🔥 Dr. Jamal Bryant @ Women's Conference (POWERFUL SERMON)

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i only got one key thank you matthew 27 and i want to illuminate for your understanding verses three through five matthew 27 verses 3 through 5. once you found it once you say i got it if you can't find it say lord help me amen the table of contents came free with every bible as you of in malachi come on over to matthew 27 3 through 5. as translated in the new international version hear what is transcribed when judas who had betrayed him saw that jesus was condemned he was seized with remorse and returned the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders i have sinned he said for i've betrayed innocent blood what is that to us they replied that's your responsibility so judas threw the money into the temple and left then he went away and hanged himself i want to preach uh for this our second night of gathering i'm going to preach using as a subject you're going to pay for what you did to me you're going to pay for what you did to me i i need you in a prophetic tone but you just look at the person beside you and tell them they are going to pay for what they did to me oh come on they acting like they haven't been mishandled would you look at somebody on the other side and tell them i promise you this they are going to have to pay for what they did to me if you believe the word of god already i need you to shout about it right now dr b in 1985 alice walker's publication was plastered across theaters with a novel turned movie the color purple the epic odyssey follows the journey of a young lady named celie who's harshly handled at the hands of her father who in turn pimps her out for marriage to a man who we only know as mister he violates her body mangles her mind breaks her heart but never destroys her spirit in the rising climax silly has an epiphany of her own self-worth she pulls out a knife from the kitchen drawer lunges at mister and utters out loud until you do right by me hear this everything you think is going to crumble [Applause] mr albert retorted back who do you think you is you can't curse nobody look at you you're black you're poor you're ugly you're a woman you are nothing at all silly clap back until you do right by me i may be black i may be ugly i may be a woman but everything you think is going to fall i'm going to ask you ladies tonight if you'll notice the consistent theme of her intentionality is that she does not curse his business she doesn't curse the farm she curses i need you to hear me his thoughts second corinthians chapter 10 verse 5 says casting down the imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself over god the inverse of that assault is that everything here this that you imagine because you are blessed is going to win all right it's been a long night you just missed it god is blessing right now the stuff that has not yet come to fruition but has been running through the back of your mind god says before it ever takes shape or hold or evidence it's already blessed the reason why the enemy doesn't know how to attack you is he can only attack that which already exists but i'm talking to 500 women who know i'm giving god glory here's your shout for what i've been thinking about now if you ain't been thinking about nothing don't shout with us but if you've been thinking about your children's future and about your business and about your ministry and about your finances and about your assignment i want you to shout for what you thinking about says touch not my [Applause] anointed and do my servant no harm another translation do my profit no harm i traffic in the prophetic when i live in the now but i am already existing in the next so to be a prophet i don't have to sit on the front row y'all not saying anything for me to be a prophet i don't need a reserve parking space or armor bearer but sometimes i gotta prophesy to myself that may is gonna be better than april i can't hear nobody by next year this time it's going to be pressed down shaken together and writing out he is whoever is an enemy to your dream whoever is throwing up obstacles to your assignment whoever is putting up roadblocks to your destiny tonight they are officially on the hit list of archangels y'all not saying nothing to me you ain't gotta chase nobody down you ain't gotta fight nobody you ain't gotta pull nobody up here's for 50 of you if you hold your peace and let god fight your battle for your victory shell sharon gold sharon golden her work the history and moral progress of philosophy who wrote the autobiography of emmanuel kant the book is entitled unnecessary evil to put it plainly is like the use of harsh words they are like medicine offering healing when no other words are available but if you have other words at your disposal then harsh words are like poison it's like william wilberforce in 1789 who gave his inaugural address to the british parliament speaking on the slave trade declared that the practice of slavery was both inhumane and unnecessary for the british economy unnecessary evil is plotting on the innocent taking advantage of the vulnerable and preying on the impoverished unnecessary evil hear this ladies is wickedness without worth so they were evil and it wasn't even for principle yeah they were nasty and it wasn't vengeance they were exacting not justice but debauchery and so there are some people who were just cruel with intention when you did nothing that warranted or deserved the treatment so you're trying to figure out why in the world are they trying to assassinate your character when you did nothing to them they have pulled together presumptions about who you are here's for five of you and you don't even know them like that you you got folk looking you up and down y'all ain't trying to hear me trying to figure out who you sleeping with and they don't know i sleep by myself i i need 15 of y'all there were folk you tried to be nice to them but they were nasty to you and you trying to figure out what did i do to get you