NIGHT RAIDERS -Global Impact Crusade with Bishop John Francis

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I never see please [Music] [Music] [Music] you got to do with some attitude you just do it too cute just walk up to the devil said listen to me it's gonna be some of your backs to straight [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] clap your hands give it raise I love you [Music] it's the first time I heard you but you're gonna come to London you got to come wait were you I got to come I know you're a pastor but yeah just we'll work it out all the way from Alabama come on give God praise let me say something to you oh I do I loved you before but I love you even more now I am I was amazed at 12noon day the amount of people that came out to church it just totally amazed me and I thank God for the love that you have shown me you love me so much that you make me want to come back there are some places I don't want to go back but it's good when you go somewhere you you say yeah if they invite me I'm definitely coming back out I'll cancel everything to come back again let me say this I'm some of you all don't know but it's true we have had a long-standing relationship pasta Jamal from the days when he was studying in London and down literally as I said the other day he was looking after my church at one point and I started get a bit jealous because they stopped calling me they stopped talking about my preaching and they all they kept talking about pastor Jamal so I got a bit angry about that so I went back to empower temple that was the church that he was preaching at and I went and put on one of my best messages and I gave back as good as he was giving back to my people but let me say this I said this and without any hesitation new birth you have one of the greatest communicators in the world now listen hold on a second hold on a second hold on a second you can be so used to something that you don't even honor it the Bible says a prophet never has honor in his own country now let me tell you something about honor honor is so I've been teaching about honor my church honor it's something that you need to understand about on it the Hebrew word for Hana is called Chabad means wait it means wait now what does it mean in biblical times and well in the olden times they didn't value things by what you see they valued it by its weight they were put it on a scale and they would have a weight on the other side and based upon how heavy the thing was is how you value it so when the Bible talks about Chabad which is glory and the word glory means honor it's an interchangeable word if you don't value the weight of a person if you don't value what they carry someone else will will take from you what you didn't value the Bible says Jesus couldn't do much miracles because people didn't value who he was they kept bringing up his past they kept bringing up his parents well he's the son he's the boy that was born from a woman who we don't really know the father is they said the Holy Ghost came upon her all right yeah right and she got pregnant and because people know so much about you they prevent you from buit being who you are called to be so ladies and gentlemen I'm not saying this because I'm trying to beef into two understand what you honor what you value you will always see the Frog put your hands together for pastor Jamal handsome bright bless you we value you we honor you we thank you for standing in this gap god bless you to all of my friends to all of the people in the house so much great people in this house Jonathan but minister Jonathan love you he's a friends of mine see some pastors Vernor some people in here I've got my nephew somewhere at the back there I've got family members here who live in Atlanta in Atlanta used to be my home you know I used to be on TBN every time back in the days and what have you and you didn't understand I was almost one point gonna open a church in Atlanta that's how much I love that lanta but you got to know where you're called to and I thank God that God made a way for me and I'm here amen Atlanta I do love you and lanta I do love you I hope you love me too I love you bless you my daughter's here thank God for her we'll need to Francis Minister would bless you we have been moved wiII you be seated we've been moved by the testimonies that's comfort especially this noon day the inbox the ladies that who God spoke who she prophetically spoke to and just God this miracles gonna happen in fact by the time somebody goes back to the doctor the doctors gonna recognize what was there is no longer there I wish you would praise God for that right now lift your hands because you will recognize that you have been in the presence of the Lord and God says I miss to break the spirit of fear that's been over you because the enemy's use fear to make you almost paralyzed but I hear the Holy Ghost say jump three times because you just crushed something as you jumped now I need somebody to shout because as you shout there's a deliverance coming for your home right ha ha ma he can the elbow shop in a non satire I want me to praise somebody open up your mouth shout from out of your belly apply lorry glory who your neighbor say neighbor there is a miracle in this room and is connected to your brain if they're praising your miracle will find you if the praise of your miracle of follow you [Music] setup or bundles I'm starting to feel at home be Katsav Oh glory glory glory glory glory listen my times gone listen my time let me do this quickly quickly quickly my daughter has some some merchandise she sings she's got a wonderful album it hit number one in the charts in the UK it's called I've got my wings it was produced here in America all you know miranda Curtis that blessed woman of God spoken to my daughter's life and said you need to record some songs she did that set up the studio the songs been a blessing all over the world I'm sister Miranda's on there she will bless you you need her and she's got some preaching tapes all of my books are sold out sorry all of you you bought it on Sunday you bought everything out if you need anything go on Amazon you can get the books on Talitha koum Okuma or you can get the book about ministry so do that also one more thing 11:00 p.m. tonight on praise 102.5 I'm gonna be on lit nights with Edward long okay amen Edwards a good friend of mine and I just want to I said to in mind coming out here without supporting what he's doing amen and I thank God for unity and I think for what God is doing ain't man I believe God's gonna use some of us to be a bridge amen amen we all need each other give God praise he's worthy in the house come on come on come on come on I'm gonna slow the pace down I need every one of you to get your Bibles your iPad I want you to start writing some stuff down please hang with me tonight it's not gonna be like how I did the other nights I need to inform you tonight my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and the Bible says because we have rejected knowledge we rejected from the dimension which we are called to and so tonight I want to just read one verse of scripture amen but the fret Jerkins good to see you and your wife in the house love you good friend of mine tonight amen amen I got some wonderful people that's in the house I was blessed yesterday yesterday all these preachers that came you didn't see them all it was dark amen I told you a lot of people came out people flew from New York to come here people were flying from all over Baltimore I was just so amazed and I thank God for those of you that came in the house I see some of my ex members in the audiences and I'm I'm just glad know amen glory to God that they're in a wonderful place amen some of these people I didn't even know where they were until today see when you have thousands of members on all of us some people disappear and you they don't even tell you then they pop up in another country and as it's