The truth about men

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if you're happy and you know it clap your hands come on would you give God a shelter Thanksgiving if you're glad to be in the service I want you if you would with all the teeth you got left would you smile right where you are hallelujah we got one rule here at new birth you can't be saved and stuck up ain't ya it's just nice to be nice smile as wide as you can but you just embrace two people you don't know fine two people you don't know tell them something good is gonna happen to you today [Music] hallelujah what a mighty God we serve [Applause] what a mighty God we serve [Music] come on clap your hand she's a sister [Music] in the name of Jesus [Music] victory is mine victory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the night [Music] [Music] [Music] come on clap your hands if you can handle it would you pat your feet right way up in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus [Music] come on everybody in that name [Music] [Music] we have to hurry would you clap your hands if you gonna have victory this week come on I can't hear you no more defeats come out shout for victory this week [Music] you may be seated except for all the men in the building you may be seated except for all the men in the building you may be seated except for all the men in the building only people not standing all the men in the building even a young men in the building God is moving us from my audience to an army and in order for us to have an army we got to have strong men on the frontline sisters I need you to shout for strong men standing around you on this past Monday we had our first meeting with the men and the pastor was absolutely amazing I want you to know sisters over 500 men came out on Monday night we get ready to take this city by force kit may take this County by force and we get ready to save a generation of young men come on as we were in a huddle on Monday it dawned on me that one of the people who God has anointed for this hour this errand for this generation as a dear covenant brother and friend of mine he is a a minister to the marketplace he has made an impact in movies and in television but he has not wavered in his conviction and his integrity I thank God for the life of brother Devon Franklin come on don't hate celebrate [Applause] and I heard him a week ago on the Breakfast Club and I said Lord he got to get the new birth he's spitting that kind of truth I need him to come through here he has a new book out for our dear friends who are online the new book is the truth about men you can get it on Amazon get it at Barnes & Noble just don't get it from the barbershop I need you to get a real copy get a real copy of the book we want to be a blessing not just to him but I want you to get it for the men in your lives brother Franklin is gonna be available after service doing a book signing here in our lobby immediately after service I'm gonna charge all about men to get a copy of this book on all of our sisters if there's a man that you care about a man that you're rearing that you're raising I want you to get a copy for him he's getting ready to come now just want him to share with you about the burden that God has put on him for men across the country and around the world sisters rise with our brothers and welcome my friend brother Devon Franklin as he comes at this side come on y'all gotta cheer real good for amen amen amen can we just take 30 seconds that was cool for me but I didn't wake you up this morning I didn't start you on your way why don't you get praise where praise is really due amen amen come on come on come on you can do better than that it wasn't your iPhone or your Android they woke you up it was his mercy and grace why don't you give him thanks a man a man a man you may have your seat it is so exciting to be here I've been friends with your pastor for a long time and it's amazing what God is doing in the his life and in life of new birth it is exciting to be here this morning to talk to you briefly about my new book the truth about men what men and women need to know people said it's dangerous to write a book about men because as men we don't like to look in the mirror I said well clearly you don't know the type of men that we already are because even though the world wants to throw us out as men I'm here to tell you as men we can do our work why because every single man has love in them turns here neighbors say you got loving you and what I need you to know why it's so important I wrote this book because as men we always aren't taught how to love sometimes because we don't like who looks back at us in the mirror and we were raised we were not raised with an understanding of how to love who we really are and really what God has called us to do so when I begin to write this book the enemy was busy saying do not write a book about what men need to do better because no man is going to read it write a book about what women have to do and I said enemy you are not going to talk to me about this why because I believe that women are already doing their work if I can say it but we as men got to join the ladies and start doing our work is it okay for me to speak the truth this morning in nubert we can be men of commitment we can be men of integrity we can be men of fidelity but we've got to put love in control why is it sometimes hard for us to do what we call been called to do and hang on and the way we've been called to hang on and I'll tell you why because every man's troubles between two things love and lust come on can we say it and when these two things war with one another as men sometimes we feel helpless and hopeless but I'm here to tell you the truth will set us free and we can win the to read if we put love over lust what does that mean it means we put selflessness over selfishness and I wrote this book not just for men but also to give women information because women I got to tell you something I love you I know you're safe synched if I feel with the Holy Ghost but mostly you don't understand us as men come on my brother can I get an amen in the house I wrote this book so you can get more understanding and I also wrote this book so that we as men can have a manual how to do our work you know what's so fascinating we live in a world in a culture that tells men don't commit that tells men the more women you have the better that tells men oh you know if you get into a commitment or a marriage that's the wrong thing but can we go back to the word for a moment can I take you back to the word before I take my seat when you go back to Genesis it says that God created Adam from the dust of the earth and he breathes and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul now what's interesting is that as Adam had free reign of the Garden of Eden he was naming all the animals but guess what God said it's not good for man to be alone okay I need you to follow me on my