Dr. Jamal Bryant's 1st TIME @ Newbirth 2004

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now when you understand that he has a gift of empowerment that God has given him now please don't don't I know we've had a long day but I do draw on his anointing don't just catch what he's saying pull out pull out of his spirit like you ain't never pulled before say I want it all because when I leave I'm fully empowered I'm fully within authority and I'm so honored sir that you would accept to be with us today and to share with us in this house one of many times that you shall come and be here again and again there's something we say when we receive somebody that is of the prophets status and we stretch our hands toward them we say blessed be the man who comes in the name of our Lord pastor Jamal Bryan come come come [Applause] come on and give God some plays all over this house come on and worship the name of the Lord all over this house bless the name of Jesus would you take your neighbor by the hand stretching out even across the aisles leave no person untouched whoever's hand you're holding just pull on him just a little bit pull on up just a little bit because I want you to know that this afternoon you're holding on to somebody who refuses to let go if you're ever so gently ever lightly just squeeze their hand not to squeeze it off but just squeeze it so that they know that you're there because somebody on your left somebody on your right has no idea what a miracle feels like they don't know what it took for you to make it here today they don't know what it is they tried to drive you crazy we tried to drive you back into your past but it is the devil tried to do to give you a nervous breakdown but you can declare after all that I've been through I still got Joey [Applause] if you take your neighbors hand iliza close all heads abound Lord in the name of Jesus I come this afternoon asking for a supernatural transfer of accounts I pray right now dear Lord that you will transfer out of me into my neighbor's spirit whatever it is they don't have so God if I have a job in my neighbors unemployed transfer it out of my body and put our opportunity into their tomorrow what if I've got somebody in my neighbor is lonely I pray right now dear Lord that your transfer out of my spirit friendship so that they'll know that they're never alone that they're never forsaken God if my neighbors living in debt and I'm living debt-free I pray right now that you would transfer accounts until it's pressed down shaken together and running over Lord please forgive my neighbor who in this moment is uncomfortable because they think I have a sweaty hand let them know that's not sweat in my hand but that's an anointing that I'm pushing into their hair I pray right now God that you will anoint their hands so that when they get home they'll put their hand on the doorknob and when they turn the doorknob everything in their house will be turned upside down and the Blessed people of God who want a new anointing loose those hands and thank God for yourself come on and bless his name even right now come on you can bless His Holy Name you can bless His Holy Name you can magnify his only name in the presence of the Lord we count this a sacred privilege to be in this sacred space called sanctuary to be in God's house one more time he didn't have to let me live but he did because of that all I can do is tell God thank you there's so many people in the hospital this afternoon so many people in jail so many people in a convalescent center who wish that they could be in church today you ought not take it lightly or take it for granted would you help me thank God that you have an opportunity to worship God on a Friday afternoon [Music] [Applause] I want to take a point of personal privilege to express my utmost gratitude to the tribal chieftain of this colony of faith in the embodiment of Bishop Eddie Long you want to want to [Applause] in this last hour of modern day Christendom there are so many preachers who can sing spit and holler but don't have the substance of things hoped for when you have a preacher who in the words of the late Hosea Williams is unbought and unbossed not afraid of anybody or anything and is sold out for the gospel of Jesus Christ would you give God a hand clap of praise for him that's the Lord I am eternally indebted I don't even know if he remembers back in 1993 my senior year at Morehouse my parents were serving as missionaries in Liberia West Africa and Bishop Eddie Long I was not a member of new birth when I was at Morehouse God we're still working on me so I was not in church as I should have been but while my parents were abroad doing the work of the kingdom and I was lost in the abyss Bishop long personally paid for my last year in college when money ran out and I just want to thank him and appreciate him for everything that he's done there are so many people not just in this immediate ministry who the Lord has used Bishop long to use to bless amen so you all never let anybody talk about your pastor talk about your preacher you ought to thank God form come on stand to your feet and give God some praise for him bless the Lord bless the Lord I thank God for all of you and all of you are important in the body of Christ want to thank God for a remnant of our members they rode on the bus for about 18 hours just to come and be with their pastor on today members of empowerment would you all please stand wherever you all are thank you so much I appreciate you amen thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it I want the Lord has blessed our ministry next month our church will be four years old we started on