a here and they still say we passed the pastor I like I haven't posted you for years some spirit of stupidness is coming on me Psalms 74 verse 20 you know my style very much in the Hebrew culture it's just one verse I'm going to be reading and if you would indulge me by standing if you haven't got a Bible don't worry I've got one and I'll be able to read Psalms the book of Tehillim it is the Hebrew him book that we are reading of it's known as a song but I am picking up this particular verse most songs are written from historical backgrounds and it's written from an understanding of what takes place the Spiritualist the witches the warlocks used the Book of Psalms they understand the power of the Psalms the Bible tells us that we may sing psalms and hymns when Paul and Silas was in jail they prayed and they sang hymns what got black folks out of slavery was singing anytime you start dealing with songs or Psalms you're pulling down something in the rims of the Spirit Psalms 44 verse number 20 it says have respect unto the covenant for the dark places of the earth are full of the inhabitation of Cruelty Psalm 74 what did I say praise the Lord this is my bedtime in the UK Psalm 74 verse 20 let's try it again have respect unto the covenant for the dark places of the earth are full of the inhabitation of cruelty tonight I want to talk to you on the subject night Raiders look at your neighbor say night Raiders father I need you now let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable give us a word that would change lives today let burdens be removed yokes be destroyed in the name of Yeshua the Christ the Son of the Living God someone say Amen look at someone on your way sitting down say night Raiders when I give you the word night Raiders I am talking about things that happen at night and the purpose of the night Raider is to take everything that belongs to you not only take it but to destroy you someone say night Raiders as I said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and the challenge that we are living in we are living in a culture of what we call program information there is a difference between information and knowledge information is someone is giving you something that has been passed on for you to know knowledge means to be at one with an information knowing is different from just being informed the problem that we have in this culture we're in a Google Society the Google society the Google culture and when I talk about that I'm not talking about young people but I'm talking about everyone where you're dealing with a culture of people who thinks they know it now the problem is how can you tell someone they don't know some think when they give you the right answer because what this culture is about what we will call Google is to call it what they call Google copy and paste in my educational world it's known as plagiarizing now you've given me the answer but you don't know it what you've actually done is taken someone's answer and made it become yours you inform me about it but you don't know it why did I say you don't know it cuz you didn't do the research what you're doing is dead in someone else's research to give an answer but I came from the background I don't know how many people can help me with this where we had encyclopedias alright these young folks don't know about that books upon books upon books from books and we would read and read and we would look at what everybody had to say concerning a certain subject after we had read then we would come to a conclusion based upon all the information we have collected and it's only then we had an understanding of the topic not Google so in a culture now we're here's the truth we don't want you to know it we just want you to talk about it to act like you know it but you don't don't you never say it will get better look at this look at this it says have respect unto the Covenant have respect unto the Covenant the word covenant near is ver if it is is a Hebrew word which deals with an agreement now the Old Testament quickly get this is very pictorial in its presentation most Old Testament Scriptures we as westernized people where our words come from Greek and Latin so a lot of our words are not pictorial it's descriptive are you with me on that I think I preached this this morning Paul says when I came to you and come to you with letters of words or philosophy because the Greeks were into philosophy the way into words our challenge is that our language is based on description Hebrew people African people which most of us are but we've lost our africanist Indian people Chinese people if you will notice when they write it's very pictorial or when they explain things it's very picture and so the word covenant if you would look it up it's based upon an animal that has been cut into and the thing is the word covenant means to cut hence the reason why Jesus being the New Covenant could not go on the cross without being cut because an agreement could not be enforced unless some blood was spilled do you remember when we were young and we would cut our fingers and say we're gonna rub each other's fingers to say we're blood covenant brothers that's where they are because something had to happen where a cop used to had to be an insertion use an incision rather had to take place so fear of the word in those days when they did what an agreement there was a cutting that took place now here's what the text says I don't want you to get this it says we should have respect for the Covenant for the agreement watch this uh-huh for the dark places of the earth in other words we have to have a respect for the dark places of the earth watch what it says are full of the inhabitation that word inhabitation means the dwelling place or when we think of a dwelling place it means where one lives their house or as we would understand it from a demonic perspective and atmosphere every house has an atmosphere every house every dwelling place has an atmosphere he says you got to respect watch this you got to respect the Covenant you got to respect the Covenant of the dark places of the earth the agreement that is full of the inhabitation watch this word of cruelty what is the word cruelty violence that means damaged thoughts injustice oppression wrong dealings in other words there is an agreement with the darkness at the nighttime there is an agreement that certain things are allowed to happen in the dark oh we're gonna get somewhere here all right in the book of Genesis I call it Genesis you call it Genesis genes beginnings the Bible says this in Genesis chapter 1 verse 6 that the light was given power to rule by the day to rule the day rather and the Bible says light was given power to rule day and darkness was given power to rule the night in order other words to rule something means I'm in charge darkness was given power to rule at nighttime light was given power to rule at daytime so in other words there is a legal thing that happens in the earth and let me tell you later gentlemen it cannot be changed it's an allowance where at certain times darkness can control cruelty can control calamity can happen and it's been given an opportunity it's a covenant it's an agreement that cannot be broken and it's allowed and I know you ain't heard about this because some of y'all are thinking Bishop and I can see by your face oh my god what are you saying let me teach you something else the Bible says this okay I'm gonna show you Genesis chapter 8 verse 22 we use this scripture for offering but you need to know it's more than that this is what it says while the earth remaineth seedtime and harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night they shall not cease in other words God has given a opportunity for summer winter spring uh-huh day night they have the power to rule now let me just teach you something here some of you right now are going through especially I've been here over here around this time we're going