IS THIS SPORE 2? - The Eternal Cylinder

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yo what's up guys this is terraced and welcome to the eternal cylinder i have heard a lot of things about this game one being that it's kind of like sport 2 because of the aesthetics and the fact that it's about evolution what sets it apart though i've heard is that it has a weird kind of a story aspect to it apparently the world of the eternal cylinder is being crushed by an eternal cylinder so apparently the game is about the fact that the cylinder is coming it is crossing everything in its path and you a little two-legged creature is up to you to stop the cylinder from crossing the entire world and on your way you will evolve and reach a higher potential kind of like spore you know what i mean so anyway without further ado let's take a quick look at this game once upon a time and the age of the eternal cylinder they lived a family of little creatures called the trevor trebum are not the strongest nor the fastest and they do not have sharp teeth they would make easy prey for the terrible force that came to their planet but trebum are loyal and resourceful and very very stubborn it is with such a trebum that our story begins one clever little creature born into a cruel world who would be instrumental in bringing prosperity to its kind [Music] all right so here we are the eternal cylinder now it just started playing and as you can see there's a cylinder currently following me crossing everything in its path so apparently we just gotta run away from it okay we can jump using space good good that's always a good start that's a great start fantastic i don't know too much about this game except the fact that it has some form of evolution in its game and apparently it reminds a lot of people about spore so hopefully this is a game somewhat like spore okay so i can't run any farther uh what what am i supposed to do man okay it's gonna cross me isn't it it's gonna cross me all right goodbye sweet world oh stop oh the great crushing thing the great cylinder perhaps it was safe here for a little while how quickly it learned to use its legs and its trunk but these things were not so much learned as they were remembered perhaps the little oh this guy takes that's a long time speaking a gift from the strange voice it heard in its mind that too was a kind of memory all right is he done no more talking great fantastic okay so apparently i can suck things up using the mouse button so this is this is a nice addition i've never seen this in sport which may be a good thing or a bad thing i don't know maybe sport needs a little bit more of a sucking action all right so how am i supposed to get out of here oh wait it's telling me that i need to choose a material in my hot bar let's uh click see and apparently eat it with some kind of a strange orb thingy just when it was oh look at that used to its legs the food from the jumping creature gave it new ones look at that okay so there is some evolution a trebum can transform and adapt to many challenges okay so we got we got some evolution in the game as you can see i can jump a lot better now and it also told me that i can apparently shoot water using the second mouse button i wish there was like a first person mode so i could actually see the water it's kind of hard to seeing it all right so what what am i supposed to do now just uh suck and blow on some things what what i don't understand what am i supposed to do uh so i just eat everything that's in my inventory is that is that the goal of the game just eating yeah let's try eating everything nothing happened nothing happened so when can i evolve is it only when i ate those little glowing uh orb thingies okay let's try going to one of those uh big big majiggers the trebum was drawn to a bright light or perhaps to the creature next to it oh that's a big creature look at that oh so they got epics in this game so it's just like spore everything about it except you know the whole thing about it wait where did that big creature go it just disappeared what the hell man what the hell oh there it is except for the grass growing on the old one's head they were very much alike what oh this one this guy surrounded me the trebum knew things it had not known before oh it knew the older trebum had carried this light for a long long time i am the chosen one but now that responsibility had passed to the next generation yes this young trebum had to carry the light to those great towers in the distance i could do that i could do that easy it could have stayed here to learn many old things and do that but the cylinder wouldn't oh come on man not that freaking silly why couldn't there have been a square that thing couldn't have rolled as it's a design failure if you ask me it should have been a square and you should they could never all the inner voice said run the towers would not stop the cylinder unless they were acting i don't know where am i supposed to go to those big thingies left shift roll to move faster oh look at that i can roll can i jump while i roll and jump okay i can kind of jump not not very well though a little bit a little bit of a jump thingy quickly the cylinder is kind of far away i could take my time or the cylinder would not be stopped i mean i think i can take my time it's kind of far away i'm just gonna go look at the nature oh look at that there's a big little uh what's it what's it called a tick it's a big tick with big teeth oh my god okay that's scary not yet i'm gonna go i'm gonna go over here yeah that looked way more way more appetizing now is he gonna stop guys he's not stopping hello tick move move he's gonna cross you man i'm gonna call him paul so it feels worse when he dies oh he has a wife that's oh it's irene and she's gonna die too uh by irene and paul i'm sorry that had to happen to you it's a cylinder gonna stop okay am i doing something wrong did i the voice inside the trebum's memories it that while the tower stood the trebum would be safe the power of the eternal cylinder was contained for now all right cool cool now it didn't really seem like i did a lot it was more like the tower so this relative tranquility gave the trebum a chance to think about its family trebum are not meant to live alone so where were the others that's a depressing