Installation Of Dr Jamal Bryant As Pastor March 10

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[Applause] Jamal look at what Jesus has done then somebody help me and Jamal thank Jesus [Applause] come on can somebody help me thank G [Music] we praise him and blessing and magnifier we esteem him and extol him and honor him we worship Him we adore him and we love him and we love him and we love him and we love him and we love him and we love him because if the truth be told can't nobody do us like Jesus can't nobody do us like the Lord if you know I'm right touch your neighbor and tell them sho nuff you may be singing I cannot describe to you what I'm feeling [Applause] thank you Jesus now show enough thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all the earth you have set your glory in the heavens through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies to silence the foe and the Avenger when I consider the heavens the work of your fingers the moon and stars which you have set in place what is my own kind that you are mindful of them human beings that you even care for them you made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor you made them rulers over the works of your hands you put everything under their feet or flocks and herds animals of the wild the birds of the sky fish of the sea all that swim the paths of the sea Oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all the earth some a touch a couple of people around you and tell them take your place everybody in a room want to pass the Jamal and tell him take your place how many glad you saved is it it's a joy to be a Christian if you were not here this morning with Bishop Ellis preached [Music] [Applause] Misha Murphy we had Church and then the come back tonight and praise God from whom all blessings flow it's fun to be saved I have found nothing better the package that comes with salvation is loaded but tonight the Lord by his Spirit has directed me to deal with the Christians cure for low self-esteem low self-esteem is a demon when you have low self-esteem you don't need an enemy you your own enemy low self-esteem you are defeated before the first round begins with low self-esteem you count yourself out with low self-esteem you block miracles but if you get saved I mean shall not say it'll heal you of low self-esteem it it starts at the top our God has healthy esteem he's omniscient know everything yeah he's omnipotent he's the El Shaddai he got all power he's omnipresent he's everywhere at the same time he said of himself I am the one true and living God beside me there is no other we've got a chance to get hooked up with this God but historically we were blocked we were brought to this country against our will and those who brought us had evil on their minds and in their hearts they decided they could build a country out of nothing and didn't have to work to do it they imported us and they say it they would make us slaves but the noted african american historian benjamin quarrel says that no we were not participants in slavery we were participants in manumission the evil in this land introduced a form of slavery that the world had never seen before for the first time legislatively they declared we were less than human finders Cavill livestock and on top of that they declared we had no soul work us to build our stuff to build their stuff with no pay and then throw us away in order to make us docile and pliable they had to attack us at the level of our self-esteem so they took our names they took our language they took our history they had it me but somebody made a mistake I don't know who made the mistake I don't know when they made it the historians don't record it but some body made a mistake they left the door cracked they left the window open somewhere the cracks of the floorboards of the slave house our name got in does anybody know that name can you tell me the name you know the name can you shout the name thought those hands and cry thank God for Jesus this Jesus was the son of the Living God like father like son he had healthy self-esteem st. John 14 and 6 records him saying I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by me he had healthy self-esteem and those that they had prepared for the Ashi of history found out this Jesus had said something about them get Jesus that they've been calling us and and boy Blackie would you repeat again what we heard you said about us you are the light of the world you are the salt of the earth [Music] the light shine earth in darkness and the darkness can't put it out when you show up the lights come on somebody got healed tonight because your light was on you didn't think you were doing much but when Murphy asked you to praise the Lord and you went to praising the Lord somebody crawled in here out of depression and joy bells began to ring and they had to shield their eyes when they saw the light I saw I saw the light praise God I saw the light you are the salt of the earth you bring flavor this land be without us you bring flavor you are the salt of the earth the whole nation imitates saved saints you are the light of the world you are the salt of the earth and this eighth psalm backs up the kingdoms remedy for low self-esteem will you allow me to execute the text Oh Lord our Lord how excellent how majestic is your name out of the mouths of children and babies you calls praise that silences your enemies but when I consider the rest of your creation when I consider the heavens the Sun the Moon the Stars low self-esteem creeps in and I keep asking myself what am i that you would care about me the perfection of the Sun the perfection of the Moon the stars in the night and I keep thinking about my imperfection I keep dealing with my faults and my failures and my mistakes and my errors they never let you down they keep rising and setting on time but I keep thinking about the times I've disappointed you one thing in public another thing in private what what what am i that you would think about me Who am I that you would use me low self-esteem Who am I who are my parents Who am I where did I go to school Who am I I make my self sick sometimes Who am I preach one thing and liver another thing and you know it Who am I Who am I that you would use me and the kingdom says that's the plea of low self-esteem and the Lord through the psalmist answers those of us who suffer with the malady of low self-esteem and here it is made you [Applause] ah did I did you hear what I did you hear what I did you hear what I just said God is trying to speak over you talking about you can't do this because they won't give me a break and I can't get this because they pay no attention to me and you don't know how dysfunctional my family is and you don't know what I've had to go through and God keeps trying to yell over your low self-esteem I made you a little lower come on come on pull on your neighbor and tell them the Lord made you a man but before you can pull on him cuz I saw a lot of you didn't pull on him cuz you ain't sure what did your own self and say the Lord made me and he used no recyclables God made me God said I made you a little lower than the Angels that's what God said you stand up at night you stabbing your ownself in the back you disqualifying your own self you given yourself excuses to be mediocre you given yourself rationalizations to come in last and God says I made you up I made you and I made you a little lower than the Angels this perfect God makes the Sun the moon and the star see in the birds of the air every crawling thing every creeping thing but God saved his best for last how in the world do you think you survived 400 years of this manumission still rolled in you're right man still got opportunity and chance I made you a little lower than the Angels and then I crowned you I crown you with glory are you listening to me tomorrow I crown