DESTROYING The CYLINDER And Saving The Aliens! - The Eternal Cylinder

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i volunteer as tribute i feel like my entire family needs to be here for this moment i've got to protect the memories protect the memories at all costs memory protection facilities [Music] we are nearing the end and there's some weird looking stuff over there past the barrier before we go that way though we have to go back this way take out another one of the grash tubs over there and get another one of the mutations one of the final mutations that allow us to call the triola down from the sky smash open the face and we'll be good to go oh god i just walked through some gas stay away from the gas what the heck was that what was that oh it's one of those doppelganger style trip him that's down there he's being crushed by that other alien get him the onky fert male just squished him oh yeah it's good to have friends in high places oh yeah crank out some bombs champ we need to take out these little dudes over here so we can make some super bombs i'll use my music to draw them over this way yes perfect okay and then here have a bomb nice all right we'll clean them all up oh yeah delicious purple mushroom things oh dude he's coming get out of here chin i'll scare him hey all right this is not nice i've got a strafe i just gotta sit here and strafe side to side so that i don't get hit with the leeches why are those guys in the toxic water get out of there i swear sometimes the travel are a little bit dumb come over this way champ i promise not to shoot a bomb into your mouth is it this is my moment oh get him in there oh so close what it didn't get in there yes nailed him awesome okay he's down we've got to get inside his gob and get the oh god get out of this liquid it's killer liquid we gotta get this okay don't turn it into an explosive thing who wants to eat this one all right this guy's gonna eat it burrito come on burrito it's your turn mmm delicious special chihuahua thingy bang oh yeah we got the master of the song do you know why they call them trebums because if you look under the trunk there's actually a bump yeah their mouth is a bum in case you hadn't realized just had some meteorites fall out of the sky i'm still on this i still don't know what these things even do do you guys know let me know in the comments you sometimes just see them fall out of the sky but they don't seem to have a purpose let's get it here have that it didn't even hurt him he didn't even care all right final tower let's go get up there burrito i love how burrito looks like he's got a maze on him you know what i mean like he's super mysterious and he likes puzzles let's go the trial is going to come down and smash through that face over there here he comes is this one gonna be destroyed by the mathematician i hope not get him oh he just bit its face oh yeah buddy we got the final fragment let's do it let's go burrito let's go burrito let's go ah come on get up here get up on the cube thing oh this is intense oh yeah this is just like camping do you wanna know why it's just like camping because it's intense this thing looks like a question mark are you serious is it supposed to i'm gonna eat it i gotta smash it oh okay so we've got all of the triwala mutations that we need we've got all three of them i'm just gonna go ahead and eat this one anyway given that i've eaten them before i think we own these mutations permanently whoa yeah i got the cool trunk okay before we go on a roll let's have a quick look at our map oh man the tower was all the way over there i better move around this circle before i make a run for it otherwise we will probably die which i don't want to do okay straight ahead let's roll we just need to make it over there to that tower easy peasy oh epic jump watch out for the gross fear tongue guy and i'm just going to go over this way watch out for the green bits go through the red noodles so delicious watch out for the spinning crab it's like that crab had activated tumbleweed mode okay man that was easy we've got to summon the triola and then what happens we get to have a fight or something i don't know we we have we go and get tacos i'm gonna go over here and get all my treben back i feel like my entire family needs to be here for this moment okay who's currently dead wow so many of them died along the way i don't have i don't have a lot of stone all right let's bring back vampire nice i was able to bring back one that's so sad oh no he's coming tornado man hey what is that is that like the ice tundra like right behind me look at that there's like a hard definitive line it's literally a square look at this icy zone not icy zone what's it go with that i think that's a little bit of a glitch okay just making my way over there i don't know what's over there we've got a few monsters down this way hey champs oh there's a little bit of a cave thing going on i reckon we should try and wipe that guy out uh who's got some bombs where's the bomb man he's got a couple of bombs yeah let's rain some bombs down on him from up here take that yes explodey bombs it doesn't even hurt him oh yeah it does look at that he just turned just like turned inside out like a burger crystals oh they're so good so expensive hang on where's old mate old man go ahead and munch on these minerals yeah oh you got like loads of stuff okay get up here finn pryor get your singing lungs ready let's go are you sure you want to call the truala okay these are the only family members that'll travel to the floating palace if there are others they will stay behind don't even care a little bit let's go to the floating palace oh look at that yeah mega fin player i'm running away you can't stop me uh what's happening oh did i break the game because i ran away okay here comes the purple noodle it's coming out of the sky i'm gonna call him the galaxy noodle because that's what he is with a really gross beard mouth it's not like a face beard the beard is actually in his mouth beard mouth oh we're inside of him yes cool check me out