DOOMSDAY PREPPER STASH Found / I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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we gotta find out all right we were laying low there for a little bit but we're gonna find out right now what's inside look at that that is a glock case george do you have any idea what you get when you put together a live auction in florida at u-haul 25 units 20 25 units and then you buy one for 550 what's the answer george the thrill of the hunt you never know what the hell you're gonna get this one's gonna be amazing george i can't believe it we're at our first our first live auction in 2021 let's do this george some of my favorite words climate control let's open her up there was a lot of crazy bidding on this one it went high but i saw some things that i thought for sure were going to make us some here we go again you know i'm not even hiding this time you know if they're coming for me they're coming for me all right all right so 1406 let's open her up [Music] tons of totes the good kind of totes i saw black totes with yellow tops which remind me of the 1800 and the 1700 dollar unit that's my goal but yes definitely totes my goats but look over here george do you see this here do you see what i see i see xbox games i see xbox you love your video games i see are these uggs are they are those my size um wait they are i can't even see any more because i had a flash in my eyes whatever comfort view comfort view these could be let's see if they're your size um they are leather upper those are 11 wide yes these are your solids you know what those are theresa's size okay we'll see if she wants them okay so the one thing i did see that i thought okay we have to go after this one oh the rocker no the stethoscope i want to find out who your heart truly beats for i found something for you fine now bam some aquafina it's sealed just for you so there's some other things in here i think you're not gonna drink it no not right now i'll save it for later okay i think there's some other things in here you're gonna be interested in okay i do see yarn we will get to the yarn hold your yarnaholicism okay here is a say no say no say no daniel sanyo okay so there's a sanyo tv see if we can find the remote um one second you found the remote already bam right there there's the remote it was actually hiding over here it was hiding now hopefully the tv is good if nothing else we can use it as a monitor if not we'll just sell it okay this here i already know you're gonna want these what are you gonna want these for for sorting okay so george when we get stuff she's gonna sh she likes to sort i do like all the different lots i don't like sorting i love sorting she's really weird like that really there's other ways that she's really weird i nerd out on sir so she's gonna want to use that for sorting i want to see oh wait wait wait wait george do you know what this is that is probably more hair clippers uh george to trim them bushes what did i say i don't i don't think this is hair trimmers i don't know what the brand is but was i right no you were not look at this oh my goodness a label maker i could totally use that to label my you now have how much do you think this label maker is worth those are going for like at least a good hundred i would i was gonna say it's probably a hundred i don't know until i look it up once we look it up then we flash those well i was searching for one because i wanted one it's a p-touch [Music] your elders your family members your your people in leadership in your life have probably told you don't ever let anybody um p touch you but this is okay okay so that's all right that's actually that's awesome that is pretty awesome ben's label maker you think we got a reseller's unit or a crack whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa george george i'm about to break the law do not touch look at that let's see what's inside look at that i just touched it i was touching it you're touching it i was like what's up are you sure you want to touch it do not touch e-chart nets kfc police forms um what say what do we have a police unit we might have a police unit wd forms vs forums school i don't know huh okay i'm not sure why they didn't want us to touch it are you glad you touched it here they come back it was her it was all her doing the touching touching is that a mean case let me check let me check oh my goodness it could very well be i didn't even see that you're gonna have to climb over everything are you sure you want to go look or hold on let me see okay look at this for the for the screened in porch oh nice this is a glider a rocking glider rocking glass that's actually going to be perfect just pull it out i think you're going to have to test this this is going to be just as good as a hammock this is going to be yes very good and here we see grandma george in her natural environment on the glider rocking back and forth looking at restaurant restaurant menus deciding what she will feast on before she gets angry and destroys her counterpart jeremy this is gonna be my new resting spot this is my favorite particular have you heard of them animal has never been recorded in its natural environment before and now we will leave the creature in peace that's not peaceful at all look what i see down here you can see this here down in the corner there are two two u-haul locks so that gives us a little bit of insight on a unit and these are things you should be looking for cues that you should pick up on so this means at one time this unit went delinquent and it went up and it was going up for auction but then it was paid off okay and then what happened is the exact same thing happened it went up delinquent again but this time so this is what i get this is what i get from the story of multiple locks somebody thought there was something valuable enough in here to actually pay their delinquent fees once and then they didn't get it the second time so it got abandoned it went to auction there's got to be something of value in here look at this here you see this tote that toad is labeled medical books let's see what's in there some metal oh my goodness so much money when you reset okay okay i thought that was a laptop i was like no way we just got a laptop okay so we definitely have a lot of office supplies here double gum what is that bubblegum okay we got bubblegum flavored we always we always enjoy finding balloons oh it's three flavors oh they fresh out all right so uh we got