through what we call a season of hurricanes and seasons of storms and the reason why the storms happened at this time of the year storms tend to happen at this time of the year at the part of the month of end of June July yes and then it gets again more intense around September have you not noticed why because we're in what we call changes of seasons no are you understand what I'm saying I remember I was on the plane and I was on the plane and-and-and and the enemy was throwing up the plane up and down and I was trying to understand what was going on because I was getting bit nervous and and and the Lord taught me something even in that midst of what we call turbulence I realized that the plane was going up and down because they told me there's what we call an air pocket and the plane is suffering from turbulence is because what happened is the plane is traveling from one season to the next they tell me what causes the air pocket is hot here and cold here coming together I'm about to help somebody right now so then I realize sometimes when I'm going through spiritual tablets it's just me crossing over a season in my life and if you ever understand turbulence is a sign one season is over I wish I have somebody here to talk to me and another season is just beginning look at your neighbor say I'm crossing over a season that's all right I don't want to divert so here it is he says the laws are this cold hot they ruled a rule night rule and at night there are certain things that are allowed to happen Psalms 91 quick hung with me I'm gonna go and I'm gonna preach in a minute just want to put this foundation here Psalms 91 we've heard this scripture many many times he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge my fortress this is lovely Scripture and then it says here surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler and from the noise pestilence okay and it says here he shall cover thee with his feathers under his wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be your shield and buckler and it goes and thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night nor for the arrow that fired by day uh-huh nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness I want you to understand what happens in darkness nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday you know why cuz A Thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you look at summers ain't coming near me so we got to understand a couple of things here that in the Book of Psalms we understand that when you're under the secret place of the Most High there are certain things that happen at night and we're gonna deal with this because some of you may have heard of this there are things that come to pass first of all there are snails that have been set the word snare means trap the demonic world knows how to set traps at night Wyatt night because there's no light you're not able to see the snare all right let me explain it when I say there's no light I'm speaking light comes the word from the word illumination the word revelation the word apocalypse you know the Bible revelation at the back of your Bible it means apocalypse it means to reveal it means to uncover that which was hidden now ladies and gentlemen I'm in this room I see you you see me okay but if I turn the lights off you wouldn't see me and I wouldn't see you but it doesn't mean we ain't here it just means we have not been revealed when there is no light there is no revelation and what the enemy wants to do is get us coming to church and shouting and I love shouting and I want you to shout and praise and dance but he wants you to be ignorant to the snares and the traps that Satan has over your life because what happens is you're a person of light you are the light of the world he has given you the announcement that you're light you're a city that's set on a hill and cannot be hid and when you're light no matter how darkness comes your way darkness cannot understand light that's why folks don't understand you you got some folks every time they look at you they're trying to work you out they can't work you out your light when I speak of light I'm talking about your walking in Revelation folks who try to get rid of you try to do stuff to you can't do it they've been trying for years you know that you you shouldn't even be alive today you got friends who died but they can't stop you because you're walking in Revelation God allows every crook every person that tried to bring you down he makes you see all their plans he makes you bump into some information that you didn't know how you got to just to reveal who your enemies are I come against a trap that's been said God are you with me on this it says it says it says the snare it says of the Fowler that means the trap so one is a net the snare is the net that the Fowler is the trap the net and the trap and because you don't have revelation you're walking into traps people has they can't get you so they set stuff up for you Maharshi under they can't go and get you to go to certain places but what they will do is find out where you go and set a trap for you are you with me on this and so so when the trap is set you find yourself caught up in something and watch what this is what he is trying to do is get you to what we call a word that we hear in church but we don't know the noises pestilence what's that word cuz we've been in church noises still it's worth noise some sorry noisome pestilence what's that it's called ruin calamities all of a sudden out of no way something happened to you or out of no way suddenly nowhere something happened to your family one minute your life was going good all of a sudden your life turned upside down I come to kill something tonight I come to expose I come to give someone revelation because after you leave tonight whatever was set up to to destroy you instead of it destroy you you're going to destroy it quickly quickly quickly oh god I feel this in here I'm gonna teach you a little bit because that word pestilence turns up in the Old Testament when God is trying to send something to Egypt because Pharaoh won't let God's people go so God sent pestilence place and what you got to understand uh-huh yes yes yes he sent not only pestilence plagues but he also sent death it was all a part of pestilence so we got a lot of people all of a sudden healthy one moment you remember one time ago you had cancer people have cancer they took ages to die you don't have that now they're diagnosed today and within months they're gone come on don't leave me out of here you know what I'm talking because all of a sudden there's this snare there is this net that you walk into which is demonically setup that all of a sudden it attacks your health and brings your health down and because you have no revelation of who you are you stop speaking what you see you respond because I told you the devil don't have a mouth so what he does is use your mouth to help you to set up your own atmosphere but I come against every lie the devil should have left me in London but whoever whoever came after you tonight I come to pull down which cross I come to pull down the stairs you shall not die but you should need to hear a sound on detail somebody better shout from a Dion so what the devil does he sets the snare the Fowler the net the trap the pestilent the pestilence is what comes upon you to bring the sickness to bring the disease to bring the plague you were healthy one minute but all of a sudden something happen because somebody set something up to bring you down and then when that happens here's what happens fear kicks in that's why he says you should not be afraid come on talk you know his grip just thou shalt not be afraid of the terror but oh so there's some terror you understand last night why the lights went off cuz Satan was trying to set something up but what he don't realize we don't need natural light y'all don't understand what I'm trying to tell you here we're