Dr. Jamal Bryant - I'm Not Ready For A Relationship | May 2018

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luke chapter 13 as is our custom would you mind standing for the reading of god's word luke chapter 13. and i want us to consider under the high power objective verses 10 through 16. on a sabbath jesus was teaching in one of those synagogues and a woman was there who had been crippled by spirit for 18 years she was bent over and couldn't straighten up at all when jesus saw her he called her forward and said to her woman you are set free from your infirmity then he put his hand on her and immediately she straightened up and praised god indignant because jesus is healed on the sabbath the synagogue leader said to the people there six days for work so come and be healed on those days not on the sabbath the lord answered you hypocrites don't each of you on the sabbath untie your ox from the stall and lead it out to give it water then should not this woman a daughter of abraham whom satan has kept bound for 18 long years be set free on the sabbath day from what has bound her you may be seated i want to make a download into your intellectual hard drive and i want to share tonight using as a subject i'm not ready for a relationship i'm not ready for a relationship because of the sensitivity of the subject you don't have to turn to your neighbor bishop learner back in july eerily it was only announced in the uk and not in the united states that the iphone x wouldn't be completely ready at the time of its release the manufacturer acknowledged that all the kinks wouldn't be worked out by the time of the launch and in spite of that apple made an executive decision to ship the hardware required for efficiency but not activated until an software update was available the latest offering is the most radical redesign sits in inception a full encompassing screen an ability to unlock the phone with face recognition and the bonus feature of wireless charging the same thing happened with the iphone 7 and that it came with two lenses in order to capture depth and enable a portrait mode softly the capacity to power it wasn't ready at the time of the launch for apple with stock prices teetering panic swept through the company and they were unprepared for the pr nightmare so the board decided not to push the date back again directly attributable to a lack of preparedness it was just announced three weeks ago that the iphone x is no longer in production because it's suffering from lackluster sales it's deeply troubling and regrettable how many people went out into the dating scene knowing that they weren't ready to launch maybe emotionally unavailable still attached to an ex have unexpected unrealistic expectations they're easily distracted they have emotional a.d.d they're too independent and they're unable to compromise i want you to lift up your hands because there's something that god impressed upon me that i want to release to you tonight i want you to lift up your hands why pastor because i want by the power of the holy spirit for you to be ready to launch gift he's put in you i want you to be ready for whatever it is that he's getting ready to assign your hand to i don't want you still wounded from what happened in your past that you're not prepared for your future i know you think you're in colorado but you're really at cape canaveral you're about to be taken off those of you who believe in your spirit that where you are tonight is the lowest you gonna be this year because this is your launching pad i want you to give god your best shout of thanksgiving and expectation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there would be a lot of spared feelings and time not wasted if more people would be honest with the fact that they're not ready it's unfortunate that many people who attend church are the re lead perpetrators because they are enamored by religion but irritated by relationships the root of religion is found in the latin word reliable which means to bind or to tie the theological concept is that religion is by everything tied together the common denominator therefore is that we are tonight bound by a belief by a tradition by a ritual and sometimes it's not necessarily sacred sometimes it's just habitual so i religiously watch homeland but i'm not faithful to it because if i miss it i watch it on demand the old negro spiritual raised a question in song that really is evidence of our passing fancy in terms of our religious connection here's what the slaves in the south sang almost rhetorically have you got good religion and the people in the field would respond certainly lord have you been baptized certainly lord have you been to the pool certainly lord certainly certainly certainly lord because their evidence of relationship was in ritual so they never asked have you prayed today uncertainly lord have you fasted this week uncertainly lord do you read your bible when you're not in church they got quiet right through here [Applause] and so how it is that we transfer our relationship with god we put that same expectation on people have you cooked for me did you clean up the house do you massage my feet because i've interpreted your relationship through works [Music] so you're loving me based off of what you do and so i have no value or appreciation for your presence so when i come in the house i'm not asking how are you i want to know what have you done because my understanding of relationship has been shaped by church relationship is uh different in so much as it's about two or more people being connected and interacting a few weeks ago antonio i was uh away traveling i i traveled with an ipad and uh and macbook and iphone and uh i landed in said city and realized i forgot my charger and my sermons on my ipad as they are tonight so i'm in a panic and i tell the host pastor you've got to take me to the apple store because