Bible scholars need you to follow me now watch this he took a rib from Adam and what happened he went and created Eve now what's fascinating is the world wants to tell us as men we are just fine without a woman and in the world wants to tell women that you are not whole without a man but let's go back to the divine design when Eve was was created she did not come into the earth asking where is Adam check your text there's no dialogue that says where is Adam as a matter of fact Adam when Eve was created Adam said wait a minute something is missing I'm not whole when he saw Eve he said now this is bone of my bone flesh of my flesh for this reason will a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife it doesn't say this is why the what the wife will leave her mother and father why is it so important because as men our strength is found in committing boys play men commit I don't know who I'm talking to this morning but when we commit to the woman we love with tell her we're gonna put your needs above our knees there is nothing we cannot do as the men that God has called us to be and I want every single single woman to know in the house if anybody keeps being on your case about why you're single you tell them I'm single cuz I'm whole I'm not right for everybody and everybody is not right for me there is nothing wrong with me I'm right where God needs me to be who am I talking to in the house this morning you are whole and and I got I got one more truth to bring and then I'm gonna take my seat I'm not gonna overstay my welcome any single man in the house mastery I talk about mastery mastery that means the practice of love if you if you're single and you're dating if you are not if you don't mean her any good let her go don't play with her can I say that if you don't mean her any good let her go do not play with her she is not an object she is God's daughter I talked about this in the book I'm sorry I don't mean to mess up your Sunday afternoon date but I need you to get set free by the truth that you can be faithful the more women the better the more money not the better but when we love God and we serve Him with all our mind we can become the men we were called to be and the last thing I'm gonna say is this if you are married and you you are a man and you you you sometimes struggle I need you to know that there is hope we have to start creating a safe space where we can talk with one another without fear of judgment as a man you've got to have somebody else you can talk to and tell them what's really going on because the enemy wants to get victory when we are silent anything we suppress we empower to destroy us why doesn't let us begin to run rampant because we as men do not talk but today on this day I want to bring the silent moratorium to an end as men we start talking about what's on our heart expressing that we don't always have it together expressing that we need God's help who am I talking to right now and before I leave I read this pledge for the men that are standing if you choose to continue to stand as I read this play if you are a man and you commit to this pledge I ask you to stand this is the Masters pledge the pledge of love I pledge not to blame women for my actions women are never at fault when I lose control nothing a woman wear says drinks or does is it is an excuse for improper touching remarks or sexual behavior ever I pledge to never harass a woman period I pledge to stop looking the other way if I witness a friend or colleague harassing a woman I pledge to stop making excuses for times when I behave badly I pledge to confess my sins apologize to whom I have offended and live every day to make it right I pledge to take a woman's no for an answer no means no period it doesn't mean maybe it doesn't mean try harder I pledge to stop acting like my manhood is an entitlement it's not I pledge to change my routine if there's any part of my routine that makes me vulnerable to being less than I can be I change it and this is the last part of the Masters pledge I pledge to take accountability for who I am and what I do what I will be I am now be coming if you have stood during this pledge you have committed to put love over lust and you will win [Applause] come on would you give it up for Devon Franklin [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's the Lord you may be seated in the presence of the Lord new birth is a church that loves that lives and leads and less than 45 days ago we led the country and understanding our conscience responsibilities that we can't be a mega church having a minor impact and we are heard about one of our sister institutions at Bennett College that found themselves in dire straits and I felt it was our responsibility to step up to the plate and I want you to know that Abby no college is standing tall and strong because of the grace of God and the prayers of the righteous that availeth much they were in jeopardy around their accreditation they needed five million dollars and have far exceeded that new birth I want you to warmly welcome of the president of Ben ecology is with us today as well as of members of the board come on would you help me give God some praise for them come on y'all gotta shout louder than that I just want to thank pastor Jamal Bryant members of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church because you helped us a lot you started a movement over when you gave and I was sent the YouTube video of you giving I was making a commitment to give $10,000 and you actually sent me a check for sixteen thousand okay we were so moved Tomoe and since then a hundred and sixty six additional faith-based groups across the u.s. joined you and contributed and today the end since December 11th we've had thirteen thousand donors and with that donation we have raised more than five million dollars we have raised a total of nine point five million dollars [Music] and fellow on behalf of the Board of Trustees faculty staff and students we want to thank you I do want to recognize the lumps in the audience that are with us alums would you raise your hand thank you I would love to also recognize my trustee trustee Gladys Robinson who's also of the North Carolina senator Latanya Gatlin the vice president for advancement Leroy summers CFO and trustee whit Berger who are also with us today I would like to present Pastor Brian the Stanwyck Bennett t-shirt that man that looks too big and I would also like to recognize Quincy and Zack I know them by email yes to come out and we also like to present to you a plaque of the event passenger a pastor Jamal Bryant led the kickoff for the announcement of our campaign we are so happy you were there to join us and as a result of that we want to commemorate that event and present to you a plaque wonderful nubuck which shows your love for Bennett College thank you this is a small/medium I'll take it thank you Quincy you can't fit a medium thank you y'all take our picture thank