walking in what we call revelation someone say fair let me teach you real quickly quickly Oh God can you hang a little bit I know I know I know you don't I got to give you this somebody say fear fear fear God is not giving you the smooth of fear but of power love and a sound mind in other words you're mining going crazy God has not given you that's not what's what's given to you anytime fear comes in that's not from God that's from the devil you were never designed to walk in fear you were designed to walk in faith now let me teach you something about faith and fair faith and fair live in the same dimension I'm going to teach you why they live in the same dimension they live in the same dimension they live in the same dimension faith faith faith faith is substance faith is substance we got for the grammatical purpose is is in there but it's supposed to say faith is substance the etymology of the word sahabat meaning under subway substitute substance the thing I stand on that undergirds me faith is the thing that I stand on and undergirds me faith is the thing I stand on and undergirds me faith is the substance of things watch this hope for what I say hope was expectation hope for I'm living in expectation because of faith hope for but here is the contradiction it carries an evidence that is not seen your Bible is written from two perspective always note this it's written from a legal perspective from judge you will see judge laws Commandments jurisdictional things because the Bible's written from a legal perspective and always from an agriculture perspective those are the two things you must always remember when every time you realize Satan understands legalism he understands laws everything is about laws and there's laws that he cannot break there's laws that God cannot break and one of the laws is while the earth remaineth seedtime and harvest a cold night day whatever it is that's a law it cannot be broken and God never breaks a law are you with me on it favorite substance of things hopefully Cara's in evidence that cannot be seen okay faith is the substance of things hoped for Kevin never that they cannot be seen can't be seen faith is the substance of things hoped for carries evidence that cannot be seen in other words you cannot see a contradiction contradiction because most things in our humanistic state essential beings you operate on a sense version of seeing touching feeling tasting hearing but he says faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of the Lord but faith is not seen it cannot be seen everybody say faith faith is the substance hopeful carries and evidence cannot be seen fear it's like faith but it's not faith faith and fear are in the same dimension fear they tell us is false evidence appearing itself real have you heard that acronym in other words what happens is fear tells you something's going to happen that hasn't happened yet fear tells you something's going to happen that hasn't happened yet all live in the same dimension are you with me on this so the problem is there is a fight in the rims of the Spirit where fear says follow me and faith says follow me they both say you can't see it but follow me they both say it ain't happened yet but follow me but faces if you stand on the Word of God if you stand on what you heard it doesn't matter what it looks like it might not manifest in the natural yet but if I stop walking by faith and not after a while what I believe in are you helping are you getting anything out of this come on talk back to me say something say so so so so there's a fight now Satan and his hosts wants to terrorize you with fear look at your situation look at the doctor's report look at the pain you got you know you even got to the point where your diagnose in your own sickness well child you see that pain you had my uncle he died of that yeah yeah it goes around here like that in that's right let yeah it might be cancer and then you say oh my gosh yeah I think I got cancer I think I think I think I got let me tell you what the Bible talk about think thinking with demonic powers are strong holes they call imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God you got prophecies over your life you can't die now who am I talking to in here some of the holla to your neighbor that shout down your oh you ain't gonna die nowhere unless you speak it you ain't gonna die in fact you're the devil's biggest nightmare you should have been dead a long time ago and if I was you I stop screaming and let the devil hear you're still look at your neighbors say neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor I ain't dying no way I'm gonna fulfill the prophecy over my life in fact tell that Fox that's what that's what you know they came and said Jesus get out of town they're trying to kill you jesus said who they said say I'm better than all of them guys he said go tell that Fox I'll be here today tomorrow and the following day somebody better shout to the demon well [Music] I just killed cancer right now I just stopped someone from dying right now I hear the Holy Ghost say as you shout whatever was on you just broke him whatever was on you just got destroyed [Music] [Music] the Bible says this pestilence walketh in darkness in other words pestilence have feet all right pestilence are walking around trying to find somebody to land on pestilence has been in your bloodline for a long time some of you were not allowed and everyone in your family died in a certain time cause pestilence and what we call familiar spirits they know your family they know your bloodline and they're walking around trying to find someone to set a trap too but God said this British boy here to shut something down and I hear the Holy Ghost say whatever was planned all the online have been destroy destruction wasted at noonday that is why that is why God told you to tell us to come to 12 o'clock noon day service all those who had the noon day better shout now this is no natural revival this revival has been orchestrated from heaven to destroy something that has to be broken and dismantle and destroy [Music] what we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against Princeton ins principalities powers spiritual wickedness in high places but tonight tonight tonight as you clap your hands [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he said your fight your fight your fight Ephesians 6 verse 12 is against rulers of darkness now let me teach you something darkness rules light rules but catch this if you get the revelation your shout if you get the revelation you're gonna shout darkness rules light rules but they only have a certain part to rule but you can confuse their rulership you know why because you got Dominion you dominate things don't rule you you know Bible says what is meant that that was worth mindful of him for thou has made him a little lower than the Angels bad translation the original says thou made him a little lower than Elohim let me give you the scripture quickly so I'll get out your way it says it says here when I consider the heavens the work of your fingers the moons and stars what is meant that now for mindful of him and the son of man that I visited him that was made him a little lower than the Angels supposed to be along him they are you have crowned him with glory I like that word glory I wish I could teach on that and honor I put value over you and when your valuable nobody can push you around a made man just a little lower than Elohim you're just under God you're not watch this you are not under the Angels because angels where you see when the translation they try to find a better word because it remember a lot of the Hebrews they are scared to put anything near to God do you know that's why you can't even find if their word for God because they were taught not to have the Lord God name in vain they find it difficult to even use the word God that's why you have a problem they Jews that we are the sons of