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[Music] in today's video we are taking the ever so popular steve over from the minecraft world and into the ever so strange world of oh that's uh that's that shape is pretty sus oh this this looks ridiculous what am i doing what is going on no that is not what i intended oh there's something green sticking out of his crotch let's ignore it okay there we go that's a little bit more like it now we got we got a swimming steve oh we got a crawling steve what if we what if we would just not put steve what do we would put a pig head then it would be a pig head okay good to know all right now in order to make steve work we are going to have to make him just a little bit cursed to begin with and by that i mean we need to put some cell parts on him in order for him to actually function underwater so let's see how this is going to look i i don't have high hopes oh oh god that is not why is that so nasty that is insanely nasty wow i do not like that one bit nope no sir please get out of my face okay now uh he needs some speed he got he got the knee for speed so let's see we got this flagella where should we place that no okay you know what there is no right spot for this flagella i think so uh let's just i don't know if that's the tail of the or if it's like a worm that's trying to get in i'm not i'm not gonna put it there i'm not gonna put it there i'm gonna put it somewhere else yeah oh you know what there's a little exposed part right there and i think we could just cover that up with a little bit of armpit hair there we go fantastic boom problem solved it oh i i don't like the fact that it animates not there it should not animate there alright so we got our we got our functioning steve cell all right save and exit oh wow he opened his eyes real wide name your planet minecraft 2 baby that's right it's it's come out it's released all right let's see how he actually looks like in game [Music] well that is disappointing oh wow he looks so cursed right now i i don't like the way he looks right now oh i need those spikes i need those spikes man do you mind if i borrow those spikes from you for a second just come on come on come here come here there you go thank you all right i do think that we have gotten these spikes but i want to wait on upgrading our stevie boy until we get at least one more part that we can add on to him man we are not the fastest cells in the sea as a matter of fact we are we are actually quite slow so uh scratch what i just said we are going into oh wait wait wait wait no no i don't want to go into the editor no leave me alone i do not want to mate with you leave me alone no leave me be leave me be you foul beast okay let's just get that part right there oh delicious so delicious okay now now now we can mate it's it's mating time oh they did a little they did a little kiss that was that was cute very cute all right oh god his face is a cursed one all right so here we have all of the parts now our speed we definitely need to do something about our speed so unfortunately the armpit hair situation is about to get a little bit worse just a little bit just just five times worse but who's counting oh oh no i don't like that right you know what let's make them all face a different way so it's extra nasty there we go ew great all right so the next part that we need to put on our guys this little spike thingy i figured that could just be a little weapon he is holding maybe yeah you got a little dagger stabby stabby stabby stabby you scare me steve all right there we go ah the armpits now now ew all right there we go stab stab you stab me stab oh it works great stab stab or just eat okay oh i like those swing whoa did he just walk into my daggers yes that was not a smart move hey stop doing that everybody just keeps on walking into my daggers this is a simple life hey you you wanna walk into my daggers wanna walk into my daggers real quick thank you i'm a kind killer i give people the choice you want to walk into my dagger or not this guy wanted it oh there's another one of me steve hello steve i'm oh he's gone now i never get the chance to introduce myself how will he ever know what my name is alright you know what we have collected a few more parts so let's see if we can do a few upgrades come on steve give me a little smooch give me a little quick little smooch no smooch just baby making okay so we got some poison and we got some celia which is gonna give us some fast turns i believe the celia would be fantastic for a couple of frog feet there we go those are fantastic for doing the swimming in good just like that there we go we got we got the frog feet are they called frog feet to the the frog shoes you know when when you're swimming the frog shoes the shoes they look like frogs now we also have this little poison thing now where shall we place the poison that's been something he ate that is the gnarliest hemorrhoid i have ever seen and now that i have called it that you guys cannot unsee it nasty super supernatural you know what i don't want to look at that area anymore save and exit i'm sorry steve i i had to give you a hemorrhoid oh wow that hemorrhoid seems to be leaking that's not a good sign stabby stabby oh no he stepped back well taste my hemorrhoid juice it's a sentence that you should never say but i could imply it by forcing my hemorrhoid juice into people's i i'm not even i just use the daggers the daggers are fine you know what there was nothing wrong with the daggers we we don't need the hammer you know what i don't want to say it the daggers are fine but let's just keep it at that oh no poor little guy i'm sorry i'm sorry i i should probably get a band-aid for that thing that's shouldn't be leaking like that oh hey gonna blow up my hemorrhoid oh it seems like you got one of your own little situations there hey here let me let me help you out with that i'm just gonna burst it out for you there we go boom it's gone but so is your life i think it was a good trade good trade-off good news the hemorrhoid is gone bad news you did oh hello steve i've missed you i'm just gonna i'm just gonna stay with this guy for a while i'm just chilling it's damn fun you know oh oh his hemorrhoid jews got in my mouth i don't want to hang out with that dude anymore things got a little