you with honor do you hear me new verse and I made you i crowned you with glory and honor that means I put me in you glory can you see the glory of God in me look around look around can you see his glory in this room I made you and I use myself as the blueprint I didn't want you to come up short so I use myself I made you in my image and after my likeness that's why I given you glory hallelujah you've got glory that means you've got God in you don't count yourself out if you're saved because you if you count yourself out and you're saved you owning God out hallelujah I don't care how far you've fallen I don't care how much you messed up I don't care how much dirt you gotten on yourself under all of that mess there's some God in there come on throw up those hands and shout go the Spirit of God is in me love is in me the glory kindness is in me glory glory that's why he said I only need two or three thank God for this multitude but he said I've all I need two three if two three of you get together in my name I'm showing her cuz you got the glory hallelujah I have two three got the glory what to see your people got you don't think God satisfied for you to show up and clap your hands and rock to a song and go back home without changing the atmosphere you've got the glory and honor that's integrity glory and honor I built you with integrity fairness amen Tannis honesty amen people say judge not as she be just say shouldn't judge forty-five I don't judge it you just tell me do you see integrity honesty fairness love kindness but he can't be redeemed hallelujah oh he got to do is get saying God says through the psalmist I made you a little lower than the Angels then I crowned you with glory and honor and after making that major investment into your life I expect you to take your place amen my son my son didn't didn't graduate from high school and the teachers sent for me and they said to me Rembrandt we got a problem your son can't decide whether he won't be Martin Luther King or Billy Murphy I said well I think he both of them I got elected a bishop and took him on to West Africa with me over there he announced to me he was going to Morehouse and I said to him be reasonable [Applause] I said to him you messed around in school you got to get the GED and they're not gonna let a GED in Morehouse the teenager said to the new bishop when will you begin to have confidence in the goddess in me [Applause] and with a GED he got in the more house [Applause] sometimes you got the time over family [Applause] sometimes you got to climb over schoolteachers you've got to have confidence in the god that is in you and make up in your mind that when God made you he did not make you for the tale he made you for the head he wouldn't have sent his son to a rugged cross to die for you to be nothing and nobody gird up your loins and take your place in the name of Jesus don't you dare rationalize being at the end of the line you get yourself out of the end of that line and go to the front where the dreamers stand who believe they have a God who can make a way out of no way come on come on come on touch a couple of people and tell them take your place take your place take your place in the name of Jesus take your place take your place but but the psalmist teaches us well the biblical historians teach that this is a very old song that in its origin it was written with the focus on the king they referred to the king as our God and so when the psalm was first been they were referencing the Davidic King Oh Lord our Lord how excellent but the historians say that this was a pre exile song before the Exile the King became full of himself so take your place but don't get a big head [Applause] take your place but don't ever make the mistake and think you know more than God when they came back from exile they switched the focus of the psalm from the king to the king of kings amen don't panic when you fall off times even when it's your fault do not throw yourself on the dump heap of life sometimes the Lord has to let you fall in order to bring you to your senses and so I come tonight with a warning for Jamaal Harrison Bryant and a warning for New Birth Baptist Church don't let God think that he cannot afford to bless you sometimes it seemed to me God messes up by blessing us I want to take my place I want to be the CEO I want my family together I want a six-figure income I want my children to excel God says yes yes yes yes yes but can I afford to do it if I let you get a PhD will you still shout if I let you be the CEO of your own corporation will you still praise me and so the psalmist tells us how to do it how to do it wake up to your greatness wake up to what God has done for you wake up to the promises of God clean your promises hallelujah but don't go very far without thanking him when you find yourself saying more and more you're on dangerous ground hallelujah oh but when you can say the Lord woke me up this morning thank you Lord the Lord that's my son bless my daughter thank you lord [Applause] I am so excited about this marriage Jamal a.m. and lubbers Baptist Church I am so excited I have friends who call me to comfort me I had to let him know I'm so happy when Jesus said Lord that they might be one and I began to ask myself what would the church look like if we became worn hallelujah and all of us have to work to climb out of our closets and let God's cosmic Kingdom will be done I'm on my side AME daddy am me and daddy and me and I'm saying come on Jamal I said well he asked me what what you think daddy I said ain't don't matter what I think it what did the Lord say he said well I see the Lord opening every door in that direction I said well there ain't nothing else to say and then some of the good Baptist brothers say you gonna hair who preach my daddy ain't your daddy or hear me we're all God's children get together one time one time one time take your place boy shine take your church Church shine let it shine let it shine give God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you may be seated as we give God thanks for this glorious day and for the marvelous things he's done already in our iives our hearts are filled with joy and we give expressions of gratitude to God for how he is kept and sustained and built a hedge around this church during a very critical period as we make our way now to the final aspect of this celebrative occasion before we proceed now with the act of installation and the covenant of installation we must force first of all for a brief celebration for the life the work the ministry and the legacy for Bishop Eddie L just before you take your seats just before you take your seats we must pay a debt of gratitude for the strength the tenacity and the commitment to his legacy and this ministry of his widow Vanessa Lowe [Applause] when I stood before you for the homegoing service of our brother I asked the new birth church to please be kind and to take care of his widow thank you new birth by eating to our adults and now we come to the celebration of the installation for the one who will lead this church into the next season of grace and glory dr. Jamaal Harrison please take your seats and we shall proceed now with the charge to the church that will come from Bishop Dennis Proctor on the charge to the pastor that will come from Bishop Rudolph McKissick jr. one AME and one Baptist if I don't correct that and say AME Zion I can't go back home the Bible is replete with allegorical references of the relationship between pastor and people two of the most prolific references sheep and Shepherd bride and bridegroom your father mr. Bryant just talked about a marriage between pastor and people the past 12 weeks everyone has referred to this relationship as a honeymoon don't be deceived this is not how it will continue an unnamed literary critic said the most misleading line in all of literature