Stop feeling sorry for yourself

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and jesus so sweetly abides within [Music] and there at the cross where he took me i'm singing glory to his name i'm singing glory to hear his name precious name i'm singing to his name oh there to my heart [Music] he [Music] [Music] faithfulness morning new mercies [Music] great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness [Music] [Applause] [Music] faithfulness [Music] it lifted me oh love lifted me with nothing nothing else could help your love lifting at me i'm so grateful for your love that lifted me all love it lived in me when nothing else could help i searched all over and found nobody like you jesus oh when nothing nothing else could help when [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus for it reaching [Applause] to the high yes mountain [Music] the blood that gives me strength to [Music] when they day unto me let us go into the house of the lord we are so excited tonight you gotta do it you gotta tag somebody you gotta share put a few comments in the comment section and let's worship to god that we serve our god he's an amazing god let's sing about him tonight [Music] i will bless the lord at all times and this praises shall continue me being my no matter what i see or how i feel as long as i'm breathing oh yes i'm breathing out bless the lord as i'm breathing oh yes i'm breathing i'll bless the lord can you just lift your hands right there that's a good opportunity to do it we praise your name god let's do it together family [Music] yes i'm [Music] put your hands on it come on [Music] it doesn't even matter how much [Music] as long as i'm breathing as long as i have breath in my body let us keep talking [Music] together it feels mighty good tonight come on everybody [Music] his name together come on let's do it together [Music] [Music] that's the only way this is the testimony [Music] [Music] is my can you quit in the comment section right now we're so grateful tonight let's have a little challenge [Music] been loving crazy to me is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you is that's why i'm here [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you stupid [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] [Music] if you really [Music] [Music] [Applause] somebody open up your mouth [Music] anybody love them lord i [Music] don't let that scream get between the presence of you and god right now lift your hands until the lord said i love you jesus even in this room let them hear your word so let me hear your praise [Music] somebody ought to tell him just one more time just one more time wherever you are raise your worship come on i love you jesus [Music] tell the lord i worship and the door you tell him tell him [Music] wherever you are i want you to type it on the screen make that place your sanctuary tell them i love you that's it that's it raise your hands it's hard you can't tell about worship [Music] lord [Music] yes that's it i worship and the door [Music] i want you to just raise your voice as long as you can wherever you are in the world say i love you that's it i know you may have on the mask but let them hear you wherever you are let them hear your signature let them hear your voice don't you love our god come on let's give god glory and praise come on let's magnify him let's worship him he's been better to us than we've been to ourselves and because of that we ought to be giving him glory and praise and honor come on clap your hands this evening if you love him hallelujah i uh have been wrestling all day with a principal that i am eager uh to share with you i want you uh this is our group therapy night where collectively we get ourselves together get our minds right our hearts are fixed and directed in the word of god let me uh thank our music ministry for preparing the atmosphere come on let's give god glory for them i need you to have two things tonight i need you to open up your bible app and i need you to open up your note-taking app because you're going to need both of those on tonight i am believing somebody is going to be healed somebody is going to be set free and somebody is going to be delivered i want you to go to uh first samuel 22 first samuel 22 and i'm going to look at just verse number 8. first samuel 22 verse number 8. is that why all of you have conspired against me no one tells me when my son makes a covenant with the son of jesse none of you is concerned about me tells me that my son has incited my servant to lie in wait for me as he has done on today i want to uh i want to highlight just a a small a small area of that text that really just uh jumped out at me in an aggravating way first samuel 22 verse number eight there's one little line in the middle of that verse and here's what it says none of you feel sorry for me that's it none of you feel sorry for me i want to teach for uh a little while on tonight and i hope that god will meet us here stop feeling bad about yourself stop feeling bad about yourself i uh i ran into a poem that i wanted to share with you and the poem is uh entitled how to be perfectly miserable how to be perfectly miserable it's an unknown author here's what the poem says if you want to be perfectly miserable only think about yourself and talk about yourself if you want to be perfectly miserable use i as often as possible you want to be perfectly miserable mirror yourself continually in the opinion of others