it to be a bit more difficult okay the romanians have filled this area in and actually broke through a little bit so i'm going to cancel the orders from these guys and use proper front lines because they'll manage those better okay reorganize a bit while we finish the north air doctrine cool we can also boost our army stuff let's do bold attack whoa this is wonderful naval invasion capacity 40 increase very nice but maybe later let's do professional officer call this is going to let me get doctrines faster you take this that has capitulated i'm going to annex it thank you now a quick offensive of estonia go they are weaker than latvia i think so it should be even faster oh romanians breaking through really well the more they push here the better because i'm gonna cut them off here oh it's actually empty now interesting let's maybe do it now you pin these guys you pin these guys you go here is it possible nope they got their troops in at least i reached the river this is under control looks bad but it isn't crush them okay good estonia is mine i suppose i could dedicate just one army to latvian estonia and leave more troops to fight romania so they wouldn't get into our territory but i think it's okay we got levels cool you're level four now what position can you take in the officer corps regrouping specialist or infantry specialist that's nice did you get any skilled staffer experience because i need that as well one thousand what's that number you less i will hold off a bit i want to make sure we have all the traits necessary when we're fighting the soviets let's make sure we do forward construction up here as well and the two armies that are coming down from the north one of them will attack this way the other will attack here you want to cut them off be aggressive and once you get in position i'm going to activate all the attacks trucks are now researched let's get our planes down here also you guys move a bit faster this one the riders of consuming the factories sure let's do that and can i do several requirement no because my enemy is too weak now we have beaten them up too much as unfortunate maybe i should have gone to this before war economy but it's fine extensive conscription will be sufficient to repel the russians i think right everyone has arrived let's activate all the orders you can see this is going well but what we want most of all is to cut them off from supply so we can encircle this bit oh this is undefended go which is why we need to do a little bit of micromanagement they are scrambling to defend the area i hope they will not manage to do so you pin these guys make everyone aggressive so they keep pinning the enemy where they are should have done that from the start oh we've gone through here a lot but we won't even need to cut them off so i can't get bucharest before i cut them off which is great let's get bucharest general wounded as you can see romania has fallen for my trap you get bigger for me when you get these two victory points and you go here request is mine will you surrender soon not so soon oh but this is empty too go there not so far from capitulation i'm wasting some resources and being aggressive here but here we go romania has capitulated to us i shall take all states because we want our borders to look good and with that we are still at war with greece and our borders look neat don't they we also have 64 factories now am i a major yet let's see i am not no matter we will soon become one it's now time to bring all our troops over to the yugoslavian border to intimidate them of course because now yugoslavia should accept our domination we're doing demandus events objection now and i brought all my troops here to intimidate them a bit when i'm saying i political i guess i probably should invest in stuff i want to do this right we decided to get the extra stability guy also more than the light spot and our spy agency is ready the localized training centers we want some russian spies because our fight with the russians will be the biggest fight because of accepts wonderful this stuff is now ours completely let's run to the greek border very quickly with everyone we have supply be damned actually let's do the trucks thing oh it needs to update even good door cars so much wealth run and attack very aggressively and motorize yourself and all that all right i was supposed to be making trucks and i forgot this will do maybe even too many it will be enough go crush the greeks one entire army just runs straight to athens because taking their capital is usually the most difficult part right and i forgot to start the next focus of course i did but that might be a good thing because now i've noticed that the between deceased concept is finally available to us which is a wonderful focus that will let us get some free allies well we've conquered some of them already and others we will leave alone because we don't want to fight the germans just yet but still a lot of allies we could claim russia but i'm not sure if this will provoke them to attack us or not pretty sure they will be justifying workers on me but i don't want to give them any ideas to do it too quickly i tested this once and the moment i clicked claim russia they justify the war goal on me oh well the moment i finished it but it might have been a coincidence should probably employ some engineers along my regular troops maybe later our economy is still not up to par they can start making better guns localized training centers let's get a russian spy first let's see if we have one available we don't let's get to russian send him to the soviet union are you guys doing very well the greeks should not stand a chance although you should go around planes are helping a bit come on move faster i need to finish this quickly how's my man power good enough i'm really starting to regret now doing servers by requirement that's fine marfield marshall can become an army offense specialist let's do that now we can employ him for 50 because he's just a specialist an expert costs 100 and a genius i think 150. however if i employ him for 50 i'm pretty sure he will stay employed for the same price but increase his stats in time then again i suppose an army defense guy would be more useful against the soviet union in the early days nothing about it and sir marian kukel will become my inventory specialist i do have an expert available but that expert i have available will never become a genius and this guy can advance to being a genius also he's cheap now yeah let's get the army offense guy as well although i am getting forts for defense this is going relatively well run this way i can get a doctrine do i have a theorist i do not get a theorist so the doctrines are cheaper now grand battle plan gives me entrenchment however i don't really like grand battle plan that much of course i'm not doing mobile warfare we can't afford that industrially i could do super firepower and build up to a proper support for my units support companies possibly artillery i could rely on the bonuses from grand path planning ground battle plan is not that bad but it's more geared towards a really balanced army i tend to do an infantry wood support kind of thing or even just pure infantry if i don't have the resources so for that this is the best for infantry would support and this is the best for pure infantry you can also mix it and get the extra manpower from here and still use support i think we'll go superior firepower we'll defend it first and then use our industry that will be growing rapidly soon to build enough support stuff right athens will be ours in a moment oh you got a level organization first please increase should surrender very soon ah we've done the between deceased concept alliance with the baltic states has been bypassed