Advanced Guide on How to Start Your City in Cities: Skylines | Fisher Enclave Ep 1

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greetings and welcome it is an absolute pleasure to have you here in our new let's play series season 2 episode 1 the map that we are going to play in is fisher enclave from the sunset harbor dlc and have decided to simply name the city after the map name the idea that i have is to build a city on select vanilla maps and if everything goes according to plan we'd have an awesome collection of cities built on each map if you are new here i am captain obvious primarily a vanilla city skylines player i enjoy the challenge of completing beautiful cities without the use of any steam mods or assets whatsoever the city you are now viewing was completed without any mods however for this season 2 series i have decided to utilize the vanilla unlimited ore and oil resource mod and the reason being of why i wanted to use this vanilla mod is due to the opportunity to design an awesome ore quarry in this area this right here is a perfect area for a quarry and it would be a shame if we were not able to use all the ore buildings in this particular area on the modless city version of course the resource would deplete therefore it would be completely futile to design around a resource area which would eventually become useless in the future for instance this oil resource i've extracted the oil and the oil rigs have become useless therefore i had to rely on ship and air cargo to bring in more resources for the oil processing buildings i am also going to be utilizing visual mods such as cinematics camera for recording and hide it mod to remove the volume and distance fogs in the game it doesn't change the management aspect of the game it's just a visual mod to make the city more visually appealing with that said let's jump right into building to save on money we will be utilizing dirt roads to start our city this is the absolute best way to keep your city moving forward instead of having to wait for when you can afford to purchase your next power plant or other key structures such as the elder and child care buildings when we have established a stable enough economy is when we can start replacing the dirt for asphalt roads i usually don't use roundabouts in my city but since this is a european themed map roundabouts appear to be the appropriate choice when making your roundabouts the bigger the circle is always better because it gives the vehicles enough time to make their turn before the next car arrives the roads that branch out from the roundabouts will be our main four-lane road just try to keep that in mind while building your road layout if your city is right side driving then your residential and commercial building should be on the right side of the tile while your industry area should be on the left side this strategy will just make things easier for your trucks to exit the city without crossing paths with your residential vehicles we will be making an organic grid for our low density area use the freeform road tool when laying down your roads if you use the freeform road tool often enough it will become natural for you to make organic road layouts and be able to break away from the standard grip speaking of grid on the left side which is our industrial area we'll have a standard grid road layout i am merely planning ahead for i intend to remove the dirty industry and replace with high density zoning european high density zoned buildings are better suited if the buildings are built side by side i will elaborate further when we unlock high density zoning let's not forget to connect our roads to the highway that has happened to me once too many times already we will be using the coal power plant as our power source and we will also place water towers in the middle of the roundabout for the time being and we will also be using the inland water treatment plant for sewage instead of dumping our waste into the river since we use dirt roads we can easily afford to lay down pipes and still have money in the bank to spare we'll connect the power lines from the power plant to the water tower then to our first residential homes but before you start the simulation remember to reduce the budget of road maintenance power and water down to 50 percent you are overspending if you don't drop the budget for these in the beginning the large gap here i reserved for the placement of the elder and child care buildings since the introduction of these new buildings they have helped reduce the death rate of the cities that i have built so you should not forget to add them we will focus the commercial zoning at that large gap while adding residential and industry in their designated areas notice how our bank has never gone negative and this is all because we are using dirt roads and for dropping down the budget to 50 percent we'll now let the simulation run until we hit our very first milestone congratulations we have hit the little hamlet milestone the most significant thing about this milestone are the taxes and garbage facilities you should have more than enough income from hitting the milestone to plant down your choice of garbage facility in my case i prefer landfills which will be replaced in the future you can now also tax your industry low density residential and commercial buildings for a maximum of 12 percent any higher and your citizens will complain of the tax being too high and will eventually move out do not forget to place down your garbage facility before expanding your road layout otherwise your citizens will start