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I need a miracle everything was going well until you sent that text to my phone I need a miracle I was all right until I opened up that envelope I need a miracle and Joshua is being defeated and he begins to pray out loud because he realizes that when I'm going through that ain't the time for me to beat you and the bees stock up and the bees sir did a I don't care who's listening I don't care who rose that sucks their teeth and says you don't take all of that all I know is I can't have another week this week like last week try not to lose [Applause] [Music] is like a jungle sometimes our new Burpee outlays been saved and all you [Music] Joshua chapter 10 verses 12 through 14 I just need somebody to shout it'll never lose his power [Applause] Joshua chapter 10 verse 12 through 14 I'm reading this morning from the New International Version as it you'll read along and whatever translation you've brought with you on the day the Lord gave the amorite over to Israel Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel son stand still over Gibeon and you moan over the valley of a Jalan so the Sun Stood Still and the moon stopped to the nation of India itself on its enemies as it is written in the book of Jasher the Sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day there's never been a day like it before or since a day when the Lord listened to a human being surely the Lord was fighting for Israel you may be seated so Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of all of Israel son stand still over Gibeah so the law so the Sun Stood Still and the moon stopped the Sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down for a full day it's never been a day like that before or since a day when the Lord listened to a human being surely the Lord was fighting for Israel I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject what goes around isn't coming around what goes around isn't coming back around would you look at the person beside you and tell them whatever's been going around he is not coming back around my dear comrade standing as a cornerstone of classic Greek philosophy he is Aristotle the prize student of Plato his publication entitled the heavens he still loaded as a seminal work introducing the elements of the earth that african-americans have minimized as a funk bangin earth wind and fire he postulated that all bodies have a natural way of moving which could be regular or irregular he believed Aristotle did that everything that moved was moved by something this theory predated Newton's first law of motion which suggested that everything in motion stays in motion and that same symmetry of thought he proposed that the planets and the Sun orbited around the earth he claimed that there was no evidence that the earth was in motion because no potential wind blows over the surface of the earth and a ball thrown in the air doesn't land behind the thrower for him this meant that the earth had to be stationary embarrassingly enough almost 1,000 years this error held rank in both geological and theological circles parallel to that error is how many individuals you personally know who actually believe that everything revolves around them according to the DSM - five diagnostic manual for mental health people who exhibit that level of thinking suffer from narcissistic personality disorder have an exaggerated sense of self believe that they are deserving of all attention and they lack empathy where they fail to realize is that it's not all about them and just like it's not all about them is not all about you either you must decrease so that the Lord may increase novel enough it was a priest that introduced the insight that in all actuality the earth moves around the Sun this priest named Nicholas in 1515 proposed that the earth was a planet just like Venus or Saturn and all the other planets circled around the Sun it was so itchy for his time that those who were his few followers who accepted the idea for charged with heresy and treason whenever you start moving in another direction you open up the door for accusation and attack your problem is you refuse to go along to get along you move at the beat of a different drum you March to your own orders and realize that you have been cut from a different fabric there are people who still can't catch up with your rhythm because they want to co-op you're into that individuality and uniqueness and keep forgetting that cloning is illegal the only wish that you would think like them and co-opt their mind frame because they are so comfortable if mediocrity that they don't understand why you have an aversion to average as soon as you start thrusting yourself towards excellence they want to push you back to the minimal size of their own expectation and have a problem that you have the daring to be able to dream differently God has in fact put a tattoo on your life that you are in the world but you are not of it and so I don't know why it is that you keep frustrating yourself voluntarily trying to fit into something you were called out of stumbling onto Broadway after an extensive stint in the UK was Oscar Levant play in 1961 entitled stopped the world I want to get off the show was set against a circus backdrop and follows the life of the lead character from birth the approach upset the usual staid of format of theatre by consistently interacting with the audience every instance when something untoward takes place with the central character he would yell invariably to the audience stop the world he wasn't talking to the rest of the chaos he was talking to those who had paid their ticket adjusted their schedule set in that theatre for two hours in ten minutes whenever something that he did not desire would happen to him he would yell stop the world everything that could happen does from starting a family prematurely and when that happens he yells stop the world trying to climb out of poverty because he came from meager beginnings but marries somebody from an affluent pedigree he yelled stopped the world from all the drama that came from his family that once he was able to gauge a modicum of success they acted as if he owed them something even though they did nothing in order to assist his aspirational climb he yelled stopped the world how many times have you wanted to scream that out loud in your own life in your