God for them that's a blasphemous statement means you're trying to be equal with God but God made us in His image I've got a god side to me I'm so much like God I don't have to move anywhere I just have to say it and when I say it things that happen I gave him rulership I gave him to be in charge are you with me on this he says I made him a little lower than hanger I made him to have dominion verse 6 over the work of thine hands in other words Sun Moon Stars everything is under your control and one of the things that church needs to understand is that a lot of the demonic people are missing with the weather oh yeah oh yeah I started to learn that I can deal with weather oh yeah I can I can I can some weather I just leave because I know it's trying to make a fuss because I'm here y'all don't get there when Jesus was trying to go to the other side all of a sudden a storm came from nowhere some of these storms are demonic especially when it came in the middle of a revival it was set up to stop you from being blessed but what the devil doesn't know I don't care about storms I don't care about lights cutting off I am light and I'm walking in Revelation and I need about 50 people who knows you're walking in Revelation just sound like you know who you are here's the pestilence there were blood that came in Egypt frogs lice boils hell's locusts darkness first ones being killed people just dying or because water turning into blood unusual things start happening flies start turning up flies flies flies flies bells above the spirit of belzebub flies flies flies like to go into soars and into open wounds and decaying things things that are dead and sit there and eat off its flesh and believe leave eggs to leave worms flies flies most of the sicknesses that you have you don't understand come from flies flies bring at least 60 million diseases one fly one fly brings sixty when you see if I kill it kill it kill it kill it get a raid kill it kill it kill it kill it don't play with those things they're carrying diseases carrying in your house leave it it's a fly shoo fly fly away no no no you ain't shoo it I'm killing you and that's why they call it accept Jesus you are from belzebub he know how to throw up on people throw shades he says well if I did this by bears about who you do it from you must have learned it from somewhere but he says but if I cast out the devil from the finger of God it means when I point to the devil and tell him move not just him move the whole of his entourage has to move and the Lord told me to tell you tonight there's our entourage about to be evicted out of your house I'm ready let me just holla let me holler cuz I pull your neighbor like a bullet bullet bullet say neighbor we came to serve an eviction notice from Jamaica and it you're making extra Megan's in here come on young man come on man come on all wrong we don't know all right my parents are from Jamaica and in Jamaica we have a thing called opium and it's called a witchcraft man and when the up your man to witchcraft man the soothsayer come he come to cast spell to try and stop you uh-huh because she under ha and no matter what he does if you are walking in Revelation no weapon that is formed against you but a prosper who your neighbors a neighbor we gonna break something tonight whatever was over your home whatever is over your family within 20 seconds from now grab your neighbor neighbor neighbor grab your neighbor but he'll say neighbor neighbor [Music] [Music] everyone to use [Music] that's your item but it won't [Music] [Music] destroy destroy nuta later [Music] [Music] [Music] I heard I was sitting here at noonday and I know they weren't here earlier but there's a Vanessa I don't know if you're up here from that you're in the creative arts department I spoke to Jonathan or Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa are you here they said they were you're on the list Vanessa or Vanessa will you shop for Vanessa because healing and deliverance when i sat there the Holy Ghost said to me he's giving you a spiritual makeup he's really mating you it rejuvenating you and I heard the Lord say there's some things that you've been praying about and I saw this is the vision I saw I just saw God stamping done on everything that you pray for and I sense that as you're standing here I sense that there's been a what he talked about there's been people to have been praying against your mind praying against your mind and it just seems like it's been very difficult to focus do you understand what I'm saying yeah I know and you you're on because it's like I see the enemy trying to you know some things are we can define but some things are spiritual it's like he's trying to bring a mentality of bipolarism but we can't show that in the name of Jesus over your mind and from this day forward the things that plague you in your dream life are about to be destroyed you will not have any nightmares it will not fooling you in your DNA and we cancel it help me just forget to shout [Music] as I was walking I heard the name Lisa Lisa at least I've gotta be quick you're Lisa I had an old saying to you Lisa you're in beauty do you do things you like things with your hands I see creativity over you and I hear the Lord saying that he's about to open some doors as it relates to creativity but I also hinder or saying you gotta be careful in this seasoning of your circle of your circle this is not the season to connect with so you know sometimes we see we want things to happen and we try to make it happen ourselves gotta let God be God in this situation okay don't connect yourself thinking that this is gonna be an opportunity for you because as I am the door I will make the way for you does that make sense he's been telling you okay so I hear also God saying that this is the season that you are you married okay God is healing there's that there's a part of you that still lacks trust and I'm trying to be very careful but you God is healing that area of you there's a in your childhood there's some things that happen that has caused you to lack trust and God says I'm healing that area of you I'm healing that area of you you will trust you will trust the last thing I heard was say if you saw a sacrificial scene and I don't really get these words normally but if you show a sacrificial see today God says there's some things that you've been waiting on God's about to open up those doors for you those things you've been looking for but said you've given up on some things God says come back to the drawing board start writing them back down because this is about to open those fingers and that's what the Lord says to you can we shout do we believe we believe Melissa [Music] he was talking about healing and I am skin disease is what God put in my sphere I don't know if there's anyone here that's been having a problem I saw it basically on hands more on hands some it's like something on your hands if wish you just come quickly I don't have a lot of time while she's screaming like that she asked God she asked God that her name would be calling situation we'd be caught that's why she's screaming like that and if you praise God an angel is walking right in front of you he's getting ready to get ready to do it [Music] because God is healing and I don't know I'm also I'm trying to hear some other healings spinal if you check your spine God says someone just got healed in their spine someone just got healed in their spine check your spine you having problems bending a pain in the lower part of your back God is healing you right now turn around you know I give the Lord say also look at me look at me because of her you've been moving and moving and moving and moving and moving and there's no settling in your spirit concerning change and God said this is a season see the spine is not just only something that's physical but it's spiritual come on I need somebody right now because I feel the anointing is about to hit her and by the