to complain about garbage accumulating in the city it is easy to get too excited on expanding your road network then realize that you don't have enough money to purchase a garbage facility just try to remember that in the little hamlet milestone that you should place down a garbage facility increase your tax then expand so far so good our weekly income is at least 1 000 and we nearly have enough money for an elementary school and a high school however education is not a priority at this early stage of the game we are still in the process of expanding and building a population to tax the citizens for more income as our city grows there will be a demand for more power and water increase the budget accordingly when necessary take note not to increase the budget beyond 100 otherwise you will start to lose money instead have more money prepared to purchase a new power plant or water structure when needed we will continue zoning until we reach the next milestone we are now a worthy village at this milestone we have a new unlockable tile a fire and police station and we also now have districts available we will fill in as much as possible in the starting tile before unlocking and expanding to a new tile we will however immediately place down the fire and police stations while we still have the money in the bank for it much like the garbage facility it is imperative to plant down these structures before you accidentally overspend on expanding your road and pipe network otherwise your citizens will start to complain about fire and crime in your city and just as i mentioned fire a building in the industrial area is burning though since we anticipated fire and crime it is a disaster that is easily prevented zoning areas for districts is a good way to control policies in that particular district or the meantime i will not use any policies unless absolutely necessary however we will utilize districts for altering the low-density residential buildings to self-sufficient buildings from the green cities dlc this is a personal preference i just like the building models of the self-sufficient low-density residential buildings that and they also reduce garbage and power consumption however they do also generate 30 percent less income but money will not be a problem for our city when altering your residential do not zone the entire area completely otherwise they will all be zoned simultaneously rather zoned gradually as a block rebuilds i will continue to grow the district until we reach the next milestone congratulations we are now a tiny town at this milestone we have activated the park life and industries dlc and this is where the real money comes in we have also unlocked landscaping in case we need to terraform some areas but for the meantime i will fast forward until i have completed creating the self-sufficient district area that took a little longer than expected but we made it through don't worry you didn't miss anything in that fast forward it was just a gradual zoning of the district now when it comes to zoning commercial do not zone directly on the intended four-lane road because when we finally upgrade that road all buildings zoned in that area will demolish furthermore the four lane road would be subject to high traffic so you should avoid zoning commercial or residential on those main roads notice that we currently have over 100 000 in the bank with a 2 000 weekly income even though we can afford to purchase new buildings or upgrade the roads we will still focus on expanding however i am intentionally not building anything near the banks of the river we still need about 500 000 in the bank before we can start focusing our efforts on the coastlines there is still a lot of space for building up north and on the west side before we need to unlock a new tile or to build on the coastlines we'll start up north but don't forget that we should avoid zoning anything on the intended four-lane main road we will instead continue with our organic grid across from it when constructing your organic grid try to leave a small gap between the block to plant trees though from time to time you should also intentionally create a block with large gaps for high schools cemeteries and other service buildings it appears that we're experiencing some noise pollution near the commercial areas since we have over 100 000 in the bank we can easily afford a hospital to increase the health of our citizens and also deal with the residents suffering from the noise pollution and coincidentally the city is beginning to lack power so this is precisely why using dirt roads in the beginning will save you enough money when there is an emergency purchase a second power plant instead of increasing your power budget to over 100 percent otherwise you will start to lose money now we'll just continue to zone more residential as we expand our organic grid until we reach the next milestone we again have over 100 000 in the bank so i will do some terraforming when our soil availability gets full we will simply level out the coastline to a more flat surface and as level to the water as possible the coastline height is very important if you want your ferro piers and fishing harbors to look realistic another reason why we are not building along the coastline is because i anticipate flooding while we are terraforming we are now a boom town which unlocks another tile and makes buses trams and ferries available but it is still too early to be routing public transportation the population isn't large enough to be experiencing severe traffic our residential demands are beginning to spike up again