because we own them shouldn't this bypass as well oh it will once um turn next no matter let's do north sea then once the czech republic is annexed that bit will bypass okay you guys go to korfu and they should surrender now there we go greece is mine no greece is a wonderful puppet they do naval invasions and all that stuff however i'm going for an empire concept i think my borders will look much better if i just take them okay then we're done with our early conquests now it's time to do political stuff and prepare to fight the soviet union of course for that we'll need to build our own marginal line sort of let's bring the force up to level three is there a direct connection here or not i'm not sure should probably build a railways here as well coastal thoughts in here too because i'm expecting them to attack through the black sea i'll just set some persons here and let's make you every grouping specialist i still want the skilled staffer but i'm grooming this guy to b1 right this will do now time to train more troops actually i should probably use just pure infantry for now at least until i can build up enough support equipment how many more do we need 10 here and 18 here 28 units that's for the five full armies that i want and then we can create some garrisons no 20 more will do also i'm going to temporarily switch them all to just pure infantry without support because it's better to have pure infantry which is fully equipped than to have infinity with support which is not equipped okay switch all the balanced i guess just go to this border i will reorganize them a bit in a moment fate of jehoshaphat is done three focus is bypassed this lets me do a diplomatic mission to hungary and turkey which is quite nice because we can actually get hungary to be our ally not only do we deprive the germans of another we also get one ourselves now if we had the same ideology of this italy we could actually get italy into a faction maybe we should have looked into that maybe we could turn them not aligned but it's definitely too late now let's do the diplomatic mission to hungary and use some of our political power to improve relations we're not sure if the improvement of relations is necessary but we will do that we also wanted turkey if we can get turkey on our side as well we will have the uh russians kinda surrounded well we're much smaller so it's not properly surrounded but still i'm intending to get hungary turkey finland and sweden into my faction i was also considering norway and denmark but they will be attacked by the germans so that's not necessarily something i want to do so more excavation and we can't treat the soviets lightly very powerful and i'm expecting them to attack me because they want both arabia they want poland and they want the baltic countries and if they don't want to attack me i'll just prepare i think level three farts will be sufficient for now and once i'm done with that i can work on some military factories and then maybe up the force a bit as well the biotic mission to hungary is already underway we can start doing austro-hungarian alliance and then do more diplomatic missions we can get air force stuff let's take this crude service or not how are you doing joseph i hope you're doing badly let's invest in our spy agency a bit more decent amount of manpower this is the deployment troops vanguard alliance focus complete or did i forget to do the next mission i did okay the biotic mission to turkey 35 days the focus takes exactly that long so we can do this simultaneously i think hungry accepts wonderful our faction grows we already have one ally start decrypting the sites turkey delivers an investment thingy okay i will just click this so they like me because i'm about to invite them to a faction so it's midst italy i'm so surprised one for army group of infantry should be enough to hold our borders against a soviet attack draw the bus first complete let's hope we can befriend the turks in the meantime let's do a diplomatic mission to finland and the finno-polish pact come on turkey accept they accept good we now have turkey now i could split my forces and send an army here to attack the soviets from the south i think i need all the troops i can get on my actual border this also becomes spy master of our own faction level three forts will this suffice possibly they will inevitably attack me at some point i'll go to level four some nice stability let's improve working conditions again get even more let's apply make sure we have everything motorized don't understand how this works exactly yet i know that if you motorize it it's gonna be fine if you have the trucks to cover it let's invest in decryption heavily and get another russian spy let's infiltrate their army no polish back to complete oh i can invite them even without the pact maybe should have waited next sweden i want to do sweden finland joins good it's may 39 and still nobody's just fired me not even the germans and i will let you in on the secret secret i actually want to give them gdaisk this time so we can focus on the soviets so who can i invent invite finland but they already accepted don didn't they oh they accepted this is weird maybe i misread something anyway finland is with me they are 18 with which is not perfect we can't really afford battle right now and these guys will be garrisoning everything using for this of shikorski the defense guy as their field marshal and maybe for this of unders he's a good general and for you i intended to garrison my coast and my ports especially here because the russians won't be able to get across the strait here so this is their only attack point and with me controlling finland and sweden we should have the baltic sea under control i've invited sweden i don't want to do norway and denmark because that would put me at what with the germans and i don't want to go to war with the germans right i actually expected the russians to already start justifying me only germany is doing that well then i think i did everything i wanted with the between deceased concept thingy it's time to claim russia oh yeah there's gonna be some much stability that i didn't even need to do the work conditions that's fine let's claim russia sweden accepts look at this unlikely alliance turkey poland hungary finland and sweden i would take norway and denmark in as well but i want to prioritize the common turn and we can't fight the axes and the common turn effectively at the same time best we could do is just hold out against them that's not what i want to do i want to win some better equipment please i think level four forts will be sufficient once you're done with that just give me some military factories turkey wants stuff i'm actually going to see what they deliver it's not like i'm going to do it disappear really the game doesn't want me to invest in that what did i misread the event and just took it away it doesn't really matter i guess i could look for other allies would you like to join my faction iran no you would not how about iraq no afghanistan no bulgaria very much no if it wasn't for the modifier they want to be part of the axis instead this could work yeah i think we pretty much got everyone it would be prudent to get involved nobody else really wants it next agent go maintain the deteriorating network which is already deteriorated a bit too much curious they're still not trying to take me over that's a good war let's make a deal yes i suppose if the soviets are not attacking me i could withstand the german attack but i planned it in a way that you know the soviets would attack me i'm still expecting them to i just thought it would come sooner it's actually good if they delay it because i'll be able to build up enough let's invest in some artillery let's create a new