own journey in your own being stop the world how many times did you want to scream it at your children before you caught a charge stop the world how many times did you want to pull your hair out and that of your spouse stop the world how many times while watching the news when you realize how hard you got a struggle just to get your kids in school and then you see a picture of white privilege that exposes the likes of Felicity Hoffman that will bribe for her own children have access for what your children can't work towards stop the world how many times did you want to say stop the world this week when you had to watch while it is that you bit your tongue the documentary about Michael Jackson but you looked through the cable guide and couldn't find nothing about Elvis Presley or Woody Allen how many times did you want to say stop the world how many times did you want to scream out loud or stop the world how for all of those who appropriately Islands are Kelly but forgot to pull down the movies of Harvey Weinstein how many times did you want to yell stop the world how many times did you want to scream just today stop the world from Nick groves celebrating Saint Patrick's Day who won't even celebrate Kwanzaa you had to ask yourself stop the world yes yourself stop the world because in the words of that Harlem Renaissance poet like for you ain't been no crystal stair it's just headboards torn up but don't you sit there crying are you in to keep getting up even when you wanted the world to stop and even when you wanted the world to stop you is almost in the words of MC Hammer that life comes at your face and you don't get the opportunities or the option to stop the world because your grandmother raised you without the benefit of head start or aftercare or daycare here you were four years old watching as the world turns at all my children and you didn't know how in the world Luke would still wit law all you knew is that the world just keeps spinning and you wanted to cry out loud to yourself please just stop the world some of y'all just had a flashback [Applause] this has got to be how Joshua is feel like in the temp chapter when five different nations unified to bring him defeat and they wanted to bring him defeat why because they didn't like his progress Frederick Douglas that great abolitionists out of my home state of Maryland said that without a struggle there can be no progress and here are these enemy entities that are upset because he's making progress and they don't like the success he is having he has not declared war on them he has just declared war on his former self and now they're angry you don't even realize how many enemies you have evoked simply because of a thirst to want to do better have no idea how many people are strategizing simply because you have made up in your mind you refused to be who you used to be you have no idea how many land mines and traps have been set for you on a job that you don't even want to work in but because they see your potential but they are anxious and nervous that you are going to rise to the top even while you feel like your career is at the bottom so five different enemies converge and have a meeting of the minds albeit diabolical on what can we do to stop Joshua so they converge on the lynchpin city of Gibeon and I want those of you who can hear my voice today to know that you haven't made a terrible mistake if you believe that Satan Lucifer the devil bells above is in fact the counter personality of God Satan does not have all power not only does he not have all power he doesn't have all knowledge not only does he not have all knowledge he is not everywhere and because he has a limited power hear me he will often for those of us who are destined for greatness he will never just throw one thing at you he'll throw three four and five different attacks at the exact same time and then he stands back to see which one will you respond to and based off of what you respond to he keeps needling it hoping that he can irritate and aggravate you all the more not even realizing they I can handle this in my sleep so it irritates you when you have in a juggle bowling balls and you hear people complaining about small and tonight.you stuff that really has no nevermind and here you are trying to keep everything together and folk have no idea that for real for real while I'm in church I'm saying to God if one more thing happens to me I'm gonna kick some desk over I'm talking just a real that got four and five things happening in your life at the same time I'm talking not to you but to the person to roles behind you then if you ask them what's going on with them they'll pause and take a moment not cuz nothing is going on but because they trying to figure out one of two things do they feel like reliving it or can you handle the truth I'm I'm talking to those of you that got five things going on right now car breaking down some knees fixing at the house your child got an attitude problem you dealing with demonic coworkers you got sickness in your body your money is running short and you think I got time to worry about you not liking Who I am I got too much on my plate to worry about you cuz I got five what is amazing about Joshua he's he's got to fight five different encampments he's got to fight five different armies five different regimes five different nations and here's my problem new birth is that Joshua is the one that's anointed and what is attacking him has no anointing can I go a step further and all the more Joshua is losing I'm gonna talk to some some real Saints who who know that you can have the anointing of God on your life and still go through a season where you feel like you losing it I I do not have time for these shallow superficial cotton-candy Saints who act like everyday blessed and I live every date the joy of the Lord is my strength every day can't nobody do me like Jesus I need those of y'all that can keep it real that some days I don't want to turn to my neighbor some days I don't want to lift my hair some days I don't feel like shouting up I just want to sit here and hope something breaks Josh was losing and he's losing real bad and when he saw sluicin real bad he like many of us cries out loud I need a miracle I know some of y'all don't need it but I'm talking to a remnant who is in the room out there saying pastor that's how I feel right now that it ain't just