Making a Realistic WITHER STORM in Photoshop!

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now we have made a lot of realistic minecraft mobs on this channel some have turned out better than others but today we are putting in the effort and making our most epic realistic mob yet the wither storm but what is the wither storm i had never heard of it when i first started getting an influx of people requesting it but after some research i found out that it first appeared in the minecraft story mode game but it has had a recent certain popularity after a minecraft mod added into minecraft java edition now i purposely didn't do any more research than that because i figured we would find out the rest ourselves alright so we have gone ahead and installed the wither store mod oh someone is shooting at me my guy you ain't nothing compared to what we're about to face off with all right so like i said we have installed the wither store mod as you can see we got this little building right here now before we go and check out this building i do want to get a few items luckily somebody left this chest here oh wow what a what a nice person that left all this for us okay maybe i don't need all of those totems but hey you can never be too safe all right there we go oh my god i am adorable with a helmet it looks like i am a smiley face instead of a dead face it's an improvement alright so i believe we should be ready and good to go to check out this house all right so up here we should find yes there we go okay so we got we got a unfinished wither thing right here with a command block in the middle mysterious very mysterious let's uh let's see what happens if we take this head right here and just plop it oh there we go all the structure didn't disappear but there is a wither right there so maybe maybe we should get get out of here alright so he takes a while to get started apparently i feel like that so the player can get some distance from him so maybe that's probably what i should be doing right now instead of just watching it oh oh something is happening it's blinking it's blinking oh okay oh it's coming right for me it's coming right oh it shot me oh why did i not get the distance that i needed you know what oh wait i got i got the elytra i got the elytra i've never used it before oh this is fantastic right i think he has stopped following us he seems to be traveling away from us oh and he has actually done some growing yes he's a thick boy now look at that thick boy oh it's about to become nighttime i didn't give myself a bed which was probably a mistake but i am a minecraft mastermind this is no issue for me whatsoever skeleton i got it i got it's a shape i still got it though still got it what you doing buddy oh alright so it drags blocks towards it so i guess that's oh did he just gave himself a little flower oh what is that whoa that's a big chunk that's a big chunk okay what is he doing why is he sucking up the ground is that how he grows i believe that's how it grows oh and we got a bunch of magic blocks around it great hey buddy what you looking at something special let me take a look what you looking at buddy there's nothing there hmm you are delusional what is he doing is he stuck is he stuck why is he just looking at that spot did i break the game i haven't even done anything yet oh okay okay okay okay it started moving that was dangerous oh my god he's starting to look at me okay he didn't look at me he looked very close to me now he's looking at me now he's looking at me and i'm being sucked towards him this is not fun stop it let me go let me go let me go let me go let me go let me let me go uh i need a golden apple i need a golden apple right now there we go oh and a totem and a totem oh okay let me go he let me go all right into the cave into the game we go i don't think the surface is safe for us right now oh no not again not again come on man oh oh what you gonna do now there's a wall between us and i cannot be taken i can just set up a base right here yes this is where i shall be living now it's not much but it is home oh i can sort of move too yes this will work out fine welcome to my home it's lovely all right so he still hasn't let go of me yet i'm i'm still being pulled towards him i guess i guess we should face him huh oh wait what happens if i if i do this do this okay that doesn't work fine okay fine i shall face him then hello all right i'm coming i think if we shoot the head he will drop us maybe let me go let me go let me go another totem is gone let me go man another torum is gone wow he is doing damage man oh i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die he's not letting me go okay let me go let me go okay let's let's fly away let's let's just uh leave let's just not stay here that sounds like a good idea all right so the point of installing this mod and playing it is to see its behavior so we know what to make in photoshop now i'm just gonna try to keep my distance until it becomes bigger i want to see what his fullest form looks like oh he's almost looking at us let's not let him oh all right so it's growing tentacles that's nice all right so i got some new items uh a traveler gave them to me just now i didn't cheat you cheated you're a cheater so i got these things the uh for midi bomb and the super tnt oh wait i forgot i forgot one thing hold up let me let me see if i can find that traveler again i found him yes i got i got the flint and steel now so the items that i just got the super tnt and the formidable oh oh oh oh no oh no okay it's here it's here i heard it oh it's right there well let's see what type of weapons we got now all right so the super tnt that's what we got right here let's see what that does oh oh okay all right so that did some damage i guess we could use that against that guy now the formidable what does that do let's just let's place that right there on this tree this [Music] okay so it it sounds weird i don't trust it all right let's see what happens if we ignite that or we're getting some weird effects going on maybe it's gonna be enough to kill him will it did i just kill him is that is that what just oh my god what just happened did we do it is he dead no okay he is still very much alive i can see his health bar at the top but how much damage did it do now this was the previous bomb right here this right here this was the the super tnt oh and here we have the formida bomb that's that's a big as a big crater i do think that would be enough to kill him but before we do i do want to see what he looks like in his ultimate form so let's uh let's just wait around for a little bit maybe i can shoot him from here there we go oh no no no no no let me go let me go let me go i was just kidding it was a joke it was a joke it was just a prank oh my what that escalated very quickly all right a golden apple never killed anybody unless you would actually try to eat one in real life all right if we place it right here and then just run away then maybe it's going to get it i don't know i don't know how this works it's going to find me it's going to find me it's going to see me oh wait a minute i got wings what am i doing all right is the bomb actually going to get him come on bomb do your thing why isn't it exploding oh it [Music] did that work wow that's an annoying sound what happened did we kill it did we kill it we're still flying oh there it is wait i think we killed it hello big boy oh