bit weird after that i don't know i don't really know how to call the conversation after that all right so apparently we haven't collected all parts yet so i think the only part we are missing is the omnivore mouth you reckon we could take this big guy oh i i don't reckon oh oh bad thing spelling oh no no why are you sensitive all right so we had our first death uh great fantastic you know what it was to be expected if it wasn't that guy then it would have been the hemorrhoids so we were gone or either way they're not supposed to leak like that well we are in the final phase of the cell stage and i still have not found the omnivore mouth so it seems like we are not going to be able to collect everything didn't you say ow this is a very advanced vocal cords for cells oh look at all these steves it's a party it's a minecraft party it's the coolest party ever come here come here come on steve help me out here no okay you did there are so many steves around but nobody wants to help me out here okay you know what nope i board the mission i bought the mission i didn't want to do it anyway oh oh yes baby fantastic all right so steve has gotten himself his first little brain upgrade congratulations you are on the path to sentience goody alright steve it is time to venture on to land [Music] oh god no steve i think you may have swallowed too much hemorrhoid juice okay let's get rid of absolutely everything let's get rid of the hemorrhoids those are just causing issues at this point how am i gonna do this uh let's get his spine straightened out there we go boom beautiful all right then we can get these legs up up in there all right there we go i have straighten ups don't do that that ruins every stop looking around just be still please okay good oh this is you know what going back and forth is fine look at this it's all fine yeah it's all staying together but as soon as i start turning oh that's when things start messing up okay well good to know now you may be wondering how did i get all these stats when there are no parts on the creature well you were wrong to assume that boom baby steve got a little parasite inside of his head maybe that is steve i'm not i'm not really sure about the connection between these two either way there we go fantastic save and exit no oh no man why why is the textures like that oh crap why are the textures like this this is not how i want the textures to be other than that it's perfect it's just it's just the textures man all right i have an idea on how i should be able to fix it alright so i managed to fix the issue by basically remaking steve pixel by pixel forcing the game to recognize each individual pixel i gotta say man i actually prefer him this way nice and simplified very trendy [Music] all right there we go we have fixed our little issue the ocean is now made out of blood but never mind that that's fine it's fine it's totally normal ah there we go wow these minecraft shaders sure are advanced man i don't know what it is but seeing steve in spore is just somehow so cursed hi what do you want can i help you this is something i can do for you my god even the kids got goatees okay well i'm gonna continue picking these bones now if you don't mind hi you're back i mean you could help me out picking up these bones oh you're just gonna you're just gonna follow me around shaking your booty like that i don't i don't approve i don't approve stop doing that steve i'm telling alex i am telling alex does alex know you're here where is alex hmm seems like steve you got some secrets all right so we have picked up all the bones why does he walk like that that's that's not a great animation anyway we have picked up all the bones by our nest so it is now time to go exploring oh it seems like we are growing quite hungry let's see are we an omnivore or a carnivore oh great we can eat the fruits fantastic all right so you you dinosaurs are safe for now you know what i wouldn't mind having a dinosaur bodyguard alexis sounds pretty cool ah it seems like that is not in the cards for us right now well yeah kill the baby oh the baby's running away the baby's running away don't let the baby escape don't let the baby escape steve don't let the baby escape it's it's escaping oh oh my god oh my god we need to escape we okay too early for baby killing got it all right thankfully we have now hatched out of a new egg because that's how steeps are made and we get a second try cool all right so we need to find opponents that we can actually take down oh hmm we got these blue planets right here alright so the blue planet only got attack level one so i think we could definitely do this let's go for the alpha one show them who's bows i couldn't take down a baby but i can take down a planet and there we go we sent off the planet to space where it belongs that's how planets are made see we're learning so much today yep this is how every planet starts up there's a little nest of planets and and the strongest eventually flies off to space yep right i picked up all these bones time for lunch luckily i do enjoy myself some planet very tasty very tasty planet this freaking walk style eats his victims and then walks off like that imagine being killed by a dude that walks like that that's that's something oh we found some asteroids if we can take down the planets i'm pretty sure that we can take down the asteroids which are just baby planets oh oh i see you sneaking up on me i don't like the fact that you sneak up on me no not the bone not the bone don't no don't leave the bones alone that's not we're being attacked right now steve priorities please okay see what you made me do now i had to run away just because you had to pick those freaking bones oh he's coming he's coming eat some food eat some food eat some food there we go okay now we can take him on or can we i am not sure oh and there we go [Music] oh there we go we got a bigger brain it's a big brain party fantastic steve you have done [Music] he well off like that stop it that's not a normal walking style my dude that's not that's not how people walk now since we got that little brain upgrade we can now add one creature to our pack but the problem is we suck at socializing we only got sing level one and charm level one so we definitely need to upgrade those stats all right steve let's