listen greedily to what people say about you if you want to be perfectly miserable expect to be appreciated you want to be perfectly miserable always be suspicious be jealous be envious be sensitive to slights never forgive criticism trust nobody but yourself insist on consideration always expect to be respected that's if you want to be perfectly miserable demand agreement with your own views on everything sulk if people are not grateful for you never forget a service you may have rendered be on the outlook for a good time for yourself shirk your duties if you can do as little as possible for others love yourself supremely never forget to be selfish that is the ingredient to be perfectly miserable in first samuel 22 verse number 8 watch what the king says and none of y'all feel sorry for me the statement is an excerpt from a tragic monologue that was sid spoken hear this by your king that's sitting under a tree with a spear in his hand surrounded by an entourage now read that statement again none of you feel sorry for me this is being spoken by a king who's sitting under a tree with a spear in his hand surrounded by an entourage you should already detect that something is amiss the king in question is saul as the king of israel the scripture tells us that saul is head and shoulders above everybody else and although in so doing the ancient writer was most likely referring to saul's height the truth is that saul is head and shoulders above most of his contemporaries it is not just his physical bearing by almost any conceivable standard saul stepped on the stage of history with every conceivable advantage mentored by a legendary figure by the name of samuel descended from a family of wealth saul is a history maker as a matter of fact he's the first king but we soon discovered that saul's outside was more impressive than his inside and when placed in pressure-filled situation saul keeps failing the causes of his failure are legion but one dimension of that failure is vividly displayed in our text tonight one of saul's most and perhaps the most unattractive attribute is that saul has mastered what many of you have pre-registered for self-pity and in this scene saul is complaining as king that nobody feels sorry for him i am almost certain that someone in his honorary was probably thinking to himself how i'm going to feel sorry for you and you the king not only are you the king you don't even feel uh how close i'm coming and knocking on your door not only are you the king you're the king that got a weapon in your hand and how do you expect us to feel sorry for you when you're the king you got a weapon and the object of your ire is a 17 year old you are fighting somebody who is not your height fighting somebody who doesn't have your power doesn't have your weaponry but yet you want us to blow balloons and show up for your pity party saul lacked self-awareness when he like self-awareness he lacks self-control and when you lose self-awareness and lose self-control you descend into self-pity one writer opined that self-pity is easily the most destructive of all non-pharmaceutical narcotics why because self-pity is addictive it gives momentary pleasure and it separates the victim from reality along with resentment it is one of the most toxic emotions self-pity is i want to be so clinical that i'm not practical because if it is not you that is dealing with self-pity tonight i want to raise the decibel of your discernment so you'll be able to detect who around you squirts the perfume of self-pity hoping that you will inhale you deal with self-pity number one here it is self-pity always destroys responsibility i want you to write that down self-pity destroys responsibility in other words people who major in self-pity always blame other people for their life and never take accountability for themselves i was talking to a friend of mine who was uh really overwhelmed by uh the complaints of his 24 year old daughter who uh was up in arms about what she went through in her parents divorce at 14. and he said to her i hear all of that and i'm sorry you had to go through that at 14 but at 24 i want to know how did the divorce stop you from graduating when you only got a semester to go you'll take no responsibility shakespeare said to thine own self be true at what point do you stop being the victim when you quote that you're more than a conqueror flip wilson used to always say the devil made you do it but sometimes it wasn't the devil it was your damnable decisions it was what you chose isn't it amazing when you got to get up and realize that the sin that you committed was not from temptation it was from the absence of discipline when are you going to take some responsibility when you have self-pity it destroys responsibility number two i want you to write this down when you major in self-pity it destroys a gratitude people who love safe self-pity never know how to appreciate what they have because they're always looking on somebody else's plate i am afraid to be around people you have to force to say thank you you know what was done for you you know you didn't do it by yourself alex haley who is the writer of roots had in uh his farm in tennessee a picture of a turtle sitting on a fence post and a writer from the new york times was interviewing him and said why is this turtle in this painting in your office on a fence post and alex haley told the new york times writer it is a reminder to me that a turtle does not have what it