template just one cavalry unit called garrison will be used for suppression use it here see the cheapest way to do it is our compliance not as good as i would hope to an all decent eastward expansion it's time to turn the access to an ally not really but you know let's retain this army experience want to be able to modify my template before the war have completed the claim russia focus which gives me better leader traits stability will support police very powerful leader can bypass this i can can bypass this because i don't have the city anymore let's do that huh interesting places to put the factories pile upon us why why not so we can get extra factories or maybe to plan east but we already built the fort so it wouldn't help us that much but the general army improvements could help us sure let's prepare for the next war industrial concern best competing machine now i don't want to attack the soviet union because i'm expecting them to attack me and it's better to be in the defensive war also the longer the stakes the stronger they are but i think i'm getting stronger at a faster rate than they are interesting the germans on docking rights for me sure why not i'm not giving anyone military access though i don't want them messing up my supplies now if i were to modify this template to have engineers and support artillery how much would it cost to switch my troops to it way too much i actually have enough artillery for this interesting that would make them much stronger i will consider it let's dedicate more industry to support equipment new military academy now let's cancel all the plane wings actually disband them because i want to redo them groups of hundred fighters i mean interwar fighters aren't really good i guess i could develop better ones but it's not a priority i'll assign them to the armies at least a little help will be provided a few bombers not so many you've infiltrated the soviet military what's next the other could do collaboration governments it's going to make them capitulate easier although those are expensive france is about to capitulate soviet union's still not being aggressive against me this is not what i expected okay paris france capitulates wishy france happens it'll be interesting if they fought at the russians as well but how would they reach them and our industry is wonderful now make sure to mix in civilian and military factories we need to buy those resources for something maybe check out railways do we have enough supply kind of what if i build a hub somewhere in here i'll just build enough trucks to make this happen looks like the summits are much stronger than i am we should increase my fault level a bit as well once we're done with this we can go to level 5. we want our force to be strong but not so strong that they would not attack we want them to lose a lot of their troops fighting me maybe i should try and incite a civil war in the soviet union inventory equipment designer next up standardization of equipment and that will let me build the best guns i finally have enough guns for my people time to start with some artillery and anti-air as well have tons of artillery is it like this hory i will have enough military factories soon and more cars i want to do signal companies too i could exercise them for army experience but that would consume my supply i think we're better off not doing that and actually if i were to build way more artillery i could do the classic 7-2 template or even more than that carl mentioned to me that the ai tends to build a 27 width unit with three artilleries which is apparently very powerful i will think about it oh even more bonuses for infantry weapons cool means we can do this in 319 days which seems like a lot but it's really not because we're going to have it two years ahead of time only thing i regret in the setup is not going to surface by requirement because then we could just crush on the soviet union offensively attacking from turkey and finland as well the way it is now i think i will have to focus on defense mostly and on the attack once i've actually outfitted my troops with proper support let's get the war industrialist i am building a lot of military factories it's going to speed it up again maybe the captain of industry would have been a better choice well it's too late now no more investments from turkey a new justification here it comes the soviet union is justifying against me it's fine we can handle the soviet union i wonder if i should prioritize the forts to get to level five what are you justifying exactly how long will it take you actually justifying on finland well i guess we can fight we are ready we just have to prioritize the forts we're not strictly necessary but it should help i think i still have to build this don't i yes but not for long set anti-air and signal companies to that new template as well rename it it's 18 with width support duplicate it add three artilleries to it see how powerful that is that's a nine plus three plus support let's see how much equipment i would need to switch my troops to either of these we need some man-bar not a problem lots of support equipment artillery and anti-air we're about to produce that and more trucks are necessary okay if i took the other one i would need well fourteen thousand artillery that's a bit much what can be done not quickly though basically i will give you looking right because why not well not my enemy ngx for um soviet demands and they are at war with soviet union are you calling me in come on call me in they have called everyone in i think it's time well before we join i should probably turn this template down and just enact the one i can actually afford so it'll be 18 supply limited i don't have the entire air so let's remove that i don't have enough support equipment to support the engineers as well so let's do that one let's see if i want to switch you i am still missing some support equipment i have enough artillery i have enough trucks i don't have enough support equipment almost have enough support equipment i'm gonna do it i'm going to exercise you up and once you get your supplies i'm going to win this war oh join it definitely invite foreign motor companies decisions that's interesting we don't care about motor companies but still voxel fold some more i think we're done here let's increase our industry a bit oh and i don't have enough actually let's not do a focus i need more manpower make sure you guys are exercised and you receive your reinforcements and then we can join the war turkey's doing great also we should probably paint in the dark order here but i'm expecting the source to attack me a little bit and break against my forts then again i actually have more troops on the border than they do guys get your reinforcements yet mostly i'm seeing some support equipment but it's being produced very quickly same with trucks we actually need more trucks don't die we're good to go yes yes we are stop the exercise wait for organization to recover accept call to arms let's fight the soviet union because of regime attack me they don't seem to want to attack me service by requirement please i'm gonna need that and some factories but they are still strong i do have my forts might be best for me to remain on the defensive sweden wants to send me stuff sure no finland is not doing too well i don't have the forces to send them if i were to attack maybe we'll attack cautiously whoa maybe building the fort was a mistake maybe i should just build lots and lots of military factories instead you know what let's cancel all those forts these ones that are not partially completed focus on the industry because i actually overestimated the military strength of the soviet union believe it or not let's do this just 60 days because of a bonus some