Easter of 2000 with 43 members and the Lord has blessed us in four years from 43 members to 6,000 members we're just thankful to God be the glory for the great things that he has done of all the things that the Lord has blessed in our ministry in elementary school a Family Life Center a new state-of-the-art sanctuary the best thing that the Lord has done for our ministry as he gave us a first lady and I'm thankful for her and she's here with us on today first lady gizelle want to police say a delight to have her here in worship with us on today thank God for my dump did spiritual godmother dr. wanda turner god bless you amen please I'm in a precarious predicament this afternoon in dealing with being single in 2004 in America and I don't want us to just gloss over it and not deal with for the substance of what that represents and for what that means about three weeks ago bishop long on the cover of the culture section of the LA Times there were two contrasting articles on one side of the front page of the culture section of the LA Times it was an article about Sex in the City right adjacent to that article was an article about The Passion of Christ in the Sex in the City article it was talking about how great a loss America was going to have because Sex in the City was coming to a conclusion that fashion had been greatly impacted that sisterhood bonds were greatly inspired and they encouraged all of their readers don't miss the last episode of Sex in the City right next to that was an article about the film on the Passion of Christ I in that they were talking about how the Passion of Christ was too gory it was too violent it was too much for anybody to bear for 40 minutes of seeing Jesus being whipped and brutalized the interesting thing is that when you step out of that what you'll have to recognize is that America has come to the place where they embrace sex and reject passion when you would consider that Jesus had enough passion to go through the ignominious cross of Calvary knowing in advance that we're still gonna have a one-night stand but still have enough passion to have Nine Inch Nails driven through his hands passion is understanding that they'll be premeditated pain sex is saying I'll embrace you for the moment but after that capsule of passion is released please don't call me so America doesn't have a problem with sexuality but has a problem dealing with passion and I'm appreciative because in this setting on a Friday afternoon you're here in church obviously because you've got a passion for what it means to live for Jesus Christ you want to give yourselves a big hand for that we have some ministry products available immediately after the service at a table somewhere outside please find it it'll be a blessing to you Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 it ought not take you that long genesis chapter 1 and we're going to illuminate for our understanding verse number 26 Genesis chapter 1 verse number 26 one day founder one to say I got it if you can't find it say lord help me amen let's read together with uplifted voices and God said if you put your finger there and then J walk over to John chapter 3 the most popular scripture in all of the Bible John chapter 3 verse number 16 John chapter 3 verse number 16 surely you have it by now all right let's read it together for God so loved the world amen if I can reiterate for extra emphasis Genesis 1 in 26 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them minion of the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth I want to preach for a little while this afternoon from the subject the door out of boredom the door out of boredom turned to the person beside you and say I need to find that door I need a fan at some point in your life all of us go through a season in which we're dealing with perpetual boredom boredom is nothing more than being wearied by the tedious irritation of the dullness of life but you come to a place where you just feel like what am I going to do now because it doesn't look like anything is gonna happen next theologians have declared that God found himself transferring from sympathy to empathy not until Jesus shows up but I begged two different I want to argue argue scripture lay that unfortunately one of the issues that has not been addressed in the Bible because we've dealt with homosexuality dealt with adultery deal with lying dealt with cheating deal with jealousy dealt with envy but the Bible really has not dealt with boredom but I want to posit for your consideration that God was the very first one to be born when you look at Genesis chapter one we've got to consider because I'm Trinitarian in doctrine I believe in all three and one God the Father Jesus the Son the Holy Ghost has the spirit then from the beginning of time in Genesis chapter 1 all three of them are working as one entity God then has keeping him company in the cosmos the son in Jesus the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Holy Ghost but in Genesis chapter 1 he says I want something else I've got a pause here because we've got so many superficial saints who say okay I've got the Holy Ghost so I don't want anything else but God in Genesis chapter 1 says I've got the Holy Ghost in Jesus and still I desire more so when we go through Genesis chapter 1 we declare here Miriam declaring a litany of commands of let there be he speaks those things that are not and hence they become he says let there be light and immediately there is light he says let there be water and and immediately there is water he says let there be land to separate the water and immediately there is wool and that separates the water he said still this is