time I lay my hands on you there's gonna be a shot of the Holy Ghost from the back right up to your head Wow there it is shop I needed a price shout Shaolin is [Music] you were praying for this if I heard the Lord say DS there was a relationship that tried to take you out and it's made you have a very stony heart and right now God is healing you from the inside out from the inside out and that's what the hands issue is it's the stress every big and another buck or gods we're leaving you have some stress relieving your some stress and even in the night time it's been very difficult for you darling and I see something even trying to press you down in the sleep trying to come around your neck trying to come around your life it's a snare it's a trap as a Fowler and I'm going into your bloodline I'm going into your father's bloodline I'm going right down to your grandfather I'm going in Canada before Schendel of a hile on Saturday Allah or mondo Hoshi aha because there was a group of people that cursed your great great great great grandparents but I'm breaking the curse right now I'm breaking the curse that's been over your life and within two months from now you're gonna start seeing changes over you in fact your hands are gonna be new your body is gonna be new there's a part of your body there's a part of your body it's a tire there's a part of your body let's also affected I don't want to talk about it but you know where my part is and God says as I'm touching you now he's healing that partner and I need you in this race to shop because God says as you shout where you are your miracles coming to [Music] we can't so suicide Marco will be yeah and I'm not sure the voice that comes in your night time that tries to tell you you should die now cool baby baby we bind that spirit come on this is not entertainment let's pray we bind that spirit about course or every baby anonymous quote every voice every whisper I go to your home I go to your bedroom mascot already been in the name of Jesus in the name there it is there it is there it is god I feel gone in this place wins yes at noon day service there was a young boy who came out to the front apparently it came up with you it was his first time he's never seen people fall out in the power he's never seen prophecy he was totally traumatized a little bit because he never saw that and Plus on top of that he says wow Juanita was talking he saw angels above her and he was really when I know when I was talking to him where you are you hear young guy who was the one where's it your mother told us about come come come come come young man come come come quickly quickly that's why I like Facebook that's why I like Instagram you know they can get to talk to you and tell you come come what you've run up here God God says I'm healing you from addiction as well something some try to get hold of you because you've been around people who were doing stuff yes and the enemy has been trying to put an addiction on you I don't know what it is if it's smoking or what it is but God's now setting you free from this you get it you get it gone as he just said God is breaking addiction he's changing your circle and you've had some questions about what you are seeing God isn't visiting you and you've been trying to understand because you're a very literal person like if I say God is good you have to see it for yourself you don't just go by what I tell you but God says today I'm about to reveal myself like I've never revealed myself to you before because you have a purpose God's gonna give you an evangelist anointing that you're gonna be able to go into the streets and people gonna be saved Oh Oh God Oh God yeah what I'm saying when you go in the streets I don't need to be frightened he's seeing it you see when you go in the street you're gonna cause people to be safe people gonna hear your words and what's gonna use you just like Moses whether you start or not he will cause you to have the tongue of the learn there it is there it is and we're touching you right now there it is there it is don't be frightened of that that's the power of the Holy Ghost see you at the power hop just receive it she cata whoa whoa whoa I need somebody to shout for his deliverance where's your mother where's her mother where's her mother Xiao Ling the mother bring the mother bring the mother yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let me tell you how this anointing works it works in a supernatural way while you're shouting for him God's touching your son in fact I heard the Holy Ghost say somebody's son is coming out of prison next week [Music] somebody praising him shouted here glory hold on because of time I want to stop I got a stop I want you to Kailyn Omaha take everyone in this field and put your hands on your head or put your hands where you have a pain where you have sickness put your hands put your hands where the element or the challenge is and I'm gonna do a mask random we're gonna yeah did it okay okay I know the Lord will yeah yeah yeah if you would understand what's happening right now you'd shout because some oh my god oh somebody say he's gonna do it right now put your hands put yes write a decree quickly save them put your hand on this thing he's breaking it it's breaking it you ain't leaving here the same way you came it's breaking the broken you're not gone you're not gonna feel the way you've been feeling too well because it's breaking it I feel like something on my side and I don't know what it's been holding you and and trying to coach you and I command in the name of Jesus or what was said over your life to be canceled in the name of Jesus and I command in Jesus name your freedom yeah and in the next shout that's been released in this room just like when they were in prison as two began to sing hymns and praises chains come off of people shout chains are coming off [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] - Jenna and the name of Jesus I speak to white Delta a cigarette telda - regulator in the name of Jesus up my sickness final issues and the name of Jesus up Lamanna now our loser we picked up Gloria quickly got present at we signal Shekinah dilemma chacha-chacha-chacha-chow [Music] [Music] this is my last one I'm gonna live leave it over to Bishop I forgot your last name but I see property and I know my dad has to pray for you let me tell you why because he has a grace of getting property He shed isn't his his testimony and he was able to get a building that got so free times I see property for you as it relates I don't know if you're looking for it but it's looking for you or your days shouting rapidly is looking for him let me explain that I just heard the Holy Ghost they explained it to him what's yours is yours and God says you've been worried about money but don't worry about the money because God say you don't need no money cuz the land already the property already knows is yours and I got [Music] everybody this is what I want you to do as the Holy Ghost told me to do this just look at him and say you ain't shouting at us I just said I just said God said what you were waiting up what you've been looking at it's too small give me a price out give me a price up give me a shot I need 60 people just shout like you're going into something big shout like it's your loose round here slap those jobs [Music] hold on hold on hold on look at your neighbors say neighbor come on I needed a flow say neighbor if you don't want nothing sit down a cute but if you want something to happen before the years act like it's already happened shout dance scream yeah [Music] [Applause] please [Music] no more will release your gardener will release your daughter sound sad sad give us some room give us a brick the Holy Ghost told me that there's somebody too cute he says he told you to run but you say angle run in front of these people God says you're about to run into your new house you're about to run into a promotion [Music] baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody get gone a shallow fry [Music] lift your hands lift your hands everybody able to stand if you can there's so much I would love to tell you but I didn't have time but if you notice a toothache doesn't hurt you that much in the day ask anybody the worst time a pain hits you is not in the day but it's a nighttime because cruelty calamity oppression pain iniquity has been given the inhabitation of darkness hence Jesus says let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and led to glorify your father which is in heaven Jesus said that you are salt and light you walk in Revelation now listen to me when I help you a couple of you in here if you ever sleep and feel like something's come over your room feel like something's pressing on you in the night do you hear me here's a easy revelation you can't speak in tongues you don't know how to speak in tongues of a bishop I'm not spiritual okay I'm gonna help you turn the light on now is serious seriously seriously you don't understand how this is switch the light on because darkness is designed to keep you oblivious make you be in a place where you don't know what's going on the moment the light goes on you'll be able to see what's going on my dad taught me he said watch the demon leave just with an ordinary light on bats can't take light Dracula can't take light you think all of these shows are just a show but there's something behind it hear me by the Holy Ghost tonight hear me by the Holy Ghost I want you new birth new birth for the next 30 days to be in fasting and pray for this house now listen fasting is a denial of something some of you are on medication so you can do a fast say you know what I'm gonna come off social media for 30 days I'm gonna pray get up in the morning at 5 o'clock and pray from 5 to 6 for 30 days now my claps gone even more quiet some of you I don't know what kind of fast you may have it might be a juice fast it might be a fruit fast well you don't want to eat no meat but all you're gonna have is fruit and vegetables I want you for 30 days hear me hear me and not only new birth some of you are friends of new birth I came here because I was on an assignment from heaven to change the atmosphere the inhabitation czar atmospheres that are been set up for traps and snares to bondage people to keep people bound and if I be a prophet of God which I know I am I'm telling you if this house goes in 30 days of prayer and fasting you will see the glory of God like you've never seen it before Shawn good to see you Shawn I want everybody to do this I want everybody to do this they can do this I want everybody to do this quickly I need 10 envelopes 10 envelopes do this do this and I need you to move fast I needed to move fast I want everybody to do this I want everybody getting a seed offering but I need 10 folks who who's gonna show a thousand pounds I need you to do this and I want you to do this because I believe God is about to change the course of finances change the course of people's life Lord I pray as I lift this envelope let miracles signs and wonders come through your people here's one thank you sir clap as they come I know it's late quickly quickly oh I thought you was coming come on come on clap clap clap quickly quickly now listen as quick as you move God is gonna move thank you you're you're gonna get your place somebody else quickly quickly quickly quickly you're gonna sew this seed don't leave until you sow a seed quickly quickly this is where your miracle comes this is where clap your hands as she come clap your hands as she can't thank you oh yeah put that in an envelope that's glory to God there's some more there's more there's more quickly quickly I don't want to come my dear come come you're gonna you're gonna do it thank you my dear drop your hands as they do this thank you Jesus somebody else say preacher preacher I'm gonna bei God watch what God's gonna do anybody want to see God move in their life oh come on clap and praise don't get don't get quiet when it comes to money you know is doing it again is doing it again good this is a brother that was in my church bless you you still doing I used to still being a doctor he was training for a doctor yeah have you trained yet you making money praise the Lord you can show that thousand their name there hallelujah I can do that here he is it is one of my people come on come on come on come on let some people in here you know you all like to sit down and watch other people's giving when God's telling you to give would you obey God quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly come on I know it's in the house it's in the house it's in the house it's in the house is in the house thank you sir thank you for being obedient now those of you that watching my stream the Lord is speaking to you you you you don't have to be here but you love what God is doing I spoke somewhere let me tell you some of you don't realize tonight's message has just shut death over your home I wish you would shout and praise God for what I just said watch it thank you good yeah bless you bless you good everybody in here everybody in here everybody in here no God saying there's a more that won't move he says move let me tell you what let me tell you the anointing that I have in my life I'm not speaking damnation to you I'm not speaking evil I'm just telling you obey God if you don't give this thousand that God's telling you to give by tomorrow something's gonna happen you'll have to pay exactly a thousand pounds in debt so obey Him if God is speaking let me tell you how you know when God is speaking to you you start feeling you know that feeling oh my god the Holy Ghost come out the building everybody looking at me like oh come on come on I love you same way it's only money come on clap your hands give up things there is at least two more people there's two more people who needs to obey God with that thousand seed would you just obey Him tonight there's two more people that needs to take this from me two more people would you obey Him God answers prayer doesn't he thank you okay there's one more person that I'm waiting on and I feel free if you come out you're not only free me but you're free everybody wants to go home because they're waiting on you to give that offering amen come on come on one person that one person come on one one person who's supposed to sow that seed they're supposed to sow that seed obey the Lord tonight obey the Lord tonight Amen up a.m. tonight thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you sir now would you clap because you just got free to it all got food now this is what I want you to do I'm not the preacher that's gonna say here's a thousand and all those who got 500 and those 250 and then a hundred and then we're gonna go down to fifty no I don't play them games that's what I want you to do you're in the presence of the Almighty God there are angels situated all over this auditorium and if you believe the power of God is in here I want truth to be out of your spirit I need you to get an offering that is as close as you can possible get to a thousand if it's two hundred if it's five hundred if it's six hundred is eight hundred if it's fifty dollars if it's ten dollars if it's five dollars but that's what you have God is gonna honor that gift all of those that came with that thousand then you took it could you come on that put it on the outer amen and the rest of you raise your hands if you need an envelope those of you that are watching my stream we're gonna give by give a fine give online we're gonna give by new birth or give and we're gonna give by cash apps whatever way is possible as the people of God are being God I want you to clap your hands as we receive the great pastor of new birth would you shout for my friend the preacher of preachers pastor Jamal havesome Bryan we love you come on send some love les voy very quickly would you sow your seed as quickly as you're