more factories here and the cautious attack should mean we won't get too many losses although yeah i probably shouldn't have built those forts but i am uncautious so even if they push me back they shouldn't push me back so quickly that i won't be able to take cover in my own forts this is going well on my spy situation they are doing the collaboration governments for quicker capitulation which is good oh i can restore the commonwealth how did i not notice this i should have seen it earlier actually i'm not that much into the focus let's cancel it once we control moscow all ingredient crimea or kiev steingrad over the vostok and they're at 50 for any progress i can actually get chorus there for that i need to demand pomerania which might anger the germans hmm come on earth first we'll get some nice course on that in lithuania logistics fine manpo growing all seems to be going well let's get a doctrine and a doctrine that'll help a bit also let's have a look at our generals maybe a commando or an infantry guy don't need a commando have an infantry guy about you i need someone to get the skilled stuffer thingy this will help quite a lot also since i am attacking and not defending apparently i can change this static warfare to flexible organization once i have enough military experience which should benefit us quite a lot or five percent breakthrough which is better probably break through five percent would be better let's do smoke and fire i have no complaints let's make sure all the new supply hubs in the area also motorized as they should and renewing the landing grad i really expected this to go much worse finland's not doing so well though let's check our logistics support equipment not too much okay we're not gonna modify anything now then we need more artillery and the rest is fine fighters could be better i suppose but that was never a priority perhaps wrongfully if i were to do this all over again i wouldn't build any forts congressional commonwealth cool we got some extra cores for this claim greater lithuania we can even do the greater commonwealth can we no we can't not this way at least well this would these would be cool i think what i need to do is demand pomerania i hope this does not lead to a war with the germans because that is not what i want oh let's risk it finland will capitulate soon i guess i could have sent more troops to help them or any troops to help them for that matter but worry not will retake you and this keeps the soviets occupied and they'll be going into sweden next maybe that's why we're doing so well to corruption governments have been completed third one is coming feeling uncapitulated very unfortunate but there's still sweden here and since germany never attacked norway or denmark i could get them to wonder if norway will want to join they'll actually have to join a war against the germans if they're attacked there's no diplomatic mission to norway and improve relations with them turkey's doing a good job at least keeping them occupied but i think they're also making some progress in norway i want to be a sacrificial country for this war will guarantee the axis i'm fine with that we're not enemies i think i will switch to balanced i think we can handle it the last woman of exclamation mark now watch everything be ruined by me demanding pomerania maybe we should delay this oh we surrounded leningrad good we already have kiev we will still need stalingrad and then gret almost moscow still a long way off though but leningrad is about to be ours which is nice and with the coloration governments i think they should surrender oh yeah there's no images wonderful that's predicted the germans have rejected where was i oh yeah once we take stalingrad and moscow they should surrender even without you know any focuses cossack republic decisions interesting but i'm going to ignore it because we're doing slavic unity let's try to invite norway into a faction so they can fight the soviets for us and do the part admission to denmark because even if the germans attack denmark which they haven't done for some reason maybe it's too early no it's already october 1940 they should be attacking them by now i think anyway even if they attack i don't have to join my guys seem to have increased their levels once they get to level six i will have some bonuses come on be skilled staffer not much longer this is going really well and this frontline is very orderly seems like stanislav kopinski is a very did i just say a polish word with an english accent god damn it stanislav kopaniski he is a very orderly person once he gets to level six nice bonus is incoming imro is back what macedonia's trace is no longer a cor they were never my core what's going on here that's fine they're just doing imro they're doing resistance activity i'm very good against resistance activity i just let them be civilian oversight and all as well we don't mind also we'll get course on yugoslavia when we do the focus thingy how long until the soviet capitulator still a long time but it is going well green across the board and level 6 which means extra offensive power it'll be nice if you could become expert delegate but essentially if you're doing a field martial you have to have skilled staffer before you promote them or have them serve as an army general until they get this invite no way complete i wonder if they will accept i will do g6 with it which is also very powerful noah except that's strange but very welcome let's do denmark soviet union demands best arabia no it's hopeless we can surrender boss arabia to them which is currently in the middle of our country here no no we will not and we're almost in moscow it's hungary doing something yes they are there's actually a lot of hungarians in turkey this is nice participation should be like oh eighty percent only i was expecting more but this is good he's an expert now regrouping expert let's do more propaganda i am at 100 right now but if i was in an offensive war i wouldn't be and let's do enter straight because i can and that's extra base stability my stability is wonderful but it can always be a little bit better this way we are safe guarded we have some leeway once we're done with this i think it'll capitulate before i can get stalingrad and start the focus which is okay i remember to improve relations with denmark i did not not really care about denmark that much but since i am doing the focus let's improve relations with them nonetheless united states want to send me a lot of things nice don't have the convoys yeah it's fine i don't really need naval supply and the best guns can now be produced let's do nuclear stuff i'm not going to use nukes i don't know if they improved nukes because news used to be terrible but the thing is i don't really want to use them i want to get the research bonus and it's time to get extra infant weapons all right the convoys mean i can't buy steel by sea which is okay i'll just get it from vichy france and some tungsten and some rubber looking good lithuania is now my core territory so it's not fair so i can just build factories up here we've invited denmark the between deceased concept focus tree is complete i wonder what the costic republic decisions do but we'll get course on everything so it's not important some more industry denmark refuses no that is unfortunate but it's no big deal i think we are okay although i might need to redo these orders make sure you go north and south as well how about this a bit better you get microwave yes we did very cool 64 towards capitulation so all we're missing is stalingrad let's have a look yeah we only need stalingrad oh what was that but stalingrad is much more feasible how the hell am i gonna get here unable to automatically repeat proper collaboration government oh