i need a charger else i'm not going to be able to preach tonight so there's a mall right by the hotel i'll take you to it and you pick up your charger then i'll take you to check in great wonderful he says it's not going to take you long you know what you need i said i know what i need so he pulls up to the front door of the mall and lets me out and so do i be out in five minutes walking through the mall and discover there is no apple store it's clear to me that the pastor is unsafe because he has a samsung so i'm in a panic because i got to figure out how to get charged the information there said to me no there's no apple store here in this mall but if you go down the piece by the food court there's a kiosk and they're selling chargers run down to where the food card is where it is that i was directed and bought one i'm i'm relieved get back into the car don't even tell the pastor there's no apple store there i got what i needed i get back ladies and gentlemen into my room and i i plug it into my ipad and then plug it into the outlet and as soon as i plug it in a a sign comes on my screen that says this device is not compatible [Applause] i'm thrown off because it looks like my charger it's the same color as my charger but it's not been authorized by the manufacturer and because it hasn't been authorized by the manufacturer it doesn't have the capacity to charge me up and too many of you are letting illegal people plug into you who have not been authorized by the manufacturer and you don't understand why they're draining you because that's not who god assigned to your life religion [Applause] religion is um is fueled by fear by fear and punishment whereas legitimate relationship is powered by love so a lot of churches commandeer congregants with fear threatening curses in doom in exchange for lack of compliance so religion is built on rules can't wear jeans can't wear pants can't wear red lipstick can't wear open toe shoes can't wear open collar shirts can't wear a hat y'all not saying anything because it is uh become sanctified terrorism [Applause] and we no longer know how to love people unless we manipulate people so bishop leonard um bishop lynn a few few months ago because one of the biggest drug dealers in my city was killed one of the biggest drug deals in my city was killed the family asked could they have the funeral at my church i said absolutely you're more than welcome he said would you do the eulogy i'd be glad to do it church is filled to capacity of people who don't necessarily go to church there's an enrollment that's in the room that is not frankincense i'm sitting in the pulpit and there's an altercation at the back door of my church and it becomes unsettling so i leave my pulpit to go to the back door to figure out what exactly is taking place my ushers are going toe to toe with a few young men who won't take their hat off to come in church and the ushers are trying to turn them away and i said to the ushers what's more important [Applause] whether they got on a hat or whether we get god in their and we're losing a whole generation because we so caught up in stuff god don't even care about because i would rather have saints that got tattoos all over their body and love jesus than phony believers that want to talk about folk but won't pray for him and stand in the gap [Applause] it ain't about rules it's about relationship so god said i would rather you love me than fear me he said i'm such a gentleman that i don't believe in breaking and entering behold i stand at the door and knock if you let me in then i'm gonna come in and then i'm gonna suck with you say i'm tired of christians that come in heritage and act like you in the witness protection program and act like you ain't never been high never been drunk never been in the club never had a one night stand y'all ain't saying nothing but if there's anybody in the room that can say when nothing else could help it was love that lifted me when you thank god for the joy of your salvation [Applause] in luke chapter 13 luke chapter 13 something amazing happens i need you to hear me very carefully in luke chapter 13 something amazing happens y'all not gonna believe it uh luke chapter 13 uh something crazy happens i i want you to be aware of it i don't want you to miss it uh this isn't even for you just for those who watching us online um it's it's gonna it's gonna mess you up just for your cousins and them in luke chapter 13 uh watch what happens y'all ain't gonna believe it you're not gonna believe it in luke chapter 13 jesus watch this i wish i had a better revelation jesus goes to church [Applause] god help me here see something has happened when there is a disconnect this is the greatest generation of americans who don't go to church but claim to love god god help me in here and so we have become lazy because of streaming and internet and think that that is a substitute for fellowship but the bible says if two or three are gathered together in my name there i shall be also can i tell you what the psalmist said i was glad when they said unto me let's go into the house of the lord you know how much i love him i couldn't wait till sunday but on a tuesday night i had to come and give god all of the glory and all of the praise [Applause] yo jesus comes to church when he comes to church watch this he um he believes you shouldn't be saved and stuck up god help me and um and and when he comes to church watch this y'all he encounters a woman he encounters a woman watch this that's not like him because uh here's what's strategic i hope the first three roles won't sit on me is uh something is wrong with her and here's the evidence of it is something wrong here it is with her walk y'all ain't gonna believe it choi she's in church but her walk is off god i can't hear anybody see there are a whole lot of you who are in church but you really ain't in relationship and we can tell