you your phone it the president is still in charge [Applause] [Music] come on new birth make some noise for Vinick college you may be seated in the presence of the Lord how many of you are glad that you're part of a church that's mindful of the community that invests in the next generation in this hour all of us have an opportunity to share an opportunity to sow an opportunity to give our young people are flanked behind me they're prepared to sing in just one moment how about I want you to arm yourself with your capacity to be able to tithe and to give up on this Sunday morning how would you write where it is that you are wherever it is that you hold your resources I ask that you'll please it ready yourself I want you to think of all the times that you were running behind and God made it work out anybody in the room have first-hand testimony of God paying something you know you didn't have the money for anybody ever got shocked that the card actually went through that to check actually cleared hallelujah some of you all can shout because the bill was paid others of us shout because we got an extension amen but but we're thankful under God that through it all we've learned to trust in him I want you to get a seed in your hand because that you're mindful that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us because of what it is that you were able to give and how it is that you sold and shared I and lent you of your resources a whole body of young women are moving forward to assume positions of leadership and we want to replicate that model again and again and again because of your graciousness just two weeks ago we were able to feed 5,000 people all over the city of Atlanta on Super Bowl weekend y'all not excited about it because of that we ought to be giving God glory and praise and thanksgiving I tell you you can't beat God's giving no matter how hard you try our God is a faithful God we are tithing church' because we are type in church we give 10% of our income back to God pastor why do you do that before you argue can I remind you that MasterCard requires 17% visa wants 19% an American Express won all their money amen but for over two thousand years God has not adjusted his interest rate from Malachi chapter 3 even unto this hour still 10% God loves what kind to give her what kind to give her amen I'm glad to give simply because I got something to give how many of you will remember when you didn't have anything at all but you know that God will supply all of your needs according to his riches and glory look at Bennett's testimony they needed five million how big but because of the graciousness of givers they were able to amass 9 million how many of you know God will always give you more than what you asked for more than what you expected more than what it is that you thought was going to come into your life I'm on every person to challenge yourself get your tithes in your hand and for all of our visitors all of our friends who are worshiping with us are in our virtual sanctuary I want you to get a seed in your hand as close to $90 as you possibly can if you're giving electronically you can give through a push pay you can get through cash app you can give on gibla fire but I want every person giving why because everybody has received this way once it is that you have your gift in your hand but you lift it above your head please dr. Benjamin Elijah Mays said there's a crown up of your head we got to grow tall enough to where we're not the size of our destiny yet not the size of our purpose yet but through the strength of God we're getting ready to grow into it repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is in expectation for what you're gonna do before this week is over amen bless the Lord our Russians are moving amongst you they're going to help facilitate your giving however those of you that want to come and so for yourself are you're able to do so our young people are going to lead us jubilantly are in our giving I ask that you please celebrate them as they stand and lead us in worship at their side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] oh just a [Music] you [Music] [Applause] Oh just day [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] when God [Music] which is a star [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the Lord everybody and praise the Lord everybody hallelujah why don't you put your hands together again for the youth come on that's our children yes God yes God as we prepare our hearts and our minds for the word of the Lord to receive the word of the Lord I want to share some with you with really quick the word worship comes from the Old English word worship so when you worship the Lord you are expressing how much he's worth to you you are expressing his value to you and what is the motivation a lot of times we are trained on the fact that if we give something we want something in return but when it comes to worship we worship God because he's worth it that's the motivation that's our motivation so I don't want to tell you what to do in this moment because I believe that everyone's worship is different but what I do want you to do is worship with me I invite you to whatever it is that you want to do if you want to stand up if you want to lay out on the floor but whatever it is that you want to do to get into the presence of the Lord before we receive the work I invite you to do it now come on let's do it now worshipers we magnify your name give you all of the glory and the honor there's nobody like you you're so worthy to be praised you're worthy to be magnified come on you don't have to be nervous nobody's judging you in this moment but we're just giving ourselves away to God come on yes Lord that's it that's it that's it that's it come on God I look to you I want to be overwhelmed give me vision to shoot things like you do god I look to you you're what my help comes from give me wisdom you know just what to do now this is a good place all the worshipers make yourself in all right here come on come on all the worshipers make yourself known we are than your princess let's do it again family let's take it together sing God I look to you [Music] give me vision to see things like you do god I love your where my help comes from give me wisdom know just what to do yes you know just what to do he always knows what to do that's the God we serve and he knows what to do come on I will love you Lord my sure [Music] I [Music] hi [Music] Joshu [Music] [Music] hi hi [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my solid foundation for all my days I will love come on let me hear you sing it I will come on come on I will love you Lord my shield sing I will love you Lord my rock yes loss say forever all my days I will I will I will come on best do it again lift it up a little bigger I will love you Lord my strengths I will my shield forever all my days hey come on everybody's in I will [Music] forever on my day [Music] with no music let me hear you I will I will [Music] [Music] forever come on lift up that hand would you just worship come on way to give them glowing for one minute come on would you magnify him for one minute [Music] secure your Bibles in your hand we're continuing in our series family fuel fuel for our families we're believing by faith that God is gonna do something amazing in our family life how many of you are looking for God to produce and provide a miracle for your family breakthrough for your family Genesis 37 we don't have a Bible would you be kind and Christian enough to share with somebody close to you Genesis 37 if you're physically able would you mind standing for the reading of God's Word Genesis 37 we're in our children amazing today thankful for the president of been a college sharing with us on this day help me thank God for my brother Devon Franklin sharing thank God for his amazing wife Meghan good who's with us today thank you thankful for our first lady First Lady Vanessa long [Applause] Genesis 37 verses 17 through 19 one day if I don't want you to say I have it if you can't find it say lord help me this whole section getting saved today Genesis 37 verses 17 through 19 warrants our attention this morning watch what it says they moved on from here the man answered I heard them say let's go to Dothan so Joseph went after his brothers and found them near Dothan but they saw him in the distance and before he reached them they plotted to kill him here comes the dreamer they said to each other you may be seated Genesis 37 verse 18 that they saw him in the distance and before he reached them they plotted to kill him Iona preached for a little while today using as a subject don't act like you don't see me don't act like you don't see me would you look at the person beside you and tell them don't even try it [Applause] you don't see me it's amazing that 10 years ago James Cameron crashed cinematic expectations with a sci-fi sensation known as avatar the setting is a planet called Pandora where dear beings who appear primitive contrary are highly evolved the environment is beyond poisonous so hybrid species must link up with human minds in order to operate at a level of agility while the concept is futuristic the principles portrayed relate to the present tense when the Navi people pass each other the greeting is not hello or wassup on that planet when they pass each other the greeting is ICU the intention is to express that when I see you I recognize your existence in an expanded sense I see the core in the depth of who you are when they say I see you they're saying I see your love I see your feelings I see your value I see your spirit I see your importance whoever seated beside you this morning would you just look at him and tell them I see you for the last couple of years urban youth have been echoing in the streets black lives matter because with the absence of justice it dismisses our legitimate humanity liberals who rally against black lives matter and chime back all lives matter have missed the point that at some place you have to see us see our pain see our predicament see our complexities your mother used to say in an agonizing tone look at me when I'm talking to you because what she was projecting is to ignore me is to dishonor me in Scripture we see a student who bears the name of Elijah who rustled up the nerve to ask his mentor give me a double portion Elijah gave him a provisional approval and said I'll give it to you under the condition that you see me when I ascend therefore the key to the release of the double portion was predicated on how you see me it's regrettable how many family members are going to miss their portion because they refuse to see who you actually are it's understandable if being overlooked or accidental but it's blatant willful neglect which means I am intending to ignore you just earlier this week a couple in Texas was arrested for the neglect of their four adolescent children authorities found bills for children malnourished and reeking of urine and feces with two of them sleeping in dog kennels presently the parents are in the penitentiary because they had to have seen their offspring hungry and didn't feed them the head have seen them dirty and refused to change them the reason why it is that we've assembled on this Sunday morning is because we take delight in knowing his eye is on the sparrow and I know he's watching over me we heard in our rearing that he sits high and he looks low all of us have come to that combustible moment while sitting in the waiting room and seeing people go in the back that finally you were waiting to hear the nurse make the announcement the doctor will see you now and I came to tell somebody who's in this sacred space called sanctuary somebody who's leering in through our virtual sanctuary that the doctor will see you now now your season of waiting in the waiting room has come to an end and finally what it is that you have been anticipating is about to be addressed clinicians have chronicled from 30 years of research that the neglect of children can leave damaging effects that linger even into adulthood the children who have been neglected can suffer from brain damage chronic low self-esteem dissociative disorder delayed intellectual development and reduced cognitive functioning behaviorally the consequences range from poor peer relations to extreme violent outburst and all of us in this place without exception have been able to bear witness of classmates who were disruptive to the classroom acting like a clown or picking a fight because they subconsciously just yearned for attention it'd be a whole lot different and better if it wore off after middle school but unfortunately they're far too many adults who still screamed silently looking for attention loud for no reason adorned attire that's not appropriate for their age or their body tight wear bizarre hair every for different days and then get mad when you won't take them serious for business or even in church people who are shouting flailing their hands yelling screaming not because they even have a strand of the Holy Spirit but they want to be seen because some way in life they never got attention and they want to get it by any means necessary way too many believers abound because they weren't seen and I realize that I'm not talking to you but perhaps I'm talking to somebody two rows behind you never seen and you weren't singing by your own family and it still causes you ate in this hour of your life they refused to see your intellect in fear of looking stupid they didn't want to see your beauty because they rejected at their own body they refused to see your pain because they didn't want to face what actually caused it they refused to see your unhappiness because they didn't want to come to grips that they themselves are miserable they didn't want to see your gift because they were ashamed of feeling basic something needs to happen