I Tried Mating With EVERYTHING in Adapt

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome to a game called adapt this is kind of like uh maybe a bit of a spore simulator a game where the environment is changing and we have to evolve our creature whatever that thing is to become the most powerful creature or just to survive maybe there's a lot of different things this is prologue early demo stage of the game but it's going to be a lot of fun adding different shapes onto our creature so there are a few things we can do we can eat bugs we can eat plants or we can eat animals i mean i i mean we have to eat animals right so there's two different faces here we have like a lizard face and a i don't know choppy boy face and then we can add different things to it so check this out we can add a trunk look at that it's awesome also you can have venom which is kind of cool i'll put the venom up here and there yeah so i have like a venom attack and that now i kind of want to get rid of the trunk and i could add in like fangs instead can i have the fangs can you give me the fangs [Music] there we go i removed it now i want the fangs or or i can't for some reason maybe i'll just take spade teeth i don't know what that did but it's not nearly as cool as the other things but it did allowed me to eat insects so i can eat both insects and meat which is kind of nice and i can crush food too huh how about sharp teeth what does that do he gives me a pierce attack and ability to do that sifting teeth i can eat mollusks and an armored frill whoa i just turned into like a triceratops like thing it gave me counter attack well that's kind of cool i don't want that though we can do baleen which would be like a whale interesting and the trunk gives me scent okay so i really do like the uh the spade teeth with the venom that way i can eat bugs and meat cool i mean it doesn't look so good yet we have to change the color maybe we'll go like a red that should be good and then maybe like a a white or black should we go black detail black oh yeah that's not bad okay cool what do we do next now we have eyeballs compound eyes uh we have ears we have dubs and then simple optics okay so compound eyes give me plus sight i like that hey look at that i'm gonna get rid of those eyes oh yes it's fantastic we'll put those up on the side of the head and then we can do oh the frill oh so this was the frill so those are like gills we have horns here horns give me some sort of attack again a pierce attack mandibles let me eat bugs and then the tusks give me the pierce attack oh but i have legs now i want i want different feet can i add multiple feet there we go i don't like that one what else do we have like hippo feet i like that okay you get rid of those legs oh i don't need i don't need more does this make me faster if i put four on oh that looks weird can i change the neck oh short neck we need a long neck whoa oh yes we need a long neck i like that now i can eat tall stuff i wish i could like click it and drag it and bop it and and twist it like i can in uh what's the game and spore you can move things but you can't here how about a tail can i change my tail oh i can what kind of a tail this one gives me speed i like speed gotta go fast all right that's cool oh hey whoa we have other things like club tail tail fat or balance what does balance do i like that idea can i get a club too oh yes that's amazing that reminds me can i do stuff with the body oh i can get a snail wait a snail or a shell we need snails which body do i like a sail oh it's a sail not a snail duh there's no s there and a shell oh my look at my dinosaur that's amazing i'm gonna name it the derpasaurus all right so we are a derpysaurus that can eat bugs it has venom and uh can eat meat that sounds fun please select a location for your birth nest i didn't know i could what does that do whoa regenerates the world did that really say this is where tips go this is where tips live cool thanks for the tips okay we need what does this do okay we need to choose a good location there's bamboo around here we have um other plants this looks like a good spot right here i don't actually know your survival score is four okay let's get into a spot where a survival score is not negative i don't actually know what survival score does but i saw 46 right here so that's where our house is gonna be it generated some food on the ground i like that and come on hatch yes oh there he is oh it's so cool like a demonic bug-eyed raptor not even a raptor ankylodorquis or something oh look he's eating his meat does that grow him up big and strong oh nice okay so i've got venom and stuff i need to go find something to attack there we go let's change over to the aggressive mode and then i'm going to target that guy oh wait is that no it's not it's got arachnid legs not hippo legs oh it looks really big he's super fast too um maybe maybe he'll just eat a little insect here yum yum yum yum yum oh yeah that tastes good oh you are attacking hello ah oh i think i hit it there it is yeah uh-huh i will keep i will keep poisoning you i have venom and you don't oh he's changing colors do you see that he had like uh oh oh the game just totally froze but he's almost dead okay uh-huh and venom time nice one more attacking he's gone that thing is so much bigger than me too come on i need to eat kill you to eat you yes yes i just totally killed it now i'm gonna eat it i'm nom nom look at that that's amazing i love my little raptor donkey yeah just push right in the water can i swim i can't swim oh what are these i'm going to eat it oh i can swim look at me i totally i totally need to get swimming gear on oh am i gonna die can i die of lack of water poisoning or lack of air poisoning look at that i'm a dolphin or or or dolphin noises the game's like here's your nest go play in it so what else can i do i can broadcast uh-huh and i can search oh okay that that illustrates where everything is so there's a lot of food here what can i do to the next i can nest on the nest does that do anything no it builds a new nest i don't want to build a new nest i want to eat things like this little grub boy he's so happy he's got little grubs in his mouth i totally want to eat everything so i can go big and strong and eat more stuff like whatever that is i'm gonna threaten it you know on second thought he might be kind of bad he's hostile towards me get out of my house i threatened it he looks hungry i shouldn't be running i should only walk towards it oh it's attacking now oh it's so much bigger than me ah get venomed this guy is no chance to survive my venom is just working magic on him even though he's got a shell it doesn't matter oh it was a good hit he hit me too though get wrecked nice one more when you're dead yes yes i'm gonna eat him to gain his strength that meat chunk is bigger than me and i love it oh are these my friends hello friends hello i have killed things will you be my friends i think they are if i change over to yeah yeah i can befriend you hey we can make a nest and make baby dinosaurs look we're friends