right because i took moscow and my agents were pushed out of it makes sense also did any of them complete with the bonus no so we're at 90 calibration i can still do one more oh right cryptology completely forgot about that let's reveal their cipher that's going to give us a bit of a boost and you can finally become an army logistics guy which is also exactly what i wanted i actually enjoy this new system where you can promote generals to advisors you have to plan way ahead of time but this way i have the guys i want we have a infantry guy supply guy and army regrouping guy okay what's going on germany attacked the soviet union how are you going to get any more score against them i'm not giving you military access i could get the taxes from you though it could come in handy but i'm not giving you military access you're not going in my territory they could attack from turkey though that would be unfortunate if they got war score you know what i need to do i actually need to focus on stalingrad very much because if i can get this i'll get everything as course which means it'll be much cheaper to get in the peace conference to a manual attack on stalingrad let's make him a skirmisher oh you can be adaptable that's good i don't think i can get to stalingrad with this but if i can that would be great should i go aggressive at least for these guys i should or should get stalingrad before capitulating them i didn't expect the germans to attack now this could put a bit of a wrench in my plans although no they actually have zero participation so they probably didn't even get military access from turkey if some of my units get cut off that's acceptable as long as i can get stalingrad come on give me stalingrad this is empty improvisation expert this is looking good very good i'm still worried i did not think this through i should i should have done this before capitulating them perhaps uh the garbage in government thing was a mistake but maybe we can still do it focus stalingrad i think i can safely assume there's gonna be no naval invasion and use this army to strengthen the attack on stalingrad and if there is a naval invasion i'll deal with it attack general anders oh i wasn't doing focus which is a mistake do the thing i can always cancel the focus midway i was expecting them to send some invasions through the black sea but maybe the turks managed to retain naval dominance i actually have five ships myself but there's no need to deploy them style and grad we have two skilled staffers i should deploy more troops just the basic ones six six and four which means 16 total did you guys lose your orders no you're actually doing great did they fix the crimea thing because this always used to be a problem wonderful i'm so happy about that i didn't even expect they would be germans still at zero percent stalingrad you can go through here almost almost there come on come on half of you go from here assaulting stalingrad right now and it's mine wonderful can i wait the 10 days i don't think i can proclaim slavic unity once and for all those in those 50 days of worst and wasted progress are going to have to be sacrificed on the altar of slavic unity now i don't want to win this war just yet oh no i'm going to win this war now god damn it will this continue even if requirements are not met it will cancel then cooperation governments will probably mistake because if i did this before ending the war let's let's stop the attacks just in case maybe something will recalculate wrong and they won't surrender now was i essentially i was and i will win now but if i managed to finish the focus before winning the war i would be able to take everything in the peace deal cheaper thus getting more territory but i have the most horse car i should be able to get everything let's try to get all the bordering stuff so that nobody can take it from me we also need a three states leningrad or moscow well kiev and stalingrad don't actually need moscow apparently all the coastal stuff please i'm hoping nobody will be releasing things that would be annoying make sure you don't board or anything so you can't take it it's all mine thank you for your participation i have removed a threat that threatened your existence as in soviet union be thankful and let me eat it so the next mongolia now that i need it but you know and let's start from the south oh also moscow let's start from the south because we don't want anyone to be released and there's a lot of small countries in the area let's also get over the vostok i think it was mentioned yes i took it i should have checked the surrender progress before canceling my focus if i realized i was about to win i would not have canceled my focus wait a minute let's see what can be released you know what looks like they changed some stuff and pretty much everything can be released so let's just uh take it as we go to cheaper ones first so we can get the most stuff okay left a little bit of territory inside let's end the turn did anyone else take anything nobody good keep not taking anything we have to pass now and they didn't take anything good give me and done and then i took everything every single state of the soviet union now belongs to congressional commonwealth welgar and sentiment yeah whatever there we go congressional commonwealth but of course we still need to proclaim slavic unity because now there's gonna be some resistance this is not my core territory fortunately that will be resolved very soon oh 2.7 million manpower that's nice original government of the soviet union okay yes of course because i did um the corruption government's thing which means i actually have 90 compliance i think where is that yes 90 compliance which is why i have so much vampire factories but they are not ready yet and they shall never be and there is not going to be a soviet union provisional or not so beautiful isn't it but i need to wait a month to do stuff of course we have more factories i could ramp up production of stuff and things something like this much better we have of course our satellite allies hungary finland sweden norway and turkey japan declared war on the philippines which means soon the united states will join the allies and turn against the germans but i think once we're done with the slavic unity thing we won't care 3.5 million manpower suppose we could go down to extensive conscription special enemies japan oh if i declare war on germany directly japan will thanks to their pacts actually join in huh if i attack you instead no do we might but actually the right target for us is bulgaria because they're the ones making trouble for us this is pretty good 327 factories three and a half million manpower we could actually continue like this very successfully without needing this territory to be our course because with 90 collaboration this is almost like our course get 85 percent of the factories 98 of the resources however it will be much cooler if it is actually our core anastasia romanov the empress of all slavs and a bit more than that no they never next tanatoova so i have a tiny country inside my territory claim slavic unity what did just happen slavic union happened but why is it green well i have no problem with that since poland is the primary flag here on the top left well now well now we got 446 factories because it's all our quarter wait a minute why did this go down this is my core territory it shouldn't go down or maybe it was recalculating and added it and now it's reducing it again doesn't really matter what matters is we have tons of manpower 22 million seriously does this need to re-mobilize or something oh our core population is now 200 million well yeah that makes sense and 360 factories i think that will go up a bit so what do you think are we done or should we