for you to realize you're too anointed to be ignored you don't have to deal with it and they are those who go through painstaking actions to go out of their way to pretend like they don't see you so they're trying not to speak try not to make our contact try to in fact ease out of the room when your name is mentioned for promotion advancement and elevation they try to find something wrong with everything right that you do they try to pull apart every blessing that you receive to be the weather man to brace you for a curse that never comes they try to always antagonize when is your place and your point of vulnerability in hopes that they're magnifying that which is minor will make you minimize that which is significant so they'll do everything to act like they don't see you they pretend like they don't want to be in your life but they always asking about you they know everything about you they won't ever press the like button but they know everything you post they become all engaged and enamored and enthralled in relationships they have no business in they always have an unsolicited opinion that they don't have expertise to critique they always want to give an evaluation on something they never attempted themselves and you got the nerve to be hurt and offended by people who pretend like they don't see you getting your feelings and get upset and bother because they didn't speak because they didn't come because they didn't acknowledge when God is saying why are you waiting for them to validate you the only thing that needs to be validated is parking tickets when you realize who you are in who you are you understand that people can act like they don't see you but the truth of the effervescence of your anointing is you cannot be ignored is that when you walk in the room without doing anything extra all eyes are on you trying to figure out how did you get in that room and they have no idea it was just the grace and the favor of God that escorted me into this arena and this atmosphere and I know you bet it against me and you talked about me and you undermined me and you plotted against me but you see me I'm still here in spite of what you said what you did what you did not fulfill what you tried when you attempted the grace of God has planted me and I will not be ignored don't act like you don't see me jim says 37 we meet a young man by the name of Joseph who is the youngest of Jacob's sons and early in the chapter we discover that he's loved more than any of the rest of them hear this because he came late not because he had any extraordinary gift day but because his timing was off the father loved him I don't know how much more energy you're going to expend trying to justify and defend the love of God on your life you still don't know why it is that things are happening well for you while other people are squalling at the bottom trying to breathe you are to thank God for the undescribable gift of God that has given you a buoyancy to be able to arise in the face of difficult situations I'm talking to some people that still have to scratch your head and pull your hair out and don't know why it is that God pulled you out of a cesspool of mediocrity when everything that was pointed towards you and not failure and average but God said not my child I got something special in store for them you can think off of the top of your head of people that were smarter and more disciplined and had greater gift but they're not as far as you are and the only thing you can ascribe it to it's the grace of God that is always the wind behind your back I don't know why jesus loves me I don't know because the father loved him so much he put a robe on him of many colors the robe of many colors made him stand out and you're frustrated because you keep trying to fit in the anointing that's on your life doesn't make you fit in with a lot of people a lot of people don't get you and don't understand what comes with you you stay up late at night you get up early in the morning you go through moods for no reason you are right by yourself I don't need you checking on me up I'm not going through depression I'm just trying to figure out don't do next I understand that you get excited about tiny stuff but the thing that is on me is bigger than what I can conceptually and everybody don't get me so you spend so much energy trying to fit in when God keeps making you stand out try to play the back try to be nondescript try to be anonymous and before you turn around again they offering your name for something else nominating you for something you never applied for offering you something you didn't even know existed and all the wow you got a tribe of haters trying to figure out how to pull you down and they don't understand if you gonna pull me down you just don't drag me to my knees and if you let me press whatever it is that I'm going through I'm getting ready to come out of it up I'm talking to some people in here that are still surprised that you survived 2017 you still survive that God brought through some stuff that would have killed the weak of people put a robe on him that was multicolored and he was trying to blend in and his father sent him out to his brothers who all had on wool flax and rolls tan he's with all his brothers head-on was tan and he got on a multicolored road and the father tells him go check on the basic people go check on the folk dinner unleaded go check on the people that are regular having no idea that the father is setting him up he goes to go check on them and the Bible says before he can ever get there they talking about him behind his he ain't done nothing to the brothers but exists but his existence was an offense to people who were average you are bothersome to people who have no goals and dreams and desires and passions they're mad because every morning you getting up trying to figure out what can I counter what can I count countless what can I complete and what can they do and all they thinking about is working a nine-to-five forty hours a week working twenty-five years but what God God for your life he is annoyed at you to make a difference in our impact and a change of family this father's sick go check on your brothers they work in a regular job they don't have no dreams no aspirations maybe your presence will inspire them and the Bible says before he ever gets there they talking about and can speak nothing well about him I want you to know right now there's somebody talking about you but I want you to take that as confirmation if you ain't got no haters you ain't papa you gotta find somebody hallelujah that's mad about what's on your life if everybody likes you you ain't gonna make a difference but when you make up in your mind I'm glad you made it because what I found out is as mad as you are you can't stop the destiny that's on my life as upset as you are you can't interrupt the POW that God has and they see them afar off and they make an announcement and the announcement