Is Necromancy Overpowered?

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how would you look at that we're gaining more units than we're losing hmm isn't that weird oh no it's almost like we can use enemies now to just fuel our army rather than losing troops oh no i feel like we've become slightly too powerful now hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today you joined me in heroes out which is a game that i'm sure pretty much all of you have never heard of but the game you will all have heard of is heroes of might and magic free now what is this game this is basically heroes of might and magic 3 if the combat was done via auto battling with spells it is legitimately amazing all of those new heroes of mighty magic games that look like someone's just buying assets off of the unity store you can just forget about those and instead enjoy heroes out which is beautiful amazing perfect and of course completely filled with overpowered necromancy exploits so today ladies and gentlemen we'll be playing a very very balanced game of heroes hour as we try and prove why using necromancy only is completely utterly overpowered trust me this game is amazing and you're gonna love it so without further ado make sure you sat back relaxed with a nice warm cup of tea in hand and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like this video now let's dive into the fun anyway it's time for us to begin a brand new game of heroes hour now what we're going to do is we're going to plan a nice large map because large maps are fun we're going to be playing on the lost idol map it's a huge map ladies and gentlemen and we're going to be playing off against two other factions now today we're going to be playing as a very important faction there's a load in the game you've basically got like 90 boys druid hippie boys magic carpety boys flamey boys orci boys snakey boys stuffed boys water boys and rock boys now today we're going to be playing as decay which is basically necropolis from heroes of might to magic free like legitimately their entire unit roster is just necropolis it's amazing now of course you need to pick your starting hero you've got a fun few options you've got bonehead you've got fear cap but we're going to be playing as hard soul for one very important reason heart soul starts with two lovely powers curse which basically allows them to curse enemies and when enemies are cursed they'll turn into undead creatures when they die which as you can imagine is a very easy way of gaining troops for free and also there's necromancy after combat it allows the hero to spend some manner to raise some defeated creatures as undead soldiers but of course you don't really need necromancy when you're just putting all of your points into curse so it's time for us to load up a fun game with hard soul i have no idea who we're going to be playing up against but it should be good fun we'll start with the starting development of a capital there we go just so that everyone has a nice faster early game and you know what ladies and gentlemen let's begin now it's time to explain why undead factions in video games are either horrifically overpowered or just completely and utterly terrible and the reasoning is simple a good undead necromancy faction should be able to raise the dead but if an undead necromancy faction couldn't raise the dead it does create problems mostly the fact that they can slightly raise too much dead and if other people are having to you know just recruit normal units and one guy is able just to summon units out of thin air it can create some large issues um because our capital is of course grown to a township we can have a grand army there we go this allows us just to have some more units at the end of every week which is lovely and now it's time for us to do some undead boy stuff so welcome to our capital of mortopolis it is just like arizona magic there is a week and once a day you can build an upgrade in your town and at the end of the week all of the units which you can recruit based off of your buildings restock and you can hire them again and acropolis has a few fun systems like for example anything you kill arrives at the soul beacon and then over time is eventually turned into free units for you to use it's really really fun and can get even sillier with something like the throne of death which is the undead special ability allows you to turn living things into dead things i know what a magic power no one else can do this unless you know they have a gun now what we can do is just open up by upgrading our skeletons to superior skeletons of the bone guard these are basically skeletons with a shield and fight a little bit better so we'll upgrade all of our boys hire them into our army and it looks like we're good to go on our first adventure with our hero now once again it's here is a mighty magic so you have limited movement around the map but luckily you can also see how difficult fights are so we know that this fight up here is going to be easy so we're going to go up here secure this resource deposit and we're going to be able to start our adventure now welcome to the combat ladies and gentlemen it's very simple as you can see we have 26 skeletons five reefs and five zombies and you think oh it's a little bit boring