I Ruined Muck With Too Many Upgrades

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this is going to be a disaster even more than it normally is i'm going to start gathering everything i can find right away including a damn rock and with this rock we'll build a great empire i want to go for those chests over there now today i've installed what's called a chaos mod and normally i kind of end the chaos mod but now we're going to let the game take the reins on this one and see what happens so it should be about every 69 seconds we get a random event i don't know what the random events are or what they do it's going to be a surprise for everyone but good news we got ourselves an extra jump for the time being so when we need to jump in and out of danger we can do that and to make things even better i kind of forget how to play so mob attack has started and will run for the next 69 seconds i've been attacked by a horde of okay that's gonna make things more difficult i don't even have a weapon yet i didn't think they would be this difficult this quick whatever this is fine i'm probably faster than them anyways can i kill them all i need better weapons not a rock well i have my willpower so they can't take that from me they don't do that much damage as long as they don't all hit me at once i can just keep circling them because they're stupid we've unlocked coin which we might use to trade and buy weapons because i think we're going to need weapons sooner than later can't say for sure but that's just a sneaking suspicion i'm also awkwardly trying to hit him with a rock and press 7 or 8 for that red mushroom for healing though i think i got them under control so that was one chaos event done where am i on the map we're going to set up a base somewhere over here central in the map because it's turning into nighttime very quickly and i've got a lot of stuff i need including food i've done basically nothing today we did get 69 iron bars and that must have come from the drops from the idiots or something because i definitely haven't touched any iron yet and now that it's nighttime the idiots are showing up i'm actually going to go ahead and set a base up somewhere right here which isn't normally how i would do it but with chaos mods i want to be able to see all the enemies coming at me i want to be out in the open not where i can't see them because i feel like seeing things is going to be half the battle because if i can see them i could probably avoid them i'm going to heal we're gonna pick that up so far so good it's a little bit hectic but um it's gonna get worse and i might have actually missed an event or two already because i wasn't really paying attention but i'm mostly just trying to figure out the best way we need some bark i'll take a little bit of that and then we can make a pickaxe to fight idiot who's going to stop hitting me now because he's going to be pickaxed to death and therefore why the guardian we can't fight a guardian oh we had an event happening too oh right well this isn't going great um yeah we're going to hit you at the pickaxe i guess i don't really know how you attack anymore okay we're dead chaos mod is hard i feel like i just need the proper start if we can get some weapons right at the beginning i would feel a lot better about my odds so in this little hut we actually have an axe to start with that's pretty pretty helpful and also some food and apples and coins i don't know if this is a chaos event or the game she's being buggy but i can't jump right now this is as high as i can jump and it teleported me random location has started i was just moved 455 meters when i was right outside a cave that i really wanted to stuff out of so we'll take advantage of this nice location and chop some wood i guess boy random teleportation sounds wonderfully fun in a game this is difficult i guess it's better than a guardian but like i don't even know where to set up a base right now i'm gonna open one of these uh movement speed is actually really nice right now because that's gonna be the one thing i can use to survive okay i made it back roughly to where i was so we're gonna put a workbench up say right here and then we can start making some new stuff again also want to find some red mushrooms for healing as soon as i can but i want what's in this cave please be something amazing we got the hammer shaft so we find the rest of the hammer we're in good shape we did also find some iron so that's not bad also some food well we're sitting here let's take a little bit of coal because we need that for our furnaces we can use the iron i think to make furnaces we got 69 gold bars maybe we get 69 bars every time we finish a chaos event because something there is not adding up but we need some rocks pretty nervous about what the next chaos event is going to be but now we got one of those we have some fuel for that we're gonna get some iron out of that deal while that's smelting i'm gonna kind of look around hopelessly and wish i had better stuff already uh i don't know what's there's a chaos event i kind of missed what it was is there like a chat bar you get a free item flax that's the chaos mod i'm also drowning can we get out of the water i don't know what's happening i can't