we killed it we actually killed it oh look at us now man yeah oh oh oh stop it stop it no why why why did that happen again wait i'm being sucked towards it what is happening what is this no no no no no i killed you i killed you i killed you this is no this is supposed to be over no let me come on alright so i think we have learned enough so let's open up photoshop and get started now let's start off with tracing the shape from a wallpaper i found of the wither storm now i want the wither storm to be very rocky as it absorbs everything around itself to grow so i'm making sure the edges are very rough and jaggedy i also know that i want to replace the heads entirely so i'm just making some very basic shapes for the head so that i can just know their placement speaking of the heads let's get working on those now since the weather storm is based on the wither which is made from three wither skeleton heads skeleton heads i figured i would try to make a wither storm head from these pictures of human skeletons so first i cut out the image removed the cut they made to extract this poor man's brain and then started working on making the skull resemble the wither storm which only has one eye per head so i removed his eye holes and sculpted his nose hole to be his eye hole i then sold my mole as it was attracting mold just like i had been told by the lonesome troll he said wait nicole remember our stroll were you on birth control i said hey man i'm not nicole and dear troll birth control no need we did it in the hole and there we go now we just have to do the same thing again for the other heads just like that now let's just copy this call and flip it to the other side but to add some variation let's actually open up the mouth on this one just so that every head looks slightly different and then let's make them all black and we are pretty much finished with the heads now back to the body so i'm using this weird texture of uh i don't know what this is and warping it to fit around the wither storm now let's make a bunch of copies of this texture make it into a long boy which i can then use to warp it to the tentacle using the puppet warp tool i then just did some very basic shading to get a better picture of the three-dimensional shape of the wither storm added the skulls made everything black and then i made the terrifying spotlight eyes now with a reference on where the lights would be i started doing a little bit more shading and lighting that would be produced by those spotlights in the eyes now with a good start to the monster good to go i started planning out the rest of the image now i know i want the wither storm to be in a valley looking at a man about to face off with it so i found this picture of a photographer that i thought would look perfect so let's cut out the guy out of the photo have him stand on the ledge let's also replace this guy with a more dramatic one then we need to remove all of his grass on his leg and the camera in his hand and let's replace it with a sword i then did some basic lighting on him and the area around him as if the eye looking at him is the only thing illuminating him i then added a physical spotlight interacting with a man and casting a shadow behind him okay so we have gotten pretty far with it but it still looks like garbage so i took a step back and made a little list of things i would like to work on i knew i wanted to make monster better okay and i wanted to make ground up okay okay so you know how the wither storm absorbs everything around it i want to make the ground the man is standing on being pulled apart and absorbed by the skull looking at it which we should be able to do easily with a 3d modeling software and then last i wanted to add some creepy smoke and fog to the scene alright so first thing on the list make monster better cool so i hated how the skulls just floated on the body so to attach the skulls i copied over the tentacles and made them resemble muscle tissue attaching to the skulls with a little bit of shading and color correction i think we made it work i then added a little bit more shadows as there weren't a lot of lights in the scene that illuminated the actual monster i then added some purple highlights from the spotlights and roughened up the edges of the creature to make it look a little bit more organic i then made the background darker and proceeded to making the smoke i at first wanted there to be a creepy smoke coming from the creature kind of like the wither but i felt like we lost too much detail on the creature and it just made it look very dirty but just before i was about to remove it i accidentally put the black smoke to the divide layer style and that looked awesome it made the smoke look like magic instead which i felt was kind of fitting to go with a witherstorm supernatural powers so i decided to double down on the magic and started adding lights and effects that would complement the magic element alright now we are starting to get somewhere the next thing on our list was ground up meaning it was time to jump into cinema 4d alright so let's just grab the default platonic shape sculpt it to resemble a cliff that our human character could be standing on and we can shatter it using the voronoi fracture and then just use a plane effector to pull some pieces towards where the monster would be i mean that's pretty good i then added the picture we had made as a background so i could light the scene correctly and even add a reference for a human character so i could get a mental image of how the shadow would look like in the scene if you look like that cool let's remove it and do it in photoshop for maximum control i then rendered the image without the background which took a long time do you think that this looks low this is sped up by 50 000 percent look at this timer this is minutes this one render of one image took 90 minutes to render i then noticed there were some pretty severe texture issues on the ground but there was no way i was going to render out another image for 90 minutes so i just added the cracked ground to our image and merged it with our previous flat ground making the flat ground only appear on the lightest parts of the cracked ground and voila render fixed in a minute instead of 90 minutes i then felt the monster felt just a little bit too flat so i decided to add a bunch of rocks to its structure which i made black and shaded to blend in then after a little bit of color correction and some extreme camera raw filters cranked down because i don't trust myself we are done alright so here we have the finished weather storm i feel like it actually came out looking pretty rad at least way better than some of my previous work oh god now if you would like to download this image the link for it will be in the description down below what would you like to see me tackle next let me know in the comment section down below and don't forget to click like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video alright guys i hope you guys enjoyed and i'll see you guys next time have a good one guys [Music] you
Channel: TerasHD
Views: 857,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft realistic, realistic minecraft, minecraft 1.19, minecraft funny, photoshop, adobe photoshop, minecraft mods, wither storm, witherstorm, wither-storm, wither
Id: vpFp6VO-xfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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