kill germany well we did the demand for morenia it is a core state i would say we achieved our objective but i still want to kick the germans a little bit but for that i'm gonna need more troops let's go to two full army groups which means i'm gonna need four more armies which amounts to 96 troops 196 units not 96 troops of course we have acquired the soviets equipment we can start trading them right away i will adjust the templates produce equipment for them we're going to do plan west this is mostly forged and i want to be offensive on this land doctrine that could be useful no let's ignore that i will do artillery modernization because i could make better planes but it probably won't be necessary right my spies need to go to germany that's complete machine complete let's do better artillery i have to buy steel from vichy france because i could change my export laws a bit so i wouldn't have to but it's not that much but free trade does give some very nice bonuses to attack the largest indies which means the united states are about to fight the germans they join the allies we're going to reorganize my army a bit but that can wait first off you're not going to be the main field marshal but it's going to be that for the second army that is offensive charismatic that will do this army is the main fighting force so i'll give them the better templates you'll start with the basic ones and if i have enough equipment i'll give you better ones goodbye everyone great i don't think i'll need garrisons against naval invasions i mean italy does do it sometimes but i think we'll be fine we'll join the army and this time i don't care about which general is assigned or which field martial because i already have all the advices i want it's a pretty denmark refused to join i could attack from their territory oh well it's fine it'll take care of bulgaria italy kinda bit of italy another bit of italy i know this is suboptimal just sending an entire army just to take this bit but i can relocate them afterwards and you well i suppose the italians will probably attempt naval invasions so i guess i can send you to god ports here as well just in case although they shouldn't be able to reach the black sea so that's safe oh no i should probably send you to vichy france turkey can handle it on their own now planes should we deploy more planes no because we don't have more planes we have five gas it's fine i can produce more but i prefer to focus on outfitting my troops very well if i give them anti-air planes are not really a problem also with this much artillery i can probably put them into the super strong template this one let's do that and see the logistics i need 5 000 artillery more and some anti-air working on it making 50 a day so 100 days and we'll have enough new i guess it can make you the support one would support 18 with actually it seems to work fine uh i mean 20 width is the default from the old game but uh before the update but they've changed things so much that maybe 18 is fine now i'll give all of you this enjoy your support companies oh my manpower updated 13 million isn't that nice do i need more propaganda i don't but i have a lot of potential power and the fastest rates sure i need more steel well we could do that yeah we'll just kill bulgaria for it i'll expand steel production because i can warsaw the capital of the slavic union make sure to trackify the supply hubs gonna build a new supply hub i suppose yeah i should get more supply down here how do i build supply hubs here i have some more this is a difficult area and another one here and two here exercise everyone let's make sure we're producing enough stuff some more of these at the expense of infantry equipment because i have lots of infant equipment philippines capitulate japan is powerful so it's not surprising yeah 57 000 guns in reserve it's looking good we didn't actually need to switch all those auxiliary units in this army group to those with support companies but we are doing a support company branch of doctrines so yeah they'll do their best this way that's the better anti-air as well artillery modernization good i wonder what the foreign motor companies do probably not very good i don't want to see them i'm not going to use them just want to see what they do better artillery i need to make some more anti-ah no actually this is fine don't want to overdo it montreal climbs into china interesting that's a new event i think japan doing relatively well in china if it was 1939 or 38. so not too well okay i think i'll exercise the units to the max and then you can attack japan wants to use my por sure you know what yes you can you can use my ports i don't mind should i ban communism yes i should ban communism let's ban communism that's better little bit too much fascism though we should let other communists be a counter-balance ah it'll be fine go ahead do press censorship let's do press censorship united mexican states join the allies and the warfighters want to do much against the germans but each and every one of these units has anti-air with them so just to shoot the planes down i've attracted the foreign motor companies almost ready i think it's time to justify our war goal oh bulgaria shall we take oh this is my core territory now did not realize that i shall retake core states from you so we are still exercising and even sweden is here good the mighty alliance of me and zamosa we shall crush the puny axis from here german agent there you go let's do the collaboration thingy i'm only missing anti-air now good i should probably make better fighters eventually see i could attack germany directly the thing is if i do that japan will get involved and it'll take forever which is why i'm attacking bulgaria they're almost trained up two or three weeks and this should be done so i think i'll wait with the declaration of war it's just so much more elegant if all your troops are trained up when you attack of course it's not necessary i think we could crush them now but let's go for elegance this time it shows that i'm weaker than the germans i would be surprised if that proved correct we're almost done just these garrisons finishing up and everyone's trained okay wait a few more days so that they can recover their organization and we're good to go let's attack i have military access from them so i could do all the 66 but many of you really dislike it so actually i haven't tried if it works in the new update but still many of you don't like it so i'm not going to do it not this time goodbye bulgaria she'll call all my allies as well germany joined of course turkey and that's a lot of fighting isn't it should have given me pomerania italy and sweden joined i still need finland and norway and did hungary john i don't think they did yes they did the allies want military access no actually they want docking rights no i'm not letting you into my territory now there's actually italian islands next to turkey but i think turkey can handle it this is going well how's our supply situation norway has joined supply is fine i always had a trouble with supply because i sent usually too many troops into a small area but now with the trucks it seems like we're actually doing better than before you know i really like this new update i thought i wouldn't because you know with complications in army management but it seems to be working much better for me ah the gem is the naval invasion i did not expect that to happen it's fine i have so many troops available that even if they do an evil invasion i can just send an army to cover that think of armies that are free you guys where should i send you i will send you to my friend sweden to kill the germans that have landed there gonna take a while together though i wonder if the artillery helps as much as