thought really i don't really know why you brought that up i maybe my travel doesn't want to think about it kind of disrespectful if you ask me oh there's an egg our young friend had found an egg a the egg had been abandoned but it could still be made to hatch all that was needed was a source of heat so i'm guessing that's that little nest thingy i wonder if i can throw it there like that can the land no okay hold up oh i'm stuck i'm i'm actually stuck are you serious okay okay i got out i got out i got out i thought that was the that was it for our gameplay all right i'm gonna see if i can throw it oh did i did i oh my god i actually did it oh that was that was a pro move if you ask me now am i done i did it i did it enter the name goku no this should be what should be uh the the name of this guy you know let's say let's honor paul and his wife and call him uh yeah he's calling paul the next one can be called irene why not all right welcome paul good to have you back buddy now what are we supposed to do i'm very confused as to and why is the music so so loud let's see music there it is let's just decrease that little little guy it seems like it's still loud did it not save no didn't save great fantastic right because you're supposed to click apply great fantastic now look like an idiot continue all right now where should we go paul you got any ideas you got any ideas paul i have no idea where we're supposed to go let's just uh see we just go towards the next pillar no wait they're way over there and there's seems to be a force field kind of keeping us from going there so let's just uh let's just keep on rolling i mean i gotta say if spore looked like this man that would be so amazing i mean can you just imagine if you would mix spore this game the eternal cylinder and no man's sky can you imagine the possibility it would be the most amazing game ever i i really hope that in the next 10 years some developer will make a game that combines this game no man's sky and spore together so you have the whole open uh open uh what's it called open world thingy of no man's sky with the evolution and creativity aspects of spore and then the graphic style of this game i mean that would be amazing and even the story would be amazing if you would somehow incorporate this story about the eternal or maybe not about an eternal cylinder but at least the the cinematic feel that this game gives that would be amazing in in uh spore uh sequel okay that was kind of a rant i'm sorry about that oh is this a new wait what happened to my okay there he is hello paul is this is this another guy oh he's dead don't look don't look at him but this new friend was not no he seems kind of dead to be honest deep inside the memories it had inherited bringing back the light the answer to recover its friend needed a voice barney doesn't look that well these days this dust was not natural only a great trebum could create it and so it was on the achievements of previous generations that the newborn trebum would have to rely luckily it seemed a wise and powerful trebum had passed through here some time ago okay man this guy takes subtle wait is that dinosaur playing a harmonic what was that what wait what is that his mouth way down there did you please tell me you saw that his neck opened up and there's a tree on his back that's illegal man that's gotta be that's gotta be illegal now how do we revive this guy okay uh okay it's probably something to do with these diamonds can i do it now no okay so there's a little bit more damage over here uh i wasn't really listening to the guy speaking so i have no idea if he actually told me what to do or not so i apologize apologies if he did and i'm sorry that i'm an idiot alright let's see if we can wake him up now hello buddy oh we woke up okay i was just kidding i was totally listening to the guy before i knew exactly what to do irene welcome irene here's your husband paul no wait that wasn't paul that was a plant or did you just did you just eat paul irene not not cool man not cool man now seriously where is paul what is he already dead oh there he is there he is oh there's barney there's barney hello barney oh what what just happened what just happened oh is it that's an orb that's an orb fantastic okay so i can evolve again let's see if we ball uh if i eat number two what will happen oh my god is that gonna kill me wait i didn't evolve why didn't i evolve i owe i ate the orb what happened to that guy did this die i'm a little bit of afraid of going too close to that barney over there so i'm just not going to oh this door had been built for trevor it gave them hope that in this large and dangerous world some places had been made guy you kind of get there okay you kind of gotta speak a little bit faster because that barney creature is coming closer i think it was gonna eat us yeah so let's uh let's just get out of there the elder cave oh okay it was kind of like skyrim fantastic uh cue hold or tap to switch trap him trap trap him trap him okay so now i'm paul can i switch the name of more diamonds can i switch the name of the uh of the original treble because uh what's his name hold on q grub my name is grob really you couldn't find a better automatic uh generated name than grab my name is grump interact with this uh square thingy is that my next evolution am i going to be a square tell me am i going to be a square i just i was just talking about our squares can't roll statue transferred knowledge to the tremor oh that looks disgusting organic cube a rare organic growth found found near certain ancient trepum structures most likely artificial in origin that's nasty it's just a meat cube in the middle of nah why did you pick that up why did you pick that up and a tooth you brought up an organic cube and a tooth ah that's nasty bro it's not okay well you did you did a thing though you did a thing fantastic memory had been stored and as soon as this knowledge had entered their minds the trebum realized that there was a great library of information hidden away in the web of their memories but why was the knowledge of a specific ingredient placed here in this trebump made of stone that's a good question man i gotta be honest i wasn't listening i just heard the last little bit of it all right so i'm guessing if i eat this i become a square