not enough let there be creeping things and so now there's creeping things he says let there be flying things and now there's flying things and finally God says they're still not enough this a lesson here because God has possessions but he realizes having possessions in and unto itself is not enough if I've got nobody to share it with so there are people who have acquired great tangible things but it doesn't mean anything if you don't have anybody in space and in your life to share it with so God says I've got all of these possessions it's not enough I'll make me a man according to James Weldon Johnson so he creates a man breathes into him the breath of life and that breath of life becomes a living being an atom comes into existence Adam now exists and he's got the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost but he's still born so God says okay all right you got me but you still want something else so let me create you a woman he creates Eve so Adam and Eve have each other and now to tour them aboard they have somebody that the Lord created flesh of their flesh bone of their bones spirit of their spirit but still are not complete Oh hold on preach are you suggesting to me I could have somebody saved and they still don't do nothin for me are you saying they can go to my church but but still don't fulfill me Eve is bought and I want to prove it in Scripture she's bought she only been married to him for a week and after being married to him for a week she goes to the garden by herself we got a problem here because we don't know where Adam is the problem here is because Adam believes he's got Eve on lockdown and because he believes he's got Eve on lockdown he's no longer spending time or giving attention so because he has released the woman that God has sent him she is susceptible to snakes we've got to go further here because I want to know why this woman of God this virtuous woman is talking to a snake who she can sense already is beneath her it's not that she needs a man it's just she's bored so because she's bored she starts to date down so rather than wait for God to send somebody on her level she starts spending time with somebody who can't even appreciate who she is okay now you got to understand now that there's there's a problem there's a problem here with Adam because he misunderstood his role and his responsibilities in Genesis chapter 1 verse number 26 it says I'm giving you power over every creeping thing every crawling thing over every flying thing because God says Adam I love you so much what's this I'm gonna let you name the stuff you over so God begins presenting every specimen one by one and say Adam I'm giving you the authority to name it Adam what you want to call this i'ma call this a hamster what what what you want to call that I want to call that a peacock but what do you want to call that I want to call that a bear what what do you want to call that I want to call that a mule what what do you want to call that I want to call that a tiger what what do you want to call this I want to call this a cockroach God gave him authority to name everything listen to me God was listening to hear if Adam would call the animal wife because he gives you the authority to name the stuff that's in your life and I want you to catch this I want you to catch this God always presents animals before he presents a mate ok I think I'm missing some of you so when your may comes you know the difference because you don't dealt with enough of them before then you know a player when you see one you know I lie when you see one you know I cheat when you see one he says I give you authority that when I presented to you you can speak what you want it to be a lot of y'all are from the suburbs y'all are from the suburbs so y'all can't identify anybody here from the hood anybody ok ok anybody here can I preach to y'all for a little while I'm a ghetto preacher so let me preach to to my hood rats for just a minute no let me tell you when I grew up when I grew up watch this when I grew up in Baltimore I grew up in Baltimore in the hood grew up in Baltimore in the hood I know y'all in Plato's out in Lithonia in Decatur but listen those of y'all who know where Whiston is y'all y'all can identify with what I'm telling I listen in the hood in Baltimore we used to sit on the front steps sit on the front step I'm about 7 8 9 years old I know y'all never played this but when I was about 7 8 9 years old me all my boys would sit on the front step I'm seven eight nine years old listen we will play this game y'all ain't never played it we used to play this game called that's my car now trust us we didn't have no driver's license we didn't have no insurance but if we saw it we said it's already mine okay listen listen listen listen is about 1,200 of y'all ain't what there's too many it's about 700 of y'all the Lord has shown you something that you're supposed to get this year watch what happens watch watch what happens watching y'all sit down you know I'm a yummy whole neck like this okay listen watch watch watch what happens Eve Eve is in the Garden of Eden Eva's in the Garden of Eden watch this and she's eating fruit she's not supposed to eat pastor Paterson theologically scripturally biblically no where do we find any argument that Eve was hungry she's eating out of boredom a lot of the sin we participate in is not necessarily because we want it but because we don't have anything else to do god help me you're at a place you're at a place where you're doing some things we're halfway through it you're saying I didn't need this this was not even worth it is this what I was waiting for ha God and so where the devil comes in