whatever that is i might need to start taking it whatever it is oh look at that one day so we're getting we're getting a little bit more into this so we have police files and we've got now men's so we're getting the story let me throw the locks in here okay i'm curious holy cow medical bills why oh sweet envelopes i actually need these yeah now see here's you've never had to pay for envelopes i don't pay for envelopes storage units because the storage unit life always always provides thank you yet again storage unit life for envelopes uh we do have medical books and some medical books could be working did you know that i took medical terminology right after high school uh four books nine hundred dollars for four books so there could be some really expensive ones in here there there is some smelly ones in here fast facts the only book you need for clinicals so obviously for somebody to medical school went to medical school or nursing school well nursing school medical school whatever it was the tote is worth money for okay let's bring let's bring this out right here okay oh george there you have it there it is it's an ombre too ombre yarn what i don't know what you're talking ombre yarn that means it's like different shades of yeah i'm your homeboy stop calling me you're hot bro i'm your bra all right so we it looks like we have this may not get most people excited but post-it notes pens type of office supplies we don't have put to use we don't have it right now but look there's something in here there's something in here wrapped oh george what oh my goodness you know what this is what is that oh come on you know what that is it's the same thing this is going to be something in plastic you know what this is we're reselling oh that's probably more labels for the label makers this is all the labels for the labels look at that brand new pens you're always asking for nice pens for pens staples lanyard this is that was a p-touch staple yes yes it was you know you know what's you know what's um better than g1 what g2 nothing because the world can't handle that the world cannot handle that i don't understand what you mean oh george look at all these labels these labels are probably oh my goodness i never have to buy labels again we could probably get a hundred dollars just for the labels and are these scrubs these look like scrubs okay oh yeah christmas it's beginning to look a lot like christmas definitely some christmas stuff oh wow cute you know where this is i've never seen those before this would look really really good in the screened in porch in the screened in porch next to the led lights led and fire trucks because you know any second now that siren is gonna we found one just like this remember it said it reminded me of the game simon yep and now you have two now we have two we have two we found one dies boom replacement right there right there this must be a florida thing [Music] one of the things i did see was this right here now this is pet steps and we typically will tell you steer away from units that have pets not that we don't like pets obviously we have chickens obviously i want to get pikmi goats fainting goats i want potbelly pigs i want i mean the list goes on and on peacocks uh alligators crocodiles you name it i i did you say lemurs yes george said lemurs george is now all about the lemur life so we typically tell you stay away because pet hair damages uh and pet destruction damages resale value but if pet urine destroys that destroys it as well so i saw it in here but everything looked good enough with the coats yeah that i decided to do you know what we could do lead that up to put this in the chicken coop leading up to the doll cream so we will we'll put this in the chicken coop the other reason why i went well i'm gonna go for it if you notice pet steps are for small dogs yes and small animals that typically those animals like i had a shampoo or shibu they're non-shedding non they're hypoallergenic so that was the other thing that i went well if you need pet steps most likely not guaranteed but let's find out here we go there's some labeled animal stuff so we're going to find out we've got drywall anchors we'd had a dog we could use some of this for the for the chickens for sure okay so there was a dog there was a dog and i felt comfortable enough with the unit just sharing what i just shared with you there's no strong scent of animal odor either and that's the other thing with bidding you want to be able to use your scent live bidding is the best for us because then you can use your scent sniffers not sure what that is a nav map oh you probably put that on and push stuff but if there's a safe in here where there is a safe there's a way so we'll set that aside though too and let's just peek i don't know about it we gotta stick to the right side okay let's uh just pull this out here because this that one's labeled dvd now i did see this and i saw the cases for the games it doesn't matter excuse me it doesn't mean by the way you put yourself in front of a camera you're going to say instead of me as well and you have to be able to give commentary the entire time nobody wants to just listen to you don't think they want to hear me breathe out loud no i don't think they want to smell it you still have roasted chicken and that indian food garlic roasted chicken that's some serious garlic george look at that star wars star wars trilogy nice who do we have here the ten commandments oh we should watch that okay is it in there and i bet you it's in another case somewhere so what okay typically if they kept the cases like they obviously did here yes that they were a collector and it's in a case somewhere i am legend that's a good one okay they've got to be protected what's that one serenity they might be in one of those uh dvds okay and we have dune okay they've gotta be in like an album another thing that i like doing is sorting through dvd cases and matching it up with the movie okay so they took that special features and the dvd the blu-ray isn't in here so it's got to be somewhere else oh there's aladdin this one feels heavy let's see internet's so spotty in parts of florida this one actually is all in there they paid 20 for this from toys r us which is no longer no longer this one looks thick thicker than a snicker let's find out all the christmas classics i do love these i do absolutely love these okay i think they're in an album somewhere let's um let's the tote we can definitely use the tote we'll keep