that angry when here's the shout you don't know i ain't got nothin you fight me when all i got is idea all i got is a dream all i got is a gift that hadn't even been unwrapped yet so they um they did all kind of stuff to you and can't believe that you uh that in spite of what you went through you didn't become bitter you should have had an aneurysm a stroke a nervous breakdown your blood pressure should be through the roof you should have serial migraines y'all not saying nothing to me you should have an eating disorder but somehow or another you able to get out the bed every day and you're able to speak to the folk watch this who don't even know you know what they did you able to check on them and you hold no gail you have no discontentment you ain't mad with nobody because the only thing that has kept you sane hear this in the absence of medication in the absence of therapy in the absence of a support group in the absence of a life coach is you had to talk yourself off the ledge and god had to keep reminding you in spite of what they did you ate every day in spite of what they did your children don't need nothing in spite of what they did you are still on track for your assignment exhibit a exhibit a is none other than judas judas who served as the cfo treasurer of the disciples organization um he's uh judas is the accountant uh he's the accountant you're not gonna believe it he he's a an accountant who never submitted for an audit he's um they collected so much money this is not a non-profit uh they're collecting so much money that the irs sends a notification are they gonna pay taxes on this here's what's crazy is that he doesn't even expose himself apostle until he's in the atmosphere of giving. a woman shows up she's not even invited to the dinner party she shows up and pulls out of her bag a bottle of alabaster breaks it at the feet of jesus and then begins to worship him with her hair and judas cop's attitude and says this money should be uh used for something else uh you you got to be careful of people who got an attitude which you're giving i'm i'm not spending your money i'm trying to figure out why you mad about my pledge you ain't saying nothing you you want what i have but you ain't prepared to do what i had to do to get to where i am you got an attitude over my sacrifice him he's got an attitude over the sacrifice and um and what's crazy is john chapter 12 verse number six exposes that he's a thief he he has access to the bag and he keeps making withdrawals whenever he wanted it so for us to discover in matthew 26 he is the one i need you to hear this bible says he is the one who approached the publicans and he asked them how much will you give me if i disclose the location of the master it is in fact the personification of unnecessary evil why because he didn't need the money he wasn't seduced he wasn't tricked he wasn't enticed and here's why um patches of your hair are left on the pillowcase um here is why you stressed out and um you fasting while they eating you um you praying while they watch tv this is why uh you you've been able to exist on five and a half hours of sleep you you don't watch every episode of law and order criminal minds y'all ain't saying nothing to me you checking the phone and ain't no alerts going off you because you can't figure out for the life of you why would they do this to me why why why would they do it to me when um when they didn't even have to lie y'all um they didn't have to i would have forgave them for the truth [Applause] oh god i can't hear nobody here they didn't have to cheat you you never withdrew your affection they didn't have to manipulate you you you gave generosity without stipulations and so people who don't know your story well think you're arrogant people who don't know what you had to deal with think you standoffish and they got no idea in this season of my life i ain't got time to play with grown-ups y'all y'all if you don't like me don't speak to me if i can't i got enough friends i don't need negroes running in and out of my house i don't need my phone ringing all day long i am okay taking myself out to eat i don't need to play with folks i don't have the time i don't have the energy and i don't have the strength to be phony can i talk to five women if you want to know me you ain't got to pray look at my face you gonna know when i ain't happy y'all ain't saying nothing you can tell when i'm getting ready to go off you better leave me alone and don't push it no further i'm saved but i still cuss and i'm trying to be better than what i used to be i don't understand unnecessary in matthew 27 elbow the sister decided to tell him pray for me here [Applause] sound tech put it back where it was thank you in matthew 27 first thing in the morning matthew 27 first thing in the morning they came together and watch what happens after um after judas sells jesus out in matthew 27 first thing in the morning they came together and they had jesus bound not only do they have him bound but they have him led away imagine the irony the contradiction of this picture that the liberator is in bondage and that's what convicted judas is seeing jesus in handcuffs i'm going to say this to some sister i don't know where you are but you better tear that row up god sent me from atlanta just to tell 15 of you you don't look right struggling y'all really ain't gonna say nothing to me you you two fly to have to be asking somebody for help you ain't supposed to be bound when i'm you you you you you you you being in a bind don't don't match your swag that that car don't even look like you y'all ain't saying nothing to me that furniture ain't even your taste that that dress ain't even new you don't learn how to accessorize but god said because you've been faithful over a few things before labor day gets here i'ma make you ruler over manny [Applause] now if if the last 18 months has not been a struggle the last two years you ain't had your head up against the wall if in the last season you ain't had to rob peter to pay paul i don't need you to