that they make about young Joseph here's the announcement did they gonna say about you this week here's the announcement there they're gonna - your name this week is that when they see you coming before you can never say anything people are gonna start shouting out loud there goes the dreamer I know I'm not talking to regular people but I'm talking to those of you in this place that God has put a dream in your life and you don't know when it's gonna happen how is God happen or where the money is gonna come from but the Devils in hell are shouting out loud goes the dreamer the first indicator that you are annoying it is when your first level of attack does not come from strangers [Applause] you know you are annoying it when your greatest level of warfare comes from people that have your last name they see what's on you but they don't know how to control it or minimize it and God said stop backing up move forward and say y'all got something to say say it about me don't act like you don't see me here here comes the dream us both who believe that they're gonna be the first in their family to graduate from college here comes the dreamers the first ones who go through a marriage and not have a divorce here comes the dreamers those who are gonna have multinational corporations here comes the dreamers those who are gonna flip property that they don't even live in here come the dreamers those who got freedom for businesses attracting your spirit you got enough nerve to dream why you got bad credit here comes the dream says here comes the dream us come on I saw him coming there trying to figure out how to kill him but he keeps walking and I heard David say yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I'll fear no evil for he is with me his rod and his staff they comfort me I need somebody in this room to know that you O God worship why because there were some things in your life that was designed to kill you but God said no weapon that is formed against you shall be able to prosper [Music] let's see you coming and so the attack didn't arrive when he got there the assault on his life did not begin when he showed up but while he was on his way they were plotting to kill him I'm here to tell 500 of you when folk mistreats you and miss Han do you it is not because you've arrived they are attacking you because you're on your way and I feel like they're 500 of you just got confirmation I must be going somewhere I must be headed in the right direction just getting ready to do it [Music] whatever you do don't act like you don't see me coming I don't know who's sitting next to you whether you came with him or not but I need you to look at him and just prophesy and tell him I see you're coming great things are starting to come to your life I see a common opportunities are headed in your direction I see a common healing for your body I see it coming raises that promotion I see it comin advancements on it I see it coming there was a father there was a father whose name we never meet in the Bible and he had two sons and the youngest son went to his father and said them I can't wait for you to die give me my inheritance now and the Bible says he he acquiesced to his son's requests and cashed out everything that he had in the son's name he gave it to him the son according to the Bible went to the strip club I'm reading the Bible y'all huh went to the strip club started making it rain buying bottles to everybody and then the economy crashed lost all of his money when he lost all of his money some of us have lived through it soon as he lost all his money lost all his friends he's got to hire himself out in spite of being a joint heir I need you to hear me he's a joy air and gotta settle for a job that's beneath him starts working in a pig pen starts eating what pigs eat some of y'all ain't gonna like it he knew he had hit rock bottom when he woke up and realized he was sleeping with her Pig some of y'all get that when you get home he knew he was at the end of his rope when he woke up with something that didn't have his level of intellectual aptitude he he knew that something was wrong when he was sleeping with somebody he couldn't discuss his dreams with [Applause] he woke up with it with the sin of a pig on him and said I'm supposed to be living like this is something greater for my life something higher for my call without ever taking a shower whatever without ever changing clothes the Bible said he started walking back home is that if I can just get back I hope y'all can hear it to the father's house something is gonna shift in my life and the Bible says he started walking up the driveway walk his father was sitting in the rocking chair and afar off he saw his son coming home and when he saw him coming he started celebrating and said bring me a road spring me a ring set up the barbecue grill he ain't here yet but I see them coming back new paths I gotta get out of here but God told me to tell you rejoice your family members are coming back I need you to shout we just a child you gave up all this coming back Mavericks you didn't say let's don't be fix God is getting ready to make it [Applause] ordinarily thousand a traditional Church come that was in a regular Church right through here some with old Baptist preacher star Shelton is coming back we shall doing the electric slide down so now given three people a half hour we've please in a Word of Faith Church preacher we start saying money coming we'd be jumping over pews excited vows so I'm the old storefront Apostolic Church [Music] our church mother would shout Jesus is coming back I know y'all don't believe that but this this is a crazy Church five visitors please forgive us yes this is how we roll forgive us so I'm gonna do something that's unconventional is untraditional I'm making the invitation in the sermon [Applause] when the father saw the son coming back the celebration began and everybody in the house caught on fire excited about who's returning he didn't graduate from college he didn't have a job he didn't have any many money he messed up was living in sin but they were rejoicing because he was coming back see most people in the 21st century Church we only shout over the capitalistic gangs and consumer attainment but God says I want to see whether you'll celebrate me for what's coming back and for who's coming back and whatever you do don't act like you don't see them in 60 seconds people get ready to walk in that aisle and they're coming back to God are y'all they shouting good and they're coming back to church and they're coming back to new birth and they're coming back to get their relationship and when they start over [Applause] okay the reason why y'all care shall good I needed a shout like these are your family members [Applause] come on hot area I need to the south nine days are your family members clapping [Music] all right I need y'all to pull them for me God promised me a harvest today I'm waiting on it [Applause] when