because they're represented by just one guy well actually no when you start the battle all 26 skeletons spawn in equally hear all of the enemies that we're fighting the mushroom boys and what i think of rap people with guns yep sure that's fine we're gonna immediately do is just fire off a spell of curse this allows us to curse some of the enemies they take a bit of damage but most importantly when these mushrooms die they're gonna get resurrected as permanent undead units for us and so the combat happens you can actually kind of guide the combat around by directing your troops around by just grabbing telling them to defend ordering them to focus on say a particular enemy so we can just say go on try and brush in and surround them here and there we go as you can see we've actually gained some units we've gained three rob walkers and two bone shooters these are some actually pretty decent units of course yes we lost 10 bone guard and one zombie but ah who cares and then at the end of the battle we have a choice do we raise some of the corpses we weren't able to turn into permanent undead into rock walkers by spending eight mana or do we not now this is the game's balancing factor because necromancy is really overpowered but if you can make it so that raising the undead costs you a resource then people are less likely to raise the undead all the time and consequently not snowballed there's just one issue this can be exploited because you have the option of instead of raising the undead just draining the dead and gaining mana so effectively necromancy provides you with an unlimited source of manner and then we can then use that same manner to curse living creatures and guarantee that when they die they return as undead so immediately we're just going to upgrade our curse ability because our hero has leveled up we'll also grab the all-quarry grab all of the ore lying around and let's go and loot this treasure chest although we'll have to do that next turn and so yeah and you turn all the other ais do their little movement thing pretend to be intelligent you know so we get a little chest we get the gold or the experience well we want experience because it's really really powerful all right now it's the end of another turn so you can start upgrading our town again we could start hiring vampires which are really really fun and overpowered but instead i'm going to pick up the stronghold here as this is going to allow us to increase a unit of choices growth each week now we have a few options we can either get more rafes each week or just get an additional 27 skeletons and of course we're going for the skelly boys because skelly boys will make up the backbone of our army they're cheap their chaff they can die and it doesn't matter because at the end of the day there's going to be a lot of them we've actually discovered a neutral army down here i think yep i can see one it is rated hard but that does mean that i've reckoned we could still defeat them okay you know what we're gonna give it a go so we're fighting k-raz of snake spears this dude has some lizards basically he's level four he's a wizard so he's probably got some magicky stuff on him but luckily for us we can actually use his own troops against him this is the power of an undead faction basically what we want to do is rush at high speed towards the enemy's range units make sure we can get a curse on them and then we'll be able to re-resurrect them as undead so let's just charge towards the ranged because when these guys die they're going to come back to life and instead fight for us as you can see we're starting to gain a few more bone shooters to fight first fantastic stuff and there we go there's another bone shooter that's just resurrected and they immediately spawn in and start attacking their previous comrades effectively we get to use the enemy's armies to you know fight for us and ooh it would appear the enemy is summoned in a large quantity of worms now worms pretty terrible unit however we can curse them and even though they're a summoned unit when cursed when they die they will re-resurrect as a friendly unit to fight for us because that's 100 fair anyway glorious battle we won yes sure we lost a whole bunch of terrible units like the zombies are gone but hey we got a whole bunch of bone shooters for free ladies and gentlemen the fantastic boffins of spiff worked out something fantastic the first 5 000 people to raise the bone on their finger and like this video will be guaranteed to receive immortality immortality might of course mean being resurrected as a bony boy and marching around absorbing shots to defend larger more valuable units but it is still immortality so why not enjoy an eternal life of suffering today after all it'll probably be better than the eternal life of suffering we're all currently living for anyway right welcome back a few turns have passed and we've managed to finally get ourselves a few of these lovely litchi boys now lich is of course pretty powerful little guys but especially an upgraded glitch where they have death strike they can summon a skeleton for every enemy struck by their attacks as you can imagine that's pretty good also we've now learned a few spells like bless and um death ripple which basically just murders stuff but yes we're