shout for us but those of y'all who this year you'd have made up your mind i am god's runway model for what favor looks like that even when i didn't have the money i had the grace on my life for god to cover me [Applause] he saw him he saw jesus in handcuffs and he got convicted [Applause] um where they taking jesus they got him in handcuffs and they're leading him to the governor ladies i want you to know for where you are going you can't afford to be bound you have a meeting in the next 72 days with somebody of influence y'all didn't hear what i just said i said in the next 72 days god is going to usher you into the presence of somebody who can write a check for your idea in the next 72 days god is going to escort you to the president of companies and banks and nationalities and organizations and you ain't got to do nothing but be yourself because of the anointing that rests [Applause] when when judas saw his condition he got convicted do you know that there are some people who can't even face you because of what they did to you god help me they can't even make eye contact they looking you up and down when you come in the room i can't hear nobody in here because they know what they did to you but they pretend like they don't know that you know what happened to them look at the person beside you and tell them they're gonna have to see me again soon judas's conscience was convicted just at jesus being condemned judas's conscience was convicted just at jesus being condemned i need you to hear this balcony it's judas never even saw him crucified hallelujah that there are some people who are not equipped to see you at your worst hallelujah they that they are so used hallelujah to you being strong they can't handle your weak moments and there's somebody in this room that ought to be giving god glory why because people got no idea it's bad now but i ain't tripping because it used to be worse than this you you got no idea the days i couldn't get out of the bed you got no idea the weeks i didn't want to come to church you got no idea if i wasn't a coward i would have committed suicide but god's hand was on says something you can't handle me in this season what you gonna do when i rebound [Applause] hallelujah the people that threw you in the pit had no idea that god put a trampoline in it that that when they threw you down you getting ready to jump higher than where you were before i i know y'all got pumps and stilettos all but five of y'all that believe this is your year to make your comeback i tell you to jump right where you are like this hey oh y'all ain't doing nothing i said jump like you getting out of poverty like you getting out of depression like you getting out of stress like you getting out of anxiety [Applause] be seated please i feel glory coming in three minutes hallelujah i said i feel glory coming in three minutes i need you to grab the sister beside you tell them you coming out of this hallelujah that's the wrong sister i said pull on that sister tell them you coming out of this you ain't gonna sit next to me depressed you ain't gonna sit next to me stretched out you ain't gonna sit next to me losing your mind i dare you to pull on that sister pull on until she can't sit still god told me to tell you that ain't your sister pulling you that's your anointing pulling on you i tell you to pull on that sister like she's going to another level for your next sister like this is her night for elevation hey come by myself how about hey i feel a breakthrough for five women if you ain't been going through nothing i'm preaching to you but five of y'all that need a breakthrough by midnight would you open up your mouth like tonight is your night [Applause] i can't hear nobody open up your mouth like you coming out of it stream like you're coming out of him be seated please hallelujah fight your holy god hallelujah thank you and i must how about us god i feel a break right through here if you don't need nothing don't say nothing but if you've been holding it down and pushing it together by yourself tonight god said if you scream again you right there if if you holler again you right now if you are in genesis in genesis when in genesis when joseph the dreamer is sold [Music] by his own brothers is for 20 pieces of silver and that was the place joseph in the slavery we go from genesis and fast forward to the gospels and judas sold jesus for 30 pieces of silver joseph 20 jesus 30. it's a minor cost of living adjustment but it's the price of a slave how do you sell out a savior for slave wages the enemy for 30 women who are in here the enemy has been selling you cheap you have not been getting what you deserve [Applause] you refuse to argue to fight you only say enough thank you you don't feel like you should have to take nobody downtown you shouldn't have to get a lawyer y'all ain't saying nothing to me but god said because of the grace that rest on your life i need you to brace yourself for a raise that's getting ready to come i don't know how many of y'all need it but god says i'm getting ready to give you a cost of living adjustment the check that your old job owes you is about to be released to you everything your children are entitled to is getting ready to be stamped in the mail god said there's got to be an adjustment you can't tell me how in the world do you live at a lesser level now that you're saved than you did when you were riding dirty god y'all really in witness protection huh i need y'all to be honest before you got saved you didn't struggle this bad it wasn't until you were trying to live right and and trying to get your life in order with the will of god that everything began to implode around you [Applause] so because judas has a crisis of conscience he goes to the ministerial staff at the church calls a church meeting and he start crying and it amazing that nowhere in the synoptic gospels do we ever see judas in worship he's he is a picture in many regards of the 21st century church that only cries when they get caught but god is saying i i i want to see those