because you don't walk right you can't love god just on sunday and you're cussing out people on the highway monday through friday what is your walk like your walk has got to be of such today there was a prophet by the name of elijah watches who had no business cards i had no facebook page had no billboards no advertisements on gospel radio but there's a wealthy woman who said i perceive that you are a man of god watch this and she had no conversation with him she could just tell by how he walked i i wonder what would be your witness if folks see how it is that you walk watch this through this city and through this community that you understand let your light so shine before men and women that they may see your good works and glorify the father which is in heaven do you know why it is when you walk in church folk look at you up and down roll their eyes and suck their teeth it's because they heard some stuff about you and can't believe you still walk it there's some people i can't hear anybody they're folk on your job that set traps for you and didn't want to see you excel but you walk in there every monday and say look at me i'm a testimony i didn't make it on my own there's a woman in there and her walk is off and and she's been off for a minute she's been off watch this y'all for 18 years but but watch jesus's prop diagnosis of her watch this is that um uh he says uh her walk is off she is crippled hear me and has no disease this is not from this is not from uh um a car accident it's not from a genetic deformity god hear me um she can't walk because she got a spirit on her and that that the enemy has been trying to put something on you to handicap your walk hallelujah because if you could just get that one thing out the way hallelujah you'd be able to do what nobody else has been able to do i i need you to look at the person beside you and tell them some stuff tried to trip me up this year but i'm still walking through it day david said yay though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i feel no evil for 18 years she couldn't straighten herself up one of the greatest rumors that happens in the church is a you got a friend that keeps telling you i'ma come when i get myself together god help me you you can't straighten yourself out but the thing i like about this woman in the text is that she got a spirit on her but it's still a worshiper see there's something about those of us that come to church when you see a shout you don't mean we perfect it means i can bless god with a limp that i can bless god even though there are areas in my life that are out of order i love god and i cuss i love god and i like trap music there's something about god that will cover me in my bro [Applause] give somebody a high five say he preaching to me tonight jesus saw her i'm coming around the mountain here i'll come jesus saw hallelujah and and called her out hallelujah my time is almost up [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] bishop brought me simply because he trusts the anointing on my life outside so i need you to trust me on this real quick uh would you just put your hand on your neighbor's shoulder please do it hallelujah put put your hand on your neighbor's shoulder hallelujah now i need you to press down on their shoulder i don't need you to be hercules i i just need them to know that somebody's hand is on them now i need to repeat this after me please repeat this after me you are set free watch this he called the woman out he laid hands on her and said you are set free y'all ain't ready i need you to lay hands on that neighbor's shoulder i need you to repeat it one more time you are set free god said if you believe it i need you to shout like everything that tried to handicap you it's off for you whatever it is they're trying to hold you back is under your feet you are sad [Music] [Laughter] you see that please hallelujah i feel glory coming i'm out she cannot hallelujah i feel glory right through here i'ma come get you in a minute just give me two minutes to walk by myself i need you to pull on that neighbor tell them you must not have heard the preacher you are set free from everything that happened in your childhood you are set free from the divorce you are set free from bad decisions you are set free from every demon attached to your life you are set free from generational curses let the redeemed of the lord shout like you'll never smoke again never get drunk again never go to jail [Applause] again you are you're set free be seated please i only got two more times to tell you that hallelujah you're set free i feel something get ready to break in here hallelujah i'm trying to let it go i it's a tuesday night but i got a friday night feeling i need you to elbow your neighbor tell them i'm getting free in here tonight i'm free of other people's opinion i'm free of false obligation i'm free of every bad habit i'm free about what they said about me i am free because he that the son sets free is free indeed [Music] and she straightened herself out and the nexus of the argument is in verse 14. i'm thrown off because um in this moment i thought that just demons would be angry i thought the people who would have an attitude be people who are secularists i didn't know that my greatest level of opposition would come from people that go to church i thought the people in church would be happy for me because the bible says rejoice with those that rejoice but can i tell y'all something about church folk y'all might not believe it but i'ma prove it to you some church people are only happy for you until you pass them and the moment you get more than them they gotta attitude but when you look at your neighbor tell them i'm jealous of you i'm not intimidated by you and i'm not threatened of you and to prove it to you i'm getting ready to shout for you that everything you need god is getting ready to provide and church people