you see this family coming y'all ain't gon shout I see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all are gonna shout for these young people coming I see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] I've done my part let's go get them everybody in the room would you go find two people who you don't know real quick ask him how they say that's them do they have a church home ask them have they given their life over to God if they say no they any of those questions bring them to me come on quickly quickly I see you [Applause] if y'all don't shout for these black men getting saved I don't know what's wrong with y'all if y'all don't shout for these Millennials walking down the aisle I don't know what's wrong with y'all [Applause] then coming the y'all gonna shout about it I said they coming and y'all gonna shout about it [Applause] I need you to look at your neighbor and say do you need me to walk you down there come on don't be stuck up in the house of God find somebody else asked him do you need me to walk you down there the walk-in as long as you think it is come on come on real quick I'll tell you what I'll tell you what I'm only gonna wait for ten more y'all then we gonna roll [Applause] I wish I'll casitas Center ow I need y'all to shout put his whole family coming right now [Applause] I wish I'll concede this whole family coming right now [Applause] alright those of you who at the altar where you pull in for me it's five more people coming I just need to make room for with y'all shout for this young man coming right now I'm only waiting up will y'all shout for this beautiful family coming alright we can make it with y'all shout here they come alright what's this I'm waiting on five more to come when then five come we gonna tear the club up it's only five of them I'm waiting on watch this come out come out wherever you are the five of y'all you know you want to be with us come on you need a church as crazy as you I need five of y'all hallelujah here comes one and y'all gonna shout about it I'm waiting on four more when these four come I need y'all to go absolutely ballistic right where it is that you are I don't know where the four of you all are would you do me a favor do a spin 360 ask the person beside you behind you and in front of you are you saying do you have a church home are you saying you got a church home four of you I need you to come come on here comes one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just want to know how y'all gon shout when your son come back when your daughter come back when your dad come back when your sister come back when your brother comes back right now God don't do it search a right-hander fail search it right-hander faith here come two more I'm trying to stop [Applause] they still coming y'all with y'all shout for this young lady alright stretch your right hand to faith look we gonna be in the balcony in no time y'all and get the vision can I say it again I say we can may fill this balcony in no time I need stretch your right hand to face repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time turning the right Church serving the only God and I know that's right if you're not right would you give God some praise right there you all came as our friends but you leaving as our family new birth they're going out together give us some information would you make some noise for our new family members come on make some noise for [Music] [Music] come on clap your hands for [Music] here comes somebody else would you shout for [Music] come on clap that hand [Music] [Music] you may be seated halleluja halleluja how many of you're grateful for was getting ready to come back into your life amazingly nothing good happened for Joseph while all he did was dream about himself but when he began to help other people's dreams that's when things beginning to take off form I'm telling you God can't trust selfish people as long as this about you he can't release anything good into your life how many of you want to see something good happen for somebody you love most times when it is that we give in church were giving for what it is that we want hoping to get God's attention to receive God's favor for what it is that we want for ourselves but I'm believing that there's some parent who's been distant disconnected from your child God has given me bring it back together somebody in this room Mavericks been off for a long time but God's get ready to reconcile it I mindful and I'm keenly and acutely aware that we've already given but I'm dr. Gardner Taylor considered the Dean of of preaching said that no preaching is complete without a practical that we can't just be hearers of the word we got to be doers also how many challenge just four hundred of you who are in this room just four hundred of you who are watching online I'm gonna challenge you to give a see watch this for somebody who you want to see come back to their rightful place rightful position in the kingdom of God forty is the number of generations is the number of families every generation is a forty year span not what it is how is this seat gonna benefit me but God I want you to bless somebody I love I need you to do something for somebody I care about bring them back to their sensibilities bring them up bring them back to their core value wherever it is that you are here's what I need you to do even for those of you who are virtual worshipers I want you get a seed in your hand at least a 40 if you can if you don't have that get to it as close to it as you can how much do you get that seed and I want you to come lay it on this altar as quickly as you can and here's what I need you to do when you release that seed on the altar of you release it into the receptacle that the ushers have I want you to just speak the name of the person you're praying for believing that God's gonna get him out the hospital gonna get him out of jail gonna get him out of depression I don't know where you are but those of you who have the god-kind of faith to believe I'm making a sacrifice for somebody else would you move with what Shakespeare calls the majestic instance II I want you to move as quickly as you possibly can god I need you to do it for me bring them back to who they were before the drugs bring them back to who they were before the alcohol before the fall before the deport the divorce before the layoff bring them back to who they were before the bankruptcy [Music] god I need you to bring them back for me bring them back I need you to override the dementia override the Alzheimer's override the memory lapse [Music] [Music] whatever [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever you [Music] in fender [Music] [Music] [Applause] we clap your hands if you know it's in the room if you are blessed by coming a worship today come on clap your hands [Music] a couple of reminders for you Tuesday is our Bible study Sunday is for inspiration but Tuesday is for information and so