who will worship me when they don't need nothing god tell me that that will worship him simply hear this because he is the air i breathe it in him i live in him i move in him i have my very being see some of y'all only shout when you got an agenda but i need some levites that know how to worship with no strings attached you you learned how to praise them in the shower and in traffic and in your cubicle can you take 10 seconds and worship him right there like god is worth hello he cries and um says i've i've i've betrayed innocent blood how can i get a refund i want to give the money back and it was tort back to judas what does it have to do with us i want to say this to somebody i don't know where you see that you can't be restored by the same people that reduced you god help me only 500 of y'all need this and i need to give it to you real quick so i can move on that's it tonight i am freeing you for needing affirmation you didn't hear what i just said i don't need you to tell me i look nice today i knew it when i walked out the house i don't need you to validate myself because god knew what he was doing while i was still in my mother's womb so i'm not gonna lose sleep if you don't text back god y'all didn't say nothing to me yeah i ain't gonna lose no sleep if you block me it it you you mad cause i didn't speak what you don't know is i didn't even see you boo my my mind was somewhere else trying to get something off the ground and you fighting but stuff i'm already past [Applause] you're being delivered from false obligation jesus died for you so you can't let negroes kill you [Applause] y'all don't got quiet y'all ain't saying nothing to me you you are not going to expend the energy here it is i hope five of y'all are right with me you are no longer going to expend energy on negroes watches you are forgiving that i'm not really sorry oh y'all ain't saying nothing they they keep taking your niceness for granted because they think you go up to the church you don't know how to check them but they don't know i'm trying to be better than what i used to be but i gotta trust god in this [Applause] or something some sometimes you you ought to be grateful that i didn't speak come on come on don't leave your boy out here i said you ought to be grateful that i didn't speak cause you don't really know me i can't hear nobody the only reason why i didn't go off is cause my mama go to this church and i'm i'm i'm trying not to disrespect her you got no idea [Applause] be seated i'm coming i'm [Applause] i want to apologize to you i want to apologize to you because i'm i took up all this time and and you think please forgive me i'm sorry um i took all this time and and you thought i was preaching to you no i'm i'm not i'm not preaching to you i'm hearing very carefully with intention now i i am preaching tonight to who mishandled you oh god i can't hear nobody you just ought to buy five of these cds and drop them in the mail because there's some folk that did you dirty here's your shout and think they got away with it but god told me to tell you he cutting holes in their pockets nothing they ever do is gonna succeed until they do right by you because the grace of god their whole life crumbled their whole life crumbled after they left you [Applause] god help me did you hear what i just said i said their whole life crumbled after they left you and and they didn't realize it until they were gone here it is and that's why they trying to come back and and they don't know it's too late you should have valued me when you had me because you don't even know here's the women that ought to shout i'm a favor carrier that wherever i am the favor of god is going to rest be seated um we got miles to go before we sleep um we see that so judas went to him and said um please take these 30 pieces of silver back and the counselor elder said uh read the sign uh on the plexiglass no refunds [Laughter] no refunds no exchanges hear these ladies and and judas got the money but can't even keep it he's not even happy with what he got for betraying me [Laughter] his life is emotionally and psychologically worse and he can't even enjoy what he thought he wanted because he was dirty in how he got it [Applause] they won't take the money back and most preachers um they hopscotch over verse number five go straight to clause b and the judas walked out and hanged himself and so another day uh i uh i i i gotta hang my hat right on the end of clause because they wouldn't take the money i need you to see um what he did with it he took the money dr b it blew my mind when i read it i i had to jump up out of my own bed he took the money and here it is out ladies he started throwing the money in the church god help me um he didn't put it in the plate god help me the money started hitting the pews now what's crazy um what's crazy is that this is not a sundish so no fear log no one no bible says no exegete no homologician has ever done an excavation as to who got the money god help me because because he starts throwing money in the church and it ain't a sunday it's um it's it's midweek god help me in some i think it's appropriate for me to tell you um it's a thursday oh god help me sir so they in church on a thursday and all of a sudden money start pouring in [Applause] and they don't even know where it came from god help me in here they had no idea that the person that betrayed them couldn't keep it but had to release it to folk that were in church all right y'all are the slow class um the little yellow bus is pulling up um it's gonna take you home after church it's all right he said i'm gonna give you houses [Applause] that you did not build i'ma give you a harvest that you did not plant god i wish i had a church right through here look at the person beside you tell them it's getting ready to hit your life hallelujah the money only five of y'all are feeling this thing the money you've been praying for for whatever the need might be is getting ready to come from unlikely places family members are getting ready to give you an apology