uh okay why why am i drowning hello can i get out of the water i would really like to get out of the water i don't something broke uh is this part of the mod because i i don't really like this part because i can't leave the water okay something is still broken because i'm not actually moving right now but but but i'm moving i feel like i might need to restart the game i broke it already and i didn't even do anything okay this is much better i've restarted i can actually jump off the ground and movement feels normal and this is a better start because look at all that stuff also i've used the same mod to up the stuff i get from chests for reward chests at least so that gives me a little bit of a better survival chance and we also got some iron booties but um let's go visit the neighbors and see what they have for us to borrow or might be better off to trade so this is going to give us two items we get juice and the red pill maybe i'm not gonna kill them for now i'm gonna work with them they might be able to help fight enemies but there's also a few more free chests there's peanut butter and another red pill so the next chaos event is happening and i don't mind this one it's just lots of cows spawning that's probably gonna hurt the frame rate but i'm okay with that there's another black chest cows can just continue to enjoy themselves this was a perfect find uh i can definitely use that to survive also cows whatever hang out die i don't care what you do be free cows it does get annoying with how many of them there are because they're constantly spawning like just enough to move me around but since we already got this stuff let's start some fuel uh some okay i can see why this is gonna get annoying but that's fine i've been through worse this hut actually had a pickaxe for me along with some mithril cows get out of the way please can i open that from here rope coins actually i can use these coins to maybe trade an idiot for some stuff get out of the way you're the woodcutter so you actually have decent stuff i need a sword which one of you idiots has weapons look at all those cows also found some healing mushrooms so that's helpful i don't oh there's someone i want the archer he could give me a birch bow which could be helpful okay that was clearly part of the chaos mod because look at them all maybe i'll take a fur bow that's probably going to be my best bet to survive i just need some arrows which means i should probably start actually crafting some stuff so you get in there you get in there then i need just a bit of wood now i can use a rock to get that wood okay so we're going to put that there where it's hopefully nice and safe we'll get a bit more wood for some bark uh but it's gonna be nighttime so this is gonna be rough okay here come the idiots hopefully my life still starts to work but we do have 130 health to start so that's going to help us a lot spotted another free chest that's gonna give us milk also i think having two power-ups is gonna make us have a little more chance it's still gonna be impossibly hard to do this but at least getting extra items will give us a little more longevity and i was teleported 260 units away from wherever i was and i'm not really sure where i was probably somewhere in the center because that's normally where i go i do get lifesteal with my rock though so that makes me feel better okay i found the place again just for memory it's right in this pocket i'm gonna pick up healing mushrooms everywhere i can also we're gonna mine some iron because i need iron tools at least oh okay not sure what's happening a little nervous about it as always but i think we're okay can one of you have a weapon to sell me a steel axe is kind of nice give me a steel axe cause that's gonna help jump us to head just a little bit so next we need to make a blacksmithing doodad an anvil then one thing i really would like would be a sword so we need some fur wood for that luck and cut forward already it's just kind of going to be a matter of finding it i'm going to go search that cave over there what's happening oh that's not fun there's also another village over there so they're pretty slow so i should be able to check this cave and get out before they do anything to me but i really am gonna have to fight them because they are gonna continue to follow me and eventually catch me this had coins oh but i did also find the fir tree i'm going to cut one of these down while the idiots are slowly waddling their way over there's also a free chest i'm going to distract myself with there's broccoli which is great that's health regeneration and attack speed both of which i need that's going to help me mind resources and hit idiots faster okay this isn't the greatest spot to fight these guys but um whatever i'm just gonna dive in i have lifesteal i have like regeneration i think i'll be able to kind of just hammer my way through this maybe not i don't i don't know what's happening i don't know what that is i don't know what that is okay that's uh what appears to be a meteor shower uh so we're gonna do our best to avoid meteors didn't these guys just spawn in why are there so many chaos events oh don't touch that also getting hungry uh you know what i don't even care right now they