to mess with you is he gives you recreational sin he gives you sin just to occupy your time and your space god help me so there's some folk you'll go out with just because you don't want to be home there's some folk who you talk to even though you don't have nothing in common with them there's some folk who you allow in your house because you tired of being home alone but God said hi you alone as long as you got me and some of y'all better get ready good but get ready because this is the season this is the season and new birth I hope you can handle this that isolation comes before elevation god yes yes where's Beyonce when you need her it's just me myself and I yes because I realized from now on I got to be my own her best friend it's just me myself and I I don't know who I'm preaching to but some of y'all this year learned how to shout watch this by yourself when Eve is in the garden when Eve is my garden watch this she begins eating an apple that she really doesn't want but she takes advantage of it because she's bored the problem with many of the women please don't be upset if I'm not talking to you I'm not talking to you the problem with some of the women who were saved in in church who have been taught that they can do exactly what God has done is that they find themselves believing that from reading Genesis chapter 1 that with all of your anointing you the power to make a man out of dirt you can't make a man out of dirt he won't be ready for you watch this God never gave him a woman until he already had Spirit in him if a man doesn't have spirit he's not gonna be able to handle you but if he's got the Spirit of God in him he can say bring it on whatever you got I'm not jealous I'm not intimidated you go girl with your bad self even even when you look at the scripturally that God is dealt with boredom Adam and Eve deal with boredom but even the devil deals with boredom in job chapter 1 God sends the devil a motorola two way page were you going devil responds back I'm going up and down to and fro looking for somebody to hook up with tonight God says okay why don't you hook up with Joe he's free said no I don't want you to hook me up with Joe he got too many boundaries he got too many walls up I don't want to date him you know God says go here just just take them out once and I think I think you'll like them Jojo is a good guy he's a good guy and the devil says no I don't wanna I don't wanna mess with him cuz he don't get down with me the right way you don't get down God says okay this is what I'll do is I'll knock his walls down so you can take his stuff watch this but you can't take him you got to be very careful of people who at any point in your life have touched you and now think they can be possessive of you he says then to Joe take his house take his car take his clothes take his children take his money but don't take his soul I'm talking this afternoon to some survivors who out of a bad relationship you lost almost everything you lost your self-esteem lost your sanity launched your ability to trust lost your ability to love but you found out I still got me now god this is gonna be strange and I know everybody can't identify with this Papa God said in this modern day time so many people shout under me when they find out they're getting a raise when they find out that they're getting a promotion when they find out they're getting a new car are they shout for all of that but as the new birth ask them cuz this is my first time here I don't know if you've ever done this but as new birth when was the last time you shouted for all your exes when when was the last time you praised him watch this for the relationships that didn't work that debt that you saw you saw in the mall and say lord thank you so getting that out of my space I oh okay okay okay listen listen listen listen listen listen they thought you weren't gonna survive without them they thought you would never find anybody else they thought you would never rebound but now you lookin better you driving better you dressing better you're looking better your child is in private school you better just thank God for all the relationships the devil deals with boredom but not only does the devil deal with boredom but the people of God deal with boredom in the Old Testament historically you'll remember that the children of God first asked Lord send us a prophet the Lord sent him a prophet they said okay we're bored with prophets send us something else Lord send us a king the Lord sent him Kings they became bored with Kings he said they said to God send us somebody else God said I've given you prophets I've given you Kings I've given you liberators I only got one thing left okay John chapter 3 verse number 16 how all of this was all just my introduction John chapter 3 verse number 16 for God so loves the world that He gave Jesus huh somebody shout Jesus somebody not now be careful be careful saying his name out loud like that be careful because I don't want something to break out would you would you say his name please would you yeah yeah yeah listen this be careful be careful be careful be careful because when you speak his name when you speak his name God will perform open-heart surgery please plea with somebody just speak his name and he'll God will you speak his name everything that wounded you in your past everything that tried to kill you everything that tried to drive you crazy would you just speak his name he said this is what I'm sending you to deal with your boredom I'm sending you what you've been praying for I'm sending you a man oh god somebody help me I feel like preaching now he says I'm sending you somebody huh who in the first case