I Made REALISTIC Minecraft Mobs in Photoshop

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today we are using the power of photoshop to see how some of the most popular minecraft mobs would look like in real life the first mob we are going to be transforming is the late right so for the la i was thinking we would do something like that yeah there's there's the head there's there's the head there's the why does it keep on looking like a potato good enough that's that's the head right there okay so we got a head nice okay you know what never mind i'm redoing that head [Music] all right so that's the basic idea i kind of went quiet while drawing that because uh i'm not i'm not an artist guys alright so how are we going to change this into a good looking image no really i'm asking how please let me know well let's start out by tracing out all of these shapes that we're going to be using [Music] alright so since i cannot do fingers to save my own life uh this dude isn't going to have any fingers so the new plan is that the alley is actually just going to have these squid-like hands because that is way easier to do than fingers like i said guys i am not an artist all right so something like that all right so i think i want there to be two lights coming from either side and then a really soft front light just to light everything up so with that in mind let's see what we can do about that face so i think about there we are going to be placing some eyes so i might as well start shading that just a little bit oh wait a minute i just had a better idea for the lighting what if he is holding a glowstone block that'll be cool next we had to wrap the texture around all the shapes that we just made i really didn't do a great job with this part but this was such a time consuming task that you know what i did do a good job that's how we fix the issue positive mindset people next we just placed a couple of ellipses for the eyes and gave them some quick shading i then messed with the layer style of the glowstone block to get the look i was happy with but if you don't like it don't worry we'll do something to make it prettier later then i threw on some reflections of the block in the eyes and then it was time to do the wings now the wings of the la are odd they sort of resemble sticks or something that definitely would not lift you off the ground so i decided to 3d sculpt something weird and simple for the wings something that would resemble the pair of twigs that the la got strapped to his back then the final piece of this cursed puzzle was the clothing i'm not sure if all allah's wear clothes but this one is monetization friendly so it does now i wanted to kind of look like darby's clothes from harry potter but i instead got an old dirty rag look which i guess works alright so it is the next day i am looking at this guy with a fresh pair of eyes a pair of eyes that have gotten some sleep and i gotta say those eyes do not like what they see first of all i am pretty sure that i said that i wanted there to be two lights coming from behind him and then one light source in front of him which he is holding but then we went ahead and only did the light source that he is holding so he is only illuminated by that little thing right there but as you can see on the wings that we made well the wings followed the original plan by having a light source on either side so uh yeah we gotta we gotta touch up those shadows man so here we got the shadow on the head place the the uh the the head area yes good words terrace very very very great so with the layer mask on that shadow layer i just want to paint out some of the shadows right here so i think i want there to be moonlight on this side so that's definitely a very soft light meaning the shadows should be very soft now let's do the same thing with all of these shadow layers there we got that one over there cool let's get a smaller brush and paint out some of the shadows all right that is looking a little bit better i think actually hold up we're not completely done let's get some highlights on here as well all right cool so that is looking a hundred times better honestly way more dynamic i love it okay so i don't like this area right here what did i do over here what is this why why is the head shaped like that i don't like the fact that it's shaped like that let's fix that all right so while we are fixing old mistakes there is one more thing that i would like to change and that is the glowstone block it just looks way too flat i mean look at the edges it got so much texture but the edges are completely flat i i don't like that now i could roughen up the edges and try to force a 3d look but i'm thinking since we already made the wings 3d i mean we've already dipped our toes into the 3d world we might as well do a real real simple glowstone block all right let's see if we can get this look by just using a pre-made texture i mean that looks pretty good the edges are very jaggedy i like it i like it a lot i wonder will we get better results if we up these segments oh we definitely do oh we definitely do that's a detailed rock right there that's that's a good looking rock okay you know what let's pump that up to uh let's get some mad detail on there oh yeah oh that has a lot of details that's a lot of details my dudes but it's not it's not ready it's not ready just yet no there are a couple