i think it should cm george the japanese faction unfortunately it's not my problem there are no slavic peoples there so i don't need to invade them bully hungaria will soon be taken care of there it goes elise putting up more defense than i thought they would maybe because it's the weaker troops attacking them we are unbalanced and our progress is slow but there is progress and that's what matters also you're doing those collaboration operations you are but i might kill them before it's complete oh that's fine it's only meant to make them surrender earlier what are the guys that i sent here no no no no this one to do do a quick naval transport actually you guys are close enough just you who do the naval transport well not all of them just the relevant army but still yes you may be attacked on the way there's a sacrifice i'm willing to make for the good of our allies sweden we don't want them to be capitulated it would be inconvenient not terribly so but still inconvenient next doctrine we've arrived and there's some of us in stockholm so sweden should be safe from being capitulated while we kill the germans down south although the germans are powerful we're not doing as well as i hoped we would be still missing anti-air let's transfer some production from artillery to entire air and reduce support equipment and trucks it should be a bit better 40 participation that was quick the uk still has 55 for some reason they were being beaten up for a long time it doesn't seem like they contributed to winning this although i'm getting ahead of myself we haven't won yet although we're making progress this is some really good defense from the italians although once again on the main front i'm using the armies with artillery that's why i'm using armies without artillery how much artillery do i have stocked just 2 000. oh i am actually running out of infantry equipment seems like i did not stock enough of that well all the new military factories wouldn't go towards inventory equipment i have a lot of core territory to build stuff in let's do that i think if germany were to give me pomerania i'd just let them go but there is a saying in polish vaga maga which means this insult requires blood oh i need to get more troops to these guys they're skilled staffers now advanced and yeah because why not should i go cautious perhaps i should go cautious i need to stock up some more equipment and maybe switch everyone into the template with artillery goddansk is about to be ours again will i get the decisions to pacify it and stuff oh invite motor companies i have not looked through it truck production cost nice max speed rock hardness consuming this factory is two percent and this is expensive i would use ford if i was using a motorized army but i'm not using a motorized army let's do anti-fascist raids and war bonds because we have the political power to use on that and work conditions and be cautious can handle the germans but it's gonna take time i need more steel oh i was buying it from vichy france but apparently they joined the axis or something so i can do that anymore um i'll just change my laws next would focus and extensive conscription as well when we have the podcapar because um i don't need that much bandbar and with export focus oh no yeah i cancelled these to redo them and then forgot to redo them with export focus i don't need to buy anything but some rubber reclaimed overlordship or slovakia no why would i or my ally but don't get ahead of yourself it's mine okay so we need more artillery and more anti-air reduce support equipment production because we have enough of that and this should do once we get the extra military factories but i'm working on it slowly i don't need that many civilian ones let's reduce those numbers this will do because i always build a lot of civilian factories so that i can buy resources on free trade but we're no longer on free trade and we no longer need to buy resources oh they invaded norway as well well luckily i have an army to spare probably should have sent some troops to garrison these areas okay do enable transport let's go here and then sail over here actually yeah switch that up a bit here and then go to osmo that's better are we still making progress not really a display situation trackify the supply hubs apparently i needed more supply in this area let's get some i was hoping to win much faster but at least we'll get a lot of participation how are we doing could be better than missing a lot of artillery and just guns i'm not sure about that template with the artillery but it shouldn't just remove that artillery soft attack would go down quite a lot yeah i guess it helps but not as much as i would like it to oh the u.s wants to eat up on my convoys sure yeah more germans go up to balanced this is okay ah damn it sweden capitulated just as i said it was okay well obviously it's not that's a pity we're gonna lose you guys i don't think so let's reorganize a bit though oh they got my cipher i'm still working on theirs i'm occupying the entire german army are the allies doing anything at all probably not oh we did take berlin at least they did take norway and sweden my troops are fighting back but they're kind of attritioned i don't seem to have ports can i build a norway's territory i can okay that's nice three foreign military access we're having some success here we've abolished segregated sitting hamburg it's a real pretty denmark didn't join a fight oh well yeah can you guys survive this i should be able to just need to run towards this port here i'm considering abandoning scandinavia no let's stay here we'll keep them busy less troops to defend mainland germany which we have just halfway consumed they're actually very close to capitulation it's a good push aggressively but it's going well so let's not mess with it improvisation expert infinity expert can you manage to get the port or should i just get you out of here can i get you out of here no i didn't micromanage this because i thought sweden and now i can actually hold their own at least a little bit oh no i do have a port that's fine there's a lot of hungarians here yeah we'll be okay we can stay here and distract the germans from the real fight is actually going much better than i anticipated i mean overall it's going worse than i anticipated but now the tides have turned and we're doing much better it might be because older troops are in scandinavia and they're about to die cue the scene with hitler and bunker and here goes germany good glorious even liberation of paris and all that that's quick it's going to be a bit crowded down in italy but if i'm not mistaken if i have enough trucks and maybe build some supply hubs be okay so let's build a supply hub here and here at the sign trucks and stuff also there are those infantry-only armies here which i will retreat we see france joined the axis but where's vichy france vichy france is not here anymore so as these guys arrive i will pull the others back okay cancel your orders there's too many of you here go help here and you um i don't know just retreat for now let's look at the supply hub map mode it's not that great let's make you guys super aggressive can you false attack not really i should bridges sure is there a river here somewhere sure there must be a river somewhere let's use that command pass somehow yeah this should work out nicely also have some spies i did not rely on them heavily they're still doing provisional government sorry collaboration government i wonder if this can still take effect after capitulation doesn't really matter let's send these two spies to italy did i get military access from france i should i will send an army here i don't think it will change anything so we are making good progress not much supply but that