takes to get on a fence post somebody had to put them there many of you get to places and you delude yourself into thinking you got there by yourself and you forgot that somebody elevated you to that position when you have self-pity it destroys your responsibility it destroys your capacity for gratitude and i need you to write this down raise the font on it because it needs to be in all caps people with self-pity are experts at destroying relationships they will destroy relationships blindfolded here it is because people with self-pity only are able to see themselves they are so absorbed in their needs that they do not know how to recognize the needs of others the lord said something in genesis that many of us have missed he said watch this adam you ought to have dominion in the earth you ought to have authority in the earth he says watch this that all of this is yours and after he gave him dominion after he gave him dominion which is power he gave him authority which was purpose it was after that that he said this man ought not be alone and many of you have messed up because you thought he was saying universally that no man should be alone that's not what he's saying he says listen a man who knows his purpose knows his assignment and knows his authority that man shouldn't be alone if you don't know who he is walk away from them if she doesn't know what she was supposed to do you better run for the hills because they are saboteurs of their own success people with self-pity will destroy responsibility they'll destroy gratitude they'll destroy relationships hear this and number four they will destroy progress they will destroy progress people with self-pity are in love with the past and are always intimidated by the future so whenever it is that you chart out what you want to do in the future they are committed in reckless abandon to drag you back to the past be careful of people who always want to assassinate your ideas for the future and hibernate your your mistakes from your past don't destroy what it is that i am building nehemiah was building an amazing wall that had in fact dilapidated that was crumbling that was falling apart and hear this it wasn't until he was halfway there that the naysayers showed up and told him come down and nehemiah said i'm doing a great work i can't come down here's what i cannot afford for you to miss that none of the skeptics were there when nehemiah was mixing cement none of them were there when he was ordering nails when he was measuring wood they only showed up when they saw him making progress you'll be amazed that people who will bring out pom-poms for your complacency but will boo when they see you building your building is an offense to people who want to stay where they are but mother teresa said build anyway i want you to write this down lastly is that uh self-pity number one destroys responsibility number two it destroys gratitude number three it destroys relationship number four it destroys progress number five it destroys agency it destroys agency what does that mean pastor is that people with self-pity always deny the truth even when you show it to them they don't want to believe it when you make it logical you make it rational here it is you make it attainable they will tell you every reason why it is not accomplishable they resist change because they love dysfunction all of us have a family member even after being healed even after being discharged will still wear their hospital bracelet because they want to deny the healing because watch this you aren't going to like it there's no attention for health i only get visitation in sickness so if i can find a way to be sick that's the only way i can get you to pay attention to who i am remember that uh people who have pity parties always send out invitations i need you to write that down people who throw pity parties always send out invitations why because in having the pity party is no fun if somebody else won't celebrate it with them saul is sitting under a tree with a spear in his hand surrounded by an entourage he could do a million things other than complain and what he should be asking himself is what you should be asking yourself i hope you'll understand it why am i chasing somebody who is not on my level i ain't even talking about david right now i better say it again why am i in pursuit of somebody who doesn't operate at my level of power why in the world am i losing sleep over somebody who is not as good as me awake why in the world am i begging somebody to be in my space who can't afford to breathe my oxygen there is too much on me to chase after somebody who i shouldn't even stand still for and here he is having pity because nobody feels bad for him about not catching dave i want to say this to you i am not showing up for your pity party tonight i came to pop the balloons i'm dumping the punch on the floor i'm kicking the cake off the table today you got to make up in your mind the only person i'm chasing after is god the only thing that i'm trying to get is his spirit lord whatever you do please don't take your holy spirit away from me and if by chance you have been infected by self-pity i came tonight with the vaccine and much like pfizer instead of two shots it requires three the first shot that you have to take roll up your sleeve tonight the first shot that you're going to have to take to be inoculated from self-pity the first shot you got to take is you've got to get real got to get real what