reads and they lived happily ever after you have to ask yourself what what happened did the prince lose his charm did Cinderella trade in her glass slippers for run over house shoes did her head rag and his do-rag cool the embers of the marital bed or did they suffer from what barbara tuchman called the illusion of permanence that what you were you always would be a pause and I think of this marriage because I want to ask has anybody checked the compatibility quotient we've heard a bit Bishop McKissack told me don't talk too much about the pastor because that's what he's gonna do but I've got to let you know that I had to look at the quotient side-by-side Jamal Harrison Bryant anointed check Jamaal Harrison Bryant innovative check Jamaal Harrison Bryant compassionate check new birth innovative check loving and compassionate check so creative that other ministries mimicked and so it was pressing in my spirit but they gave me a limited amount of time to challenge and charge the congregation to charge you to do at least three things the first have a mind to work to see all that this church has accomplished the buildings are just physical manifestation but to see how you have impacted the kingdom Nehemiah 4 says that when the people have a mind to work there is nothing that cannot be done they can convince laid-off federal employees that their job was just a resource but God was the source when they have a mind to work they can pay the bail to get inmates out of jail if they have a mind to work they can feed 5,000 on Superbowl Sunday because they have a mind to work if you're a member of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church will you raise your hand and repeat after me pastor we have a mind to work but you can't just stop with work because you may become guilty of the seduction of good works and therefore put premise II and what you do as opposed to who you are st. Augustine tells us that the greatest of all sins is to do the right thing for the wrong reason so we must be people with a heart to pray because there's only through prayer that we can have unanimity of spirit prayer produces in a congregation both unison and harmony at the same time Bishop Ellis preached this morning about Manasseh and Ephraim Manasseh whose name means you have caused me to forget forget that there was a famine forget the pain that we've been through prayer teaches us that for the believer pain and struggle is not punishment it's development and so we must be as a congregation of people with a heart to pray if you remember would you elevate your hand and say pastor we commit to have a heart to pray but you can't stop there final dimension not just to have a mind to work a heart to pray but a hand to give we were trying to move from one place to other everybody wanted to stop and take a selfie with dr. Jamal Harrison Brady Woods everybody but before you put the phone down pull up cash app push pay Pay Pal because every vision needs provision and God has so orchestrated that men and women shall give from their bosom so as excited as we are we have been challenged to give motivation to the vision if you remember please stand if you believe in all that we've heard you elevate a hand toward this soon to be installed pastor you've got to mean this in your spirit see pastor we have a mind to work pastor we have a heart to pray pastor we have a hand to give and this we will do in the name of Jesus and right now there are those who are here who are watching and said oh that's just a bunch of talk talk is cheap how do you know that they're going to do what you just said and there was a wise man in a community young precocious young fellows like a young teenage Jamaal went to him and said they say you know about everything and he says I don't know everything but I do know some things and the leader of the group came with his hands behind his back had a little canary in his hand he said well tell me this is this canary in my hand living or dead the old man knew that if they said it was alive he would squeeze the life out of the canary and show him the dead body you were wrong he said he was dead the young man was going to throw up his hands and the canary would fly away so the old man stood there for what seemed to be an eternity of time and he looked at his Inquisitor said young man the answer is in your hand and he turned and walked away pastor people if you will become what eyes haven't seen and ears haven't heard to the exceeding abundantly level it's in your Hey [Applause] I'm going to ask my brother if he would stand for me I had the opportunity to do this for many spiritual sons and spiritual daughters never for my best friend and I stand here today not because that's who I am but because I believe God has assigned me to speak a few things to you as I charge you today in this new assignment two words come to mind Jamal authenticity and integrity because where there is no authenticity there is no fidelity because God is violated by your perpetration always have authenticity always have integrity there is no fidelity without integrity because without integrity you'll be careless and casual in character satisfied with performance loose with relationships be authentic I'm reminded of Saul talking to David and Saul said to David you can't do this because of this and because of that and there are many who are saying you can't do this you're not able to pass through these people because you're not Baptists you're not able to pass to these people because am me ordained you but you've got to be like David the first thing about his authenticity was he refused to try to walk in somebody else's arm God has uniquely deposited something in you some people will attempt to not disrespect Saul and put it on anyway not realizing that by trying to not disrespect Seoul you disrespect your own anointing stand in your anointing God has not called you to walk in anybody's footsteps has not called you to feel anybody shoes he's called you to be Jamal Harrison Brian you be authentic then David decided that new challenges Jamal don't need new weapons he went back and got the rocks that had always worked for him I charge you today my brother God's given you rocks that have already worked for you rocks that saved young people with the n-double-a-cp rocks that founded a church in Baltimore Maryland and thousands were saved rocks that allow you to preach all across this world and people are saved you use the rocks that have always worked you don't need tricks you got rocks you don't need manipulation you've got rocks and above all you've got the rock this rock is Jesus yes he's the one you stand on that rock I leave you my beloved with three things love the people love them unconditionally don't love the ones that love you it's easy to love folk you like it takes maturity to love the folk you don't like love the people lead the people one author has said that we should lead in such a way that the people that don't know God but no you get to know God because they know you love the people lead the people liberate the people Jamal you are an ebony Emancipator God has given you a prophetic voice not like the pimp prophets of today who seek to fill their coffers but God has given you a prophetic voice to liberate the oppressed so my brother preach preach until there is a holy wedlock between spiritual salvation and social liberation preach until you become the conscience of the Empire and the consciousness of those oppressed by the Empire preach truth to power till those who feel disenfranchised know that they are made just a little lower than the Angels but above all preached Jesus black power is in the midst of that but preached Jesus sociology is in the midst of that but preach Jesus preach in such a way that Bishop Eddie Long will hush the Angels people for helping and tell the angels watch this watch this watch this