just gonna curse all these salamander-y looking boys and then they get hit and of course when they get hit skeletons start spawning in oh look there's a skeleton just summoned well fantastic stuff as you can see um this battle went very interestingly because we lost a single vampire and gained seven bone shooters and six bone guards this is how battles are now gonna start going we won't lose people we're just going to start gaining people as you can imagine this is relatively completely and utterly broken now i know generally pretty much every heroes of mighty magic player by this point would have about 700 heroes varying units around the map i just love playing this game with just a single gigahero that can do everything right now i'd like some more units of my army so we're going to go and fight this group right here but just before we do we're going to pick up the soul siphon because this means we now raise 40 percent of old creatures defeated in battle back as undead units that arrive at the sole beacon and then over time are gradually turned into units that we can just recruit for free from here so we're gonna pick up the soul siphon and now we're gonna go and murder this army and the reasoning for us murdering this army is because guess what ladies and gentlemen they have 37 toad frogs now toad frogs of course aren't exactly very good they hardly have any health they hardly do any damage but of course that means for us we can just farm them so we're gonna hit a huge amount of them with curse and then we're just gonna kill them and every time one of these toad frogs die skeletons start spawning in yes it's very peculiar how that happens game very very weird indeed so i'll just curse even more of the frogs and oh would you look at that we're gaining skeletons out of thin air fantastic stuff 29 of the frogs were defeated and 18 skeletons are ours look there's an actual neutral army right there for us to fight oh okay right i want some reinforcements i'm gonna hire as many of these skelly boys as i can it's quite a lot because they're really cheap bam there we go we're now up to 92 skelly boys all right fantastic i think this is a perfect army to go and murder some stuff with right yes now these guards are easy to murder so let's do it so we want to take control of this outpost basically there's a few ways we can do that the easiest way of course is just curse all of these shooters at the back and then hit them with some kind of spell to murder them and then suddenly they all die and they come back as skeletons and now they're fighting on the other side for us lovely stuff how would you look at that we're gaining more units than we're losing hmm isn't that weird oh no it's almost like we can use enemies now to just fuel our army rather than losing troops oh no i feel like we've become slightly too powerful now all in all that was a glorious battle our army has become even more powerful than it was previously oh my goodness and look it's mandel scepter oh this is it we want this okay what what is mandel scepter well it's part of an interesting set where if you get three pieces of mandel's gear 25 of lost creatures return after combat as you can imagine really really quite powerful and oh my goodness there's up to 100 penguins in this fight we're gonna get so many skeletons it's ridiculous okay fantastic okay this is gonna get very very very silly for one very simple reason there's 88 penguins on this field of battle now all of these penguins we can turn into units so let's do it let's start this battle right immediately inflict curse on the penguins bam they're cursed next up frost beam every unit hit by this also get cursed so we're bam all of these penguins are now cursed oh no you can start seeing the numbers going up now you can really see them numbers go up now oh no no no another ray of frost and oh yes more skeletons more bone shooters oh no penguins please you've just fed my army no penguins no oh no we're up to over a hundred skeletons now oh fantastic that was a glorious fight and we get 13 000 experience and 15 mana why not that's wonderful well that was meant to be a hard fight but actually it was the reverse of a hard fight because it just made us more powerful i'm thinking we try attacking this sulfur mine here because there's a bunch of imps right now we're going to curse almost all of these imps over here then hit the others with an acid splash that will also curse them we'll turn all of these dogs also cursed there we go do even more acid splashes and fantastic stuff we'll gain some units from them oh my goodness sorry what is this we spawned in fanatos what i'm pretty sure this is the high-level death dragony thing like this is the upgraded dragon of death yes it is okay right it can fly it can charge it's ethereal and it's summoned skeletons whenever it hits stuff okay sure that was amazing and 25 000 experience as well and 22 mana okay very very nice very very balanced i guess i'll upgrade master even more so my skeletons have even more power now this destruction ability is actually incredibly powerful for us because it's a little bit silly whenever a creature in our army dies they have a chance of casting a destructive spell onto the enemy now when your army is comprised almost entirely of flimsy bone boys and