does that mean you got to quit lying to yourself saul was simply unwilling to admit hear this that david was a superior warrior that he had missed a vital opportunity to fight goliath but he didn't do it that his disobedience had cost him his favor many of you hear this are in competition with people who don't know you exist you are losing your self-esteem to somebody else's instagram and you don't realize it's been filtered sometimes you got to take a hard look at yourself in the mirror and realize no matter what you do you are not going to be a size 2. y'all don't like this tonight no matter what it is that you do that you are not going to find yourself married to denzel you got to get real with yourself and realize i love myself with my flaws did you hear what i said i love myself even at the level of my brokenness my vulnerability and i gotta admit to yourself i love myself even though there are areas that i am insecure in i am not perfect but even in spite of that god knew it when he called me so i am not gonna apologize because you are upset that god decided to anoint somebody as flawed as i am yes i don't have the greatest discipline but i got the greatest call of god on my life get real i am only in competition with who i used to be that i got a makeup in my mind i am never going to be the one i used to be before i realize who i am but now that i know who i am i love god watch this with bad credit i love him with a failed marriage i love him we've never graduated from school i love god even with a dysfunctional relationship with my siblings i love god and i hate my job but i'm too lazy to apply for something else i love god but i gotta be real with myself first shout i gotta take is to get real the second shot i got to take here this is to get going saul is sitting under a tree surrounded by an entourage waiting for something to happen or waiting for somebody else to make it happen nothing will come to you sitting nothing will come to you sitting that great maryland abolitionist frederick douglass said i got more prayers answered when i got off my knees sometimes saints are the most unproductive people because we are so spiritual that we've become lazy we want in the words of my seminary professor dr samuel dewitt proctor we want god to give us breakfast in bed and do the dishes and god is saying when are you going to get up and do it you want to go back to school i don't believe you you ain't applied you're sick of being in that apartment how come you haven't investigated about the first time home buyers program you hate your job but you got a skill set that you have not utilized or thought about monetizing saul could do something but instead he just sat there what do you expect god to do for you sitting you've been sitting there all day when the job is waiting on you you've been sitting there all day when your assignment is waiting on you you've been sitting there all day time are you tired of being single but you just in the house eating there's got to be a call that makes you get going number one you got to get real that's your first vaccination shout your second one is you got to get going here's the third one i'm almost out of here is you've got to get grateful this is the most powerful element of somebody who wants to be delivered from self-pity instead of complaining and blaming saul could have realized that david was an asset and not a liability that david could be a help and not a hindrance that david was poised to be a member of the team and not a part of the competition you can't be grateful i gotta say this and i hope five of y'all to get it in the studio you cannot be grateful and hateful y'all dismiss that you can't be grateful and be hateful richard small will put it this way for every mountain you brought me over for every valley that you brought me through i can tell some people in here with me got self-pity cause you don't know how to thank god that through it all i've learned to trust in jesus and through it all i learned to trust in god i know you've been feeling bad for yourself but today just two days after pentecost we have come to break the spirit of self-pity off of you i need you to do me a favor i get joy when i think about what he's done for me i never shall forget what keys had done for me he picked me up and he turned me around you can't have pity and be a praiser so i need somebody to just give god glory right there lord thank you for loving me when i couldn't stand myself lord thank you when i was sick of who i was lord thank you for looking beyond my faults and meet me at my niece thank you for forgiving me when i couldn't forgive myself thank you for seeing something of value in me when i wanted to throw myself away thank you that my future is going to be better than my past thank you that last night wasn't my last night thank you that no weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper and if you thank god that you ain't gonna die in pity but you're gonna be elevated through your praise i wanna pause right here would you just give god glory that your enemies are already defeated would you give god glory that whatever you've been chasing after is getting ready to come to you would you give god glory can nobody out do you be in you will you give god glory we have all complained about something [Music] and it got bad it got real bad but today i make up in my mind that after this moment i am not going to be feel sorry for myself but i'm excited for myself