can hit me a little bit i will just continue to hit them i do think the media showers do aim for me so as long as i'm moving they probably won't hit me uh these guys certainly will though so they need to go and i'll probably get lots of money for killing them uh this is actually healing me at the same time so i'm kind of glad they're here i can hit two of them at once i think i get extra health and they're dead and we get lots of stones and idiot pieces nothing aggravating about this not even a little bit good news everyone i brought you meteorites oh never mind it ended i have 148 dollars to spend i would really like a sword if someone has a sword for me very tempting to buy a better axe right now i think i'm going to okay don't worry about those guys what else we got you guys have something for me in here give me those how really really need a sword or some arrows for my bow okay well since these guys don't really seem to have anything i might want i am going to see what's in his chest hopefully an amazing weapon so let's take a look not really worth it but um that's fine i'll tell you the other village anyway they're better than you guys and they try and heal through this everything is fine you know what just come with me to my village i'll deal with you over there okay they're a little bit quicker than i gave them credit for luckily i can just swing my axe and run in circles hopefully you guys drop me money or something wait there was a mining one in there oh he was the one with the leaf on his head with a no it's just a pale one with a pickaxe will you trade with me still i'm sorry i'll stop killing your people if you'll trade with me oh there's even a bunch of enemies in here and stuff i didn't even notice oh okay bye dramatic so now that i have 250 dollars i'm gonna go trade with the other village hopefully there's a guy there with a pickaxe for me yeah that's also super helpful i love when there's a fog that you can't see through i know the village was in his direction because i was walking straight toward it but finding an idiot that i want to trade with now is going to be extra hard because i've got to run through a lot of fog to find him this is the woodcutter so he only sells axes this is a chef chef woodcutter woodcutter wildcard oh there's a mythical pickaxe so i'll take that for sure and then methyl arrows for the rest of it because yep 70 methyl arrows should get us through the day i don't like how they're just standing here it makes me a little nervous i don't really know why they're doing that so let's make a mithril helmet and boots because i don't think we have oh yeah we already had boots so what i want next would be great would be a methyl sword so let's go chop some more fur and then also mine some mithril i did notice that this time i don't have 69 uh any ore so i'm not sure where that came from the last few games don't really care though i'm willing to do it on my own oh spawn long trailer power officer player to collect look at all this oh this is great what is going to charge right it that a long trail is there more i hear something oh look at it all yeah this is gonna be great i didn't know the chaos mods could give me good stuff yeah there's one that's gonna give me health per kill wow this is fun i'm just gonna keep going and going yeah i thought this is gonna be just nothing but brutally painful challenges but now that i'm here i can i can live with this we're just gonna get our stamina back before we go swimming i'm still nervous to touch the water but since i never learn we're gonna get straight back in and we're very quick in the water not entirely sure what that was about i wonder if this chaos event ends uh once like it ends so i better actually take advantage of this and stop screwing around we're gonna be stupidly overpowered after this at least i think so also still don't have a proper sword but i do have a bow and arrow this might be the end of the line but look in the upper right at all of our power ups we have five life steals so that definitely helps let's test that out come here 43 damage with an axe is probably pretty good plus we do all sorts of big chunk damage critical hits we still probably need some of those for healing and we made it to the far side which is good because we have another meteor shower coming in already great that's uh well we'll deal with this as it comes 265 health now though and we're gonna get more for killing things for sure so i guess we don't really need any more power ups considering we just got like every power up in existence times 10 but it would be nice to make a sword so we'll have to mine some of the proper stuff for that which i suppose at this point would be adamantite so we'll see if we can find some somewhere here in this little chaos world those meteors are getting annoying so let's see what's in here i forgot it was a two-piece there was also a red pill in there i don't even know what's happening anymore i don't know if it's day or night i just know we're really overpowered and i saw a lot of things that make us direct damage to resources so yeah there's a hit for 723. i keep forgetting the chests can give me two things so i keep running away and having to go back which is a huge waste of