bless you not Robin [Applause] [Music] beloved brethren in Christ we are meeting here today in the name of the Almighty God to install dr. Jamaal Harris and Bryant as senior pastor of the new Birth Missionary Baptist Church dr. Bryant will you stand now please the Lord Jesus said whosoever would be great among you must be your servant and whosoever would be first among you must be a slave to all for the son of man also came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many dr. Bryant you have been chosen and set aside to serve as senior pastor of the new Birth Missionary Baptist Church now in the presence of God and this congregation it is necessary that you should answer in all sincerity of heart the questions I now ask of you do you believe in one God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit do you confess a new Jesus Christ as your personal Savior do you believe that you were called of God through this church to serve this congregation as its senior pastor and do you promise independence of divine grace as you leave this congregation to live a life worthy to which you have been called you've been called to preach and teach the Word of God to baptize new converts administer the sacraments and to Shepherd the flock of God do you promise to execute your duties with all fidelity decency spirituality and good sound judgment by the grace of God I will endeavor so to do do you promise to serve this congregation of faithfully all along with the leadership of no birth seek to fulfill the Mandate of this church by the grace of God I will endeavor so to do as senior pastor of new birth Missionary Baptist Church do you pledge to be diligent in the reading and studying of God's Word faithful in prayer and sensitive to the voice of God as he gives instructions for the direction and plans he has for you in this congregation how will they never endeavor so to do the Lord being my helper then dr. Jamaal Harrison Brian you are now free to address the congregation at this time you may turn and face them al-jamal harrison brian pledge to you the leadership and people of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church my willingness to serve you and your families as Paris acknowledged the call of God on my life into the sacred gospel ministry and I'm satisfied they're serving this congregation at this time in this capacity is the will of God from our life I pledged to be true and faithful to this call then may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus the great Shepherd of the Sheep he gonna be you with everything good that you may do his will working in you that which is pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ our Lord amen do you the members of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church having heard the statement from dr. Brian acknowledge and receive Jamal Harrison Bryant as senior pastor and will you work together with him support and pray for him in the discharge of all of his duties if so will the members of new birth signify their ascent by standing to your feet dr. bride you may kneel now I will come down and lay hands upon him along with six others who are programmed to do so and while we are laying hands upon him Bishop Kenneth Alma will lead in the ordinate in the induction prayer and so father we lift up to you your son you made him you know all about it you called him before he came forth from his mother's womb and we simply affirmed that what you have ordained before the foundation of the world and we pray a hedge of protection around him Oh God get in front of him order his steps navigate his path lead him in paths of righteousness Oh God come along beside him and guard him and protect him from the schemes and the wiles of the enemy Holy Ghost get behind him and push him when he gets weary and push him when he gets tired and push him when he gets to his courage Oh father we ask that you would be beneath him to sustain him and hold him up when he gets weak and tired hold him up as a demonstration of your power your power to heal your power to deliver your power to set free and then Oh God cover him from above protect him from the wild and the darts of the enemy that would come upon him and then Lord fill him afresh with the power of the Holy Ghost stand up in him speak through him use him for your glory but most of all we acknowledge that he's still in your hand in your hand a favor he's in your hand of love he's in your hand of forgiveness he's in your hands of cleansing and God used him for your glory call sinners from the north south east and west to come to this place where their power and anointing of the Spirit of God shall rest in this place and we thank you for what you're going to do even before you do it and we give you praise and honor and glory in the name Jesus if you believe that come on help me praise the Lord for this man of God in Jesus name [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] new birth receive your new pastor Bishop Jamal Allison it gives me great pleasure to officially induct you now as the new pastor of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church let God give you the grace to carry out your duties you know take you see come on the worth give him a hand as he takes her seat [Applause] [Applause] can we just can we just pause for a moment and raise our hands in the presence of the Lord [Music] let's just worship just a moment god almighty rain come on church one voice [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] somebody put your hands together and give Allah praise one more time come on you can do better than that the Spirit of the Lord is your the Spirit of the Lord is here you can do better than that come on just let's let's seal this moment with our praise now come on let's let's seal this moment with our praise now let's let's seal this moment with our praise and let's seal this moment with our worship don't stand there with your mouth closed looking around like you don't know what to do come on this room is full of people who do church for a living come on open your mouth and let's just open your mouth and let's just wash up the Lord [Music] and we magnify your name Lord and we magnify your name Lord and we magnify your name Lord come on this church is full of people who knew church for a living come on let's just worship for just a moment come on I want you to worship like you have the microphone I want you to worship like you would want somebody else to worship if you were charging them to worship come on open your [Music] [Music] hallelujah I hear the Lord saying I will do a new thing you I will do this is the word of the Lord to you [Applause] he wears for new birth are you listening what you've been prey info look at your neighbor tell them this no thing shall be denied y'all still looking at me okay all right then come on say the Lord let's move on y'all go won't this let's move on come on dr. Kirwan Lee is coming after that mrs. Flossie Varner is coming after that Delta keep stand back is coming dr. Bryan is is in place and glory to Jesus they're coming now with our presentations let's put our hands together and give Jesus just another break you may be seated I have been asked to present the Bible to dr. Bryan dr. Bryant will you stand and come forward please I say to you today as I present this Bible that this Bible is to be prioritize this Bible is to be internalized and this Bible is to be utilized let it be prioritized primarily commentaries are good law goes for five other books by authors are good but may this book be prioritized primarily and then made this book be internalized personally don't be guilty of trying to feed to others what you haven't digested yourself and then finally may this book be utilized and may it be utilized weekly and if when you give the best of your service telling the world that the Savior is gone be