church people got mad and said how in the world you gonna do this on a sunday this ain't the day for miracles to happen this is the sabbath when you're supposed to rest the problem friends is that jesus didn't believe in religion he believed in relationship god help me and and what ought to make you shout is god don't need a special day to bless you hallelujah but every time i turn around he's making a way for me i got the wrong church i thought i was at heritage late in the midnight hour god's gonna turn it around it's gonna work in your faith y'all do me a favor if you see that stay seated but if you're standing turn one time like by this time tomorrow everything i'm dealing with everything i'm struggling up against everything i'm fighting god is getting ready to shift jesus was saying in no uncertain terms if this was a mule you'd save it if it was the ox you save it but you got haters who don't want to see you get delivered and behind your back they crying don't savor she don't want to be saved y'all been saved too long for me but god told me to tell watch this this word tonight is only for 50 of you the rest of you i don't even know why you came tonight this ain't your night but for 50 of y'all god said whatever's been the greatest attack if you shout tonight is finished by sunday i can't hear nobody he said if you open up your mouth everything you need is gonna be handled by some demonic if you cry out loud healing it's going to happen [Music] hey hallelujah y'all i need you to just grab that neighbor by the hand i got to show you something real quick and then we get ready to go hallelujah i need you to pull on that neighbor real quick hallelujah and say this is the night i gotta find out where my real friends are hallelujah because when that woman got straightened out nobody in the church shouted for her but i want to know how you gonna shout for me when all of my bills get paid how you gonna shout for me when my sons and daughters are prophesying how you gonna shout when god opens up an opportunity that's gonna change my life i dare you to grab that neighbor's hand and tell him it's coming and it's coming by sunday the biggest blessing of your life is gonna be pressed down shaken together running over and it's gonna happen by son y'all got a spirit of disobedience in colorado i didn't say claphams i said hold hands can you hold that neighbor's hand please come on sir let's go um between now and sunday something unbelievable is going to happen in your neighbor's life between now and sunday god is going to embarrass your enemies [Music] and open up the biggest door that you have ever seen god is going to do it by something softly mentions i got to say something to you hear me because when it's just for you it's easy to give god glory but i felt something in my spirit tonight that i wanted to say to you and i want to see how you'll shout about it between now and sunday the miracle that's coming it's not even for you i told you it's only for 50 of you [Music] god said mother's day is sunday he said if you give me glory whatever's going on in your mother's body god i can't hear anybody whatever's going on in her mind whatever's going on in her finances it's getting ready to be shifted i need you to shout tonight like you need god to do something hey i can't hear you i said lift up your voice like god is going to do something by sunday morning [Music] lift up that hand i want to pray for you and immediately she straightened up everything in your life is straightening up in this moment god y'all don't have that kind of faith your credit report is straightening up your blood pressure your cholesterol you're straightening up with whatever spirit is in your child it's straightened up i want you by faith to take 30 seconds hear me and i want you to not wait till the battle is over but i want you to worship now like you believe god is laying his hands on every crooked situation and it's getting ready to be straightened out if you believe it i need you to lift up that hand and lift up your voice i need you to give god your sound the giving an expectation god i need you to straighten it out straighten out my name straighten out my situation straighten out my circumstance i need you to straighten it out [Music] come on you only got 30 seconds left come on when you straighten it out straighten it out come on [Music] down [Music] [Music] i pray over every lifted hand wherever there's pain in your body i'm praying that god is straightening it out no knee replacement no hip replacement no physical therapy i can't hear anybody in here no trouble getting out of the bed in the morning no troubling your legs and your ligaments in your joints he's gone straighten it out whatever spirit of rebellion is in your child god's given many to straighten it out whatever wedge has happened in your marriage he's getting ready to straighten it out whatever legal issue you are confronted he's getting ready to straighten it out [Music] those of you your faith is connected to my faith i want you to do me a favor please i want you to embrace three people you don't know and tell them it's gonna be straightened out by sunday come on real quick real quick it's gonna be straightened out by something down [Music] [Music] we say
Channel: Inspiration Station
Views: 40,272
Rating: 4.854897 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, singles, im not ready for a relationship, jamal bryant gizelle, gizelle jamal relationship, rhop gizelle, td jakes, serita jakes, potters house dallas, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, steven furtick, michael todd, cogic shout, cogic praise break, holy convocation shout, kanye wets jamal bryant, dating, singles conference, newbirth cathedral, bishop noel jones, city of refuge la, dewey smith
Id: xrZehJ88nKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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