I need you please to make sure that you hear on Tuesday night last Tuesday was absolutely phenomenal God moved in this place if you weren't here you better ask somebody hey men this Tuesday I got something special for you and I want you to be a part of what it is that God is doing all of our ladies in red dresses would you please stand all of our ladies in red dresses want you to please stand bless the Lord we're wearing red dresses we know is after Valentine's Day but it would wear red dresses because cardiovascular diseases killed nearly 50 thousand black women every year approximately one woman dies every woman who every minute from heart disease nearly 90 percent of women have at least one risk factor for developing heart disease about 37 percent of our sisters have high blood pressure black women ages 20 and older 49 percent of them have heart disease one in five sisters believe she is personally at risk only 52 percent of African American women are aware of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and only 36 percent of African American women know that heart disease is a tremendous heart risk I want to thank all of our sisters who are standing today I in alignment and an allegiance of a red dress Sunday so that we could've bring attention to this fatal disease that is ravishing our communities and we've got information for you out in the lobby we ask that you'll please take it and share it with your friends your sisters your soul roars so that they can live a long and a healthy life would you give God to hang Klepper praise for whatever sister is new you you may be seated my brother Devon Franklin is gonna be with me in the lobby doing a book signing our brothers and sisters are like let's buy out every book that he's brought on today and take it home we want our men to be better men y'all got real quiet I said we want our men to be better men but next Sunday is our friends and family day and so we're asking all of you into y'all got any friends yeah if you got any friends I want you to bring them to church on next Sunday any y'all got family you speak to Amen them I want you to bring them to church on next Sunday it's our friends and family day are we doing something novel and innovative we're mindful that wedding prices are skyrocketing and as the family of faith we understand and I hope you do that the marriage is more important in the wedding [Applause] said the marriage is more important than the wedding and there are a whole lot of our new birth community who just quite frankly with skyrocketing prices couldn't afford the wedding but want to live under God's covenant in marriage and so on next Sunday we're doing a mass wedding ceremony somebody give God Hank Aleppo praise new birth is providing the gowns the tuxedos the flowers the photographer's yelling he's saying nothing amen and so for married couples for engaged couples my grandmother would say four shacking up couples who I want to tie the knot y'all been dating forever but you you ready to make that step in the in the outside of God I want you to please register next Sunday it's gonna be my privilege to be able to marry you right here in this church and I want you to be a part of it come on clap your hands if you will brothers you got a tuxedo in the back that's not from the 70s I need you to donate it please amen our sisters if you've got a wedding gown that you can beliefs and you are not attached to as you'll please I'll give it to us there sisters who need wedding gowns for next Sunday and we want to make it a five star excellent event with the spirit of excellence that reflects who we are as new births somebody give God some praise for that on this coming Saturday we're broadcasting live at 11 o'clock for the Newark word network those of you that can and will I want you to join us at 10:30 so that you can be a part of our live studio audience as we broadcast to over 60 nations around the world I want you to be a part of what God is doing I don't know how y'all feel about it but how many y'all love your church how many of you love I want you to tap the person in front of you and set tell them don't talk about my church behind my back don't amen bless the load-out I love my church amen bless the Lord I want you to stand to your feet music Minister you were phenomenal today our children were incredible today would you give God some praise for all of our guests that shared with us today I want you to lift up that hand please if nobody told you this week I want you to know your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I see members of my impoundment family love y'all thank y'all for sneaking in from Baltimore how to hang out with me lift at hand as high as you see yourself going repeat after me walk with God and sit down please we ain't walking nowhere I just I don't forget the babies thank you thank you somebody grandmother was getting ready to shank me in the lobby amen we got the baby dedication come on sister listener help me live Lord thank you who they was Gary canceled my installation thank you thank you lord help me thank you all right Lord heed some pretty babies all right it's in your hands sisters [Applause] about grandparents godparents family and friends come quickly so that we can dedicate our babies back unto the Lord amen come come come I was so excited as they're coming and when I was reading proverbs in the NIV version today it says their children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it start him on start them on and that's what these parents are doing on today amen I believe we're ready we would like to present casey trenton loan [Applause] [Music] yes welcome Casey we will present Jayla Dixon we bless you JLo we present Malaysia serenity King bless you sweetheart yes and last but not least Lanaya it's a name Marie Maxie help out there yes yes thank you so much for your love thank you God parents grandparents and the village amen amen now you can stay thank you you see all these families they was gonna kill me today thank you for your patience lift your hands again let's try it one more gear repeat after me walk with God and he'll walk with me talk with God and they'll talk with me listen to God don't listen to me build for God and he'll build for me love God because He first loved me lift that hand as high as you see yourself going now unto him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you until you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you until you have to give stuff away henceforth now and forevermore and the Blessed people of God said amen hug somebody and tell them go powerboat
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 92,381
Rating: 4.7978663 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, truth, men, devon frankin
Id: -oe90TzOSvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 5sec (6425 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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