now we're befriending him i don't know what that means but i'm i'm half the size of that big dinosaur teach me the ways to be a dinosaur i have an idea my friend might like bugs can i grab that bug i can hey friend would you like it oh i can give it to him hey be my buddy i've got a nice luscious bug for you i will give it to you i will give it to you here have that oh look it ate it oh we're best of pals now not yet it's like why is this little annoying thing giving me food it's it didn't even it you just spit out my food oh you picked it up again that was a good choice i would have had to kill you if you weren't going to be my friend i bring more bugs this one's the green one my dude would you like it of course you would oh yeah oh you gave me one that was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me thank you i appreciate it oh they're eating my food okay focus oh we're not really we're friendly that's it though we're friendly towards each other i want to have babies with you that's what i i'm going to tell you what i want what i really really want i'm just going to follow you around until you notice me oh maybe this one wants babies with me that one's friendly too are you friendly too everyone's friendly this guy's like would you please stop giving me please stop giving me bugs man they're gross i like how being friends is just literally like following somebody around will you be my girlfriend and then we just walk around on the playground for like three hours you know what i'm talking about oh well this one just changed oh it's my ally now the derpysaurus is my ally that's so cool i don't know what i did but maybe i can make babies with them now but i will change things up slightly just slightly i'm feeling like the club tail is cool and all but i don't really need it and that gives me some dna points back so i'm gonna put on spiky boys nope scratch that we're going whale mode i totally want that oh dirty tail fat what does that mean just means chunky tail hey we don't need that i want i want legs though can i get fins instead of legs oh look i'm a magical leopard on oh oh that's so cool it's kind of small but that's fine and i still have three points can i get like tusks i need oh tusks i need you in my life oh dirty that's so cool looking i love it i am oh hey i got one more point left i'm gonna sharpen my tusks up nice i should probably get frills what can i get rid of i don't know what i can get rid of i want the sail and the shell because they look sweet okay i gotta get rid of i gotta get rid of the sharpness i'll just put regular tusks on so i can get whatever these things do little flipper boys yeah that's amazing i'm not sure what they do but i needed them just kidding i don't have enough points why is everything so expensive you'll just get color vision so my eyes are super cool you know i just recognized something else too i better change my teeth because if i'm in the water then i gotta do watery things oh venom isn't yet implemented that's kind of a waste of a point now if i could just uninstall it that'd be cool doesn't matter what face i give us i still can't uninstall it okay what happens if i give it the armored frill i think it could look cool it does look cool and then sharp teeth i want teeth that uh oh yeah bugs and crunchies okay we have pierce no i don't want to attack that's a carnivore wait i could be a carnivore and an herbivore hold up okay i could eat pretty much anything oh that's so cool i could give it fangs i can only do two okay that looks fantastic maybe i do need to change those eyes out like oh yeah a one gigantic eye i know i don't know about that oh that's kind of cool if i just put those eyes that's creepy i kind of like it no i don't i definitely don't want that armored frill i want something cooler oh yeah the tusks okay so once it's on it's on i guess we're going with that then give me the teeth i got i got negative one point why do i have negative one point we don't need these okay so i gotta pick this right the first time oh that's a really bad spot for my fangs what kind of what kind of body do i want what kind of mouth i like the grinding aspect of it also being able to eat meat is kind of cool i think i'll do that i'll go up there oh no no i want those tusks there we go okay and now i have to pick out the right thing so i've got sifting teeth i can eat mullets and spade teeth wait what scavenger so nothing in here allows me to eat plants so i gotta go to a plant-based face okay that one's all right and then i give it a sharp teeth to be able to eat meat yep now i can eat meat and plants and i could also eat the filter i think that's okay sifting teeth the spade teeth is bugs maybe i'll try these out that'll work nice i don't know what his name oh i can't i have to get rid of that now i have enough points oh looks so cool it's a desk monster go oh yes i'm so slow on land oh go in the water though hey give me that i took evolution too far i really did get me in the water yes oh there's something in here oh this is cool oh wow oh there's some crazy animals in here can i eat you i'm gonna search oh it's a bug it's classified as a bug so i can eat it nice oh jellyfish isn't my favorite vegetable what are you i don't like you aha let's strike you oh okay that game really does not like striking the buffaloes oh is it gonna fight me are you gonna fight me bruh i'm gonna fight oh what is that thing oh it's got a giant like leech mouth on it oh i like it ah oh we're in this battle of life and death whoa i don't know what that was okay this is really an annoying fight but it's gonna die oh i got it very good give me that give me that i'm like a sea turtle this is awesome except meat is kind of hard to eat in the water i can't even i can't grab it there we go ah yum the remains of some dead critter i just ate yes look at the little fins go oh they're adorable there's a lot of bugs in here i thought there would be other things like crustaceans underwater but i'm pretty sure i can eat plants too oh yeah i can totally eat plants and whatever bugs these are these are just straight up clams i'm the best i'm the best critter ever anyway guys oh there's the most so i'm gonna eat these up um i'm not i think okay a little bit hard to eat them you gotta take the shell off first anyway guys that'll do it for today's video of adapt hope you enjoyed it kind of a cool game there's a free demo you can try it on steam yourself and thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patrons including ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny auto dave hawk's hawks eagle arc whippet good des bogger maxer sarnoff baron fox jason mcfarland deegan rail splattersacks and iffysphere [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 591,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, adapt, adapt game, adapt game demo, evolution games, games like spore, adapt gameplay, adapt game trailer, evolution game, adapt demo, blitz adapt, adapt blitz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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