will excite you here he'll he'll excite you ain't ain't nothing worse than being stuck with somebody who's boring y'all in the car got nothing to talk about in the restaurant got nothing to say in the movies you ready to go home how God said I'm sending you somebody that will excite you god help me oh you ever been in a place you ever been in a place sure that you have when you were in love with somebody you were in love with somebody and you saw their car you saw their car it wasn't necessarily their car you saw a car like their car you you saw it in the car was going in the opposite direction you almost have an accident looking back you got excited watch this because you saw something that reminded you of them you didn't even have to see them but you saw something that was connected to them god help me whatever you do whenever you do I'm warning you don't look at your neighbor whatever you do don't look at your neighbor look straight ahead look at me because if you look at the person beside you you are going to see what Jesus can do for somebody who almost had a nervous breakdown shouting oh look at your neighbor look at your neighbor sound man wherever you are give me a little bit in this monitor look at your neighbor and say please don't make me testify but don't make me testify because if I start telling you about the stuff I've been through in my life if I start testifying to dismantle my peace you would start shouting for me I need some in here you ain't jealous of nobody you don't work with nobody else but you're glad for what the Lord has done for you and I need I need somebody who will excite me secondly I need somebody that will motivate me oh god that whenever I get to one level how they begin telling me there's more than that there's more than that there's more than that please don't say that preacher there's more than what I got in mm there's more than what I got in 2001 there's more than what I got in 2002 there's more than what I got in 2003 there's more than what I got in 2004 I'm gonna see I'm gonna see how much faith y'all really got down in Atlanta because some folk can only shout for what they have but the folk who are connected to destiny sadi for what I got now [Applause] Oh God this comet is coming touch your neighbor telling miss Commodus I don't know what it is what is Commodus is ask God everything you've been paying for can you read fast seven I want to send you somebody not only that will excite you not only that will motivate you watch this i'ma send you some money who can deliver you no longer can I afford to have people in my space heir to my destiny [Applause] myself [Applause] be able to praise the Lord [Applause] I'm ready to go come on Amos ah thank you my time is up but I gotta go listen what David says David says oh oh God can y'all just preach with me from the rock look at your neighbor and say oh y'all too stuck up somebody and say oh that's the wrong [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] take your noodle by the hand I gotta go take your name by the hand my prayer is that this year the Lord won't bless you with stuff that's boring but he'll bless you with stuff that as soon as you see it you'll start shouting about it this is what I found out the Lord will bless you quicker watch me the Lord will bless you quicker when you learn how to shout for somebody else get ready to get rough in here look at your neighbor and say the shout I'm about to give is not for me what the shout I'm about to give is because I wanna see [Applause] listen the person you sitting beside they don't know you that well they don't know tonight you cried they don't know the cycles you had to deal with they don't know the stalkers there used to be outside your house so this next phrase I'm giving you divine permission to be selfish that's just for me listen what our name is put your foot on the brake the real praisers learn how to shout when you weren't at church you learned how to praise Him Travon in your past in the show in the living room for 60 seconds with no music [Applause] prince then praise their stomach their sound is for me do is for me you got 30 seconds left you get 30 seconds [Applause] thirty seconds Diana me under your feet you got 30 seconds to get your face back get back Tim man Hey seven three [Applause] let's just hold the name bless His Holy Name would you do me a favor take one person by both hands take one person by both hands [Applause] take one person by both hands [Applause] look that person in the face look that person in the eye and simply say I agree oh no they don't believe it look them in the face and say I agree something dangerous is about to happen you command I say I agree listen your neighbor has no idea what they just agreed to but the Bible says if to Oh three in my name spot check God said whatever you shouted about is already done Bruce tolls pants and give them tanks there's our [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Inspiration Station
Views: 111,911
Rating: 4.7446256 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, jamal bryant megafest, eddie l long, eddie long newbirth, jamal bryant newbirth, td jakes jamal bryant, noel jones jamal bryant, td jakes, bishop noel jones, city of refuge la, single ladies, singles conference, single ladies beyonce, hotlanta, welcome to atl, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, eddie long, serita jakes, potters house dallas, steven furtick, michael todd, elevation church, dr jamal bryant
Id: Jpa5iqf0CWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 1sec (3001 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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