time i do see the adamantite i need though so we're gonna jump attacker 569 for a jump attack that should be enough to make me the tools i need we also said maybe some mithril for a sword just before getting back to base i wanted to just get a few more power up so i figured i'd murder them in efficient fashion do you guys like my stuff so next i'm going to make another uh whatever this thing is called and put that up here so we can smelt more probably adamantite i feel like there's enemies spawning again okay yeah that thing i just made go ahead and break it everyone at once just smash it to bits okay these guys aren't so bad cause i all of my power-ups thanks to my power-up train stop touching my stuff okay now that we got that out of the way what's it gonna take to make some better stuff we need fur actually i think it's gonna be where did you guys even come from you've been chasing me all night so we need fur i think as soon as we take that we'll be able to do what what i don't i don't know what just happened seems like the chaos mod at work um so that goes there now we can make that we need oak we saw some oak that way i guess i do also need food though so we're gonna need one of these we're also gonna have to run away from this because those things hit hard okay now we got a whole bunch of bad things spawning i need to remember that there's adamantite nearby and also not to let these guys hit me very much at all actually we do have lots of health yeah i keep forgetting how overpowered i am i don't really want them to hit me a lot but um i think for the time being we're gonna be okay even found a rare water ball drop uh what were we doing we were looking for oak and it teleported me 1 000 units into the ocean outstanding i like the one better that just gave me a bunch of power-ups that seems a lot more practical but speaking of power-ups we're going to open this and get two very good power-ups and we also have 666 gold to spend and i don't really know if that's something that chaos mod did or that was me but i'm also going to uh farm some cows right now because i need meat uh we're also going to one shot this guy just because we can it teleported me again but not very far because i was running towards the herd of cows because i found that funny but at least my food problem has been solved because i don't think i'm going to run out of meat ever again i just got an achievement for this um i suspect it was something about murdering cows but i could be wrong do i already have over a stack of meat okay stop stop i'm harvesting cows and now i'm harvesting people i guess i shouldn't really discriminate okay you just have to walk like directly or whatever i got most of the meat i just realized that was an entirely different village i thought there was a village i lived out but it's not and now i don't know where i am again okay we're way up in the top of the map suddenly because it just teleported me like a thousand tiles i think the biggest challenge right now is going to be getting back to my base nothing else is going to be much of a concern but i gotta make it back finally made it some idiot broke lots of my stuff so that's pretty wonderful but you might also be broken and i got teleported again i guess while i'm over here though i might as well take advantage of uh being able to rid myself of some stuff that i'm probably not gonna use anymore i just made it back to my base and i'm okay we gotta swim we're in the middle of the ocean now oh i'm already out of stamina look i have lots of health where am i okay yeah teleporting way out to sea i don't know if i'm gonna be able to survive this we have lots of health but i guess they have red mushrooms to kind of balance that out i'm just i'm not going to make it back to base before it re-teleports me okay we're back on dry land where we are not going to die but we do need to start actually making stuff at her base should i be opening some of these i don't really need any more power ups i don't know what i should be doing with my gold i feel like it's a waste of time to be opening nose uh simply because i need to be spending time running to and from my base i returned once again to my base we are going to try and set things up during the night when everything is attacking me but that's fine everything is just fine we're gonna feel that with that word you're not gonna break my stuff thank you i'm gonna sit here and defend this all night kate i just said don't touch that uh we did this get the blade the draft which is a good drop um i definitely don't have the handle for that sore because i think i don't have anything i did just get a bunch of adamantite i'm still missing the oak i kind of forgot about the oak but we have some meat on the way very slowly do you know what what are you you're a chef give me some cooked meats for now that'll just help us now at least i don't have to worry about meat for a while i'm just going to run towards these oak trees i do think i see a red one way over there the best part is it doesn't matter where i run because the game's just going to put me wherever it wants me to be oh okay so one of the chaos events is changing gravity that's why i drowned in the lake that one time because the gravity was too