whenever they die they cast a spell on the enemy which turns them into undead you can imagine that this gets ever so slightly out of hand and this is why i love the game it's amazing other games would tell you no this isn't allowed it's unfair it's dangerous it's broken it's overpowered this game just says you should do it alright i think it's time for us to go on a little adventure firstly we need to take over this gate which basically means murdering a bunch of weird hats so actually we'll just skip to the outcome there we go okay we only lost two skeletons gained some xp lovely stuff gained some mana and there's an ultimate shrine here which will teach us an ultimate spell very well we kind of have to do that then so what if it means fighting 48 weird cats we can do that and there we go fantastic pretty much all of the units on the enemy army in our curse so that when they die they'll come back as ours and we've only lost a few you know meaningless units oh no no there's something in the raccoons okay right fight hit them with the poison that'll slow him down i hit the ones at the top with a curse and there we go glorious victory and we get to gain 20 mana lovely stuff and even level up perfect okay now let's learn an ultimate spell hypnotized okay now that one does seem pretty useful okay so we basically take control of an enemy unit and just make it wander around and do nothing all right our hero has now actually reached level 20 which is really really nice and powerful we'll grab this lovely relic now it's time for us to go and deal with this challenging fight over here against a whole bunch of crossbowmen all right so time for us to take on all these lovely cross women and oh yes they're only fielding 109 cross women at the start okay let's just curse them all curse all of the crossbow boys hit a load of them with an acid splash as well oh it's gonna go so well we can also frost beam them oh yes look at all of the undead just 40 undead just spawn out of thin air oh it's amazing oh it's the best we just curse everything else that just spawned in as well hit them with a poison turn them into undead oh yes look at that 97 undead oh it's glorious it really is oh it doesn't get better than this and of course when the skeletons die they sometimes just explode and cast these destruction spells down upon the enemy which of course curses them it is ridiculous it is silly it is amazing well there we go that was a glorious victory we lost 150 free skeletons and gained 141 uh that was really something that was really really something oh my goodness what a fight right now there's a red portal over here which i know will spit us out vaguely in the middle of the map right here which i imagine is a good location to get to because there's probably decent bits of loot so we're gonna make our way down to the portal engage in a fight and try and make our way up to the center there we go fantastic no casualties on our side and we turned all of the enemy into units for us lovely stuff i will grab some gold with this chest and it's time for us to go into the center of the map because it is exploration time now what can we murder around here oh we found an enemy hero lovely stuff and also these wonderful resource minds including all we have to do this fight it's filled with enemies oh yes it's filled with so many enemies and so many resources well we get an incredible fight here ladies and gentlemen we're gonna get an additional 1000 gold per day for this fight but the main reason we're doing it is so that i can have these 76 archers here absolutely decimate whatever the enemy is throwing at us because we can just start the battle i can immediately give all of them precision so that they can shoot really far they will hit all of the enemy with a beam of frost turning them into undead and then we can summon in comets of fire there we go blowing up the enemy oh my goodness so many casualties all of them turn into undead of course we can fire off another death ripple over here turning stuff into the undead oh my goodness this has gone fantastically well another beam of frost there we go throw the enemy around a bit rain of arrows lovely stuff oh glorious glorious glorious battle minimal casualties and gigantic profits that's what we like to see okay well our army's grown a fair bit we've gained a lot more skeletons when a cloud palace i wonder what's at the cloud palace let's discover we wish for war or peace we can summon all enemy and friendly heroes across the map to this spot i'm sorry what this is amazing okay we're doing that we're doing war okay if with all of the enemy heroes summoned to this spot that means all of their armies are here it means all of their armies we can just convert into resources this is brilliant okay let's go murder them all right first fight lizard boys let's go sense of unis back to reserves oh this is gonna be very fun do a death ripple there we go we can do another beam of frost turn some stuff into undead oh this has just gone absolutely splendidly for us oh you just couldn't really ask for a better fight like this this was just glorious oh my goodness and our reinforcements have decided to spawn in incredible and fantastic glorious victory for us the enemy is defeated 21 000 experience we gained in a whole bunch of