uh can i use someone else to eat it maybe paul or irene nope seems like oh wait wait wait if i change to paul why can't i play as irene so have a change to paul and get another one of these cubes oh wait he has the full inventory let me just eat a little bit there you go ball now if i suck in that little cube thingy can i get paul to evolve instead because i don't know if i will lose the jumpy legs so i i kind of want to just give it to paul instead cuboid body allows trebum to enter special openings in certain sacred places and unlock ancient mechanisms all right fantastic is it is it this square is it it might it be this very obvious square in the wall it is wow what a quinky thing oh you're nasty nah i don't want to go there that guy creeps me out i don't want to go there let's not go there let's not go there oh that's depressing he's just been sitting in here this entire time man grandpa has been the same since we installed cable tv man he's just been watching that screen for the entire 73 years of his life [Music] inside the cave the trebum found a living elderly he had been waiting in this chamber for a long long time the elder told them it was happy to see some friends before the cylinder came it said you are young so you never knew the time when how people could shape-shift at will we trebab are inheritors of a vast tree of abilities abilities passed on to all future trip up but this power is being taken away beware the servants of the cylinder they will seek to hurt you at every opportunity and they have the power to rob you of your abilities but if you persevere one day you will find a way to protect yourselves from their evil light farewell my brave friends i fear i am too old and tired to join you may you find a way to prosper in this time of struggles what a nice man what a nice man again i'm sorry but i forgot to listen uh i always decide to just be quiet while he talks so that we can just listen to him then i forget that i also need to listen uh so i have no idea what he just said but it was something about uh that was a thing with like a car with a human hand elder had urged them to go forward go forward suddenly they felt the weight of their many times this guy over here to find their trebum sibling oh to restore the powers people had lost let's see what does it all seem guy can you please stop talking okay oh my god they are afraid trip stub you're stubborn shut up enter trebham's name uh what should his name be uh we got paul we got irene uh let's give them uh let's give them a little son um lars that's her dog there's their daughter actually that's theirs this is their daughter lars come on lars paul and bentley irene what was it i forgot i forgot what their name was so where are we supposed to go just forward wait this guy can't jump let's see let's use let's use what was it drop crop yeah let's use graph that he can at least jump awakening the cylinder exiting the blue energy dome that radiates from the tower you activate it you activate it will awake what from the tower you activate it will awaken the eternal cylinder warning not all towers have the same radius of protection same some may be weaker all right okay so uh that's ominous i don't understand uh like usually i do not understand how can i walk out of the dome i get resumed oh that's not good why did you tell me to leave stop it forever well maybe would have been stopped forever if i wouldn't leave the freaking safety to find another tower to protect them quickly wait so pretty much everything that happens after this point is because of me because if i would have not left the force field then the cylinder would never have resumed like i could have just stayed there saved the whole world by just sacrificing a little mobility i could have just made a home right there with paul irene and lars but no i had to go across the wall don't go across the world but i want to cross the wall and you kill the freaking universe great job grub great freaking job okay so now i gotta go to the next little uh little thingy cylinder no that's not a cylinder what what is that a tower thingy monument let's call it a monument it sounds way cooler than a tower and i'm just supposed to wait until that cylinder comes wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hello hello that person is going to die why isn't he following us is that is that lars lars come on man come just come on can i oh my god oh my god oh my god lars is the largest gonna die that we just killed lars lars lars i think i can hear him lars oh my god paul irene look away look away oh my god lars are you there buddy yeah he's she's dead i forgot if it was a female or male doesn't matter it's it's dead it's very dead it doesn't have any gender now it's all smooshed it's just it's jam a gender no i don't think so it's it's a jam that's that's that's depressing anyway guys so this has been the eternal cylinder i just want to give it a quick little gameplay walkthrough just to see what it was all about hold up points of interest what's for the beams of light that come from the activated towers they will point you to objectives or areas of interest all right fantastic good to know now if you guys liked this game and like this video oh my god why is he talking during my outro had been in the beginning yes but the voice in their memories comforted them it was only natural to be confused it said i confused them irritated they had been born into a strange broken world cut off from the history of their ancestors everyone was a little lost these days what mattered was to keep going to keep looking for answers to keep carrying the light they held within the light that stopped the cylinder all right you're done good fantastic anyway like i was saying if you liked this video make sure to leave a like and subscribe and let me know if you like an episode two of this game anyway i hope you guys enjoyed today's video make sure to leave a like subscribe if you did and i will see you guys next time have a good one guys
Channel: TerasHD
Views: 252,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, Let's play, spore, evolution, Spore Creature, Creature Creator, The Eternal Cylinder, Spore 2, Spore sequel
Id: y1izqbYSwCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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