because they should have never mistreated you your ex-husband is leaving our envelope at the door because of what is due [Applause] what does it do to you he says something you you you gonna pay yeah yeah you're going to pay for what you did um what you did to me i want you to think this is a tax-free zone and the deal and miss over somebody like me it's a high tax that comes with that you got away with it with empty-headed women y'all ain't saying nothing but but but i'm a proverbs 31 woman and god has put a hedge fence a protection over my life i can't find the church right through here look at the person beside you and tell that sister for the rest of this year you ain't gonna be in need of any fish because every dime that's owed to you is getting ready to hit your life i didn't come to preach to regular women i came to preach to women that believe this is the year i'm paying off my house this is the year i'm paying off my student loans this is the year i'm building up my business i'd pay to grab a sister by the head and say sister does it feel to shake the hand of a woman that's a millionaire how does it feel to shake the head of a woman that don't owe nobody nothing how how does it feel to shake the head of somebody that got up on their own i got one last thing to tell you to wait till the battle is over but shout out like it's already here give him glory like it's already paid for stream like you lowered the nose if god before you who can be against you your business is getting ready to flourish equity is going in your house you only ought to shout if you go retire early shout if you're taking yourself on vacation shout out shout it's out it's painful it's painful give three women a high five tell them you got it you got it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i want you to lift that hand [Applause] [Music] when the praises go up [Applause] when the praises go up the debt is going down [Applause] oh y'all didn't hear what i just said i said when the praises go up the dead is going down [Applause] i want you to lift up that hand [Music] i tell the members of new birth in atlanta lift your hand watch this as high as you see yourself going [Music] lift your hand like tonight is the lowest you ever gonna be i can't hear nobody else i said lift up your hand like you just got cleared for takeoff i need you to lift up your hair like elevation starts tonight that hand is lifted i release a hundred thousand angels [Applause] over every lifted hand chair films are on their way to the address of whoever's hand is lifted if you got that kind of faith speak your address out loud right now speak your address blessings are on their way to your house miracles are on their way to your house i speak over every lifted hand that you're getting ready to walk into the wealthiest season of your life nobody who has your last name ever had as much wealth as what you getting ready to walk into i can't hear nobody over every lifted hand your children will never shrug on you your grandchildren will never know poverty i speak over every lifted hand that god will begin blessing your ideas i can't find any worshipers for the book that you haven't written yet for the plague that has not yet been produced for the non-profits you're trying to get off the ground for the pieces of property you're about to possess god is getting ready to bless every lifted hand i pray that god will break the arm of the devourer everything that's eating at your resources is being cut off tonight everything that's been trying to snatch your joy and your self-esteem god is amputating the enemy assigned to your family and those of you your faith comes into agreement with my faith for 30 seconds with that hand lifted would you open up your mouth and just begin to worship him for what he's getting ready to do how am i my [Music] i can't hear any worshipers i need you to open up your mouth for what he's getting ready to do for what eyes have not seen for what he is have not heard lift up your voice sire i'm in my shot how about my shot hallelujah you only got 10 seconds left i want you to worship him for what you thought it was too late for you to get i want you to worship him for what doesn't match your credit score [Music] i want you to worship him for what your ex never thought you would achieve i want you to worship him for the moment you second guessed your assignment [Music] they're gonna have to pay for what they did to you you didn't hear what i just said i'ma say it again they gonna have to pay for what they did to you [Applause] and you ain't gonna have to lift a hand to get it done i release a one thousand fold blessing [Music] for the years that you suffered [Music] for the months you cried yourself to sleep for the days you crawled out of depression for the weeks that you didn't feel like yourself i want god to release over every lifted hand that you'll fall in love with being alive again you didn't hear what i just said i said you're falling in love with being alive again and if you believe it i want you to clap like the enemy's head is in between your hand [Applause] come on i said clap like the enemy's head is in between your hair come on come on you suffered longer than that you were unhappy longer than that you had anxiety longer than that clap your hands so you people you may be seated
Channel: Inspiration Station
Views: 159,976
Rating: 4.8710361 out of 5
Keywords: single women, women's conference, single black women, Kevin samuels, modern women Kevin samuels, jamal bryant, newbirth cathedral, holy convocation, td jakes, Serita jakes, cogic shout, cogic praise break, Giselle bryant, dewey smith, cogic, apostolic shout, bishop noel jones, city of refuge la, potters house dallas, maranda curtis, Michael todd, Steven furtick, Tasha cobbs, holy convocation shout, tolan morgan, tasha cobbs, steven furtick, michael todd, frank e ray
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 20sec (3140 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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