did you hear what i just said i'm i am not going to commiserate with myself in the words of stephanie mills in the wheels don't nobody bring me no bad news i've got to learn from this moment forward that i give god glory for the evolving of who i am becoming because god knew me even while i was in my mother's womb i want you to lift up that hand i want to pray for you because i'm believing tonight somebody is going to get delivered from self-pity you're going to stop feeling bad about yourself nobody said the road was going to be easy but i don't believe he's brought you this far to leave you now lord i pray for some some teenager who's watching me tonight who feels like they don't fit in i pray today for some young adult who haven't been able to find their lane or their space i pray for somebody who paints a target around their own chest and believes that they are the blame for everything that has happened i pray today for some parent who is ailing in regret of what they wish they would have poured into their children i pray today for somebody who's watching alone in the walls of that apartment that house is getting ready to close in on them i pray today for some man who feels insufficient because he couldn't find a job i pray today for some woman who doesn't feel like she is her optimum self because she hasn't been able to bear children i pray today for somebody who hasn't been able to forgive themselves from a loved one who succumbed to a disease that they could not control i pray for somebody today that they get the authority to forgive themselves from the past that they are illumined by the understanding that everything they went through before tonight was not a loss it was just a lesson and those of you here it is who have come to the place i know it's hard i know it's arduous i know it's daunting those of you who tonight are going to make a concerted effort not in any arrogance but in full alignment with who you are to start falling in love with who you are i want you to give god glory right now i want you to give him praise come on clap your hands like you know god is able to do it come on i need you to bless him like you know he's able to do it i need you to magnify him like you know he's able to do it i want you to type right now i love myself come on somebody in this room say it out loud i love myself i need you to say it out loud i love who i am becoming i i love how i am evolving i love how i am developing i love what god is creating and for this [Music] you got to be delivered come on real big everybody for every mountain hallelujah [Music] come on hallelujah [Music] come on come on [Music] me [Music] no matter where it is that you find yourself tonight if you're dangling in the doldrums of self-pity we came as a rescue squad to drag you out even if it's kicking and screaming i'm telling you i want you to rise to your best self i want you to live to see the effulgence of how god sees you i got a friend in baltimore bishop leroy diet who says often love yourself the way god loves you that's what i want you to commit and purpose within yourself i'ma love myself the way god loves me i i want to achieve what it is that god sees in me as a consequence friends you can't do it by yourself you need a support group around you saul is under that tree with a spear got an entourage but he's got no real friends it's 40 of us who are in this room we are cheering for you in this moment we are not going to let you slip away it's too much invested in you to let you be a casualty of circumstance for you to just be a aimless statistic but you are novel in the eyesight of god you've been looking for a kind of church you've been looking for a kind of ministry that will help you think like a winner i'm going to preach at a church in carolina next month and i read the invitation and i was blown away because their church theme is we are the church of the undefeated i said lord how could you not believe that i believe that for you that god is going to make you more than a conqueror because new birth is a church of the undefeated we've been knocked down but the glory of god is we never stayed down that's the kind of ministry you need to be a part of that's the kind of house that you need to be covered in i want you to join our church i want you to become a part here this of our family i want you to be connected to our covenant the problems by which you can do that are below me even in this moment i ask that you'll do it our prayer our warriors are standing by our intercessors our lay leaders are are eager and zealous to bring you on in so all that's needed and necessary i want you to do it don't you dare have any self-pity but i want you to realize who you are you are marvelous and fearlessly made in the image and in the likeness of god all of our champions all of our conquerors all of our overcomers i want you to sow with me on this night i want you to sow on this night i heard a preacher say uh one time is that god doesn't need the seed but i need his field did you hear what i just said god don't need the seed but i need to be in his field i want you to know you are in the field of god's eyesight even in this moment i want to challenge every person that can every person that will that you will sow a seed tonight of 42 that's what i'm feeling in my spirit i want you to sow a seed of 42 dollars in this moment don't hesitate don't deliberate uh please don't wait i need you to do it now give the five push pay text to