though i'm the weirdest mutation right now i look super gross uh oh do we have to come out of the butt that's not gonna be good let's go let's go this thing doesn't even have a stomach what's to go with that oh noodle time noodle time i'm guessing that these triola are actually like means of transport like a portal you know what i mean they're basically wormholes through space that's my guess what do you guys reckon let me know in the comments if you think it's that's garbage just say that's garbage fin the worms are just worms champ get over it okay oh god i'm just full i'm just falling now whoa hey floating place this is pretty cool oh there's a face down there as well where are we oh we're gonna get vomited up oh that's the butt end is that the butt end i don't know there we go hey chips okay i guess we're pretty good friends now given that i've been inside your stomach i'm sorry for the fires that i said in there okay what do we do oh god it's a boss it's fight mathematician he wants me to do some maths oh god this is not good what's he gonna do oh dang that's a move and a half i'm gonna hide behind this hide behind it stop rolling it's easier if you don't roll okay you must survive protect the memories stay alive okay wilder will help how are the triola gonna help they're a pack of dummies oh they just whacked him they just swept him real good okay stay behind this thing stay behind the beams we've got to stay in the shadows quick churrowalla get him that was close uh oh oh they're coming in for the mighty whack hey what is that there's a yellow dot oh yeah they whacked him good good hit whoa i was gonna hide behind that one looks like i'm not now oh he's got two dots i've got to protect the memories protect the memories at all costs memory protection that is me i'm not protecting him very well right now there we go we're back in the shadows stay in the shadow whack him work him work him space noodle get him yes right across the face oh no he's gonna break that one oh he's just climbing on top of it he's like all right chips i'm getting up here it's me against you hey crystals crystals yes beam thing what is this oh don't touch the beams oh no now i don't know what to do water i'll get some water maybe i'll wet his feet oh damn what do we do with this do we wet it ow that hurts i don't know what to do now just a little longer i just gotta hang on nugget dying there goes nuggy oh no nuggets dead oh burger just died what am i trevor mcdonald oh no oh no look at me look at me he's got me oh i'm inside the sphere fin pie just died what the heck do we all just have to live like what's the go oh yeah space noodle time was it what did he just do oh he's got a beam he just ate one of those spheres and now he's gonna i don't know vomit it on his or something i don't know that's really weird i'm a little bit weirded out by that i'm not sure how comfortable i feel with with that ending oh hey hey we're back oh but finpai finpio died the chiro sacrificed himself oh no that one's still alive what's he doing okay looks like we have to go inside the mathematician again let's do it oh yeah we're in the mathematician place which i think i think this is actually on the inside of the cylinder i think that's where we are pretty sure the mathematician is a portal to the cylinder and it looks like there's a man down there i can see the silhouette of a man let's go with my creepy legs hopefully he's not scared by people with creepy legs otherwise he's gonna run away hang on who's the best looking trap him who's that we need to make a good impression got to make a good impression uh okay let's go with who's that back then is that burrito all right burrito you're up you've got a cool pattern on you let's go i volunteer as tribute my name is burrito let's go hey mr human silhouette guy oh it's the narrator you've shown that the cylinder is imperfect yep cylinder is not perfect uh okay so they go the guy is now gone the guy disappeared he's like yeah thanks for you know helping out with the cylinder i'm getting out of here now all right now where are we going where is this it's just a super long platform so many trebum died along the way hey some sparklies oh hey champ is he alive still he looks like he wants to die or something someone get him some gatorade oh no oh no here he comes what's he doing he's still alive you know he is [Music] oh where is he going don't make me shoot another hole in you champ he's going back to the cylinder from whence he came yeah jump back over a champ is he is he mad he looks mad [Music] i'm mad what the heck whoa he's just whacking the heck out of the cylinder is he gonna push it back the other way he just fused himself with it no way what the cylinder has a giant hole in it it's now two cylinders are you serious oh my god hey there's one of the fat traverm in there oh that's the end of the game uh that swing set makes me uncomfortable i'm not gonna lie after the boss that came out of that thing no thanks oh yeah we got your champ what are you going to do about it is it going to come back to life it doesn't really explain where the cylinder comes from though you know i kind of want to know that and that was the end we destroyed the cylinder because we're awesome little trebums i kind of want to play the game again because i know that when you play it twice the world you actually see a different along the way it's kind of a little bit random let me know if you guys want to see it might give it a go but thank you very much for watching this video we'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 372,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, The Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder, Eternal Cylinder Beta, Eternal Cylinder Epic, new games 2021, epic store games, epic store beta, open world game 2021, survival games 2021, trebhum, trebhum evolution, trebhum mutation, eternal cylinder secret, eternal cylinder resource, eternal cylinder mutations
Id: 9pZMJf8Rfes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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