not dismayed when people won't believe you he'll understand and he'll say well duh the Word of God [Applause] of new birth please stand all new verse members dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant the ring symbolizes a covenant between us and you in biblical times the ring represented status and power and served as a seal today dr. Bryant we seal this thing we the new birth family acknowledge you as our pastor our Shepherd our spokesperson our conductor of the word our engine our authority and our covering this is our seal worn on your finger as a reminder always that we stand with you and a reminder to you that you are God's and in him we trust we love you we thank you and so new Birds repeat after me pastor Bryant we take our place we're in the right church at the right time with the right best [Applause] I'm gonna ask the membership to remain standing I'm here to give the presentation of the keys to the church amen amen [Applause] dr. Brian Keyes referenced in the Word of God represent power authority and the ability to lock and unlock things it's referenced in Isaiah and it's also referenced in the Book of Revelations keys also represent trust you wouldn't give keys to your house to somebody you didn't trust the keys here to this church are the keys to a legacy they are the keys to a movement keys to a revolution they are the keys to God's great church that we all call new birth as we place the keys of this building in your hands we are trusting you we are trusting you with the vision we are trusting you to Shepherd the people and we're trusting you to love live and lead like rice as a church we are praying for God's perfect will to be done in your life and that of your family as pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church we stand with you as you lead the people out of the darkness into the kingdom of God we commit to assisting you fulfill and carry forward the vision that was established by a great late apostle Bishop Eddie L long realizing that greater works you will do greater works you will do greater works he will do in the name of Jesus pastor Bryant on behalf of Missionary Baptist Church we give you the keys to God's house [Applause] well Saints will y'all help me receive apostle IV Hilliard he's going to come and lead us in our giving for tonight come on let's appreciate the men of God he's coming well glory to God a man a man a man praise the Lord you maybe see that you may be seated to this great pastor and all of our symbol what a time we've had already amen and it's offering time let's try that again let's try that again let's try to have again it's offering time one more time it's offering time this this has been an awesome occasion and awesome time the charge was given by and AME bishop the charge was given by a Baptist guy and then the the prayer was prayed by a non-denominational guy and now they got a word of faith got up here to receive the offering we all want praise the Lord all right now I need everybody give me your attention we're not gonna be long but I just wanna I want us to be given a faceless if I can just get you to hold off just second just ashes just hold off just second just second I want everybody to focus real quickly real quickly I want everybody to understand the opportunity about the opportunity we have a rare opportunity today a rare opportunity and listen opportunity does not knock but stand silently and weeds to be recognized and normally goes unnoticed because initially it looks like an unfair exchange so many times someone has to explain the opportunity and the opportunity that we have today is we have an opportunity to sow to invest to give in the launching of a ministry the launching of a ministry and and that's that's rare in the Bible and when it's done in the Bible we see incredible things happening now God always is indeed when people give to men and women of faith he has men and women of faith he always he's endeared to those who will do that I learned this years ago by before I became a senior pastor I was studying a Bible and I saw it and without anybody having to asked me I start giving to my man of God I start giving and the favor of God came on my life favor is the willingness of others to use their power their ability and their influence to help you so when I give an offering the Bible says and God is able that's in answer Corinthians chapter 9 and verse 8 and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work so forgiving we're expecting this grace that we can see in the Bible when a person gives after launching of a ministry we look at Peter the Bible says Jesus launching his ministry asked Peter if he let him use his boat and when he did then Jesus turns to Peter and addresses the Lac in his life and Peter at the end of the day had a boat load of fish when Elijah was launching his ministry on Mount Carmel well that was the widow at first in first Kings chapter 17 she supported him at the launching of his ministry and y'all know the story the famine affected everybody but her because increase came to her house so I want you as we give tonight I want you to give expecting increase to come to your house expecting God to do something supernatural favor abounding toward you that God will raise up somebody somewhere to use their power their ability and their influence to help you how many need favor in their lives tonight oh yes praise the Lord well that's why this is an opportunity everybody shout opportunity now always free when God asked me to be in something like this to to talk to his people inspires people and giving because I want to know what he wants me to do and so as I prayed about it here's what we want to do we really want to bless the man of God I need a better a man than that what's this and take advantage of this opportunity got to me at the end of last year he says I'm raising a paymaster's I said huh he says I'm raising up a masters people who will hear my voice and quickly obey as it relates to distributing blessings somehow and he turned me to Luke 6:38 giving it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over what's this shall men give into your bosom so in order for people to be blessed in the earth it's got to come through the hands of somebody and God says I'm looking for people who will be Swift to obey me when it comes to them distributing resources now listen think about this this is so powerful this thing I think about this the latter part of that verse in Luke 6:38 says and with the same measure you measure it out that's the way it comes back so if I'm Swift to obey Him guess what's gonna happen my return will be Swift as well so I'm believing for an accelerated return on the seed that I'm sowing tonight I want you to release your faith on and except for an accelerated term return on the gift you're gonna give tonight amen now I've asked the Lord as I prayed how I should approach this and I'm lost giving me an anointing to do this I'm so excited to be here can hardly wait to get here to talk to you all day man listen here's what we're gonna do I am believing for catalysts giver there by say catalyst catalyst now catalyst is something that starts reaction and the reaction that we want here in the house is the spirit of generosity and liberality ever I say catalyst give us and so I am going to believe I am believing for Lord hope me told me to believe 420 catalyst givers who give $1,000 tonight God ain't talking to you all I need you to do is be an agreement with me that those who do have it will get it okay let's try that again I'm not I'm gonna ask for my cat let's give us and I just need you to be in agreement God loves what kind of a giver not cheerful you go to a ballgame you don't see people standing around looking like they've been baptized and pickle juice a cheerful Giver is a person who is excited about the opportunity amen so Naaman said