things that i want to do with this texture just so that it resembles a glowstone block the first is that i wanted to illuminate only on the edges [Music] all right so we can sort of see what is happening i don't like it i do not like that at all wow that looks like a pile of garbage okay you know what it's not perfect but it's it's it's something with our block of cheese constructed i put that cheese in the lace grasp and started working on the background now i had a few different ideas for the background but i knew i definitely wanted there to be water for the glowstone and moon to reflect in i eventually just settled on doing a foggy ocean scene it's simple and got the job done so here we got the final image i think it turned out okay but there are definitely things i wish i did differently oh well we live and we learn now if you would like to download this image then the link for it will be in the description down below now on to the next mob the next mob that we shall be transforming is the creeper [Music] now with the creeper i started out by making a 3d model with the proportions of a minecraft creeper just so that i could have a reference with a camera angle of my choosing next i did a rough sketch followed by a less rough sketch still a bit rough though i then got a nice reptilian scale texture as i felt like the creepers gotta be related to snakes with that hissing noise of theirs now one thing i didn't like with the la was how i wrapped the textures so this time i spent a little extra time tweaking it to get it just right and i was honestly pretty satisfied with the results this time i then went around the edges of the body with the eraser tool to get rid of any smoothness no smoothness then after some rough shading i made the claws and face and neither looked good it was at this point that i started to get really frustrated with how terrible it was looking but i knew i needed to buckle down commit and fix the obvious mistakes that i made so i decided now was a great time to start working on the background instead now i didn't really have any plans for the background but you know what mountains are cool rocks are cool fog is cool and volcanoes yeah volcanoes are definitely cool now that i knew how the scene would be lit i felt motivated to work on the creeper again but shading the texture we chose for the creeper would take an insanely long time since every scale needed to be shaded and highlighted so being the lazy person i am i tried a shortcut by selecting certain color values of the texture and isolating them on a separate layer i could then use a layer style to get all the highlights and shadows instantly all at the same time all over the place then i replace the face with bread okay not really i just removed it so i could redo it later now with the cool new highlights i felt the background wasn't cool enough anymore but the volcano the volcano was still cool though so i made everything into a volcano what's that the l.a got an ocean okay ever heard of a lava ocean now with the background looking cool enough i remade the face which ended up looking almost identical to the face we had before [Music] so here we got the finished creeper it's uh it's a thing that exists wow now i am not 100 satisfied with this image but i do think we are making improvements if you would like a copy of this image you can find a link to it in the description down below now on to the final image for today for whoa voice crack now for the final image for today i decided we would be transforming the wither now the wither was a rather simple image to make so i'll spare you the director's commentary on this one and let you enjoy the music [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i know i said i would spare you the commentary but i gotta explain this one so i wanted the image to look like the player's perspective when fighting a wither and to achieve that i took a photo of my hand holding a uh i i don't know what this is holding up whatever that is with a phone with a flashlight on taped to its end so i could then have him holding a torch i then wanted him to also be holding a sword so i tried making a diamond sword out of this iron long sword i found but after i worked on that for a little bit i eventually just kind of gave up on that idea but if you would like to see me do a version like that let me know in the comment section down below [Music] um [Music] [Music] so uh so here is the final image for the wither i think this one was the easiest to do by far since it pretty much only required one single image i had or three skeletons merged together with some lights thrown on it but it is still my personal favorite of the three which one was your favorite let me know with a comment and please consider clicking the like and subscribe button while you're at it check out my other videos they're also cool sometimes oh look at that one that one looks fun or maybe this one is more your style either one just click on either one come on [Music] you
Channel: TerasHD
Views: 458,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Wither, Skeleton, Creeper, Wither Skeleton, minecraft challenge, minecraft realistic, realistic minecraft, minecraft 1.19, the wild update minecraft, minecraft funny, allay
Id: GmR1h2YiJM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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