mana well that went well so it's straight on to the next fight where we have to fight this guy who is apparently even more difficult which means all of my range boys need to get precision put onto them and they need to just gank the enemy next up we'll frostbeam them there we go and just start weakening all of the enemy forces up like this lovely stuff he is casting oh my goose he cast so many spells he murdered all of my skelly boys that's incredibly rude of him maybe i should start all fights by doing a magic arrow just murdering the enemy hero it's probably the easiest way to win most of the fights areas look he's right there magic arrow bam dead one shot that's all it takes just one shot the enemy hero fantastic stuff and whilst he's dead he can't cast any of his dangerous magic that does bad things okay now we're just gonna have peace and have all enemy friendly heroes go back to a town under their control lovely stuff oh that is such a fantastic thing to find basically we can just cause a thunderdome whenever we like and this looks like ah another necropolis building okay right we're taking this we're taking control of this town it's a neutral town but if we occupy it i'm pretty sure that increases our necromancy abilities it seems really silly and overpowered but it's entirely possible right now let us just start this glorious battle and break our way in and we're just gonna hypnotize the enemy army so they just wander around and do nothing allowing us to just walk straight through the front door and uh murder all of them perfect well they really can't do anything when they're hypnotized can't they they're just literally the worst oh this is fantastic right well that's the end of harvey dead gloria's victory and that's another town belonging to us so now we're also summoning dead creatures to this soul beacon as well as summoning dead creatures to our own soul beacon back here so i'm pretty sure that now means 25 of defeated enemies are getting raised in both of our undead cities which is kind of completely and utterly ridiculous but i love it oh my goodness they can recruit from the same pool as well oh dear oh dear dear this is quite powerful isn't it but i'll spend a bit of mercury and i'm gonna end my turn and see what happens here i think it's entirely possible we just recruit from both oh my goodness we recruited a lot of units yep okay this is good yeah this is good i like this this is very very silly and powerful so there are about 250 bone shooters there last time we recruited 24 here and we were recruited 31 here so yes we can recruit from the same spawn of men and get them twice this seems very jazzy well there you have it ladies and gentlemen we've completely and utterly broken this game i really really do love it and if you actually want to try out yourself you can for free that's right this game has a free demo what is the free demo it's basically the first four factions of the game including necropolis and you can play the entire thing legitimately it's really really good fun i didn't expect to enjoy anywhere near as much as i did i think i spent about six hours yesterday just playing this until about midnight and having an absolute blast with it legitimately really really good fun and it's free so go check it out i'll drop a link down to it in the description if you want to get the full version of the game but you don't have any money hop onto the discord the developer is really really generous he was just handing out keys to the community for free and i snagged one of them it was really really nice so generally if you enjoy the game and like the project as much as i do make sure to go give them some help by playtesting their game and finding as many exploits as you can anyway ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for watching my bony boys go on the largest bone crusade since your average american spring break party as always if you enjoyed watching make sure to give the video a like and why not hop on down into the comment section and pledge your own dying allegiance to the bony boys also if you have any other games where necromancy is involved seriously give me a shout put it down in the comment section because i love finding games with necromancy they are so fun to break so yes help expand my knowledge of games as always a massive thank you to each and everyone for amazing patrons whose names you see on screen now these lovely sausages make all of our videos all the more possible socially thank you very much you majestic buggers and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next for look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 740,036
Rating: 4.9728141 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, spiffing brit, is necromancy, is necromancy overpowered, necromancy, homm3, necromancy skyrim, overpowered, necromancy op, necromancy overpowered, video game, game exploit, exploit, perfectly balanced game, montage, skyrim, necromancy challenge, british humor, funny, video game exploit, perfectly balanced, can you beat, the spiffing brit, indie game, heroes hour, heroes of might and magic, gameplay, video game glitch, funny moments, funny challenge
Id: pEOyrahKuoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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