one more time then I want to hear how you're in agreement with me for my 20 now God always does exceeding abundantly above all I ask the thing he always does I remember I was i receiving an offering and woman I would loose one year and just come back there at the end of the week and the Lord told me to release my faith for ten people to give $10,000 hmm no I said because this is great meeting and it's a great meeting but Naugle not always a great given meeting you know not a down but ten thousand dollars at the end of the week I obeyed God 23 people rushed the altar Amen if I say God already knows what he's going to do all I want you to do tonight is oh babe God and we talked about my cat let's give us so how many Catalans give us am i believing for how many I'm believing for 20 are you in agreement with me can I be getting a big hand clap for those who you agree yes amen amen now I'm going to pray and then I'm going to ask my cat let's give us to do what I need them to do father and Jesus saying thank you for this time of giving and thank you for this opportunity and we can see in your word father that when we give at the launching of a ministry we can see that father you caused accelerated increase supernatural increase to come into the lives of those who participate so as we participate tonight lord I thank you my lord you put in my heart to ask for who will boldly give $1,000 tonight at the launching of this endeavor and I think your father I thank you for each one of them in Jesus name and we thank you Father that this will be a blessing to your mana God in Jesus name and a blessing and anointing will rest on this house in Jesus name Amen and amen now how many I said we're believing for we believe for 20 well my wife and now we're gonna give two pushes I'm gonna let you go just a minute just a minute just let let's go listen my wife and I'm we're going to we're gonna be we don't give mm so we're already we only leave 18 more are y'all in agreement with me from 18 all right so let's if you will be one who will give $1,000 tonight as one of my catalyst give us soul the spirit of liberality can flow through the house and we'll have a supernatural offering I need you to stand to your feet now I need you to stand to your feet hey listen what I need you to do is meet me down front come down front and those of you who may want to get y'all just come here I want I want I want dr. Brian to see my cat let's give us amen come on let's celebrate them as they come celebrate them as they come celebrate them as they come just this one this one this one just hold on come on let's celebrate them as they come come on let's celebrate them as they come let's celebrate them as they come let's celebrate them hallelujah amen amen amen blow read praise the Lord all right all right all right all right all right now hi Vanessa we'll be leaving for 20 we're gonna count everybody off and and now so I need to just raise your hand so let me count us off so we can see those are just raise your hand I'm a council sorry so I'm already I'm - all right three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 [Applause] rude I can't do right yeah but this is from his his father Bishop mckissick senior and he said 29 was that winner well 30 this is Bishop Samuel Greene who had to leave and he said listen what you gonna ask for and I told him he's who he wrote his check out real quick so that's 30 I was a 31 praise the Lord did I count you did eurasia 32 33 34 if I say obey God obey God anybody else anybody else anybody else all right well my knife what my count was 35 that's 36 oh that's 35 all right all right all right that's 36 37 we're so close to 40 y'all come on everybody say stretch stretch all you got to do is obey God here man that witness that you have on the inside that witness that you have on the inside all right that was one already that already countdown all right just stand in faith for these other three that is that adapt oh that's that's just way my way my count that's 38:39 glory to God is that 40 coming here that's 40 come on y'all a shout on this if I say obey God obey God amen amen amen praise the Lord Amen now all right I just could you come up here did y'all come ready to give y'all everybody up here ready to give I says I need y'all to come and and okay yeah y'all can do it electronic and all that you and give it a new birthday dog you can give and push pay cash app give the fire and envelopes I'm gonna need an envelope up here need an envelope Oh y'all ready y'all yeah y'all need envelopes uh sure thank you praise the Lord come on let's shop now let's shop let's chop if you're ready to give and you that's my pastor that's my pastor y'all know y'all know I'm no longer the pastor new like Church my successor is my daughter and she's doing an incredible job and she's in line giving her thousand dollars to throw away that God all right yes all right so fingers gonna put your money in there now amen let's celebrate these men of God let's celebrate all of them amen amen amen praise the Lord now now something about something I'll put cash up here if y'all wanna envelope to record your cash that'd be good too amen okay they need I need something I need some help they need to swipe with their car that credit card how to redo that is that on the envelope y'all don't laugh at me I'm sensitive I think if you get a given get an envelope and the ushers ain't gonna move not eat this okay watch this listen to me listen to me we're not buying blessings just being obedient you can't give $1,000 if you don't have it you got it but that doesn't cancel your being a kingdom paymaster by obeying God at the level where you are so now listen if you can do a hundred or more I want you to stand do a hundred or more do a hundred dollars or more come on let's stand let's celebrate them all over 100 or more let's celebrate them come on come on come on praise the Lord amen amen if I say obey God obey God hallelujah amen praise the Lord all right now you may be seated you may be seated and then I'm gonna let the ushers just go after y'all now you'll give your best seat tonight your best sieved your best thing you may not have a hundred and we're not buying blessings whatever witness you have in your heart as your sacrifice but you're gonna do something tonight would you stand we have to celebrate everybody whatever it is I'm not I'm not trying to ask you what it is but God sees your obedience just like he sees the obedience of others that's a couple in my church one time gave two pennies in our offering and it turned their lives around that's all they had that's all they had so don't discount your seed because you didn't have a hundred dollars or he didn't have a thousand dollars don't discount this moment you got to understand God is looking at your obedience hallelujah come on can we celebrate them all right you may be seated ashes attack amen Russians give everybody an envelope and then we're gonna make our confession before we receive Amen hallelujah amen amen make your checks payable to new birth amen and again you can give do gibla fine push pay cash out and you cash up is um new birth now hashtag new birth now you can give online a new birth org everybody do something amen and then have the expectation that because you're giving like they gave in the Bible at the launching of a new ministry that God's going to respond to you like he did the VIP increase is coming to your house favor coming your way that God is raising up somebody somewhere to use their power their ability and their influence to help you things will not remain as they have been there's a supernatural change taking place because of your obedience hallelujah amen amen amen repeat after me because I'm a giver men give to me good measure pressed down shaken together and running over I believe God is raising up somebody somewhere to use their power