one thing cuz as soon as I take one step forward I got something that pushes me two steps back I need a miracle have but the difference between a good day and a bad day is just one phone call I need a miracle everything was going well until you sent that text to my fault I need a miracle I was all right until I opened up that envelope I need a miracle and Joshua is being defeated and he begins to pray out loud because he realizes that when I'm going through that ain't the time for me to beat you and the be stuck up and the be sir ditty I don't care who's listening I don't care who rose that sucks their teeth and says you don't take all of that all I know is I can't have another week this week like last week need God to do something before I do something crazy I need God to intervene cuz I feel another piece of myself rising up I need God to hold my tongue before somebody catches these hair don't push me cause I'm close to I'm trying not to lose my is like a jungle sometimes this a new perfume label saved that long since God I need a miracle I need a miracle cuz I can't go another week living under this kind of attack hallelujah I don't know where you are but you can't wait till next year this time you need something to happen for you here's your shelf in the next 7 days if you don't need nothing don't say nothing but if you need God to intervene for you before you get to church on next Sunday and Joshua he listens his strongest men and says to them well since we gotta go fight because nothing they are contending with is strong enough to defeat them they are weary and have no more strength left so tap me in I'm a step in the gap for them I don't know who you sitting beside but you're gonna be more shrewd about who you sit with in the sanctuary I'm telling you don't let random people sit next to you who gonna drain your strength that fan somebody who came to church looking like they drunk on Red Bull they don't know how to sit down they don't know how to be quiet look at the person beside you tell them I know it's been a rough season tell them I know you've been under attack I know the devil been after you and your family that's why you ain't got a shot oh the game the game looked tight and victory looked elusive suggest to a pray to the Lord watch would just pray to the Lord he prayed to the Lord Lord make the Sun stand still [Applause] hallelujah new birth III don't want you all hot to be a sheep that I'll just go along with everything and so it is my intention as Shepherd to make sure that we our congregation of critical thinkers here's Joshua's prayer Lord make the Sun stand still and all of our lives all of us who were raised in the church quote the scripture testified with his passage shout over the outcome and never do critical analysis Joshua will pray to the Lord make the Sun stand still see what you don't even realize is that Joshua was under the false same presupposition as Aristotle Joshua thought that the Sun evolved around the earth and wanted the Sun to stop when in fact it is the earth that is revolving in contrast if the Earth Stood Still according to now saw the atmosphere would still be in motion with the Earth's original 1,100 miles per hour speed at the equator everything not attached to the bedrock would be lost and destroyed and scientifically what's this his prayer makes no sense y'all mad I can tell where the church people are is if you don't read the King James Version and say Joshua said make the Sun stand still so you stuck right there believing that the Sun Stuart still but can I argue with you ladies and gentlemen that this is the formula for a miracle the formula for a miracle here this is you gotta pray for God to do stuff that don't make sense if is logical or rational or reasonable it is not a miracle so God says I'm getting ready to bless you in stone that does not make sense I'm gonna beliefs for you houses that don't match your credit oh yeah I got the wrong people I'm a release for you jobs that don't match your background I can't hear nobody in here I'm releasing for your children opportunities that they don't even deserve I'm releasing for your family with nobody in your bloodline has ever accomplished I am believing for your business without any backing without any support I am policing for your idea without any back I am blessing for your project without any underwriter I am releasing your nonprofit without any driver and when folks look at what God did you got a look at them and say here's a marathon [Applause] [Music] now what what he was really saying cuz he couldn't make the Sun stop the earth that needed to stop when he was really saying new birth is Lord give me more time I knew y'all were gonna shout about that hallelujah I need more time to get done what I've been assigned to do I'm tired of feeling tired and burnt out and rundown I need more time why cuz the haters of women but the wealth of the wicked is getting ready to be stored up for the just look at the person beside you tell them you just got more time you got more time to get started what you should have began in 2017 you got more time more time to reconcile your relationship with a family member that's become distant you got more time to pray for somebody that did you dirty clear that bankruptcy off your credit report but I came to tell the devil if you got more time then give a means run oh Jesus somebody say and say neighbor three people what [Music] [Applause] we see the police I gotta get out of here he see this right where you want hallelujah please real quick BC the y'all a mess up my sermon BC this right when you are thank you for the gun and thank you hooligan you ain't got to say nothing but I need somebody to shout out laughs I just got more time I just got y'all a sayin nothin BC I gotta show you something someone they're dumb I wanted to argue against the fallacy of of Joshua's intercession of him asking for the Sun to stand still I said there's no way no way that you can make the Sun stand still god help me till I read mark chapter 10 mark chapter 10 Jesus comes into Jericho and as a blind man by the roadside named Bartimaeus and he heard Jesus was passing by and the Bible says in the cried out loud son of David hallelujah have mercy on me the disciples told him listen we ain't that kind of church you don't don't shout like that don't don't don't scream be dignified keep keep your cool and your