strong it pulled me downhill there's definitely nothing annoying or inconvenient about that not one bit but it did give me the power-ups to be able to destroy trees in one hit and we're gonna get a lot of oak per hit the first one gave me 24 that one gave me 14 so basically this one will give me all i need but now let's see if i can actually make it home and we've got the cows again by now i'm so fast that they don't really spawn in inconvenient locations to me but if i hold still they sure will if i jump into the sky do they spawn in the sky oh they do now we have falling cows great always wanted falling cows anyways now finally i can make things like a sword that i really needed to make for a long time and i just got chunky ore from somewhere i'll look at this and look at the cows in the sky i don't know where the chunky came from but i've got it then after getting a little bit of wood for bark we can make the adamante tool should we want to but we have a sword and a pretty good tools now while we're at it we could probably make chunk yum still was spent the next eternity uh i guess smelting chunky i'm talking just go over there for now we need some fuel for that so wood and wood i really like how high we jump oh never mind the gravity just ended oh we got the trail of power-ups again though we might as well follow this straight into the sunset past the tower of cows this is gonna make us really strong and we're so quick now that we can just uh run right through it very quickly and it's only gonna make us faster and faster and faster pretty confident i've never been this strong before but that's because all of this i think i can actually feel the extra effect of gravity too because there's a mock along this hill it's pushing me either to the left or the right depending on which way the ground is sloping which makes me a little bit nervous to go near the ocean because i don't want to go in and not be able to get back out so yeah we're um yeah going to have to be careful about slopes 98 okay if i hit you uh i feel like the damage readouts might not be accurate because they're all dying one hit but i feel like we're doing more damage to what we're seeing but this added gravity is definitely making things act strangely everything falls directly to the ground when they're dead nothing flies through the air anymore what about you what are you do you want to fight how about you i'll go quickly attack well at least if i get lost i always know how to find my way home this will be a good test of skills we're gonna fight gronk buff gronk two hits and we got the base for his sword so i think we can actually put this sword to get oh we doing the kettle thing again great here cows come into the sky from here you will remain and be worshipped as a god or probably at least i don't know can i make my sword now please so i'm not sure if i'm being stupid but it's not letting me make the sword i was sure you could just continue on here and it would let you do it but i guess not so that's fine we don't need to do that i think we need more cows in the sky okay i'm gonna let my stamina build up just a little bit and then we're going to try and jump to the top of this hill because i definitely cannot run my way up okay that was easier than i thought chief time chief i need your spear one hit two hit three hit he doesn't hurt me anymore for hits uh i could use the weapon but thank you i just realized i haven't even tried the bow and arrow yet so we found another chief bonk yeah it could be a better bow this hit hard occasionally this fog is so great i can't begin to tell you how great this vlog is oh it's the boss night it's a natural spawning gronk hi gronk wow so many chiefs on this island that one only moved me this far so that was a little bit no maybe that was a different statue i don't know whatever the case the chief is dead and he dropped me part of his spear i think chief i need your thing spear tip so i just noticed my last chaos event down there was a free gold axe so that's why sometimes i was getting items that i didn't understand where they came from because it was a gift and i like gifts um let's get rid of that because we need some darko because we need chief spear so we can stab people better oh that also unlocked the rest of gronk's sword which means we can get rid of the adamantite sword and use the spear that we hit with like a hammer think we might have broke things again very yeah the gravity is just super high look at the arrows and the arrows don't go anywhere because we just have too much gravity so we're literally stuck right here in this very minor low spot if i jump a lot i can't get out of it even rapid fire jumping nothing okay and now we have an extra eight point eight five percent fog for those of you that were curious about the percentage of fogginess um at least the sky's not fogged in um well i think i proved my point we can survive chaos mod as long as we get the drops yeah that's fine i've been looking for someone to test his spear out on 325
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,038,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _mHUCahVtps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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