their ability and their influence to help me I'm so in my seat I'm releasing my faith and life for me will never be the same give the Lord another shout out won't you hallelujah amen I see envelopes that are raised so Russia's you know there if you just raise your envelope but if you were not served Russians will definitely come back and receive it from you got to get your seed in the ground let me thank all of the men of God and who who was prompt in their giving tonight amen praise the Lord come on if you're expecting great things let's just give God praise one more time thank you apostle we've had so many important partnerships and sponsors who have helped to make tonight a possible will you help me thank God for the Allen Institute tonight come on help me thank God for them for infinity of South Atlanta y'all just keep clapping while I call their names Atlanta luxury rentals SL brands the economic empowerment initiative Bentley of Atlanta Water for Life six five zero six and imprint USA will you help me think up one more time for all of our sponsors who helped to make tonight a special night well this is what we've come for tonight will you help me receive the new pastor of the new Birth Missionary Baptist Church let's receive him dr. Jamal Harrison Brian come on let's thank God for him he's coming I'm sorry before he comes there's a presentation coming from the official board this is our co-chair of course the chairman is a mr. Tommy Dortch but let's receive a mr. Mike Roberts our co-chair he's going to come with the presentation thank you be seated please passion vision fortitude good-looking successful well enough about me we know who that's really about and I come in official capacity as the board of directors I just want to let you know that after two years of searching identifying the perfect person wasn't easy I had the opportunity to go to Baltimore and meet tomorrow and when I set with him and dine with him I could tell that this brother had a certain aura about him he had a certain level of confidence you just don't see in every young man this brother had it together he had already been experienced in operating and building a megachurch what we needed was someone who had experience and was ready to work full-time to build the kingdom and this is that man when it was time for us to make the decision we looked at everything and we told him everything we said we have to make sure that you can handle not only the word but the books we want you to be not only a pastor but a CEO because in today's world it is a business and we have to run it like a business but our business is also about giving back to the community and we've already seen in his first 90 days what he can do as a leader to give back to this community earlier today Bishop Ellis gave a premonition the premonition that he was not only going to become great here and in in in Lithonia the cab County Georgia but the whole United States I think I had to take a moment there and I mentioned to him you forgot the rest of the world Bishop said well that's my area I said okay that's fine we need we need somebody who's gonna train them ladies and gentlemen it is the distinct honor that your Board of Directors has identified the right man at the right place and placed him here and there in the right location I am delighted at this moment and I ask you to rise and to let allow me to present to you for the first time officially your new senior pastor s-sir Jamal Bryan and my great fraternity brother as well bless the Lord took out be the glory for the great things he's done if you love Jesus give God a hand clap of praise with you come on he deserves more than that better than that I know it's been a long night if you'll secure your seats for just a few moments we'll all be leaving together our God is an awesome God he reigns from heaven above I just AM quaking even in my stance knowing that he looks beyond all of my faults me too me of my needs I want to thank God for our bishop bishop Neil Ellis for his graciousness in this process new birth come on hadn't he been a wonderful cook mailing presence Thank You Bishop Ellis we're preaching in from to you to this board to our search committee thank you so very much to our deacons and elders and ministers that to the hard-working staff of New Birth give God a hand clap to praise for them our newest staff members help me thank God for minister Jonathan Nelson and Tiffany boom thank you so very much welcome to the family we're grateful I I'm just in awe this is a surreal out-of-body experience for me you don't know what it means for me in this moment to have my father preach my installation sermon Bishop John Richard Bryan help me thank God for my living hero come on and amazing amazing man of God and I am the product of my mother's prayers so many people say somebody prayed for me I know who that somebody is and I'm thankful for Reverend dr. Cecilia Bryant help me thank God for her my only begotten sister dr. Tama Brian Davis it's a clinical psychologist at Pepperdine University won't you please stand I'm honored thank you so very much I'm appreciative for you to the heartbeats outside of my chest grace angel in the door would you please stand I'm thankful for you it for your life for your life 15 years ago I came to preach for Bishop Ellis Bishop Long's conference and I was the youngest person to preach at the conference that week bishop noel jones preached Bishop Jake's pastor fluently preached and I did the afternoon session that we and I got in the limo to go back my church was just three years old I was in a high school auditorium and this was the biggest thing you had ever preached in in my life and I could hardly sleep and could hardly believe that I was going to preach at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church with a motley crew of young adults in Baltimore and Bishop long would give me that opportunity I got in the limo we were coming down Woodrow and I looked at this massive church and saw a car's popped on top of each other it was absolutely amazing it was it was Kwanzaa in Kenya in South Africa all together and I couldn't believe it and at the time I was married 15 years ago and my wife at the time was I'm trying to fix it my was sitting next to me in the limo and I said to her 15 years ago coming down would roll that I'm gonna pass to this church one day and she said to me in the limo God made but don't tell Bishop long because you won't be back amen and I'm just thankful God gave me this call to come and pass in his church and I had two areas of stress one was my father's the previous senior bishop of the AME Church and my relationship with my children caused me tremendous angst as to how I would be present a long distance in so doing and in doing joint partnership I had to have a real conversation on how this could work from Baltimore back to DC she was gracious enough to partner with me to be able to be a father from afar even while coming close and so I wanted to publicly thank God for gizelle Bryant helped me thank God for her for life our witness I'm appreciative - my company brothers thank you so very much for praying me through I'm pinching myself in this moment because I can't believe that this is real there's no way in the world I thought this would happen Dante coming through Baltimore having gotten a GED being kicked out of school failing the 11th grade having a baby out of wedlock going through a divorce the headline of every blog there was no way that I would stand to this place one night one night I couldn't sleep I'm tossing and turning in the middle of this process 138 capable people applied to be in this position and aya Bishop Bryant disqualified myself said that there's no way I um I was being a terrorist of self sabotage that there's no way that this could happen and one night Pastor Claiborne I couldn't sleep and I'm