calm but watch this new birth everybody who told him to shut up had vision don't tell me how to shout if you don't need what I need I can tell nobody win something bad you don't know the disciples said two blind Bartimaeus stop screaming don't trouble the master but blind bartimaeus how it got a reveal rebellious independent spirit that every time for those of y'all hunter grew up in church every time they put a circle around them God him in every time they rubbed his back and pulled out a Martin Luther King funeral home fan him and gave him star like Mitch trying to make him calm down every time they told him to be quiet she was shout louder son of David have mercy on me y'all read mark chapter 10 he kept on screaming Jesus son of David have mercy on me and with Jesus heard him shout mark chapter 10 say Jesus I wanna shout so it'll make you stop and say who is that with us the battle is over look at the [Applause] [Music] lift up that hand please everybody prays for a move of God but if you need a miracle you don't need a move of God you need the Sun to stand still how much it lift that hand only if you're in need of a miracle don't start none won't be none the airport in the train station at the bus stop they got a sign that says if you see something say something I'm believing of every lifted hand that because of your worship today you get ready to see a miracle late in the midnight hour God's committee to turn it around its get ready to work in your favor I can't kill nobody those of you that believe that God get ready to show you something would you just turn right where you are like just get ready to shift for you here's your still already too bright for you yes it'll open for you lift up that hand I want to pray for you while on others that walk calling please don't pass me by I need you to stop at my house god I can't hear nobody hi I need you to stop by my bank account anybody here and I need him to get to the doctor's appointment before I get there I need God to beat me at the interview cuz as I'm getting ready to stop but as long as you let other people bridle your praise you never gonna get to where I got for you I don't care who rolls their eyes who's such their teeth who says it don't take all of that they don't need what you need but if you need something from God the dance floor is open I'm gonna give you 30 seconds to get God's attention and I need you to cry out unto Him like this is a desperate measure you know crazy since your phone [Music] for your miracle lifted hand as high as you see yourself going we call on the miracle working God to do for you what you can't do for yourself to exceed your expectation to embarrass your enemy and to defy everything that is logic and rationale both of you in this room and your faith comes into agreement with your pastors faith would you do me a favor I want you to just shout if you believe a miracle is headed to your house come on you believe a miracle yes had [Applause] you get ready to witness a miracle you get ready to miss witness a miracle some people are getting ready to start walking in every aisle hear me now I want you to know expressly intentionally who you get ready to see walk down the aisle if you may see people not just coming to get saved but they know they need their life change they don't want just all your thrown on their forehead they want their way of life they want their thinking to be dramatically different I don't know who you are don't know where you are but you're not here by accident or coincidence you here by divine providence everything that happened in your life we're setting you up for the third Sunday in March God had you in mind you've had at least five things attacking you coming against you but God said you are now under the shadow of my covering in my unknown a you're here in this room and you know your life could stand the miracle right now your family could stay in the miracle right now I need you to dare start excusing yourself and meet me at this altar please you know you need to get saved you know you need to join this church I need you to come quickly please where are you new birthday y'all gone shout form as they come [Applause] [Applause] Oh God [Applause] new birth y'all know we got to make more noise than that [Applause] [Music] I'm the way you are but there's still ten more of you that's holding up our service I need you to come as quickly as you can with y'all shout form as they come I can't believe y'all let goin shout [Music] you're come on [Music] Erico they still coming [Music] [Applause] Yoriko which you all pull in for me just take two steps forward take yourself forward listen in somebody on your row hiding out they think they can blend in in the crowd but God needs them at this altar I need them in this church I need them a part of the body of Christ I want you to shout for this young lady coming right now come on the give may come from the north south east and west I'm telling you no area of this sanctuary is safe if you unsaved we coming to get you give me a favorite new birth let's go to work everybody move and talk to somebody you don't recognize somebody whose name you don't know roll right up on him say hey you say come on ask him you got a church home you're part of a ministry doesn't live like this come on and each other shall put these young ladies coming [Music] well [Music] [Music] come on [Music] she's your right hand and faith stretch it right him to faith do y'all see this harvest of souls on a Sunday morning I can tell y'all don't recognize the miracle when you see one would you give God a shout but all of these who are coming to get saved coming to join the church coming to be a part of the Newport families just everybody and the faith repeat up to meet you in the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God under the right pastor and I know that's right show you're right if your norm right come on pickups to the Savior will you give God a shout of Thanksgiving about your marital standing if you public us this way [Applause] [Applause] let your hands if you know God is a miracle worker [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 183,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cSuIIZP7Qvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 57sec (3057 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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