the whole tote because we think they're in an album in here somewhere yep let's uh let's see if we can find them i'll tell you what let's grab look at this george what am i looking at well i'm about to show you another tote label dvd cases do you think firefly oh i know what these are right here i know what these are without even looking what what this right here i have these this is the lord of the rings trilogy bam yep that is correct let's see if they're in here or not i have this one personally at home and yeah this is all the appendices the appendixes appendices i have watched these a million times a million times i never got into it do you see what this is what is that okay there's x-men trilogy this i do like watching x-men this is star trek star trek those are really cool cases do you think they're in here no um probably not i don't even know how to open it with my gloves on they're not in here so they have to be in i'm thinking they're absolutely in here somewhere so let's grab they're not in the cases they're gonna be in a protective sleeve somewhere so let's do this if you saved the cases which this person did if you saved the cases no doubt you saved all of the actual moves so let's grab another coat and we'll just grab from the top all right this feels heavy this feels really heavy let's see what we got here what oh oh my the police are coming oh my goodness the police are coming did you see this that's glock glock are these gun cases yes oh my goodness it's labeled with that label maker nine millimeter oh man oh man oh police are coming shut it out we gotta find out uh we were laying low there for a little bit but we're going to find out right now what's inside look at that that is a glock case and the case alone is probably worth 25 once it's cleaned up ah it's going to be worth a good 25 right there for that quad case remember that case is still up there too okay the one that's up there all right here is huh wait let's find out how much we bought it for it was it was bought in 2012. nine millimeter 15 shot and it's not his it's hers you want to see what it was sure there it is right there glut glock yep so this one was licensed to her by him see what this one was let's find out if there is nope no info there that's why i didn't see it smith and wesson this one has some weight to it nice smith and wesson they got good taste jinx yeah there's paperwork back here the smith and wesson uh case this size sold for 75 dollars for me it was a dark blue hard case that i sold i think i see a receipt down there yep this is in her name too nice so there you go all right that was another name i bet you they're hidden in the dresser they could very well be people hide things in the weirdest spots there's some gun logs okay and that one's empty we'll still we've got ammo cases at the ranch anyway so we'll just use we'll continue to use these animals yep which by the way if you haven't figured it out yet you can't buy ammo anywhere right now it is sold out it's a hot comment you know where you can find it all the time storage units as we just showed you yeah all the time i'm gonna use that as a table let's grab another one let's see what we have here oh man look at this that one is labeled prep prep is that prep barter what's that ac radio do you think this is a preppers maybe you know what i bet you this is a doomsday prepper unit could very well be all the medical stuff [Applause] okay sleep is that a sleeping bag that is a job oh who knows what the hails are in those george look at this jeremy look at this look at this a machete there's one one we're gonna need machetes at the ranch in case of what we've got we've got 500 security cameras going up we got to cut down like the tall trees i thought you meant for crushed pastures okay let's see what we have in here oh my goodness and look at this food they are it's a prepper that's exactly what it is look food and water camping tools and fuel we've got security what does that say first aid first aid close and bob transportation bob i read bob battery operated okay what does that say transportation this is entertainment this is interesting the doomsday prepper unit we oh man there's all the gun cleaning kits look at this everything is labeled gee okay that's the gun cleaning kit oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my gun cleaning kit we knew that was that was george george george look at this down here what what what look at this look at this okay that's a little radio for uh communication solar powered this is this is a preppers unit okay i think i saw a deck of uno cards okay here's remington oil for the guns crow shot okay that's cleaning kit as well do you saw uno in here okay so my goodness enough alcohol there's some jack daniels here's some crown royal we've got seagram's black velvet jack daniels over here what is over here george you know what this is going to be is that ammo no it isn't is it ammo is that even a question you guys you guys can't buy it's not come on what is it come over here i think these are pandora beads what this could be 500 right here if these are real pandoras are these pandora yeah pandora these are big money oh my goodness they range anywhere from like 50. you know what this is in here for do you know what this is in here for for when you get bored and you want to make jewelry no they would they would now i know why it was prepping it's actually a her uh what they would do is they have this to melt this down okay and these as well okay this is to melt down and to create your own ammo make your own ammo wow that's what this is for diy ammo there's cards uss badger what an awesome unit monopoly deal how to survive the world as we know it right there right there the disaster trespass here it is a guide for families that could be for me you and the chicken really is this what's in the guide as much alcohol as you can find tic-tac-toe numb your fears um holy cow did you open what that brown not yet but look at this we have five hundred dollars just in liquor yep we have five hundred dollars just in liquor not to mention the firearms that are to be in here heirloom seed combo kit i mean so when you want to start a garden matches [Laughter] what hails of a unit here in florida [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 59,754
Rating: 4.944716 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: DoUGJmd5omU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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