flipping through cable television and I stopped at a channel I never watch which is PBS and in the middle of the night PBS had a show called Antiques Roadshow an antique road show for those of you who have never seen it started in the UK and just came to the United States in 1997 and you find stuff that's in your house and you take it to an appraiser to see whether it's worth anything I'm up in the middle of the night trying to figure out whether I should pull my name from contention to be the pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in a watchin antique road show and an old man found the painting in the basement of his house and brought it to the filming of antique road show and said I have this painting of Andy Warhol and I'm not sure whether it's worth anything because I had it in the basement the appraiser said well what happened while he was in the basement he went through a flood and the appraiser said I know it's been through a flood but can you still see the picture even though it's gone through rain has gone through storm even though it's been sitting in the bottom can you still see the picture everything it's been through the flood and the old man says I can still see the picture and I can still see Andy Warhol's signature he said bring her to me the old man ran back to his truck came back out with the cameras in tow and showed them the picture he said to this old man you don't even know that now the picture is worth more than it was before the flood because it survived the flood it showed its authenticity it showed what it's really made out of and to show you how valuable it is in spite of the storm that it went through you can still see the signature new birth I come to you not as a perfect pastor but I come as a pastor that survived some storms but I'm thankful to say through it all I've learned to trust in Jesus and through it all I've learned to trust in God you can't make me doubt him I know too much about him I can still see the signature of Jesus Christ on my life and for that I give Him glory I give him honor and I give him Thanksgiving lady long thank you for letting me hold up the standard of your husband and let the legacy of your husband and our apostle live forward would you help me thank God for our forever first lady come on give God some praise for her what a wonderful gift I want you to send to your feet we're getting ready to go we're getting ready going just one moment let me tell you the kind of crazy faith that I have I've been here for 12 weeks 12 weeks 1,800 people have walked down this aisle twelve weeks over 1,000 people have given their lives over to Christ here we are on a Sunday night almost at 10:30 and away my faith is built I still believe somebody can get saved tonight where did my faith has set up I still believe somebody can join this amazing church please indulge us visitors y'all don't know better but this is how we roll at new birth that every time we come somebody is gonna come to find Jesus Christ for the pardoning of their sins I don't know where you I don't know who you are but I want to be your pastor more than anything I want Jesus to be your Lord I want new birth to be your church but more than anything I want heaven to be your home if you're looking for a perfect Church you'll never find one but if you want to find a church of people who know the spirit of resilience that the soundcheck of our ministry is you can fall down but you got to get back up again wherever it is that you are I need you to come to me please would you help me thank God for this sister that's coming [Applause] wherever it is that you are would you come quickly please come on come on I've been waiting 12 weeks for you to get here come on would you give God some praise as they come y'all not shouting good new birth you know what we do y'all gonna celebrate here come two more would you give God some glory for it bless the Lord we're thankful under God would you all come in come on come on ain't gonna try to make you fall down come on please I need you to come we get ready to move there three more of you that need to come then three more than need to call me I need you to do it as quickly as you can new birth would you do a roll check for me real quick do a roll check for me real quick ask the people on your row are they saved that's the people around you do they have a church home ask them have they given their lives over to Jesus Christ if they're not here I need you to please corral them coerce them convince them to come come on come on where it is that you are how you gonna play hard to get on a Sunday night hallelujah after all that we've been through y'all to still help your joy still have some peace still have a spirit of expectation people want to go home they tied and you holding up the whole service folk our planes to catch early in the morning you sitting there stubborn like you know you don't want to be a part of us come on you know you want to be with new birth I need you to come come on I need for you to come [Applause] are y'all gonna clamp new birth if you praise them God will send somebody else [Applause] bless his name for those who have come stretch your right hand into faith here comes a family I need y'all to help me thank God for this couple coming [Applause] les is like let's round it off with just one more I'm greedy for God I want everything that God has here's one more I'll tell you what if you come half way I'll come down and meet you the other half I need you to come please I need you to come right where it is that you are if you hair you up and come these women can take their heels off come on please I need you to come right where you are [Applause] are y'all gonna shout newburgh turned it up [Applause] thank you search of right him to faith repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time John in the right church survey only God under the right pastor and I know that's right if you're known right come on say show your right come on Big Ups to the Savior would you give God some praise that you'll come this way Forest please everybody is standing we can better to go home yes thank you no way in the world do you lower she commuting from Charlotte North Carolina come on give God a hand clap of praise for new birth I need you to help me give God glory I don't want to be found guilty of amnesia and forget the bridge that brought me over some of them are here a great number of them are watching online but I want you to help me thank God for my first love which is empowerment temple the AME Church in Baltimore come on I need you come on come on I'm excited about their future they under amazing hands and excited about their next chapter pastor Matthews from the real Church in Denver Colorado is gonna give up in addiction and then we'll go forward and please at the request of our logistical protocol committee we're asking that every one of you after benediction would you take your seats so that our guests clergy in the center and our program participants and those on this side can be laid out in the processional so you've said inset this law a few more minutes won't matter a man so at the conclusion of benediction you may have your seats and they will lead you out at the appropriate time so much has eloquently been saying and stated now there's only a few things left to say the Lord bless and keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and the Lord give each and every one of you peace in Jesus name Amen you may be seated [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 57,463
Rating: 4.757576 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor, pastor jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, installation, march 10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 18sec (7878 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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