do this oh god no all right here we got steve let's see we got stevie boy the boy wander all right steve let me just i just need to do a quick little surgery don't don't i hope you don't mind just gonna move your head oh hi i forgot that you lived in there okay so let's uh i think we can just remove all of these things now good news steve i'm removing your brain hemorrhoids the eyes can stay alright these mouths are quite expensive but i guess let's go for this one there we go guys can can you please let me can you please explain this whole situation what is this thing inside of his head do let me know is it a parasite is that his brain or is steve perhaps just this alien robot that is controlled by this alien worm let me know in the comment section down below it's going to be interesting to read those comments oh we even got ourselves an elytra there we go baby oh early game and we already got ourselves a little eligible baby so how how do these usually look i i'm not sure how these usually look is that is that an elytra i don't know all right there we go that's uh sort of an elytra i guess and it even animates look at that there we go all right there we go so we should have all the upgrades that we need all right let's see how this elytra works now shall we and you know what uh before we venture off i guess we could take one steve with us dancing i could dance look at me dance yeah i'm a good dancer very good dancer all right there we go okay so we got one steve in our pack but i would like to replace him with someone better someone that preferably does not walk like that all right let's test out our elytra okay so it animates kind of weirdly but it does work and all without fireworks alright so let's try to find someone worthy of adding to our pack oh i hear scary noises scary noises where is it where is it there is an epic nearby oh there it is oh there it is wow that's up what is that thing down there what is i don't wanna know you know what i'm gonna go away i'm going away i don't want to be here anymore oh wow that is a nasty one no that steve lasted for less than two minutes and now i gotta walk all the way back and get myself another steve ah well luckily i got these wings oh breakfast look at that nice okay you know what this trip wasn't a total waste after all you don't mind do you i'm just i'm i'm starving i'm just starving oh thank you so much very tasty thank you all right see you guys later very nice people give me breakfast very cool of them all right hi steve the the previous steve died so i would like you to come with me now it's totally safe i'm not gonna lead you to an epic at all no sir why would i do that oh nice we got tape worms i'm not a big fan of tapeworms as cool as these guys are i don't really hey get away from there get away from there stupid tapeworms yeah i don't think i want these guys close to me actually yes leave me alone leave me alone steve let's get out of here i don't trust the tapeworms oh wait oh no oh that is so cursed oh hold up let me just pause the game when i was fixing our steam previously i saved it halfway when it looked like this um yeah and apparently the game thought that that was a real creature and added it as as a creature with his own nest and they don't like us we got the battle of steve's oh this is cool okay oh web slinger oh i got the web slinger look at that oh yeah look at that steve run away he's scared now that he knows that i shoot webb out of my ass as you should be it sounds kind of kind of nasty to be honest there you go easy peasy just shock a bunch of whip on him and he did oh a baby let's get the baby all right there we go we only need to kill one more steve in order to make them extinct but i don't want to make them extinct what did you do okay well i guess never mind i guess they're extinct now man i had this whole thing planned out like the battle of steve's it was gonna be a whole thing but no unfortunately i have a steve in my pack therefore there will be no steve's because of steve stupid steve oh another epic hello oh too close too close too close okay let's not let's not get that close i don't want to get that close man i still haven't found anybody worth adding to my pack oh okay oh we got the long boys from the drawing videos the uh the videos where i did the drawings where i remade the drawings where you did the drawings and i did the things very good at explaining things all right long boy let's see if you'll be our friend dancing i could dance this this is a beautiful moment a union of two species forming very strong very powerful very beautiful boom easy peasy all right one more oh wrong button i clicked the wrong button oh but it worked anyway we are just that good all right now i should be able to get rid of steve steve is no good yeah goodbye and then we can try to get ourselves this alpha long boy all right there we go all right so we got ourselves a long boy in our pack now which is hopefully going to prove useful although he doesn't have any wings so he's just gonna wait there i guess oh he's here now i how did you do that demon okay you're a demon cool i missed steve i missed steve oh can i do it can i do it oh can i do it oh so close oh so close so so close i bet i could do that one come on come on oh there we go trick shots baby oh we found ourselves a new nest of me would you like to make this nest your home you will be rebornier if you die well kitty dogely cool guys this is long boy he's a demon yeah don't make eye contact smart move smart move alright guys that is going to be it for me today i hope you guys enjoyed the first episode of this new series i sure am excited for it make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you are too anyway guys i hope you guys enjoyed today's episode make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you did and i will see all the beautiful faces in the next one have a good one guys [Music] you
Channel: TerasHD
Views: 529,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spore, Spore Mods, Spore Modded, Let's play, modded, evolution, Spore Creature, Creature Creator, dark injection, dark injections, forgotten spore, dark spore, mods, spore mod, minecraft, steve
Id: uQYI9iVCwlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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