never stopped me before you just go along the coast you go along the other coast yes you do it there's not many italians in italy apparently if we move quickly enough this won't take long what is my participation 54 i have the most i could play some games with um puppeteering to get more territory but i think i'll just go straight into taking stuff we'll know in a moment because italy is about to capitulate let me just a bit longer run to palermo yes i know surprise us gas you'll endure you'll need to eat every day which is actually true recently i've only been eating once a day and it saves a lot of time i even feel better i'm not saying you should do the same it's a very individual issue anyways we're done okay i'm just gonna straight up take stuff we have enough territory as it is so make sure to take what used to be ours would be nice if i could dominate the baltic sea yeah see now everyone in the baltic sea except for denmark is in my faction why can't i take that much i'll pass the first round the great hillary trail that's fine i'll pass again now i can take stuff all our cores please this is a core this is not this is a core this is a core so is it this and bulgaria is core albania is not but it will look better there is is also a core of ours good and bohemia seems like this is everything that's our core territory but i cannot take all of it let's leave east there for the next round looking good looking very good call the gun republic sure you're welcome to it let's pass and pass and pass and pass god damn it okay what did they do they did did he do anything british war score just went down did you give it to someone not sure what happened well i'm happy with it for sure i wonder if turkey will take these they should be able to they did have some parts especially i think we'll see this is very cheap for us because they did capitulate to me should be able to take the entirety of germany might not work with italy but we'll see soon lombardi is too much because do you want to france which is why it's expensive to me new mata can go south instead okay looking good can i afford anything else not this okay the island maybe a port in africa what's your cheapest thing no no liberating no puppeting i just want to take libyan desert for free sure maybe there's some natural resources there and if it's free it's free okay that's too much it's fine but now i just need a port here so that i didn't have to pay for transportation of the goods i might extract here if there are any and turn did you take anything satellite smiley's sardinia supervised state so italy in sardinia ethiopia and change government of italy to democracy i'm fine with that i took most of italy this is italy now no sorry not all of it callsica is a separate entity i think right let's take the cheap things j10 can't really take many of the cheap things let's reset and pass once ah damn it i forgot that their new puppet italy i should have taken the parts this is going to be so inconvenient with all the transportation fees well i just release it as a puppet nation where was i yeah i forgot that now that they released them as a puppet this was much cheaper to them to take so i should have taken it in that last round never mind it's fine we got all of germany and most of italy 53 states let's have a look republican italy here well you have shrunk a bit italy haven't you this is now the slavic union let's zoom this out so we can see all of its glory slovak union with our good friend hungary inside why the next them but they have been a good eye let's check our nation's faction as well myenzymota even more beautiful getting turkey was actually very useful and finland i think norway and sweden also occupied the germans so it was easier to kill them but turkey and finland definitely made it easier to defeat the soviet union so that's it we have taken over all that was rightfully ours all the slavs now live under the slavic union the benevolent slavic union we're going to build infrastructure everywhere lower taxes institute good healthcare and education everyone's going to be happy the allies have more territory though still have most of africa all of north america australia and india and they are fragmented though and ours is all together and i think ours is also more developed overall totally if you sum everything up although i'm not sure about that now we could take on the eyes i'm pretty sure we could handle them but it would be long and tedious and we would have to defend ourselves from united states naval invasions if we were to go after them i would have to just go after france first then ramp up production or start production of the navy and or air force in order to be able to land on the british isles africa doesn't really matter in terms of victory point so i would just need to secure this border of turkey or not call turkey and at all that would also work and then we'd be able to take over the united kingdom now the united states would be the real problem of course australia and the raj could be problematic but they're still fighting japan japan is pretty capable i think they would take them over if i'm busy fighting the allies and drawing their attention away from that so we would take over the european bit africa won't matter for surrender so we would ignore it completely raj and this entire area basically would be taken care of by japan i think and the united states would be the real problem now sadly we did not get denmark involved if we did we could invade from here so i would need to get an ally in the americas or to build a huge fleet to destroy the allies fleet well i am at 691 factories and that will only go up once i build more and get more compliance in germany which we are next whole by the way we should let's impose this for a moment will this update next day no it seems to be the correct number germany i get 71 of their factories right now that's pretty good compliance 47 those missions are really useful for getting better industry after the war but i digress i could just i have a lot of coasts i could just build knockouts everywhere research the navy and so on but it would take three four more years to beat up the allies we could do it we are the player after all but i don't see the need for it we can be friendly with the eyes it's not like we're a communist empire we are a non-aligned monarchy with some fascism but not much we have constant support for not online so this will not go under 50 ever so that's about it i'm gonna end it here how did you like the secret ruler of poland anastasia romanov the last romanov exclamation mark also let me know if you've seen this anywhere before i think i might be the first non-paradox person to do something about anastasia but that is at the time of recording and editing will probably take a week so much can change in that time frame anyway i'm gonna end it here thank you for watching i hope you enjoy this content let me know what you think about this video the new focus trees and the expansion in general and if you have picked it up or not and i will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 423,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 germany, hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 germany world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman germany, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 continent, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 annex ussr, hoi4 poland, hoi4 poland beats germany, no step back, hoi4 no step back, hearts of iron 4 no step back, anastasia hoi4, hoi4 anastasia, hoi4 slavic union
Id: DM3gkeS-iO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 14sec (4034 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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