give write out a check and mail it on in but i want you to give a seed of 42 dollars it ain't on behalf of nobody i'm giving this because i need this from god i need god to do this for me i need him to open up something supernatural for me i need god to pull off the scabs for me i need god to lift up the veil so i can see me the way god sees me i want you to sow that seed of 42 and i don't want you to do it now i want you to do it right now because i'm believing here it is that god wants to do something with what shakespeare calls majestic instances sooner than already that it's already done that seed of 42 you ought to be doing it here it is that i've got to in the words of dr mike murdock i've got to start investing in myself because i've invested in so much stuff that i forgot to make myself premium i want you to make an investment in yourself a whole lot of people found their cars messing up last week when it is that there was a gas shortage they were putting in diesel gas because that was the only kind that was available as a consequence many of their cars were not running right why because they put the wrong thing in it i'm telling you when it is that you make this seat on tonight this investment you're going to run smoother through the summer your family is going to run smoothly your business is going to operate at a high octane level i need you to do it i want you to watch god do it i'm thankful that you hung out with me on the night on sunday it is youth take over day it is youth takeover day all of our young people are taking over i need you to please to corral all of the young people in your family get them in front of that laptop in front of that screen in front of your phone i've got a message for our young people our young people are going to be uh leading the service out willie moore jr is going to be here uh we've got guest psalmers that are going to be here it's going to be amazing the only thing i need is to make sure that you've got your young people locked and loaded because i'm believing here this for an avalanche of souls of young people getting saved on sunday i believe that young people at 13 to 30 are going to find themselves crying out loud i yield i yield what must i do to be saved on june the 13th is our mass graduation sunday we're going to be honoring all of our graduates from middle school from high school from elementary school from college i need you to register it's going to be here on the campus we're not going to be inside we're going to be in the parking lot on june the 13th i want all of our graduates to be a part june 20th we are celebrating june 10th the city has given us permission i need you all to please come hang out with us we will be in centennial olympic park on june the 20th at 9 30 in the morning it's going to be an amazing day and i want you to be a part of it with us i love you but i'm telling you that god loves you best stay tuned for our announcements and i can't wait to worship with you on sunday [Music] hey new birth it's time for your video announcements we have partnered with uber to get more transportation options to our community to help uber is offering 1 000 in new driver earnings for all of those who sign up using our unique web link please visit the link to sign up today join the book of the month virtual book club meeting on tuesday may 25th at 6 00 p.m for a discussion on this month's book raising kingdom kids by tony evans please visit we are for the zoom link also please visit our call to conquer bookstore for father's day and graduation gifts join us online for our emerging generations takeover on sunday may 30th at 9 30 a.m special guests include willie moore jr elise and miles kayton emerging generations has planned an unforgettable worship encounter and you don't want to miss out on this exciting youth celebration text eg connect to 71441 to stay up on eg activity our kings table is here to serve you on saturdays if you or anyone you know needs free groceries please invite them to pull up between 10 am and 12 pm are you a graduating high school senior or college student completing an undergraduate or graduate program we want to celebrate you during our graduation pull-up service on sunday june 13th at 9 30 a.m on our campus show your school spirit by wearing your cap and gown invite your family and your friends and let's celebrate together registration is required please register at we are do you have a kindergarten grade school or middle school student moving on to the next grade we want to celebrate your student during our graduation pull-up service on sunday june 13th please send your child's photo for a special presentation during our pull-up service please visit for more information please join us online for our summer revival on tuesday june 22nd through thursday june 24th nightly at 7 30 pm our invited guests include bishop darren moore apostle suzette messiah and bishop drew sheer with special musical guests jj hairston karen sheared and more don't miss this amazing recovery revival new birth please save the date for sunday june 20th at 9 30 a.m for our father's day and juneteenth celebration at centennial park and that's it for your video announcements you
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 35,489
Rating: 4.9140625 out of 5
Id: yYWijU4L-fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 54sec (3594 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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