possible again let nothing deter you on tonight even if we're giving electronically through all of our giving platforms I'll be a cashier push to pay text to give as that you're police so it thank you bless the Lord every person is giving God loves what kind to give her then why are you not smiling man you ought to be glad to give ought to be happy you got something to give hallelujah how many you all remember when you had nothing hallelujah but he will supply thank you all of our needs hallelujah will you bless these last three days come on will you blessed [Music] come on blesses [Music] come on his holy name [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] Oh and [Music] before [Applause] [Music] hee hee [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody is standing come on everybody is standing he has [Music] [Music] [Music] one less time everybody he has some great [Music] [Applause] come on SW Boise has he [Applause] [Music] come on he [Music] you all around [Music] [Music] holy night physically April would you stand on to our God the best gift that you can give to God won't fit in an envelope best gift you can give to our God is your life your soul your obedience your heart he wants all of you he has no hands but your hands has no feet but your feet I'm telling you new birth is a good church but if your joint will be a great church hallelujah that that there is still room for you the only thing that we are missing is what you care the only point that we have is where it is that you have not occupied I'm excited because once you join our church a new chapter begins once you extend your gift we're gonna go to a place that we have never dreamed before you're in this place on a Tuesday night but still got a Sunday morning feel like and you feel like God is compelling you to join in the link and connect to come into partnership with us I want you to come and give our leaders your hand but more than anything I want you to give God your heart if you're here you're saying today pastor I'm making up my mind this is my church today I am making the life defining decision to become connected to ministry if that's who you are that's where you are would you come we are zealously excited about you being connected with us on tonight come on wherever it is that you are come on don't play hard to get we'll come get you but we need you to come come on give God some praise y'all not clapping good would you give god the Lord for these young adults coming let's the Lord hallelujah I think we got some more coming give God some praise for them as they come I'm telling you we are on fire like this all the time you might as well catch on fire and get you some give God some praise here they come come on come on bless the Lord very quickly very quickly would you just find two people in your immediate vicinity that you don't know find two people you don't recognize Eskimo they saved s come do they have a church on a scope if they'd given their lives over to God are they a part of a ministry that's lit like this how do you if that's you that's where you are I'm not too proud to be your life is on the line your soul is at stake come on give God some praise I dare you to [Music] for these who have come on a Tuesday night with y'all act like you excited come on Scizor right him to faith towards them stretch your right hand to faith repeat up to meet you at the right place at the right time Jonah in the right church serving the only God and I know that's right show your right if your norm right come on Big Ups to the Savior give it to up those of you who are here would you follow us this way we want to give some information to you new birth make some noise for our new family members come on come on we got two more bless the Lord Center your feet we get ready to go home once more and again once more and again would you help me thank God for Bishop John Francis come on don't forget Newport Saturday we're turning our parking lot into a drive-in movie theater it's gonna be absolutely off the chain we are sharing the movie carwash is throwback Saturday and so we want you to please please be a part of it for our parents I need you to know it is rated pg-13 govern yourselves accordingly amen it is not the Disney Channel so I need you to please be mindful is pg-13 Sunday we begin our brand-new shoe drive we are collecting 2000 pairs of brand-new shoes come on get excited about it we're gonna be a blessing to this county we got two different teams here those of you who on the iPhone team make some noise those of you on the Android team make some noise all right now nervous Lord who's on the winning side so Sunday ask that you please up bring boxes remember it is our first day I'll collect them on your job in your neighborhood in your beauty salon and sorority meeting fraternity meeting get everybody you know how to help us so we can be a blessing to the young people of DeKalb County if you're in agreement with it come on give God a hand clap of praise July seventh is our world outreach day those of you who are going to the essence festival you ought to be home by Sunday morning and 9:30 amen I need you to be here we are preparing meals for 50,000 people that we're gonna bless in Kenya somebody give God an ankle epic race it's an abbreviated worship service for us are we going straight from worship into service we're doing meal prep all over this sanctuary we're gonna have tables where we're gonna be a preparing meal so that we can be a blessing to our brothers and sisters abroad I be mindful this is our last Tuesday night for the summer are we on sabbatical for the month of July on Tuesdays only no sabbatical on Sunday look at the person beside say he talking to you he is talking to you and now we're doing something new this summer for the month of July we're doing a sermon series called by popular demand by popular demand let me pause and publicly thank you even our friends are online 12,500 people have downloaded our new birth app somebody makes some noise 12,500 people what what it is that we're asking you to do you'll go to our new birth app and you'll be able to fill out the poll what is the subject or the area you want to hear your pastor preach on in the month of July we've heard so many responses almost a thousand of you have really responded you need to hear sermon on marriage on relationship on dating on finances on forgiveness on love amen and some other stuff that Lord yeah I thought y'all was crazy but you confirmed it a member now serious necessity oh please do it you only have two more weeks to fill out that survey you have access to it if you'll go online and download our app at new birth Atlanta I want you to please lift up that hand Bishop Francis I hope you can hear me we love you so much we value you so much come on give God some praise fall hallelujah we speak traveling grace over that airplane they got a bless him in his going and then he'll find everything at home better than how he left it if nobody told you today please know your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I want to see you get everything that God has for you now one to him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail let that hand as high as you see yourself going may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you do you have enough sense to worship Him may God bless you I do you have to give stuff away henceforth now and forevermore the Blessed people of God said amen would you download Mike McClure's new single begets gonna change your life have a great day in the Lord [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 17,521
Rating: 4.8465753 out of 5
Keywords: Global Impact Crusade, Dr. Jamal Bryant, Pastor Jamal Bryant, New Birth, Newbirth, Atlanta, Bishop John Francis
Id: 4TesxwFW2gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 4sec (6124 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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