just look at how excited the sims are to move into our beautiful city we need to prepare more residential zoning areas for the influx of sims and we should also start thinking about where to place schools around the city the european high school takes up up to two times the size of a cemetery so we will need to prepare a large gap for that high school [Music] speaking of cemeteries let's not forget to place down multiple cemeteries around our city be sure to scatter these buildings as much as possible for they do also provide some happiness around their general area i cannot insist this enough that you should prepare multiple areas for cemeteries when a death wave hits you should have a sufficient number of cemeteries to pick up the dead then when it becomes available and affordable you should have a crematorium near every cemetery built to increase the lifespans of your sims add an elder and child care building in the heart of the city take note on the building circumference area that provides the service and engulf as much residential area as possible place the elder and child care buildings right next to each other for maximum efficiency our coffers are beginning to run low with only 18 000 in the bank we soon will need a new inland water treatment plant and landfill much of the success of being a mayor is to anticipate the needs of the city do not be caught without any backup funds in your bank nevertheless if necessary there is always a loan that you can take our city continues to grow and we will simply zone the remaining areas with residential buildings at some point we will run out of area then we will have no choice but to unlock a new tile for expansion if this is your first time here and you like how the city is progressing and has also helped you with your city's gameplay please consider subscribing your views from the beginning to end comments and likes help grow the channel and lets me know that there is an audience who is looking for the content that i'm producing and i also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been watching your kind comments are heartwarming and it inspires me to produce more videos and share my knowledge and experience to help others build their dream city to generate more income we will start our park live zoning and place part gates with paths to direct sims to cross large block gaps this is an efficient way to level up your parks and earn a decent weekly income on the side we will do some minor city park detailing by adding more parked buildings which will provide enough attractiveness to level up and we will also of course continue to zone according to the demands of the city i will let the simulation run until another major event occurs that will require my narrative [Music] we will now begin to educate our citizens by placing down our first elementary school education takes time so don't expect your citizens to be immediately educated when you place down the schools i am instead preparing the citizens to be educated so when we unlock the high density commercial buildings they will be ready to go to work and not have that not enough educated workers icon pop up on your commercial buildings we will also start to upgrade the main roads so it's a little easier on the eyes when looking at the city to help reduce the traffic let's not forget to turn off the traffic lights at the intersections notice how expensive it was to upgrade these roads now realize how difficult it would have been to afford the many buildings that we have purchased if we started with cement or asphalt roads we will add an alternate exit out from the industrial areas so they would stop bottlenecking from the entrance and back out of the city always try to build your industries near the highways to better manage your traffic flow let's add a few more park gates to give our weekly income a boost there's nothing wrong with earning a few bucks by adding a human tollbooth we will not severely exploit this park life trick but just enough for the city to get by and afford more nice things you are the mayor of your city it is completely up to you on how you want to run it and how you want to generate your city income and after we added a few more park gates we easily gained enough visitors to level up now we'll just add a few more of the new park buildings to add attractiveness to the park and it is also about time to fill in the block gaps with trees you can use any tree that you want but i personally like the conifer trees because i like the dark rich green color especially at bird's eye view uh [Laughter] let's take a look at our city's progress at episode 1 in this season 2 series we are earning 3 000 weekly income and we have yet to spike up the city's park entrance fee let's do that now we are earning 1 000 just for the park we are also over halfway until we can zone high density buildings so we need around a little under 3 000 more and our traffic flow is at 95 percent and one of our main goals of our city is to maintain an above 90 traffic flow without the use of any traffic management mods from the beginning to about 100 000 population the city is looking magnificent at tile one this is captain obvious thank you for watching and if you enjoyed the video do express your comments down below and i hope to see you again in the next episode
Channel: Captain_Ahvious
Views: 128,493
Rating: 4.9602838 out of 5
Keywords: Cities Skylines, captain_obvious, captain obvious, capt obvious, capt_obvious
Id: FvwP1t66LWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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